Define the role of Kafka Streams API and Kafka Connector API. |
Define consumer lag in Apache Kafka. |
What are topics in Apache Kafka? |
What are consumers in Apache Kafka? |
What are producers in Apache Kafka? |
What is a broker in Apache Kafka? |
What is a consumer group in Apache Kafka? |
What is meant by ZooKeeper in Apache Kafka? |
What are some differences between Apache Kafka and Flume? |
What is the maximum size of a message that can be received by Apache Kafka? |
What is the role of the Partitioning Key? |
What is the role of replicas in Apache Kafka? |
What is the purpose of ISR in Apache Kafka? |
What is meant by partition offset in Apache Kafka? |
What is the importance of replication in Kafka? |
What is meant by multi-tenancy in Apache Kafka? |
What method does Apache Kafka use to connect with clients and servers? |
What are the differences between Redis and Kafka? |
What is the optimal number of partitions for a topic? |
What is the Kafka MirrorMaker? |
What is the role of the Kafka Migration Tool? |
What are name restrictions for Kafka topics? |
What is the Confluent Replicator? |
What is the command to start ZooKeeper? |
What is meant by Kafka Connect? |
What is the need for message compression in Apache Kafka? |
What are some disadvantages of message compression in Apache Kafka? |
What guarantees does Kafka provide? |
What do you know about log compaction in Kafka? |
What do you understand about quotas in Kafka? |
What is meant by cluster id in Kafka? |
What are the responsibilities of a Controller Broker in Kafka? |
What causes OutOfMemoryException? |
What is meant by the Kafka schema registry? |
What can Kafka Monitoring be used to do? |
What role does the Kafka consumer API and Kafka producer API play? |
What is the best method to determine the number of topics in a single Kafka broker? |
What is the ZooKeeper ensemble? |
What are Znodes? |
What are the types of Znodes? |
What are ZooKeeper watches? |
What is ZooKeeper quorum? |
What are the benefits of a distributed application? |
What are some disadvantages of a distributed application? |
What is meant by the ZooKeeper Atomic Broadcast (ZAB) Protocol? |
What are ZooKeeper barriers? |
What is the daemon name for ZooKeeper? |
What is Kafka's producer acknowledgment? What are the various types of acknowledgment settings that Kafka provides? |
What does it indicate if a replica stays out of ISR for a long time? |
What is the method to create Kafka producer API? |
What roles do Replicas and the ISR play? |
What are the benefits of using Kafka than other messaging services like JMS, RabbitMQ doesn't provide? |
What is the use case where Kafka doesn't fit? |
What is the maximum size of vector in Java? |
What is the retention policy for Kafka records in a Kafka cluster? |
What are the core APIs provided in Kafka platform? |
What is the difference between Apache Kafka and Apache Storm? |
What do you know about a partition key? |
What is a way to balance masses in writer once one server fails? |
What is multi-tenancy? |
What do you mean by Stream Processing in Kafka? |
What ensures load balancing of the server in Kafka? |
What is the way to send large messages with Kafka? |
What is the main difference between Kafka and Flume? |
What are Kafka Topics? |
What is the real-world use case of Kafka, which makes different from other messaging framework? |
What square measure the most options of writer that build it appropriate for information integration and processing in real-time? |
What are the three main system tools within Apache Kafka? |
What is the maximum message size that can be handled and received by Apache Kafka? |
What are the key components of Kafka? |
What is the role of the ZooKeeper in Kafka? |
What are the key benefits of using storm for real time processing? |
What is Broker and how Kafka utilize broker for communication? |
What Is ZeroMQ? |
What is the replica? What does it do? |
What is the maximum size of a message that can be received by the Kafka? |
What is Streams API? |
What is Apache Kafka? |
What is Consumer Group? |
What is Partition? |
What are main APIs of Kafka? |
What is consumers or users? |
What can you do with Kafka? |
What is the purpose of retention period in Kafka cluster? |
What are the types of traditional method of message transfer? |
What does ISR stand in Kafka environment? |
What is Geo-Replication in Kafka? |
What is the role of Consumer API? |
What is the role of Connector API? |
What is Data Log? |
What are the types of System tools? |
What is Importance of Java in Apache Kafka? |
What are Guarantees provided by Kafka? |
What is Kafka? |
What are various components in Kafka? |
What are consumers or users in Kafka? |
What is the concept of leader and follower in Kafka? |
What are the main APIs of Kafka? |
What is the traditional method of message transfer? |
What Is The Benefits Of Apache Kafka Over The Traditional Technique? |
What are Broker Configuration Files? |
What is Log Compaction? |
What are the key Features of Kafka? |
What is a Topic? How Kafka use the topic to communicate from the producer to consumer? |
