20 October 2020


Define Stateful sets in Kubernetes.
Define OpenShift.
Define Autoscaling in Kubernetes.
What is Kubernetes? Why organizations are using it?
What is a Kubernetes Cluster?
What is a Node?
What the master node is responsible for?
What do we need the worker nodes for?
What is kubectl?
What are the components of the master node?
What are the components of a worker node?
What does it mean that "pods are ephemeral?
What is a "Deployment" in Kubernetes?
What happens after you edit a deployment and change the image?
What happens when you delete a deployment?
What is a Service in Kubernetes?
What Service types are there?
What is the difference between an external and an internal service?
What would you use to route traffic from outside the Kubernetes cluster to services within a cluster?
What is Ingress?
What is Ingress Controller?
What are some use cases for using Ingress?
What is Ingress Default Backend?
What is the format of a configuration file?
What is etcd?
What are namespaces?
What special namespaces are there by default when creating a Kubernetes cluster?
What can you find in kube-system namespace?
What kube-public contains?
What kube-node-lease contains?
What default namespace contains?
What is Resource Quota?
What kubectl exec does?
What kubectl get all does?
What the command kubectl get pod does?
What kubectl apply -f [file] does?
What the command kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false does?
What kubectl logs [pod-name] command does?
What kubectl describe pod [pod name] does? command does?
What kubectl get componentstatus does?
What is Minikube?
What the Kubernetes Scheduler does?
What happens to running pods if if you stop Kubelet on the worker nodes?
What happens what pods are using too much memory? (more than its limit)
What is the control loop? How it works?
What is an Operator?
What components the Operator consists of?
What is the Operator Framework?
What components the Operator Framework consists of?
What openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager namespace includes?
What is kubconfig? What do you use it for?
What is the purpose of ReplicaSet?
What happens when a replica dies?
What type: Opaque in a secret file means? What other types are there?
What types of persistent volumes are there?
What is PersistentVolumeClaim?
What is Reclaim Policy?
What reclaim policies are there?
What is RBAC?
What is the difference between Role and ClusterRole objects?
What Kube Proxy does?
What "Resources Quotas" are used for and how?
What does being cloud-native mean?
What QoS classes are there?
What is Kubeconfig?
What is Container Orchestration?
What are the features of Kubernetes?
What is Google Container Engine?
What is Heapster?
What is the syntax for the Kube-proxy command?
What is the syntax for the Kubectl command?
What is Kubelet?
What are the different components of Kubernetes Architecture?
What do you understand by Kube-proxy?
What is the Kubernetes controller manager?
What are the different types of controller manager running on the master node?
What do you understand by load balancer in Kubernetes?
What is Ingress network?
What do you understand by Cloud controller manager?
What are the different types of cloud controller manager?
What is a Headless Service?
What are federated clusters?
What is a pod?
What is the difference between a daemonset, a deployment, and a replication controller?
What is a sidecar container, and what would you use it for?
What are K8s?
What is a node in Kubernetes?
What does the node status contain?
What process runs on Kubernetes Master Node?
What is the job of the kube-scheduler?
What is a cluster of containers in Kubernetes?
What is a Namespace in Kubernetes?
What are the different services within Kubernetes?
What is ClusterIP?
What is NodePort?
What is Kube-proxy?
What is the difference between config map and secret?
What are the tools that are used for container monitoring?
What are the important components of node status?
What are the labels in Kubernetes?
What is Sematext Docker Agent?
What is ContainerCreating pod?
What do you mean by Persistent Volume Claim?
What will happen while adding new API to Kubernetes?
What is kubectl drain?
What is a Swarm in Docker?
What is Kubernetes Log?
What are the types of Kubernetes Volume?
What is the Kubernetes Network Policy?
What is the Kubernetes?
What is Kubernetes and how to use it?
What is the meaning of Kubernetes?
What is a docker?
What is a cluster in Kubernetes?
What is Openshift?
What is a namespace in Kubernetes? How do you create a Namespace?
What is Docker and what does it do?
What is a docker in cloud?
What is a cluster of containers?
What is k8s?
What is the use of kube-controller-manager?
What are Kubernetes controllers?
What is kube-scheduler?
What are Expanders?
What are init containers?
What are Kubernetes Components? Master component ? Node component?
What are Kubernetes pods?
