29 June 2021


What are the key components of OpenStack?
What storage types are allowed by OpenStack Compute?
What is Flat DHCP Network Manager?
What is VLAN?
What is Token?
What is AvalabilityZoneFilter?
What is CapacityFilter?
What is DifferentBackendFilter?
What is DriverFilter?
What is InstanceLocalityFilter?
What is JSONFIlter?
What is RetryFilterv
What is Horizon?
What is Nova?
What is Swift?
What is Cinder?
What is Neutron?
What is Keystone?
What is Glance?
What is Ceilometer?
What is Heat?
What is Object storage?
What is Block storage?
What is Shared File System storage?
What does ?role? and ?tenant? indicates in OpenStack?
What is KVM
What is VMware
What is Containers
What is Xen and HyperV
What are the two types of storage does OpenStack Compute provides?
What is Ephemeral Storage
What is Volume Storage
What are the basic functions of Identity Service in OpenStack?
What is User Management?
What is Service Catalog?
What are the main components of identity user management?
What is Tenants?
What is the meaning of term ?Cinder? in OpenStack service?
What is the command used for pause and unpause an instance?
What is the meaning of term ?flavor? in OpenStack?
What do you understand by the term Openstack?
What is the difference between OpenStack and AWS?
What are the advantages of using Openstack?
What are the key features of Openstack?
What are the three types of persistent storage provided by Openstack?
What does the term ?object storage? mean?
What does the term ?block storage? mean?
What does the term ?file-based storage? mean?
What is the difference between ephemeral storage, block storage, object storage, and file-based storage?
What does the term ?Sheepdog? mean?
What does the term ?ZFS? mean?
What are the advantages of Ceph?
What is the keystone identity service in Openstack?
What is Hypervisor?
What are the commands used for pausing and unpausing an instance?
What do you understand by Python SDK in Openstack?
What is the role of the API server?
What does token mean in Openstack?
What does a flat network manager mean?
What is the function of the cinder scheduler?
What does a bare-metal node consist of?
What is a bare-metal node orchestrator?
What is a bare-metal node operating system?
What do cells mean in Openstack?
What is OpenStack
What are the services generally run on a Compute Node?
What is the default location of VMs on the Compute Nodes?
What is the default location of glance images?
What is ?users,? ?role? and ?tenant? in OpenStack.
What is Identity Service in OpenStack.
What is the Networking Managers?
What is Hypervisor
What is the role of API Server.
What is Flavor
What is the following terms from Openstack:
What is the term ?flavor? in Openstack.
What is OpenStack.
What is the function of Filter Scheduler.
What are the three components that make modular architecture of OpenStack?
What are the networking options used in OpenStack?
What is the command to remove network interface from bare-metal node?
What is Network Manager in OpenStack?
What is Network hardware in OpenStack
What is Storage of OpenStack?
What are the benefits of using OpenStack Cloud.
What is modular architecture of OpenStack.
What hypervisor is and what type of hypervisor does OpenStack supports?
What is Cells in OpenStack?
What is Token in OpenStack?
What is OpenStack Python SDK?
What is the function of Cinder Scheduler?
What are the benefits of OpenStack
What are the components availbale in OpenStack?
What is Keypair Generation?
Name a few commodity storage technologies
Name a few storage locations for virtual machine images in Openstack.
Name a few networking hardware in Openstack.
Name a few commands to generate key pairs.
Name a few components of the OpenStack to compute.
Name a few hypervisors supported by the Openstack.
Name the three important modular architecture of Openstack.
Name the command used for assigning a project or tenant to a user.
Name the command used for creating a user in Openstack.
Name the command used for removing network interface from the bare-metal node.
Name the command used for transferring the volume from one owner to another in Openstack.
Name the main components of identity user management.
Name the basic functions of identity service in Openstack.
Which command is used for managing floating IP addresses in Openstack?
How you can transfer volume from one owner to another in OpenStack?
How to create a user in OpenStack?
How to assign a project/tenant to a user?
How many types of storages are provided by the Openstack?
How can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in Openstack?
How to list the network namespace of a tenant in OpenStack?
How to execute command inside network namespace in OpenStack?
How to upload and download a cloud image in Glance from the command line?
How to reset error state of a VM into active in OpenStack env?
How to get a list of available Floating IPs from the command line?
How to provision a virtual machine in a specific availability zone and compute Host?
Assign tenant/project?
Can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in the OpenStack environment?
Compare AWS and OpenStack?
Create a user for OpenStack?
List the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack
List down the type of Hypervisors supported by OpenStack.
List down the components of OpenStack Compute
List the commands to generate Key pairs.
List out the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack?
List of VM images in OpenStack
Openstack key components?
Tell me the command on how to spin a VM from Command Line?


  • NOVA - Compute Service
  • ZUN - Containers Service
  • QINLING- Functions Service

Hardware Lifecycle

  • IRONIC - Bare Metal Provisioning Service
  • CYBORG - Lifecycle management of accelerators


  • SWIFT- Object store
  • CINDER - Block Storage
  • MANILA - Shared filesystems


  • NEUTRON - Networking
  • OCTAVIA - Load balancer
  • DESIGNATE - DNS service

Shared Services

  • KEYSTONE - Identity service
  • PLACEMENT - Placement service
  • GLANCE - Image service
  • BARBICAN - Key management
  • KARBOR - Application Data Protection as a Service
  • SEARCHLIGHT - Indexing and Search


  • HEAT - Orchestration
  • SENLIN - Clustering service
  • MISTRAL - Workflow service
  • ZAQAR - Messaging Service
  • BLAZAR -Resource reservation service
  • AODH -Alarming Service

Workload Provisioning

  • MAGNUM - Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning
  • SAHARA - Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning
  • TROVE - Database as a Service

