20 October 2020


What is a Container?
What does the docker info command do?
What is a Hypervisor?
What is a Docker Image and Docker Run Command?
What is the difference between Dockerfile and Docker Compose?
What is container orchestration and when should we use it?
What is a .dockerignore file?
What is the difference between daemon logging and container logging?
What are the possible ways of using insecure Docker image registries?
What do you know about the Docker system prune?
What is a Docker Namespace?
What are the two ways to download the docker images?
What is the best way to assign a database password to a container?
What is the memory-swap flag?
What is the difference between copy on write and regular copy with respect to docker image?
What are the various possible states of a Docker Container?
What is the difference between the commands ?docker run? and ?docker create??
What are Docker object labels?
What happens when you remove containers with volumes?
What is the difference between Docker bridge network and the traditional Linux bridge?
What are registries?
What is the importance of the Build Cache in Docker?
What is the difference between virtualization and containerization
What is a Container? What is it used for?
What are `dockerd, docker-containerd, docker-runc, docker-containerd-ctr, docker-containerd-shim` ?
What `podman commit` does?. When will you use it?
What happens to data of the container when a container exists?
What is Dockerfile?
What are Google?s Distroless images? What is the difference between it and Alpine distribution in terms of software?s bundled?
What is Docker Repository?
What best practices are you familiar related to working with containers?
What are containers?
What are Docker images?
What are Docker Namespaces?
What are docker-compose.yml files?
What are the advantages & disadvantages of Docker?
What are the basic actions performed on the docker container?
What are the basic built-in security features of Docker?
What are the basic instructions used in Dockerfile and how they differ from each other?
What are the Cloud platforms that support Docker?
What are the command to control Docker with System?
What are the command to control Docker with Systemd?
What are the commands that will create layers?
What are the common instruction in Dockerfile?
What are the common use cases of Docker?
What are the components of Docker Architecture?
What are the container platforms available other than docker?
What are the different kinds of namespaces available in a Container?
What are the important features of Docker?
What are the main benefits of using Docker?
What are the main drawbacks of Docker?
What are the main factors that dictate the number of containers you can run?
What are the main features of Docker-compose?
What are the main security concerns with Docker based containers?
What are the most common instructions in Dockerfile?
What are the networks that are available by default?
What are the networks used in Docker Swarm?
What are the objects created by Docker Cloud in Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2?
What are the popular tasks that you can do with Docker Command line tool?
What are the security benefits of using Container based system?
What are the steps for the Docker container life cycle?
What are the steps involved while using Docker for application development?
What are the three main steps of Docker Compose?
What are the various states that a Docker container can be in at any given point in time?
What can you do with Docker?
What changes are expected in your docker compose file while moving it to production?
What command should you run to see all running container in Docker?
What exactly do you mean by ?Dockerized node?? Can this node be on-premises or in the cloud?
What happens if you add more than one CMD instruction to a Dockerfile?
What is $*, $$ and $@?
What is ?NameSpaces? used for?
What is a Docker Container and its advantages?
What is an orphant volume and how to remove it?
What is aufs and how it related to layers in Docker?
What is Build cache in Docker?
What is client?
What is CNM?
What is developer workflow of docker?
What is Docker architecture?
What is docker cloud & how it is different from docker hub what is the features over docker hub ?
What is Docker context?
What is Docker Engine?
What is Docker Entrypoint?
What is Docker Hub? Feature ?
What is docker in AWS?
What is Docker Swarm?
What is Docker volume mounting? Types ?
What is Docker?
What is docker-compose?
What is Dockerfile and its use?
What is Kubernetes and Docker?
What is kubernetes?
What is meant by topology awareness? List few products that are topology aware for Rack, zone, region for a Docker based environment
What is memory-swap flag?
What is namespaces in kubernetes can you tell me some?
What is ONBUILD command in Docker?
What is Paravirtualization?
What is Pluggable Storage Driver architecture in Docker based containers?
What is shift in shell script?
What is the advantage of Docker over hypervisors?
What is the basic architecture behind Docker?
What is the best place to find decent examples of ?compose files??
What is the Command to list all the ports used by a container? How to list all the Mapped ports in a container? List at least two ways to do it
What is the command to run the image as a container?
What is the command you need to give to push the new image to Docker registry?
What is the default CPU limit set for a container?
What is the function of CI (Continuous Integration) server?
What is the key issue addressed by using docker run command with option ?devicewrite- bps
What is the Lifecycle of Docker container?
What is the method for creating a Docker container?
What is the need for DevOps?
What is the preferred way of removing containers ? ?docker rm -f? or ?docker stop? then followed by a ?docker rm??
What is the purpose of Docker_Host?
What is the purpose of EXPOSE command in Dockerfile?