What is a Partition? |
What is a Partition offset? |
What is Dumb Broker/Smart Producer vs Smart Broker/Dumb Consumer? What model does Apache Kafka follow? |
What is meant by fault tolerance? |
What is an offset in Kafka? |
What are the different ways to commit an offset? |
What is meant by Kafka producer Acknowledgement? |
What are the different types of acknowledgment settings provided by Kafka? |
What is Kafka and what are other alternatives to Kafka? |
what are the different components of Kafka? |
What is ZooKeeper in Kafka? Can we use Kafka without ZooKeeper? |
What is an offset in Kafka? |
What is leader and follower in Kafka environment? |
What is replication critical in Kafka environment? |
What are the main advantages of using Kafka? |
What ensures load balancing in Kafka? |
What is Kafka cluster and what is the key benefits of creating Kafka cluster? |
What is a role of consumer in Kafka? |
What is the working principle of Kafka? |
What are the key advantages of using Kafka? |
What is meant by Consumer Lag? How can you monitor it? |
What is a producer in Kafka? |
What are the different types of Kafka producer APIs? |
What is Kafka Mirror Maker? |
What is the core API in Kafka? |
What is partition key in Kafka? |
What does series in Kafka? |
What is the difference between a shared message queue and traditional publisher-subscriber message queue? |
what is the consumer group in Kafka? |
What are the main features of Kafka that make it suitable for data integration and data processing in real-time? |
What is the poll loop in Kafka? |
What is offset. |
What is Leader and Follower. |
What is Log Anatomy |
What is Topic Replication Factor |
What is the role of the offset? |
What is a partitioning key? |
What is the critical difference between Flume and Kafka? |
What is a partition of a topic in Kafka Cluster? |
What do you mean by ISR in Kafka environment? |
What is Zookeeper in Kafka? |
What is a replica in the Kafka environment? |
What does follower and leader in Kafka mean? |
What are consumers in Kafka? |
What is a consumer group? |
What are replications dangerous in Kafka? |
What is the role of Kafka Producer API play? |
What advantages does Kafka have over Flume? |
What are the three broker configuration files? |
What are the traditional methods of message transfer? |
What is a broker in Kafka? |
What maximum message size can the Kafka server receive? |
What happens if the preferred replica is not in the ISR? |
What is meant by SerDes? |
What do you understand by multi-tenancy? |
What are the benefits of creating Kafka Cluster? |
What is the consumer lag? |
What do you know about Kafka Mirror Maker? |
What is fault tolerance? |
What is Kafka producer Acknowledgement? |
What is load balancing? |
What is a Smart producer/ dumb broker? |
What is meant by partition offset? |
What does it mean if a replica is not an In-Sync Replica for a long time? |
What are the traditional methods of message transfer? How is Kafka better from them? |
What are the major components of Kafka? |
What do you mean by a Partition in Kafka? |
What do you mean by zookeeper in Kafka and what are its uses? |
What do you understand about a consumer group in Kafka? |
What is the maximum size of a message that Kafka can receive? |
What are some of the features of Kafka? |
What are some of the disadvantages of Kafka? |
What are the use cases of Kafka monitoring? |
What do you mean by Kafka schema registry? |
What are the benefits of using clusters in Kafka? |
What is the purpose of partitions in Kafka? |
What is a Replication Tool in Kafka? Explain some of the replication tools available in Kafka. |
What are the parameters that you should look for while optimising kafka for optimal performance? |
What do you understand about Kafka MirrorMaker? |
What do you mean by confluent kafka? What are its advantages? |
What do you mean by multi-tenancy in Kafka? |
What do you understand about log compaction and quotas in Kafka? |
What are the guarantees that Kafka provides? |
What do you mean by an unbalanced cluster in Kafka? How can you balance it? |
What do you mean by graceful shutdown in Kafka? |
What do you mean by BufferExhaustedException and OutOfMemoryException in Kafka? |
What are Znodes in Kafka Zookeeper? How many types of Znodes are there? |
Name the various types of Kafka producer API. |
Name the configuration file to be used to set up ZooKeeper properties in Kafka. |
Name various components of Kafka. |
Explain the retention period in an Apache Kafka cluster. |
Explain the roles of leader and follower in Apache Kafka. |
Explain fault tolerance in Apache Kafka. |
Explain the scalability of Apache Kafka. |
Explain how topics can be added and removed. |
Explain how topic configurations can be modified in Apache Kafka. |
Explain message compression in Apache Kafka. |
Explain producer batch in Apache Kafka. |
Explain how Apache Kafka provides security. |
Explain the graceful shutdown in Kafka. |
Explain customer serialization and deserialization in Kafka. |
Explain Cages in ZooKeeper? |