Application Lifecycle

  • MASAKARI - Instances High Availability Service
  • MURANO - Application Catalog
  • SOLUM - Software Development Lifecycle Automation
  • FREEZER- Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery

API Proxies

  • EC2API - EC2 API proxy

Web Frontend

  • HORIZON - Dashboard


Production server




What are post mortem meetings?
What are some technical and business benefits of DevOps work culture?
What do you know about DevOps?
What do you understand by containers?
What do you understand by Puppet in DevOps?
What does CAMS in DevOps stand for?
What is configuration management in terms of infrastructure and mention a few popular tools used?
What is continuous testing and its benefits?
What is Git bisect? How can you use it to determine the source of a (regression) bug?
What is Jenkinsfile?
What is the most important thing DevOps helps us achieve?
What is the need for DevOps?
What is the role of AWS in DevOps?
What is the role of configuration management in DevOps?
What is Version control?
What is DevOps?
What are the benefits of DevOps? What can it help us to achieve?
What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?
What are you taking into consideration when choosing a tool/technology?
What is CI/CD
What is Provisioning infrastructure
What is Configuration Management
What is Monitoring & alerting
What is Logging
What is Code review
What is Code coverage
What is Issue Tracking
What is Containers and Containers Orchestration
Name some of the most important DevOps tools?
Name three important DevOps KPIs.
Explain how DevOps is helpful for developers
Explain how you can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
Why do you need a Continuous Integration of Dev & Testing?
Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years?
Which of the following CLI commands can be used to rename files?
Which VCS tool you are comfortable with?
How do you find a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit?
How does HTTP work?
How is DevOps different from Agile / SDLC?
How is IaC implemented using AWS?
How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?
How will you know in Git if a branch has already been merged into master?
How would you describe a successful DevOps engineer or a team?
When should I use Selenium Grid?
In Git how do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?
In terms of development and infrastructure, mention the core operations of DevOps.
A team member of yours, suggests to replace the current CI/CD platform used by the organization with a new one. How would you reply?
Can DevOps be applied to a Waterfall process? Explain the significance of the Agile process in DevOps implementation.
Can one consider DevOps as an Agile methodology?
Can you name some of the most-used DevOps tools?
Can you tell me how to squash the last n commits into a single commit? Is it even possible?
Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?
Can you describe which tool or platform you chose to use in some of the following areas and how?
I just made a bad git commit and made it public, and I need to revert the commit. Can you suggest me how to do that?
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

25 June 2021


Define the model layer in mule
Define component in Mule
Define configuration builders In MuleSoft
Define multicasting router in MuleSoft
Define Batch Jobs in Mule ESB
What are the various types of messages in MuleSoft?
What is fan-in?
What is a fan-out?
What is Mule Expression Language?
What is the full form of SDO?
What are the advantages of using ESB?
What is a transient context?
What is Mule Transformer?
What is API?
What are the features of API?
What is the payload in MuleSoft?
What are the various parts of composing a message in Mule?
What is Endpoint in Mule?
What is the use of Outbound Endpoint in MuleSoft?
What Is TSD in Mule?
What are the characteristics of Global Endpoint?
What is Restful Web Service?
What is caching?
What are the Models?
What are the configuration patterns provided by MuleSoft?
What are the advantages of the logger component?
What is scheduler Endpoint?
What is Choice Router?
What is a Scatter-Gather Router?
What are error types in MuleSoft?
What are the features of MUnit?
What is Exchange?
What are the advantages of SOAP?
What are Flow Processing Strategies?
What are the advantages of RESTful web services?
What are the advantages of Soap Web Services?
What are the different types of variables in Mule ESB?
What are the different types of Web services?
What are the Flow Processing Strategies?
What are the various types of Exception Handling in Mule ESB?
What are Web Services?
What is a REST web service?
What is a Web service API?
What is caching and why to use it?
What is Mule Cache Scope and what are its storage types?
What is Mule ESB?
What is MuleSoft Anypoint platform used for?
What is Mulesoft used for?
What is Mulesoft?
What is RAML?
What is SOAP Web Service?
What is the difference between SOAP and REST?
What is the use of Web service?
Name different types of ESPs used in the market
Name different types of web services
Name supported languages by MuleSoft
Explain Mule ESB
Explain the concept of Correlation Context.
Explain connector in MuleSoft
Explain VM transport in MuleSoft
Explain the parameters to configure a scheduler
Explain the Mule data integrator.
Why do we need ESB?
Why we use RAML?
How can we create and consume SOAP service in Mule?
Is Mulesoft a middleware?
Is MuleSoft open source?
List types of variables in MuleSoft
List various types of endpoints in Mule ESB
List the types of configuration builders in MuleSoft
List various the categories of Mule Processors
Mention the features of Mule ESB
Mention the basic principles of ESB Integration
Mention different types of Exception Handling
Mention flow processing strategies in MuleSoft.
Mention different types of primitives used in Mediation
Mention the difference between SOAP and REST

    Related Post :