What are the API versions available? Explain.
What are the benefits of Kubernetes?
What are the functions of Replication controller?
What are the key best practices for running Cluster Autoscaler?
What are the kubectl commands you are aware of?
What are the parameters to CA?
What are the Service Level Objectives for Cluster Autoscaler?
What are the types of Kubernetes pods? How do you create them?
What are the types of Kubernetes services?
What are the types of multi-container pod patterns? (Explain each type with examples)
What do you know about Kubernetes Service?
What do you know about Minions? Explain.
What do you know about Pods in Kubernetes?
What do you know about Selectors and what are the types of selectors in Kubernetes API?
What do you know about Sematext Docker Agent?
What is ?Recreate? and ?Rolling Update? in Deployment strategy?
What is application deployment in Kubernetes?
What is Kubernetes images?
What is Kubernetes Name space?
What is Node Controller?
What is Persistent Volume Claim?
What is Persistent Volume?
What is volumes? What are the differences between Docker volumes and Kubernetes Volumes?
What events are emitted by CA?
What happens if daemonset can be set to listen on a specific interface since the Anycast IP will be assigned to a network interface alias
What happens in scale-up when I have no more quota in the cloud provider?
What happens when a master fails? What happens when a worker fails?
What is a container cluster?
What is a DaemonSet?
What is a Heapster?
What is a PetSet or StatefulSet?
What is a pod in Kubernetes?
What is are the reasons why Kubernetes is more useful by walking back in time?
What is Autoscaling in Kubernetes.
What is Cloud Controller manager
What is Cluster ? What is Cluster IP?
What is Cluster Autoscaler?
What is Container Resource monitoring
What is Federated clusters
What is Flannel & why we use it?
What is GKE?
What is Headless service
What is IngressNetwork and IngressController
What is KUBE proxy?
What is kubectl & kubelet?
What is kubectl? How do you use it?
What is Kubernete?s load balancing?
What is Kubernetes and why is it damn popular?
What is Kubernetes?
What is load balancing on Kubernetes?
What is node affinity and pod affinity?
What is Node or Minions
What is Node port
What is POD
What is Replica
What is Replica controller
What is Replication controller & what it does?
What is Secrets in Kubernetes.
What is the function of Kube-apiserver?
What is the future scope for Kubernetes?
What is the impact of upgrading kubelet if we leave the pods on the worker node - will it break running pods? why?
What is the ingress, is it something that runs as a pod or on a pod?
What is the use of the API server in Kubernetes?
What kind of object do you create, when your dashboard like application, queries the Kubernetes API to get some data?
What monitoring and metrics tools do people use for Kubernetes?
What runs inside the kubernetes worker nodes?
What types of pods can prevent CA from removing a node?
What versions of docker are supported?
What you will do if one master got corrupted, can we create multiple masters?
What you will do in case any pod deleted?
What is Labels and Annotations in kubernetes
What is Kubectl command.
What is Minions
What is Pods in Kubernetes Context
What is Replication Controllers and Replication Sets in Kubernetes ?
What is Volumes and Persistent Volumes in kubernetes
Name the initial namespaces from which Kubernetes starts?
Name the process which runs on Kubernetes Master Node?
Write a command to create and fetch the deployment.
Write a command to check the status of deploymentand to update a deployment.
Write commands to control the Namespace.
Explain what is a pod
Explain StatefulSet
Explain Kubernetes Secrets
Explain "Persistent Volumes". Why do we need it?
Explain Storage Classes
Explain "Dynamic Provisioning" and "Static Provisioning"
Explain Access Modes
Explain the Role and RoleBinding" objects
Explain what Kubernetes Service Discovery means
Explain ConfigMap
Explain "Horizontal Pod Autoscaler"
Explain Liveness probe
Explain Readiness probe
Explain the pet and cattle approach of infrastructure with respect to kubernetes
Explain what is CronJob and what is it used for
Explain Labels. What are they and why would one use them?
Explain Selectors
Explain Prometheus in Kubernetes.
Explain Replica set.
Explain the types of Kubernetes pods.
Explain PVC.
Explain Kubernetes architecture with a neat diagram?
Explain the Architecture Layers of Kubernetes?
Explain the Network Policy in Kubernetes.
Why to use namespaces? What is the problem with using one default namespace?