What is the role of open source development in the popularity of Docker?
What is the single most important requirement for building a Docker container?
What is the swarm mode Public Key Infrastructure?
What is the use case for Docker?
What is trap?
What is Virtualization?
What platforms does docker run on?
What the states of Docker container?
What type of applications - Stateless or Stateful are more suitable for Docker Container?
What type of applications- Stateless or Stateful are more suitable for Docker Container?
What you will do if one master got corrupted, can we create multiple masters?
What you will do in case any pod deleted?
What are the most common instructions in Dockerfile?
What are the various states of the Docker container?
What is Docker object labels?
What is the docker inspect do?
What is the Docker container life cycle?
What is the command to create a docker swarm?
What is docker workflow?
What is configure networking in Docker?
What is CLI?s in Docker?
What is Docker security?
What are the benefit of ?Dockerizing??
Name some limitations of containers vs VM
Write a Docker file to create and copy a directory and built it using python modules?
Write the command to stop the Docker Container
Explain Docker Architecture.
Explain the Docker Registry.
Explain CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?
Explain the lifecycle of Docker Container.
Explain Podman or Docker architecture
Explain what is Docker compose and what is it used for
Explain Docker interlock
Explain image layers
Explain about docker-default profile and the steps to create a new profile with different set of permissions
Explain basic Docker usage workflow
Explain Docker object labels
Explain Docker Trusted Registry?
Explain how to keep the containers alive, even when the Docker Daemon is down
Explain how you can clone a Git repository via Jenkins?
Explain Implementation method of Continuous Integration(CI) and Continues Development (CD) in Docker?
Explain in detail about the Dockers file system? What is UFS? Also explain about the snapshotting FS and VFS and their use case scenarios
Explain Registries
Explain the process of scaling your Docker containers
Explain the purpose of the .dockerignore file.
Explain the usage of jFrog artifactory?
Why do we have to map ports in Docker to access web services?
Why did Docker jump from version 1.13 to 17.03?
Why do my services take 10 seconds to recreate or stop?
Why do we need containers? Give at least 3 reasons.
Why do we use Docker Machine?
Why do we use Docker on top of a virtual machine?
Why Docker compose does not wait for a container to be ready before moving on to start next service in dependency order?
Why Docker is chosen compared to other container platforms?
Why is Docker needed?
Why is Docker so popular?
Why is Docker the new craze in virtualization and cloud computing?
Why layers are important in Docker?
Why use Docker?
Why we using kops?
Why you are using kubectl can you explin why we are using ?
Why we need to go for Docker?
which version of Docker you are using?
How to launch GUI applications from container?
How can you parse the output of docker inspect to deduce conclusions?
How would you share data among DockerHost?
How do we create a new image from an existing image when we already know that a docker image is read-only?
How is Docker monitored in production?
How can you terminate a detached container?
How do Docker daemon and the Docker client communicate with each other?
How can you integrate docker containers into your network?
How can you stop the SIGKILL signal?
How is multi-host networking achieved in Docker?
How does load balancing across containers and hosts work?
How many containers you can run in docker and what are the factors influencing this limit?
How do I transfer a Docker image from one machine to another one without using a repository, no matter private or public?
How to copy Docker images between hosts? What are the different ways to do the same?
How are containers different from virtual machines (VMs)?
How do you run a container?
How would you transfer data from one container into another?
How do you remove old, non running, containers?
How do you manage persistent storage in Docker?
How can you connect from the inside of your container to the localhost of your host, where the container runs?
How do you copy files from Docker container to the host and vice versa?
How can Docker container share resources?
How can Docker run on different Linux distributions?
How can I print shell script name?
How can we check the status of a Container in Docker?
How can we control the startup order of services in Docker compose?
How can we control the tup order of services in Docker compose?
How can you monitor the docker in production environments?
How can you run multiple containers using a single service?
How containers works at low level?
How containers works at low level?
How do I download Docker?
How do I run multiple copies of a Compose file on the same host?
How to cleanup Docker image?
How do you create a docker container from an image?
How do you get the number of containers running, paused and stopped?
How do you list all the running containers?
How do you run multiple copies of Compose file on the same host?
How do you think Docker will change virtualization and cloud environments?
How does communication happen between Docker client and Docker Daemon?
How does Docker manage ?Dockerized nodes??
How does docker networking work? How does the app inside the docker communicate to the external world?
How does Docker play a role in Continuous Integration?
How does Docker run containers in non-Linux systems?
How does Docker run containers in non-Linux systems?
How does Docker simplify Software Development process?
How far do Docker containers scale?
How far do Docker containers scale? Are there any requirements for the same?
How have you used Docker in your previous position?
How is Docker better than other tools that use containers, then?