23 June 2021


What is the advantage of Properties file?
What is the advantage of the generic collection?
What is hash-collision ?
What is the default size of load factor in hashing based collection?
What is fail-fast ?
What is the difference between the length of an Array and size of ArrayList?
What is Classes ?
What is Interfaces ?
What is the main benefit of using the Properties file?
What is the need for overriding equals() method in Java?
What is the use of the List interface?
What is Singly Linked List?
What is Doubly Linked List?
What is Stack class?
What is key set view?
What is value set view?
What is entry set view?
What is Circular Queue?
What is Double-ended Queue?
What are the main differences between array and collection?
What are the advantages of the Collection Framework in Java?
What are the various methods provided by the Queue interface?
What do you understand by Collection Framework in Java?
What is BlockingQueue?
What is emptySet()?
What is dictionary class
What is Iterator()?
What is framework in Java?
What is the Collection framework in Java?
What is the hashCode()?
What is a Stack?
What are the benefits of the Collection Framework in Java?
What is a good way to sort the Collection objects in Java?
What are the two ways to remove duplicates from ArrayList?
What is IdentityHashMap?
What are the methods to make collection thread-safe?
What is the peek() of the Queue interface?
What are the important methods used in a linked list?
What are the various ways to iterate over a list?
What are the advantages of the stack?
What is Array?
What is ArrayList?
What is LinkedList?
What is HashMap?
What is Hashtable?
What is LinkedHashMap?
What is TreeMap?
What is HashSet? Methods?
What is LinkedHashSet?
What is TreeSet? Methods?
What is Comparable interface?
What is Comparator interface?
What is Iterator?
What is ListIterator?
What is Spliterator?
What is PriorityQueue?
What is PriorityBlockingQueue?
What is ArrayBlockingQueue?
What is LinkedTransferQueue?
What is CopyOnWriteArrayList?
What is CopyOnWriteArraySet?
What is ArrayDequeue?
What is ConcurrentLinkedQueue?
What is PriorirityBlockingQueue?
What is SynchronousQueue?
What is DelayQueue?
What is LinkedBlockingQueue ?
What is IdentityHashMap ?
What is WeakHashMap?
What is EnumMap?
What is ConcurrentHashMap?
What is unmodifiableCollection
What is ConcurrentSkipListMap?
What is EnumSet?
What is ConcurrentSkipListSet?
What is Collections Class
What is override equals() method
What is equals() with example
What is generic collection?
What is List interface?
What is Set interface?
What is Dequeue interface?
What is Map interface?
What is Big-O notation
What is map. entry In Map
What are the methods to remove elements from ArrayList
What is emptySet() method in the Collections framework?
What are methods provided by the Queue interface?
What is Vector?
What is UnsupportedOperationException
What are the design pattern followed by Iterator
What is diamond operator
What is randomaccess interface
What is deque Interface
What are the various types of queues in Java
What are the important interfaces in the collection hierarchy?
What are the important methods that are declared in the collection interface?
What is vector class? How is it different from an ArrayList?
What is linkedList? What interfaces does it implement? How is it different from an ArrayList?
What are the important interfaces related to the Set interface?
What is the difference between Set and sortedSet interfaces?
What is a HashSet?
What is a linkedHashSet? How is different from a HashSet?
What is a TreeSet? How is different from a HashSet?
What are the important interfaces related to the Queue interface?
What is a priorityQueue?
What is difference between Map and sortedMap?
What is a HashMap?
What are the different methods in a Hash Map?
What is a TreeMap? How is different from a HashMap?
What are the static methods present in the collections class?
What is the difference between synchronized and concurrent collections in Java?
What is compareandswap approach?
What is a lock? How is it different from using synchronized approach?
What is initial capacity of a Java collection?
What is load factor?
What is difference between fail-safe and fail-fast iterators?
What are atomic operations in Java?
What is BlockingQueue in Java?
What is the difference between Linkedlist and Arraylist
What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable
What is the difference between Treeset and Hashset
What is the difference between Arraylist and vector
What is Vector
What are the Java collections
What is Failfast
What is Deque
What is LIST, SET implicitly
What is Capacy of list
What are Java collections
What are the implementations in the collection of the sheet interface
What is Capacy
What is the difference between Hashset and LinkedHashset
What needs to be done to use the Foreach cycle
What restriction is to add to Treeset
What are the main implementations about the collection
What is the level of complexity in Hashset when looking for an element
What will be the speed of access to the element in LinkedList, which is located in the middle
What will be the search speed in linkedlist
What is the search speed in Arraylist
What is the speed of access to the element in Linkedlist by index
What to have inside Hashset and Treeset
What are the main JCF interfaces and their implementation
What is the difference between Java.util.collection and Java.util.collections classes
What will happen when iterator.next () call it without preliminary call iterator.hasnext ()
What the worst time of the Contains () method for the element that is in LinkedList
What is the worst time of the Contains () method for the element that is in Arraylist
What the worst time of the Add () method for linkedlist
What the worst time of the Add () method for Arraylist
What is Identityhashmap for
What is the difference between Hashmap and IdentityHamap
What is the difference between Hashmap and Weakhashmap
What is the ?sorting? of SortedMap, in addition to the fact that tostring () displays all elements in order
What is the assessment of temporary complexity of operations on elements from Hashmap, whether Hashmap guarantees the specified complexity of the sample of the element
What the worst time of the Get (Key) method for the key, which is not in hashmap
What the worst time of the Get (Key) method for the key that is in Hashmap