Why to create kind deployment, if pods can be launched with replicaset?
Why do we need Operators?
Why uses Kube-apiserver?
Why do we use Docker?
Why are some of my pods in an Unknown state?
Why do I see 504 errors from my Ingress during deploys?
Why do we need Kubernetes and what it can do?
Why Docker isn?t enough? Why do we need Kubernetes?
Why is my pod pending?
Why is my terminal screwed up?
Why should I use Kubernetes?
Why we using kops?
Why you are using kubectl can you explin why we are using ?
Which command you run to view your nodes?
Which command you run to view all pods running on all namespaces?
Which parts a configuration file has?
Which resources are accessible from different namespaces?
Which service and in which namespace the following file is referencing?
Which components can't be created within a namespace?
Which process runs on Kubernetes master node?
Which process runs on Kubernetes non-master node?
Which process validates and configures data for the api objects like pods, services?
Which container runtimes supported by Kubernetes?
Which version on Cluster Autoscaler should I use in my cluster?
How many containers can a pod contain?
How to delete a pod?
How to create a deployment?
How to edit a deployment?
How to delete a deployment?
How make an app accessible on private or external network?
How to get information on a certain service?
How to verify that a certain service forwards the requests to a pod
How to list Ingress in your namespace?
How to configure a default backend?
How to configure TLS with Ingress?
How to get latest configuration of a deployment?
How to list all namespaces?
How to get the name of the current namespace?
How to create a namespace?
How to switch to another namespace? In other words how to change active namespace?
How to create a Resource Quota?
How to list all the components that bound to a namespace?
How to create components in a namespace?
How to see all the components of a certain application?
How to print information on a specific pod?
How to execute the command "ls" in an existing pod?
How to create a service that exposes a deployment?
How to create a pod and a service with one command?
How to scale a deployment to 8 replicas?
How to get list of resources which are not in a namespace?
How to delete all pods whose status is not "Running"?
How to display the resources usages of pods?
How do you monitor your Kubernetes?
How Operator works?
How a ReplicaSet works?
How to create a Secret from a key and value?
How to create a Secret from a file?
How to create a Secret from a configuration file?
How to use ConfigMaps?
How to delete a pod instantly?
How would you troubleshoot your cluster if some applications are not reachable any more?
How does scheduling work in kubernetes?
How are labels and selectors used?
How is Kubernetes related to Docker?
How does Kubernetes simplify containerized Deployment?
How can you separate resources?
How can you get a static IP for a Kubernetes load balancer?
How do you make changes in the API?
How will you setup Kubernetes.
How 2 containers inside a pod communicate with each other?
How can I check what is going on in CA ?
How can I configure overprovisioning with Cluster Autoscaler?
How can I get the host IP address from inside a pod?
How can I monitor Cluster Autoscaler?
How can I prevent Cluster Autoscaler from scaling down a particular node?
How can I run e2e tests?
How can I scale a node group to 0?
How can I scale my cluster to just 1 node?
How can I update CA dependencies (particularly k8s.io/kubernetes)?
How can you rollbck the previous version of application in Kuberntes?
How do CPU and memory requests and limits work?
How do I access the Kubenernetes API from within a pod?
How do I build a High Availability (HA) cluster?
How do I configure credentials to download images from a private docker registry?
How do I debug a ContainerCreating pod?
How do I debug a CrashLoopBackoff pod?
How do I debug a Pending pod?
How do I determine the status of a Deployment?
How do I expose a Service to a host outside the cluster?
How do I force a pod to run on a specific node?
How do I force replicas of a pod to split across different nodes?
How do I get all the pods on a node?
How do I give individual pods DNS names
How do I put variables into my pods?
How do I rollback a Deployment?
How do I rollback the Deployment?
How do I update all my pods if the image changed but the tag is the same?
How do you build a High Availability (HA) cluster?
How do you create an application in Kubernetes?
How do you create secrets in Kubernetes?
How do you create users?
How do you deploy a feature with zero downtime in Kubernetes?
How do you drain the traffic from a Pod during maintenance?
How do you initiate a rollback for an application?
How do you monitor your Kuberenets?
How do you package Kubernetes applications?
How do you test a manifest without actually executing it?
How do you tie service to a pod or to a set of pods?
How do you update, delete and rollback in a Deployment strategy?