How is Docker different from a virtual machine?
How is Docker different from other container technologies?
How is Docker different from other containerization methods?
How is Docker different from standard virtualization using VMs?
How is Kubernetes related to Docker?
How many containers can run per host?
How many nodes we required to create kubernetes cluster?
How many projects you used kubernetes?
How much does Docker cost?
How to access background running scripts and their pid?
How to add another variable c, with key 10 to the above dictionary ?
How to assign a all the arguments to a single variable?
How to build a Dockerfile?
How to build docker file?
How to build envrionment-agnostic systems with Docker?
How to check for Docker Client and Docker Server version?
How to configure the default logging driver under Docker?
How you manage Docker images?
How to create, stop and delete a Docker container?
How to delete an image from the local storage system?
How to dictionary in python?
How to divide two variables in shell script?
How to get the IP address and gateway details of the container? List 5 ways to get it.
How to grep a string that is started with some string and ends with some string like a?..b ?
How to grep two strings at a time?
How to include code with copy/add or volumes?
How to know the file that is entering randomly to my script?
How to know the running back ground process id ?
How to link containers?
How to list containers that are using redis image?
How to list containers that have ports 80 and 443 published?
How to list containers with their commands?
How to list the containers that exit before last 30 minutes?
How to list the Docker layers of a Container?
How to list the non-running containers?
How to login into docker repository?
How to print only directories?
How to print shell name?
How to print string that starts with a?
How to print the current processid of current shell?
How to print the directory only started with number?
How to print the exact file name by using command ?
How to replace existing dictionary?
How to run our script in background?
How to run our script in foreground?
How to start Containers that will run as user with normal Privileges and not as Root user?
How to start, stop and kill a container?
How to start, stop and kill the container?
How to stop and restart the Docker container?
How to use Docker with multiple environments?
How to use Docker with multiple environments?
How to use JSON instead of YAML compose file?
How to view the logs for the last 1 hour, logs for a particular date, tail the log of a container continuously?
How to we login within docker repository?
How to work with docker build cache?
How to write a script when the first command is executed then execute the below script?
How virtualization works at low level?
How will you create a Container in Docker?
How will you customize Docker compose file for different environments?
How will you give access of your script to a particular user?
How will you monitor docker in production?
How will you monitor Docker in production?
How will you remove an image from Docker?
How will you take backup of Docker container volumes in AWS S3?
How to build environment-agnotic systems with Docker?
How to monitor the docker in production environments?
How to start containers automatically?
How to publish the image?
How to scale the app?
How to create a vm?s in Docker?
How to install Docker?
How you implement CI/CD using Docker?
How to start Docker daemon?
How to get Docker performance?
How to check container logs?
How to install logging driver plugin?
how to log tags for logging driver?
How to check the container status ?
How you execute multiple Docker commands?
How you create jenkins image using Docker?
How to develop new apps on Docker?
How to control Docker with systemd?
How to clean up Docker objects?
How do we share Docker containers with different nodes?
How to run multiple containers using single service?
How to push the new image to Docker registry?
When is .dockerignore file used?
When should I use Docker? When To Use Docker?
When would you use ?docker kill? or ?docker rm -f??
When you limit the memory for a container, does it reserve (guarantee) the memory?
When you will use Docker swarm?
Where can you store Docker images?
Where does the docker daemon store the Docker images?
Where all do you think Docker is being used?
Where layers can be physically located?
Where the docker volumes are stored?
Difference - Docker vs Hypervisor
Difference - ADD and COPY in Dockerfile?
Difference - Docker Hub and Docker cloud?
Difference -?docker run? and the ?docker create??
Difference - ?expose? and ?publish? in Docker?
Difference - Docker and Openshift?
Difference - Docker commands: up, run and start?
Difference - docker ps and docker ps -a commands?
Difference - kubctl & kops?
Difference - kubectl and minikube?
Difference - CMD and RUN
Difference - Add and Copy command
Difference - Docker cloud vs docker swarm
Difference - Docker RUN vs CMD vs ENTRYPOINT
Difference : copy vs add
Difference : Docker compose vs Docker file
Difference : Docker image vs Container
Difference : Docker image vs Docker layer
Difference : Docker run vs Docker create
Difference : expose vs publish
Difference : repository vs registry
Difference - rc and rs?
Difference - Virtualization and Containerization?
Difference - cgroups and namespaces
Difference - virtual machines and containers?
Difference - up, run, and start?
In which scenarios would you use containers and in which you would prefer to use VMs?
Will cloud automation overtake containerization any sooner?
Will cloud overtake the use of Containerization?
Will you loose your data when the docker exist?
Will you lose all of your work if you accidentally exit a container?
Will you lose your data, when a docker container exists?
