What is the advantage of Properties file? |
What is the advantage of the generic collection? |
What is hash-collision ? |
What is the default size of load factor in hashing based collection? |
What is fail-fast ? |
What is the difference between the length of an Array and size of ArrayList? |
What is Classes ? |
What is Interfaces ? |
What is the main benefit of using the Properties file? |
What is the need for overriding equals() method in Java? |
What is the use of the List interface? |
What is Singly Linked List? |
What is Doubly Linked List? |
What is Stack class? |
What is key set view? |
What is value set view? |
What is entry set view? |
What is Circular Queue? |
What is Double-ended Queue? |
What are the main differences between array and collection? |
What are the advantages of the Collection Framework in Java? |
What are the various methods provided by the Queue interface? |
What do you understand by Collection Framework in Java? |
What is BlockingQueue? |
What is emptySet()? |
What is dictionary class |
What is Iterator()? |
What is framework in Java? |
What is the Collection framework in Java? |
What is the hashCode()? |
What is a Stack? |
What are the benefits of the Collection Framework in Java? |
What is a good way to sort the Collection objects in Java? |
What are the two ways to remove duplicates from ArrayList? |
What is IdentityHashMap? |
What are the methods to make collection thread-safe? |
What is the peek() of the Queue interface? |
What are the important methods used in a linked list? |
What are the various ways to iterate over a list? |
What are the advantages of the stack? |
What is Array? |
What is ArrayList? |
What is LinkedList? |
What is HashMap? |
What is Hashtable? |
What is LinkedHashMap? |
What is TreeMap? |
What is HashSet? Methods? |
What is LinkedHashSet? |
What is TreeSet? Methods? |
What is Comparable interface? |
What is Comparator interface? |
What is Iterator? |
What is ListIterator? |
What is Spliterator? |
What is PriorityQueue? |
What is PriorityBlockingQueue? |
What is ArrayBlockingQueue? |
What is LinkedTransferQueue? |
What is CopyOnWriteArrayList? |
What is CopyOnWriteArraySet? |
What is ArrayDequeue? |
What is ConcurrentLinkedQueue? |
What is PriorirityBlockingQueue? |
What is SynchronousQueue? |
What is DelayQueue? |
What is LinkedBlockingQueue ? |
What is IdentityHashMap ? |
What is WeakHashMap? |
What is EnumMap? |
What is ConcurrentHashMap? |
What is unmodifiableCollection |
What is ConcurrentSkipListMap? |
What is EnumSet? |
What is ConcurrentSkipListSet? |
What is Collections Class |
What is override equals() method |
What is equals() with example |
What is generic collection? |
What is List interface? |
What is Set interface? |
What is Dequeue interface? |
What is Map interface? |
What is Big-O notation |
What is map. entry In Map |
What are the methods to remove elements from ArrayList |
What is emptySet() method in the Collections framework? |
What are methods provided by the Queue interface? |
What is Vector? |
What is UnsupportedOperationException |
What are the design pattern followed by Iterator |
What is diamond operator |
What is randomaccess interface |
What is deque Interface |
What are the various types of queues in Java |
What are the important interfaces in the collection hierarchy? |
What are the important methods that are declared in the collection interface? |
What is vector class? How is it different from an ArrayList? |
What is linkedList? What interfaces does it implement? How is it different from an ArrayList? |
What are the important interfaces related to the Set interface? |
What is the difference between Set and sortedSet interfaces? |
What is a HashSet? |
What is a linkedHashSet? How is different from a HashSet? |
What is a TreeSet? How is different from a HashSet? |
What are the important interfaces related to the Queue interface? |
What is a priorityQueue? |
What is difference between Map and sortedMap? |
What is a HashMap? |
What are the different methods in a Hash Map? |
What is a TreeMap? How is different from a HashMap? |
What are the static methods present in the collections class? |
What is the difference between synchronized and concurrent collections in Java? |
What is compareandswap approach? |
What is a lock? How is it different from using synchronized approach? |
What is initial capacity of a Java collection? |
What is load factor? |
What is difference between fail-safe and fail-fast iterators? |
What are atomic operations in Java? |
What is BlockingQueue in Java? |
What is the difference between Linkedlist and Arraylist |
What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable |
What is the difference between Treeset and Hashset |
What is the difference between Arraylist and vector |
What is Vector |
What are the Java collections |
What is Failfast |
What is Deque |
What is LIST, SET implicitly |
What is Capacy of list |
What are Java collections |
What are the implementations in the collection of the sheet interface |
What is Capacy |
What is the difference between Hashset and LinkedHashset |
What needs to be done to use the Foreach cycle |
What restriction is to add to Treeset |
What are the main implementations about the collection |
What is the level of complexity in Hashset when looking for an element |
What will be the speed of access to the element in LinkedList, which is located in the middle |
What will be the search speed in linkedlist |
What is the search speed in Arraylist |
What is the speed of access to the element in Linkedlist by index |
What to have inside Hashset and Treeset |
What are the main JCF interfaces and their implementation |
What is the difference between Java.util.collection and Java.util.collections classes |
What will happen when iterator.next () call it without preliminary call iterator.hasnext () |
What the worst time of the Contains () method for the element that is in LinkedList |
What is the worst time of the Contains () method for the element that is in Arraylist |
What the worst time of the Add () method for linkedlist |
What the worst time of the Add () method for Arraylist |
What is Identityhashmap for |
What is the difference between Hashmap and IdentityHamap |