How does a Kubernetes Service work?
How does CA deal with unready nodes?
How does Cluster Autoscaler remove nodes?
How does Cluster Autoscaler work with Pod Priority and Preemption?
How does container know that application is getting failure?
How does DNS work in Kubernetes?
How does Horizontal Pod Autoscaler work with Cluster Autoscaler?
How does Kubernetes relate to Docker?
How does scale-down work?
How does scale-up work?
How does that deployment happens into containers/POD automatically?
How does the Kubernetes Cluster work?
How fast is Cluster Autoscaler?
How fast is HPA when combined with CA?
How is Cluster Autoscaler different from CPU-usage-based node autoscalers?
How Kubernetes is related to docker?
How Kubernetes simplify the containerized application deployment process?
How many containers can be launched in a node?
How many containers can run in a pod?
How many nodes we required to create kubernetes cluster?
How many projects you used kubernetes?
How service that selects apps based on the label and has an externalIP?
How should I test my code before submitting PR?
How should you connect an app pod with a database pod?
How the 2 pods communicate with each other?
How to attach a volume in cluster at some time the container will be deleted then rs will re-create new container then how to attach that container automatically and how to restore the volume automatically to re-created container?
How to configure a default ImagePullSecret for any deployment?
How to forward port `8080 (container) -> 8080 (service) -> 8080 (ingress) -> 80 (browser)` how is it done?
How to Install Kubernetes?
How to make quorum of cluster?
How to monitor that a Pod is always running?
How to set a static IP for Kubernetes load balancer?
How to set PDBs to enable CA to move kube-system pods?
How will you do monitoring in Kubernetes?
How you will link when the docker containers is in different virtual machine is there any configuration in docker compose file are any command or any variable?
When you delete a pod, is it deleted instantly? (a moment after running the command)
When do I use Kubernetes?
When you want to monitor the health and performance of multiple containers.
When does Cluster Autoscaler change the size of a cluster?
Where Kubernetes gets the status data (which is added to the configuration file) from?
Where Kubernetes cluster data is stored?
Where can I find the designs of the upcoming features?
Where is the Kubernetes cluster data stored?
Difference - Pod and a Job? Differentiate the answers as with examples)
Difference - config map and secret? (Differentiate the answers as with examples)
Difference - docker cloud and docker swarm?
Difference - externalIP and loadBalancerIP ?
Difference - kubctl & kops?
Difference - kubectl and minikube?
Difference - Kubernetes and Docker Swarm?
Difference - replication controllers and replica sets?
Difference - Flannel & Calico?
Difference - nodeport, clusterIP, load balancer & ingress?
Difference - rc and rs?
In Kubernetes - A Pod is running 2 containers, when One container stops - another Container is still running, on this event, I want to terminate this Pod?
Do rolling updates declared with a deployment take effect if I manually delete pods of the replica set with kubectl delete pods or with the dashboard? Will the minimum required a number of pods be maintained?
Are all of the mentioned heuristics and timings final?
Are deployments with more than one replica automatically doing rolling updates when a new deployment config is applied?
Basic Usage Questions
CA doesn?t work, but it used to work yesterday. Why?
Can you use a Deployment for stateful applications?
Can we use many claims out of a persistent volume?
Can I isolate namespaces from each other?
Can I use variables or otherwise parameterize my yaml deployment files?
Can pods mount NFS volumes?
Can we use many claims out of a persistent volume? Explain?
Can you tell me some commands using in kubernetes ?
Can you tell me the command for creating kubernetes cluster in vm?
Deploy a pod called "my-pod" using the nginx:alpine image
Describe in detail what the following command does kubectl create deployment kubernetes-httpd --image=httpd
Describe how roll-back works
Describe in detail what is the Operator Lifecycle Manager
Describe how you one proceeds to run a containerised web app in K8s, which should be reachable from a public URL.
Describe what CustomResourceDefinitions there are in the Kubernetes world? What they can be used for?
Describe in brief the working of the master node in Kubernetes?
Describe the architecture of Kuberenets
Describe the history of Kubrnetes?
Different Ways to provide API-Security on Kubernetes?
Does CA respect GracefulTermination in scale-down?
Does CA respect node affinity when selecting node groups to scale up?
Does CA work with PodDisruptionBudget in scale-down?