Do you perform any checks or testing related to your Dockerfile?
Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?
Do I lose my data when the Docker container exits?
Do we need Docker?
Do you know why docker system prune is used? What does it do?
Do you think Docker is Application-centric or Machine-centric?
Do you think open source development has heavily influenced cloud technology development?
Do you know how to use json instead of yaml compose file?
Also set the stop_signal to a proper signal which the application will understand and also know how to handle it
Are you aware of load balancing across containers and hosts?
Can you tell the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT?
Can a container restart by itself?
Can you lose data when the container exits?
Can you remove a paused container from Docker?
Can we use JSON in place of YAML for composing files in Docker?
Can container restart itself?
Can I use JSON instead of YAML for my compose file in Docker?
Can json be used instead of yaml for compose file?
Can we lose our data when a Docker Container exits?
Can we run more than one process in a Docker container?
Can we run multiple apps on one server with Docker?
Can we write compose file in json file instead of yaml?
Can you build or use dockefile where you don't have internet access?
Can you compare Chef with Docker?
Can you create containers wihout their own PID namespace?
Can you give us a quick rundown of what we should expect from your Docker presentation at OSCON this year?
Can you remove (?docker rm?) a container that is paused?
Can you remove paused container from the docker?
Can you run Docker containers natively on Windows?
Can you run Docker containers natively on Windows?
Can you tell me some commands using in kubernetes ?
Can you tell me the command for creating kubernetes cluster in vm?
Can you tell me the syntax for for loop and while loop?
Can you use a container, edit it, and update it? Also, how do you make it a new and store it on the local system?
Can you use any other files for composing instead of the default YAML?
Can you write an application (HTML or python or whatever) and containerize it?
Could you explain what is Emulation?
Describe the basic Docker usage workflow.
Describe the process of scaling Docker containers.
Describe in detail what happens when you run `podman/docker run hello-world`?
Describe in detail what happens when you run `docker pull image:tag`?
Describe the process of using Docker Compose
Did Docker come up with the ?container? technology?
Did you worked on arrays?
Docker Compose vs. Dockerfile - which is better?
Docker is the new craze in virtualization and cloud computing and Why are people so excited about it?
Does Docker offer support for IPV6?
Have you used Kubernetes? If you have, which one would you prefer amongst Docker and Kubernetes?
If any container down in my cluster how you will rectify?
If installed kubernetes how you will deploy this containers into kubernetes cluster?
If you vaguely remember the command and you?d like to confirm it, how will you get help on that particular command?
If you wish to use a base image and make modifications or personalize it, how do you do that?
Is it possible to run multiple copies of a Compose file on the same host? How?
Is it possible to run multiple process inside a single Docker container?
Is Container technology new?
Is Docker a Microservice?
Is Docker a VM?
Is it a good practice to run Docker compose in production?
Is it a good practice to run stateful applications on Docker?
Is it better to directly remove the container using the rm command or stop the container followed by remove container?
Is it good practice run Statefull application in docker?
Is it good practice to run stateful applications on Docker? What are the scenarios where Docker best fits in?
Is it good practice to run stateful applications on Docker? What are the scenarios where Docker best fits in?
Is it possible to generate a Dockerfile from an image?
Is Kubernetes better than Docker?
Is Kubernetes free?
Is there a possibility that a container can restart all by itself in Docker?
Is there a possibility to include specific code with COPY/ADD or a volume?
Is there a way to identify the status of a Docker container?
Is there a way to identify the status of a Docker container?
Like using volumes what are the other ways to handle persistent data in containers?
List the most commonly used instructions in Dockerfile.
List out some important advanced docker commands
List the most used commands of Docker
Mention some commonly used Docker Commands?
N number of docker containers deployed to different vms how will you manage there is no kubernetes installed?
On what platforms does Docker run?
Once you?ve worked with an image, how do you push it to docker hub?
Should I use Docker for development?
Should I use Vagrant or Docker for creating an isolated environment?
Suppose you have 3 containers running and out of these, you wish to access one of them. How do you access a running container?
Tell me the command to create cluster?
Tell us how you have used Docker in your past position?
Tell us something about Docker Compose
  • Docker - Docker commands, LifeCycle
  • Docker Container
  • Docker data centre
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Image
  • Docker File
  • Docker Swarm
  • Docker Engine
  • Docker Hub
  • Docker Trusted Registry
  • Docker Namespaces
  • Docker interlock
  • Docker Host
  • Docker Daemon
  • Docker Client
  • Docker Logging
  • Docker server version
  • Registries - Public, Private
  • Memory-swap flag
  • Virtualization
  • Hypervisor
  • CNM - Container Networking Model
  • Build Cache
  • Paravirtualization
  • Overlay networking

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