What will happen if you add elements to Treeset by increasing
What are the ways to sort out the list elements
What is the maximum number of hashcode () values
What are the main SET implementation
What are the main implementation of MAP
What tree lies in the implementation of Treeset
Name the collection classes that gives random element access to its elements
Name the collection classes that implement random access interface
Explain the methods of iterator interface
Explain for each loop with example
Explain about ArrayList with an example?
Explain briefly about Queue interface?
Explain about the Deque interface?
Explain the BlockingQueue interface?
Explain about the new concurrent collections in Java?
Explain about copyonwrite concurrent collections approach?
Explain the meaning of the parameters in the constructor Hashmap (Intialcapacy, Float LoadFactor)
Why Collection doesn?t extend the Cloneable and Serializable interfaces?
Why Map doesn?t extend the Collection Interface?
Why do we need collections in Java?
Why MAP stands apart in the hierarchy of collections
Why added ArrayList if there was already Vector
Why is LinkedList implement both List and Deque
Why is Weakhashmap used
Why MAP is not inherited from Collection
Why you can not use byte [] as a key in hashmap
Why there are no specific implementations of the Iterator interface
Which method is used to sort an array in ascending order?
Which collection implements FIFO service discipline
Which collection implements the discipline of Filo service
Which allows you to make priorityqueue
How internally Hashset working?
How to synchronize List, Set and Map elements?
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList?
How to make Java ArrayList Read-Only?
How to remove duplicates from ArrayList?
How to reverse ArrayList?
How to sort ArrayList in descending order?
How to synchronize ArrayList?
How to iterate map?
How to measure the performance of an ArrayList?
How to join multiple ArrayLists?
How hash-collision is handled in Java?
How many types of LinkedList does Java support?
How the Collection objects are sorted in Java?
How will you reverse an List?
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList
How do you iterate around an ArrayList using iterator?
How do you sort an ArrayList?
How do you sort elements in an ArrayList using comparable interface?
How do you sort elements in an ArrayList using comparator interface?
How Hashmap is organized
How Hashmap is related to SET
How to organize a search for Arraylist
How the process works if we want to put something in MAP or get
How much BUCKET can be in hashmap
How to look and delete elements in list
How can we bypass the elements of the collection
How structurally a two -link list looks compared to the single
How the enumeration and iterator differ
How it is the itrable and iterator
How it is interconnected by iterable, iterator and ?for-each?
How the collection behaves if it call iterator.remove ()
How the already instituteed iterator will behave for Collection, if you call collection.remove ()
How to avoid ConcurrentModificationException during the enforcement of the collection
How is the removal of elements from Arraylist, how in this case the size of Arraylist changes in this case
How much additional memory is needed when calling Arraylist.add ()
How much is the addition of memory when calling linkedlist.add ()
How to sort out LinkedList elements in the reverse order without using a slow get (index)
How many transitions are at the time of calling Hashmap.get (Key) on the key that is in the table
How many new objects are created when you add a new element to hashmap
How and when there is an increase in the number of baskets in hashmap
How to sort all the keys Map
How to sort out all MAP values
How to sort through all pairs of "key-meaning" in MAP
How can synchronized objects of standard collections be obtained
How to get a collection only for reading
How to copy the elements of any Collection in an array with one line
How to convert Hashset to Arraylist one line with one line
How to convert Arraylist into Hashset one line with one line
How to get an endless cycle using hashmap
When to use ArrayList and LinkedList?
When does a Java collection throw UnsupportedOperationException?
Who expands whom: Queue expands Deque, or Deque expands Queue
Difference - HashSet vs TreeSet
Difference - HashSet and HashMap?
Difference - HashMap vs TreeMap?
Difference - Array vs ArrayList
Difference - Singly Linked List vs Doubly Linked List
Difference Iterator vs Enumeration?
Difference -Comparable vs Comparator
Difference - Failfast and Failsafe
Difference - Hashmap and Hashtable
Difference - Stack and Queue
Difference - Array and Stack
Difference - Queue vs Deque.
Difference - Set vs Map?
Difference List vs Set.
Difference - Collection vs Collections
Difference - Iterator vs ListIterator
Difference - ArrayList vs LinkedList
Difference - ArrayList and Vector
Will Hashmap work if all added keys will have the same Hashcode ()
Can you add a null element into a TreeSet or HashSet?
Can you use any class as a Map key?
Give example to sort an array in dscending order
Give an example of Hashmap
List down the primary interfaces provided by Java Collections Framework?
List down the major advantages of the Generic Collection.
List various classes available in sets
List methods available in Java Queue interface
Mention the methods provided by Stack class
Tell me about Collection hierarchy
  • List - ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack
  • Set (SortedSet , NavigableSet) - HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet
  • Queue (Deque - (ArrayDeque, LinkedList)) - PriorityQueue, ArrayDeque, LinkedList, BlockingQueue , TransferQueue (LinkedTransferQueue), ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, PriorityBlockingQueue, SynchronousQueue, BlockingDeque , LinkedBlockingDeque
  • Map (SortedMap , NavigableMap) - HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, WeakHashMap, IdentityHashMap, Hashtable, ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentSkipListMap
  • Iterable Interface
  • Comparator Interface
  • RandomAccess Interface
  • Cloneable Interface
  • Serializable Interface
  • ConcurrentMap Interface
  • ConcurrentNavigableMap
  • Delayed Interface
  • DelayQueue
  • Iterable and Spliterator Interface
  • EnumSet and EnumMap