What is the difference between Hashmap and Weakhashmap |
What is the ?sorting? of SortedMap, in addition to the fact that tostring () displays all elements in order |
What is the assessment of temporary complexity of operations on elements from Hashmap, whether Hashmap guarantees the specified complexity of the sample of the element |
What the worst time of the Get (Key) method for the key, which is not in hashmap |
What the worst time of the Get (Key) method for the key that is in Hashmap |
What will happen if you add elements to Treeset by increasing |
What are the ways to sort out the list elements |
What is the maximum number of hashcode () values |
What are the main SET implementation |
What are the main implementation of MAP |
What tree lies in the implementation of Treeset |
Name the collection classes that gives random element access to its elements |
Name the collection classes that implement random access interface |
Explain the methods of iterator interface |
Explain for each loop with example |
Explain about ArrayList with an example? |
Explain briefly about Queue interface? |
Explain about the Deque interface? |
Explain the BlockingQueue interface? |
Explain about the new concurrent collections in Java? |
Explain about copyonwrite concurrent collections approach? |
Explain the meaning of the parameters in the constructor Hashmap (Intialcapacy, Float LoadFactor) |
Why Collection doesn?t extend the Cloneable and Serializable interfaces? |
Why Map doesn?t extend the Collection Interface? |
Why do we need collections in Java? |
Why MAP stands apart in the hierarchy of collections |
Why added ArrayList if there was already Vector |
Why is LinkedList implement both List and Deque |
Why is Weakhashmap used |
Why MAP is not inherited from Collection |
Why you can not use byte [] as a key in hashmap |
Why there are no specific implementations of the Iterator interface |
Which method is used to sort an array in ascending order? |
Which collection implements FIFO service discipline |
Which collection implements the discipline of Filo service |
Which allows you to make priorityqueue |
How internally Hashset working? |
How to synchronize List, Set and Map elements? |
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList? |
How to make Java ArrayList Read-Only? |
How to remove duplicates from ArrayList? |
How to reverse ArrayList? |
How to sort ArrayList in descending order? |
How to synchronize ArrayList? |
How to iterate map? |
How to measure the performance of an ArrayList? |
How to join multiple ArrayLists? |
How hash-collision is handled in Java? |
How many types of LinkedList does Java support? |
How the Collection objects are sorted in Java? |
How will you reverse an List? |
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList |
How do you iterate around an ArrayList using iterator? |
How do you sort an ArrayList? |
How do you sort elements in an ArrayList using comparable interface? |
How do you sort elements in an ArrayList using comparator interface? |
How Hashmap is organized |
How Hashmap is related to SET |
How to organize a search for Arraylist |
How the process works if we want to put something in MAP or get |
How much BUCKET can be in hashmap |
How to look and delete elements in list |
How can we bypass the elements of the collection |
How structurally a two -link list looks compared to the single |
How the enumeration and iterator differ |
How it is the itrable and iterator |
How it is interconnected by iterable, iterator and ?for-each? |
How the collection behaves if it call iterator.remove () |
How the already instituteed iterator will behave for Collection, if you call collection.remove () |
How to avoid ConcurrentModificationException during the enforcement of the collection |
How is the removal of elements from Arraylist, how in this case the size of Arraylist changes in this case |
How much additional memory is needed when calling Arraylist.add () |
How much is the addition of memory when calling linkedlist.add () |
How to sort out LinkedList elements in the reverse order without using a slow get (index) |
How many transitions are at the time of calling Hashmap.get (Key) on the key that is in the table |
How many new objects are created when you add a new element to hashmap |
How and when there is an increase in the number of baskets in hashmap |
How to sort all the keys Map |
How to sort out all MAP values |
How to sort through all pairs of "key-meaning" in MAP |
How can synchronized objects of standard collections be obtained |
How to get a collection only for reading |
How to copy the elements of any Collection in an array with one line |
How to convert Hashset to Arraylist one line with one line |
How to convert Arraylist into Hashset one line with one line |
How to get an endless cycle using hashmap |
When to use ArrayList and LinkedList? |
When does a Java collection throw UnsupportedOperationException? |
Who expands whom: Queue expands Deque, or Deque expands Queue |
Difference - HashSet vs TreeSet |
Difference - HashSet and HashMap? |
Difference - HashMap vs TreeMap? |
Difference - Array vs ArrayList |
Difference - Singly Linked List vs Doubly Linked List |
Difference Iterator vs Enumeration? |
Difference -Comparable vs Comparator |
Difference - Failfast and Failsafe |
Difference - Hashmap and Hashtable |
Difference - Stack and Queue |
Difference - Array and Stack |
Difference - Queue vs Deque. |
Difference - Set vs Map? |
Difference List vs Set. |
Difference - Collection vs Collections |
Difference - Iterator vs ListIterator |
Difference - ArrayList vs LinkedList |
Difference - ArrayList and Vector |
Will Hashmap work if all added keys will have the same Hashcode () |
Can you add a null element into a TreeSet or HashSet? |
Can you use any class as a Map key? |
Give example to sort an array in dscending order |
Give an example of Hashmap |
List down the primary interfaces provided by Java Collections Framework? |
List down the major advantages of the Generic Collection. |
List various classes available in sets |
List methods available in Java Queue interface |
Mention the methods provided by Stack class |
Tell me about Collection hierarchy |