Does the container restart When applying/updating the secret object (kubectl apply -f mysecret.yml)? If not, how is the new password applied to the database?
Does the rolling update with state full set replicas =1 makes sense?
For advanced networking between containers hosted across the cluster.
Having a Pod with two containers, can I ping each other? like using the container name?
I have a configmap for 3 files that are going to be mounted in supposing "fluentd/etc/" and the respective files would be fluent.conf, kubernetes.conf, systemd.conf, config map in deployment.yaml is like this
I have a couple of nodes with low utilization, but they are not scaled down. Why?
I have a couple of pending pods, but there was no scale-up?
I have one POD and inside 2 containers are running one is Nginx and another one is wordpress So, how can access these 2 containers from the Browser with IP address?
If a node is tainted, is there a way to still schedule the pods to that node?
If a pod exceeds its memory "limit" what signal is sent to the process?
If any container down in my cluster how you will rectify?
If I have multiple containers running inside a pod, and I want to wait for a specific container to start before starting another one.
If installed kubernetes how you will deploy this containers into kubernetes cluster?
If you have a pod that is using a ConfigMap which you updated, and you want the container to be updated with those changes, what should you do?
If you have multiple containers in a Deployment file, does use the HorizontalPodAutoscaler scale all of the containers?
I'm running cluster with nodes in multiple zones for HA purposes. Is that supported by Cluster Autoscaler?
Is Cluster Autoscaler an Alpha, Beta or GA product?
Is Cluster Autoscaler compatible with CPU-usage-based node autoscalers?
Is it possible to route traffic from outside the Kubernetes cluster directly to pods?
Is it possible to run docker inside a pod?
Is there a way to make a pod to automatically come up when the host restarts?
Is there any other way to update configmap for deployment without pod restarts?
Kubernetes objects made up of what?
Let?s say a Kubernetes job should finish in 40 seconds, however on a rare occasion it takes 5 minutes, How can I make sure to stop the application if it exceeds more than 40 seconds?
Let's say you have three namespaces: x, y and z. In x namespace you have a ConfigMap referencing service in z namespace. Can you reference the ConfigMap in x namespace from y namespace?
List tools for container orchestration.
List out Kubernetes Objects and Workloads?
List the Kubernetes volume you are aware of.
Mention the namespaces that initially the Kubernetes starts with?
N number of docker containers deployed to different vms how will you manage there is no kubernetes installed?
Once update is installed, add new key for GPG using the command:
Our applications are decentralized I don?t want distributed environment if any thing happens to the master all will collapse , can we create multiple masters?
Should I use a CPU-usage-based node autoscaler with Kubernetes?
Should I use Replication Controllers?
State the functions of Kubernetes name space.
State the important features of Kubernetes.
Suppose you have to use database with your application but well, if you make a database container-based deployment. how would the data persist?
Tell me about Google container Engine.
Tell me about the functions of Kubernetes Jobs.
Tell me the command to create cluster?
To deploy 1000s of containers in a single command.
To detect fails/crashes of containers and fix them.
To scale up and scale down the number of containers.
To customize deployment of containers.
To support all cloud service environments: many cloud providers offer built-in Kubernetes services.
To upgrade all the containers in a single command.
To roll back container updates if something goes wrong.
To support a wide variety of authentication and authorization services.
True or False? Every cluster must have 0 or more master nodes and at least on e worker
True or False? The lifecycle of Pods and Services isn't connected so when a pod dies, the service still stays
True or False? When configuring Ingress with TLS, the Secret component must be in the same namespace as the Ingress component
True or False? Etcd holds the current status of any kubernetes component
True or False? The API server is the only component which communicates directly with etcd
True or False? application data is not stored in etcd
True or False? When a namespace is deleted all resources in that namespace are not deleted but moved to another default namespace
True or False? With namespaces you can limit the resources consumed by the users/teams
True or False? Memory is a compressible resource, meaning that when a container reach the memory limit, it will keep running
True or False? Kubernetes Operator used for stateful applications
True or False? storing data in a Secret component makes it automatically secured
True or False? Kubernetes provides data persistence out of the box, so when you restart a pod, data is saved
True or False? Persistent Volume must be available to all nodes because the pod can restart on any of them
True or False? Kubernetes manages data persistence
Trur or False? Sensitive data, like credentials, should be stored in a ConfigMap
Using create command along with kubectl, what are the things possible?