21 June 2021

#Allibaba cloud service

Elastic Computing - Add compute power, load balancing and advanced network capabilities to your applications using these essential Alibaba Cloud products.
  •  Elastic Compute Service
  •  Simple Application Server
  •  Elastic GPU Service
  •  Auto Scaling
  •  Server Load Balancer
  •  Container Service for Kubernetes
  •  Elastic Container Instance
  •  Container Registry
  •  Elastic High Performance Computing
  •  ECS Bare Metal Instance
  •  Super Computing Cluster
  •  Web App Service
  •  Function Compute
  •  Batch Compute
  •  Dedicated Host
Storage & CDN - Store and serve unlimited data and objects using Alibaba Cloud’s managed storage and content delivery products.
  •  Object Storage Service
  •  Alibaba Cloud CDN
  •  Apsara File Storage NAS
  •  Hybrid Cloud Storage Array
  •  Data Transport
  •  Hybrid Backup Recovery
  •  Cloud Storage Gateway
  •  Dynamic Route for CDN
Networking - Build stable and safe networking for your services with Alibaba Cloud VPC and ExpressConnect.
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  •  Express Connect
  •  NAT Gateway
  •  Server Load Balancer
  •  Elastic IP
  •  VPN Gateway
  •  Global Acceleration
  •  Cloud Enterprise Network
  •  Smart Access Gateway
  •  Data Transfer Plan
  •  Alibaba Cloud PrivateZone
Database Services - Manage your data with elastic, secure and reliable databases hosted on Alibaba Cloud.
  •  ApsaraDB for Redis
  •  ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL
  •  ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server
  •  ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL
  •  ApsaraDB RDS for PPAS
  •  ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB TX
  •  ApsaraDB for OceanBase
  •  ApsaraDB for MongoDB
  •  ApsaraDB for Memcache
  •  Data Transmission Service (DTS)
  •  AnalyticDB for MySQL
  •  AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL
  •  Distributed Relational Database Service
  •  Time Series Database
  •  Database Backup
  •  Data Management Service
  •  Data Lake Analytics
  •  ApsaraDB for POLARDB
Security - Protect your data, applications and servers from malicious attacks.
  •  Anti-DDoS Basic
  •  Anti-DDoS Pro
  •  Anti-DDoS Premium
  •  Cloud Firewall
  •  Web Application Firewall
  •  Server Guard
  •  SSL Certificates Service
  •  Cloud Security Scanner
  •  Managed Security service
  •  Content Moderation
  •  Anti-Bot Service
  •  Security Center
  •  GameShield
  •  Sensitive Data Discovery & Protection
Monitoring & Management - Securely manage and monitor your cloud resources in real-time with these three advanced tools.
  •  CloudMonitor
  •  Resource Access Management
  •  Key Management Service
  •  ActionTrail
  •  Cloud Config
  •  OpenAPI Explorer
  •  Global Traffic Manager
Domains & Website - Manage your domain name and DNS securely on Alibaba Cloud.
  •  Web Hosting
  •  Domains
  •  Alibaba Cloud DNS
  •  WHOIS
Analytics & Data Technology - Dive into analytics with data warehousing, business intelligence, batch processing, stream processing, machine learning, and big data solutions.
  •  E-MapReduce
  •  MaxCompute
  •  DataWorks
  •  Data Integration
  •  Quick BI
  •  DataV
  •  Image Search
  •  Intelligent Service Robot
  •  Dataphin
  •  Machine Learning Platform For AI
  •  Elasticsearch
  •  Realtime Compute
  •  Machine Translation
  •  Intelligent Speech Interaction
Application Service - Components and management tools to make your application building and management easier and more convenient.
  •  Message Service
  •  API Gateway
  •  Log Service
  •  DirectMail
  •  Blockchain as a Service
  •  Alibaba Mail
Media Services - A professional solution for live video and audio.
  •  ApsaraVideo Live
  •  ApsaraVideo for Media Processing
Middleware -Application deployment and microservices solutions
  •  Enterprise Distributed Application Service
  •  Message Queue
  •  Application Configuration Management
  •  Tracing Analysis
  •  Application Real-Time Monitoring Service
  •  Application High availability
  •  AliwareMQ for IoT
  •  Cloud Communication
  •  Short Message Service
Apsara Stack -Deliver Alibaba Cloud services from your on-premises data center
  •  Apsara Stack
  •  Alibaba Cloud ZStack
Internet of Things
  • IoT Platform

#Oracle cloud service

 Oracle cloud

  • Analytics and Big Data
  • Oracle Analytics Cloud
  • Oracle Big Data Service
  • Oracle Big Data SQL Cloud Service
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Catalog
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming
  • Oracle Data Science
  • Oracle Essbase
Application Development
  •  API Gateway
  •  Blockchain Platform
  •  Container Engine for Kubernetes
  •  Container Registry
  •  Data Science
  •  Digital Assistant
  •  Events Service
  •  Functions
  •  Java
  •  Mobile Hub
  •  Oracle Application Express (APEX)
  •  Oracle Content and Experience
  •  Oracle MySQL Database Service
  •  Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service
  •  Oracle Visual Builder
  •  Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Applied Software Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence
  •  Blockchain
  •  Data Science
  •  Digital Assistant
  •  Machine Learning
  •  Tactical Edge Cloud
  •  Bare Metal Compute
  •  Container Engine for Kubernetes
  •  Container Registry
  •  Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
  •  Virtual Machines and Bare Metal (GPU)
  •  Virtual Machines
Database Management
  •  Autonomous Data Warehouse
  •  Autonomous Transaction Processing
  •  Database Cloud Service: Bare Metal
  •  Database Cloud Service: Virtual Machine
  •  Exadata Cloud@Customer
  •  Exadata Cloud Service
  •  Oracle MySQL Database Service
  •  Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service
  •  API Gateway
  •  Oracle GoldenGate
  •  Oracle Data Integrator
  •  Oracle Integration
  •  SOA Cloud Service
Observability and Management
  •  Application Performance Monitoring
  •  Audit
  •  Cost Management
  •  IT Analytics
  •  IT Infrastructure Monitoring
  •  Log Analytics
  •  Monitoring
  •  Notifications
  •  Resource Manager
  •  Tagging
Networking, Connectivity, and Edge Services
  •  DNS
  •  Email Delivery
  •  FastConnect
  •  Health Checks
  •  Load Balancing
  •  Service Gateway
  •  Traffic Management
  •  Virtual Cloud Network
Security, Identity, and Compliance
  •  Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  •  Database Security
  •  Identity and Access Management
  •  Identity Cloud Service
  •  Key Management
  •  Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  •  Archive Storage
  •  Block Volumes
  •  Data Transfer
  •  File Storage
  •  Local NVMe SSD
  •  Object Storage
  •  Storage Gateway