Explain the CLI in ZooKeeper. |
Explain the term ?Log Anatomy?. |
Explain the role of Streams API? |
Explain the functionality of the Connector API in Kafka? |
Explain the role of the offset. |
Explain the role of the Kafka Producer API. |
Explain how you can reduce churn in ISR? When does broker leave the ISR? |
Explain the concept of Leader and Follower. |
Explain Apache Kafka Use Cases? |
Explain some Kafka Streams real-time Use Cases. |
Explain steps for Kafka installation? |
Explain the four core API architecture that Kafka uses. |
Explain the concept of Leader and Follower in Kafka. |
Why is Apache Kafka preferred over traditional messaging techniques? |
Why is the Kafka broker said to be ?dumb?? |
Why ArrayList is faster than Vector? |
Why Vector is deprecated in Java? |
Why use stack instead of vector? |
Why is Kafka preferred over traditional message transfer techniques? |
Why is Kafka technology significant to use? |
Why Should we use Apache Kafka Cluster? |
Why we need Kafka rather than other messaging services? |
Why is Kafka so popular? |
Why are the benefits of using Kafka? |
What do you mean by ISR in Kafka? |
Which is faster set or vector? |
Which components are used for stream flow of data? |
How are partitions distributed in an Apache Kafka cluster? |
How is load balancing maintained in Kafka? |
How long are messages retained in Apache Kafka? |
How can Kafka be tuned for optimal performance? |
How does one view a Kafka message? |
How can all brokers available in a cluster be listed? |
How can Apache Kafka be used with Python? |
How can you list the topics being used in Apache Kafka? |
How can load balancing be ensured in Apache Kafka when one Kafka fails? |
How can large messages be sent in Apache Kafka? |
How can Kafka retention time be changed at runtime? |
How can a cluster be expanded in Kafka? |
How does Kafka ensure minimal data modification when data passes from the producer to the broker to the consumer? |
How can you write data from Kafka to a database? |
How can we create Znodes? |
How can we remove Znodes? |
How does Kafka perform better than RabbitMQ? |
How do you get Kafka to perform in a FIFO manner? |
How is it possible for a Kafka producer to retain exactly one semantics? |
How to balance loads in Kafka when one server fails? |
How is Kafka used as a stream processing? |
How are Kafka Topic partitions distributed in a Kafka cluster? |
How is Kafka used as a storage system? |
How do you send messages to a Kafka topic using Kafka command line client? |
How are the messages consumed by a consumer in Kafka? |
How can you justify the writer architecture? |
How you can get exactly once messaging from Kafka during data production? |
How does Kafka provide fault tolerance? |
How does Kafka producer write data to a topic containing multiple partitions? |
How to Tune Kafka for Optimal Performance. |
How do you define a Partitioning Key? |
How does The process of Assigning partitions to broker Work? |
How to configure Kafka to ensure that events are stored reliably? |
How to rebalance the Kafka cluster? |
How to build a Spark streaming application that consumes data from Kafka? |
How Kafka communicate with clients and servers? |
How can you configure the Log Cleaner? |
How can you create Topic in Kafka? |
How is the Kafka messaging system different from other messaging framework? |
How producer works in the Kafka? |
How can Kafka producer maintain exactly once semantics? |
How Apache Kafka is different then rabbitMQ? |
How do we achieve FIFO behaviour in Kafka? |
How do we send large messages with Kafka? |
How Kafka fit in microservices architecture? |
How is multi-tenancy achieved in Kafka? |
How do we design consumer groups in Kafka for high throughput? |
How can you get precisely one messaging during data production? |
How do consumers consumes messages in Kafka? |
How is a Kafka Server started? |
How does Kafka work? |
How can the Kafka cluster be rebalanced? |
How does Kafka communicate with servers and clients? |
How is the log cleaner configured? |
How can the throughput of a remote consumer be improved? |
How can churn be reduced in ISR, and when does the broker leave it? |
How is Kafka tuned for optimal performance? |
How will you expand a cluster in Kafka? |
How will you change the retention time in Kafka at runtime? |
When does QueueFullException occur in the Producer API? |
When does Kafka throw a BufferExhaustedException? |
When do you call the cleanup method? |
When does the queue full exception emerge inside the manufacturer? |
When not to use Apache Kafka? |
Where is the meta-information about topics stored in the Kafka cluster? |
Where else is the ZooKeeper used? |
Where does the meta information about Topics stored in a Kafka Cluster? |
Where does Kafka maintain offset? |
Who is the producer in Kafka? |
Difference - Partition vs replica |
In a consumer group, what is the process of assigning a partition to a particular consumer? |
do you know how to improve the throughput of the remote consumer? |
Great work, Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you❤️