We have nearly 15 nodes in my organization all are decentralized so which node I need to create as a master? Is their any possibility to make all the machines as masters?
You suspect one of the pods is having issues, what do you do?
You have one Kubernetes cluster and multiple teams that would like to use it. You would like to limit the resources each team consumes in the cluster. Which Kubernetes concept would you use for that?
  • Kubernetes Basics- Pods, Nodes, Clusters, Kubectl, Kubelet, API Server, Etcd, Control Plane, Namespace
  • Workloads & Controllers - Deployments, ReplicaSets, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, CronJobs, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  • Services & Networking - Services, Ingress, Network Policies, Service Discovery, Load Balancer
  • Configuration & Secrets - ConfigMaps, Secrets, Environment Variables, Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs)
  • Monitoring, Logging, and Debugging - Kube-state-metrics, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, Kubernetes Dashboard, Kubectl Debug, Heapster
  • Security & Authorization - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Security Policies, Service Account, Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Kubernetes Storage - Persistent Volumes (PVs), Storage Classes
  • Kubernetes Cluster Maintenance - Node Maintenance, Cluster Upgrades, Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Extending Kubernetes - Custom Resources, API Server Extension, Custom Controllers, Operators
  • Advanced Features - Service Mesh (e.g., Istio), Pod Priority & Preemption, Taints and Tolerations, Node Affinity, Pod Presets
  • Kubernetes Cloud Integration - Amazon EKS, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure AKS
  • CICD in Kubernetes - Jenkins, GitLab CI, Spinnaker
  • Helm: Kubernetes Package Manager - Helm Charts, Helm Repository
  • Kubernetes Custom Scheduling - Custom Scheduler
  • Kubernetes Federation - Cluster Federation
  • Windows in Kubernetes - Windows Nodes
  • Kubernetes Testing - Kubetest
  • Kubernetes Add-ons - DNS, Web UI (Dashboard), Container Resource Monitoring, Cluster-level Logging
  • Other Essential Concepts - Quotas, Annotations, Labels and Selectors, Liveness and Readiness Probes
  • Kubernetes Failure Handling - Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs)
  • Kubernetes Architecture Concepts - Cloud Controller Manager, Kube-Proxy, Container Runtime
  • Kubernetes Community and Development - Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Contributing to Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Best Practices - Logging Best Practices, Monitoring Best Practices, Security Best Practices, Performance Best Practices
  • Kubernetes Automation and Autoscaling - Cluster Autoscaler, Vertical Pod Autoscaler, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
  • Kubernetes Development Tools - Minikube, Skaffold, Kompose, Kubeadm
  • Advanced Kubernetes Networking - Network Plugins, CNI (Container Network Interface), Flannel, Calico
  • Kubernetes Performance Tuning - Kubelet Garbage Collection, Kernel Tuning
  • Kubernetes Service Mesh - Istio, Linkerd
  • Kubernetes Mobile Integration - Kubernetes on Edge
  • Additional Kubernetes Ecosystem Tools - Cilium, Knative, OpenFaas, Metacontroller
   Kubernetes_Architecture       Kubernetes_Benefits       Kubernetes_Controller       Kubernetes_Ingress       Kubernetes_Namespaces   
   Kubernetes_Administration       Kubernetes_Monitoring       Kubernetes_Volume       Kubernetes_Api       Kubernetes_Api Gateway   
   Kubernetes_Replicaset       Kubernetes_Autoscaling       Kubernetes_Security       Kubernetes_Components       Kubernetes_Scheduling   
   Kubernetes_Command       Kubernetes_Object       Kubernetes_Node       Kubernetes_Resource       Kubernetes_Serviceaccount   
   Kubernetes_Authorization       Kubernetes_Container       Kubernetes_Pipeline       Kubernetes_Patterns       Kubernetes_Helm   
   Kubernetes_Storage       Kubernetes_Operator       Kubernetes_Error       Kubernetes_Plugin       Kubernetes_Logging   
   Kubernetes_Optimization       Kubernetes_Metrics       Kubernetes_Loadbalancer       Kubernetes_Engine       Kubernetes_Service   
   Kubernetes_Deployment       Kubernetes_Pods       Kubernetes_Networking       Kubernetes_Cluster   

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