What is grouping in TestNG?
What are Default Group, Partial Groups, and MetaGroups in TestNG?
What are the different types of Listeners in TestNG?
What is the difference between soft assertion and hard assertion?
What is the return type of @DataProvider annotation provided by TestNG?
What is Inclusion & Exclusion Groups in TestNG?
What is the test suite in TestNG?
What are the standard assertions available in TestNG?
What is invocationCount in TestNG?
What is parameterization in TestNG? How to pass parameters using testng.xml?
What is Soft Assert in TestNG?
What are the ways to state dependencies in TestNG?
What is exception test in TestNG?
What is the Parallel Execution of Classes in TestNG?
What is the use of @Listener annotation in TestNG?
What is the use of @Factory annotation?
What are the advantages of TestNG DataProvider feature?
What is the default priority of test cases in TestNG?
What is the sequence of execution of the annotations in TestNG?
What is DataProvider annotation in TestNG and why you use it?
What is thread-count in TestNG?
What is threadPoolSize? How can we use it?
What is Time-Out test in TestNG?
What are the basic steps required in writing TestNG test?
What is the difference between @BeforeClass and @BeforeMethod?
What is the return type of @Factory annotation?
What Is Factory Annotation used for?
What is timeOut in TestNG?
What is verbose in TestNG?
What is the need to create a testng.xml file?
Explain what does @Test(invocationCount=?) and (threadPoolSize=?) indicate?
Explain what it means when you have to pass parameters using data-providers in TestNG?
Explain how can you run the JUnit tests using TestNG?
Why do we use Assertion in Selenium?
Why do we use TestNG in Selenium?
Which annotation is used to pass parameter values to test method from the testng.xml file?
Which attribute is used to run test method always?
Which attribute is used to provide data to test method in Data-driven testing?
How can you prepare a customised HTML report in TestNG using Hybrid framework?
How to skip a @Test method from execution in TestNG?
How to group tests at class-level in TestNG?
How to get testng-failed.xml?
How do you handle Dependency injection?
How to Call DataProvider from another Class?
How to run a group of test cases using TestNG?
How to set priorities in TestNG?
How is TestNG better than JUnit?
How to generate HTML report using TestNG?
How to Ignore a test case in TestNG?
How to execute multiple programs or classes?
How to disable a test in TestNG?
How to enable or disable test cases using testng.xml file?
How will you execute tests from a TestNG group?
How to run test script in TestNG?
How to run test cases in parallel using TestNG?
How to fail a testNG test if it doesn?t get executed within a specified time?
How will you execute methods or test cases in TestNG in different order/your order?
Can you describe major features of TestNG?
Can I call a single data provider method for multiple functions and classes?
Describe the similarities and difference between JUnit and TestNG unit testing frameworks?
Mention different ways in which you can produce reports for TestNG results?
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D


What is PowerShell?
What are the features of PowerShell?
What is a pipeline in PowerShell?
What is the Execution policy in PowerShell?
What is Try, Catch, and finally in PowerShell?
What are the differences between CIM and WMI?
What is the function of the $input variable?
What is the difference between PowerShell and CMD?
What is the variable in PowerShell?
What is the Automatic variable in PowerShell and enlist the common automatic variables?
What is a hash table in PowerShell?
What are cmdlets in PowerShell?
What is a loop in PowerShell?
Name the Different types of variables in PowerShell?
Name the different type of PowerShell operators?
Name the command which is used to copy a file, registry key, or folder?
Name the type of format commands which are used to format the data.
Explain the types of Execution policy?
Explain the significance of PowerShell brackets?
Explain the array in PowerShell?
Explain the Comparison operator in PowerShell?
Explain the different types of loops in PowerShell?
Explain the PowerShell get-command?
How to launch the PowerShell in the Windows operating system?
How to use comments in PowerShell?
How to declare and create a variable in PowerShell?
How to rename a variable?
How to execute a PowerShell script?
Enlist the two ways of extending PowerShell?
Enlist the two methods by which input of pipeline works?

18 June 2021


What are things to consider before Caching, Snapshots, or Subscriptions?
What are the limitations in SSRS on Sql Server Express edition?
What are the export options of SSRS?
What are the different types of data sources in SSRS?
What are the core components of SSRS?
What is Tablix?
What is the name of the Reporting Services Configuration file and where it exists?
What is an Ad Hoc Report?
What data type should be used when creating Radio Button Parameter Type in SSRS Report?
What are the command prompt utilities for SSRS? List out some and explain.
What is mixed mode database security?
Name some of the open source software that you can use in alternative to SSR?
Name the multiple roles offered by the SSRS.
Name different parts of RDL file and explain them in brief.
Explain what data regions are and what are the different data regions?
Explain what are the different stages of Report Processing?
Explain what is a sub-report?
Explain can you implement data mining in SSRS?
Explain how you can configure a running aggregate in SSRS?
Explain can SSRS reports Cache results?
Explain how you can deploy an SSRS report?
Explain what is the difference between Tabular and Matrix report?
Explain how would you store your query in an SSRS report or a Database server?
Explain SSRS reports Cache results?
Explain the minimum software requirements for the SSRS framework?
How to send an SSRS report from SSIS?
How would you generate a Sequence Number for all the Records in SSRS Report?
Can you import Microsoft Excel data to SSRS?
Explaining is the Multi-value parameter for SSRS Report?
List out what other servers you can use with SSRS?
Mention what are the important architecture components of SSRS?
Mention what are the new features in SSRS?
Mention what are the core components of SSRS?
Mention what are the different types of SSRS reports?
Mention what are the reporting service components in SSRS?
Mention what is the main function of a query parameter?
Mention what are the three command line utilities and what are their primary functions?
Mention what method you can use to reduce the overhead of Reporting Services data sources?
RDL files are written in which programming language?
Will you store your query in an SSRS Report or a database server? Explain why?

08 June 2021


  • Code quality - Code quality is an indicator about how quickly developers can add business value to software system
  • Structure & CI
  • Cyclomatic Complexity
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
Can you execute SonarQube on your own server? Yes No - -


What are the advantages of using ActiveMQ over other databases?
What are the core objects required by a JMS ? enabled application?
What is the difference between ActiveMQ and AMQP?
What are some of the platforms supported by ActiveMQ?
What is the difference between ActiveMQ and Fuse Message Broker?
What is the procedure involved in handling an application server using the JMS connections?
What can one do to monitor the connection between a client and a broker?
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous messages?
Write a code showing how one can change a default username or password mainly for ActiveMQ console.
Explain the working of JMS in association with J2EE
Explain what is MOM in connection with JMS
How is ActiveMQ different from the spread toolkit?
What is ActiveMQ
What is JMS
Difference : ActiveMQ and Mule


What is Messaging?
What is RabbitMQ?
What is Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)?
What is an exchange in RabbitMQ?
What is routing key in RabbitMQ?
What is Erlang ? Why is it required for RabbitMQ?
What is Spring Cloud Stream? What is the need for it?
What are the types of exchanges available in RabbitMQ?
What is STOMP?
What is a Dead Letter Queue?
What Is binding And routing Key?
What is a RabbitMQ channel?
What is a dead letter queue in rabbitmq?
What is Exchange?
What is RabbitMQ Vhost?
What is Dead Letter Exchange in Rabbitmq?
What is Erlang ? Why is it required for RabbitMQ ?
What are the different types of exchange types in RabbitMQ?
What is a Server in Rabbitmq?
What ports does RabbitMQ use?
What is ZeroMQ?
Why choose RabbitMQ?
Which Protocol RabbitMQ uses?
How to install RabbitMQ?
How to integrate RabbitMQ with Spring Boot?
How to verify RabbitMQ version?
How to delete all RabbitMQ queues?
How to implement Chat Application using Spring Boot + WebSocket + RabbitMQ?
How to implement Retry and Error Handling for RabbitMQ?
How to consume messages from RabbitMQ using Spring Boot?
How to implement RabbitMQ retry mechanism?
How RabbitMQ differs from ActiveMQ?
How to delete all queues in RabbitMQ ?
How can we verify RabbitMQ version?
How do we stop the RabbitMQ server on localhost?
How to restart RabbitMQ service?
When and why to use RabbitMQ?
  • RabbitMQ is an AMQP (Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol) message broker.
  • It supports multiple messaging protocols, message queuing, delivery acknow led gement, flexible routing to queues and multiple exchange types
  • RabbitMQ can be deployed with Docker, Puppet, Chef and BOSH
  • RabbitMQ can be deployed as clusters for high availa bility and can be federated across multiple availa bility zones and regions
Protocol Support
  • AMQP - It is a default implementation in RabbitMQ
  • MQTT - Used for light scenarios. Binary exchange.
  • STOMP - Text-based data exchange
  • HTTP - Our very popular internet protocol
  • While Kafka supports Binary protocol over TCP.
Key Terms
  • Producer - a programm that sends messages.
  • Consumer - a programm that reads messages.
  • Publishers
  • Exchange - takes a message from producers and routes it into zero or more queues.
  • Routes
  • Queue - a buffer that stores messages.
  • Topics
  • Subscribers
  • Bindings - rules that exchanges use to route messages to queues.
Exchange types
  • default - exchange with no name pre-declared by the broker. Every queue that is created is automatically bound to it with a routing key which is the same as the queue name.
  • direct - delivers messages to queues based on the message routing key. It?s ideal for the unicast routing of messages. It?s often used to distribute tasks between multiple workers.
  • topic - routes messages to one or many queues based on matching between a message routing key and the pattern that was used to bind a queue to an exchange. The limitation for routing key is 255 bytes.
  • fanout - routes messages to all of the queues that are bound to it and the routing key is ignored
  • headers- routes multiple attributes that are more easily expressed as message headers than a routing key. routing key is ignored.


What are different types of logs?
What are format modifiers?
What are Pros and Cons of Logging?
What are the components of log4j?
What are the different log levels in Log4j?
What are the different logging levels?
What are the features of log4j?
What happens if last log file reaches the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
What happens if logs exceeding the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
What is Appender in Log4j?
What is default value of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is default value of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is SLF4J?
What is the intent of %.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %20.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %-20.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %20c format modifier?
What is the intent of %-20c format modifier?
What is the purpose of % character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of Appender object?
What is the purpose of bufferedIO configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of bufferSize configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of c character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of d character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of DatePattern property of DailyRollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of driver configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of encoding configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of F character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of fileAppend configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of Filename configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of filter in Appender?
What is the purpose of Filter object?
What is the purpose of immediateFlush configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of l character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of layout object in Appender?
What is the purpose of Layout object?
What is the purpose of level in Appender?
What is the purpose of Level object?
What is the purpose of Logger object?
What is the purpose of LogManager object?
What is the purpose of m character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of n character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of ObjectRenderer object?
What is the purpose of p character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of password configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of r character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of sql configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of t character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of target in Appender?
What is the purpose of threshold configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of threshold in Appender?
What is the purpose of URL configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of user configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of X character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the use of log4j.properties?
What kind of information HTMLLayout class provides?
What is immediateFlush property of FileAppender.
What is layouts in log4j.
What are Appenders in Log4j?
What are the format characters used in log4j?
What are the system properties checked by log4j?
What does WARN and TRACE level indicates in log4j?
What is Log4j?
What is package level logging in log4j?
What is the command to write your logging information into a file?
What are the logging methods provided by logger class?
What are the other support objects in Log4j?
What are the three principal components of Log4j?
What are the two static methods for obtaining a logger object?
What does .class mean in log4j context?
What is the best way to migrate from java.util logging to log4j?
What is the difference between Threshold and LevelRangeFilter in log4j?
What is the role of filter in log4j?
Explain different logging levels in log4j.
Explain few format characters used in log4j.
Why do you get multiple copies of the message in log file sometime?
Why to use Apache Log4j?
Why should we prefer log4j framework while Java provides logging API?
Why to use Log4j?
How can you get multiple processes to log to the same file?
How can you log into the database using Log4j?
How do Levels Works?
How does log Levels work in Log4J?
How log4j file is defined?
How will you configure a DailyRollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
How will you configure a RollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
How will you configure immediate flush to true using log4j.properties?
How will you configure maximum file size before rollover using log4j.properties?
How will you configure maximum files to be used to log data using log4j.properties?
How will you configure your log to roll over at midday and midnight of each day?
How will you configure your log to roll over at midnight each day?
How will you configure your log to roll over at the end of each month and at the beginning of the next month?
How will you configure your log to roll over at the top of every hour?
How will you configure your log to roll over every minute?
How will you configure your log to roll over on the first day of each week depending upon the locale?
How will you create a logger in any class?
How will you define a file appender using log4j.properties?
How will you define a root logger turning DEBUG mode off?
How will you define a root logger with appender file using log4j.properties?
How will you define the layout of file appender using log4j.properties?
How will you generate your log files on a daily basis?
How will you print a log message in debug, error,fatal ,info mode,trace mode, warn mode?
How will you put the logs in database using log4j?
How will you set the append to false, overwrite using log4j.properties?
How will you set the content type of html generated using HTMLLayout?
How will you set the DatePattern using log4j.properties?
How will you set the location information for the logging event using HTMLLayout?
How will you set the threshold to debug mode using log4j.properties?
How will you set the title of html page generated using HTMLLayout?
Difference between apache commons logging and log4j.
In log4j how can you log into the database?
Advantages of using log4j framework.
Can log4j logging be stored to database?
Components of log4j framework.
Different types of Appenders in Log4j.
If you want to generate your logging information in an HTML-formatted file, how will you proceed?
If you want to write your logging information into multiple files then how will you proceed?
Inside logger component what are the different log levels?
Is log4j thread safe?
Mention larger logging domains for your applications.
Mention what are the different types of Appenders?
Whether a log output format can be customized?
Whether log4j is a thread safe?



07 June 2021


What is relaimpo package.
What is robust package.
What is Survival analysis.
What is the difference between seq(4) and seq_along(4)?
What is the power analysis?
What happens when the application object does not handle an event?
What is GGobi?
What is the use of lattice package?
What is the use of diagnostic plots?
What is the use of MASS package?
What is the use of forecast package?
What is the full form of CFA?
What is clustering? What is the difference between kmeans clustering and hierarchical clustering?
What is kmeans clustering?
What is hierarchical clustering?
What is a factor?
What are the different components of grammar of graphics?
What is Rmarkdown? What is the use of it?
What packages are used for data mining in R?
What is t-tests() in R?
What is the use of subset() and sample() function in R?
What is the memory limit of R?
Name some packages in R, which can be used for data imputation?
Name some functions available in “dplyr” package.
Explain the purpose of using UIWindow object?
Which data structures are used to perform statistical analysis and create graphs.
Which function is used for sorting in R?
How can you load a .csv file in R?
How impossible values are represented in R?


What is Golang?
What are Golang packages?
What are Golang pointers?
What do you understand by Golang string literals?
What is the syntax used for the for loop in Golang? Explain.
What do you understand by the scope of variables in Go?
What do you understand by goroutine in Golang?
What is ?slice? in Go?
What are Go Interfaces?
What are Go channels and how are channels used in Golang?
What are the benefits of using Go compared to other languages?
What are string literals?
What data types does Golang use?
What are packages in a Go program?
What form of type conversion does Go support? Convert an integer to a float.
What is a goroutine? How do you stop it?
What are Lvalue and Rvalue in Golang?
What are the looping constructs in Go?
What is the easiest way to check if a slice is empty?
What is a workspace?
What is CGO? When would you want to use it?
What is shadowing?
What is the purpose of a GOPATH environment variable?
What types of pointers does Go have?
What is the difference between = and := in Go?
What is the difference between C arrays and Go slices?
What makes Go so fast?
What is a unique benefit of Go?s compiler?
What is in the src directory?
What does GOROOT point to?
What makes Go compile quickly?
What does it mean when people say Go has a ?rich standard library??
What is an advantage of Go evaluating implicit types at compile time?
What is Go?
What is the static type declaration of a variable in Golang?
What is the dynamic variable declaration in Golang?
What is a constant variable in Go?
What is the scope of a variable?
What is Golang workspace?
What are built-in supports in Golang?
What is ?slice? in Golang?
What are the decision-making statements in Golang?
What is the GoPATH variable in Golang?
What is the GoROOT variable in Golang?
What is the channel in Golang?
What is an interface in Golang?
What is a select statement in Golang?
What is CGo in Golang?
What is Rune in Golang?
What are function closures?
What are rvalue and Ivalue?
Name one Go feature that would be helpful for DevOps.
Explain the steps of testing with Golang.
Explain Go interfaces. What are they and how do they work?
Explain the difference between concurrent and parallelism in Golang
Explain pointers in Go?
Explain Methods in Golang?
Explain structures in Golang?
Explain about switch statement in Golang?
Explain Goroutines?
Why should one learn Golang? What are the advantages of Golang over other languages?
Why is Golang fast compared to other languages?
Why is Go often called a ?Post-OOP? language?
Why does Golang develop?
Why do we use the break statement in Golang?
Why do we use the continued statements in Golang?
Why do we use a Goto statement in Golang?
Why should one learn the Golang programming language?
Which kind of conversion is supported by Golang?
How can we check if the Go map contains a key?
How do you check a variable type at runtime?
How do you concatenate strings?
How do we perform inheritance with Golang?
How are pointers used in Go?
How do untyped constants interact with Go?s typing system?
How do you implement command-line arguments in Go?
How does Go handle dependencies?
How can we swap variables in Golang?
How to return multiple values from a function?
How can we declare the multiple types of variables in a single code line in Golang?
How to perform testing in Golang?
How to check the variable type at runtime in Golang?
How to compare two structs?
When would you use a break statement in Go?
Who created Golang?
  • Arrays
  • Maps
  • Named Return Type Functions

02 June 2021




Question Option A Option B Option C Option D


Question Option A Option B Option C Option D


Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

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