03 November 2020


Define Collection?
Define oplog(operational log)?
Define BSON?
Define MongoDB.
Define Namespace in MongoDB.
Define the primary Replica set.
Define the secondary Replica sets.
Define the application-level Encryption.
Define Horizontal Scaling.
Define MongoDB Projection.
Define Auditing.
Define the Aggregation pipeline.
Define MapReduce.
What are some of the advantages of MongoDB?
What is a Document in MongoDB?
What are Databases in MongoDB?
What is the Mongo Shell?
What are some features of MongoDB?
What are the data types in MongoDB?
What are Geospatial Indexes in MongoDB?
What do you mean by Transactions?
What are MongoDB Charts?
What is the Aggregation Framework in MongoDB?
What are some utilities for backup and restore in MongoDB?
What are the features of MongoDB?
What type of NoSQL database MongoDB is?
What is a replica set?
What is the importance of GridFS and Journaling?
What is the purpose of the save() method?
What is the purpose of the DB command?
What are the restrictions of the MongoDB 32-bit versions?
What is the syntax of the limit() and sort() method?
What do you know about NoSQL databases? What are the various types of NoSQL databases?
What are the points we should consider while creating a schema in MongoDB?
What does ObjectId contain?
What are the elements of the Sharded Cluster?
What are the substitutes for MongoDB?
What is a Storage Engine?
What are the storage engines used by MongoDB?
What are the aggregate functions of MongoDB?
What are the CRUD operations of MongoDB?
What are the datatypes of MongoDB?
What happens when the Shard is slow or down while querying?
What is a primary key in MongoDB?
What is a replica set in MongoDB?
What are the data types supported by MongoDB?
What is the role of `_id` in MongoDB documents?
What is a cursor in MongoDB, and when is it used?
What is the role of collections in MongoDB?
What are the main features of MongoDB?
What is the purpose of using MongoDB over other databases?
What is the role of a sharding key in MongoDB?
What are the different types of indexes in MongoDB?
What is journaling in MongoDB?
What are the different types of sharding strategies in MongoDB?
What is the role of the WiredTiger storage engine in MongoDB?
What is the difference between embedded documents and references in MongoDB?
What are capped collections in MongoDB?
What are the common pitfalls in MongoDB data modeling?
What are the best practices for index creation in MongoDB?
What is the role of Oplog in MongoDB replication?
What are the strategies for handling data consistency in distributed MongoDB deployments?
What are the best practices for disaster recovery in MongoDB?
What are the considerations for choosing shard keys in a highly distributed environment?
What are the best practices for securing a MongoDB cluster in a public cloud environment?
What are the trade-offs between different replication strategies in MongoDB?
What are the advanced techniques for monitoring MongoDB clusters?
What are the challenges and solutions for backup and restoration in large MongoDB deployments?
What are the future trends and expected developments in MongoDB?
What makes MongoDB the best?
What are the key features of MongoDB?
What is CRUD?
What is Sharding?
What is Aggregation in MongoDB?
What is the use of an Index in MongoDB?
What is the use of GridFS in MongoDB?
What is the use of Journaling in MongoDB?
What is the use of Profiler?
What type of data is stored by MongoDB?
What is the purpose of Replication?
What are Embedded documents?
What is Storage Encryption?
What is Replica set oplog?
What is Vertical Scaling?
What are the components of the Sharded cluster?
What is the use of the pretty() method?
What is the use of the limit() method?
What is the syntax of the limit() method?
What is the syntax of the sort() method?
What is a Collection in MongoDB?
What is the use of the db command?
What is the syntax of the skip() method?
What is the use of the dot notation in MongoDB?
What is Splitting in MongoDB?
What is the use of the save() method?
What is the use of MongoDB?
What kind of a database is MongoDB?
What are the limitations of the 32-bit versions of MongoDB?
What do you understand by NoSQL databases? Is MongoDB a NoSQL database? explain.
What are the different types of NoSQL databases? Give some example.
What type of DBMS is MongoDB?
What is the difference between MongoDB and MySQL?
What are Indexes in MongoDB?
What is a Namespace in MongoDB?
What language you can use with MongoDB?
What is the method to configure the cache size in MongoDB?
What will have to do if a shard is down or slow and you do a query?
What is the importance of covered query?
What is replica set in MongoDB?
What is primary and secondary replica set in MongoDB?
What is CRUD in MongoDB?
What will happen when you remove a document from database in MongoDB? Does MongoDB remove it from disk?
What is a storage engine in MongoDB?
What is the usage of profiler in MongoDB?
What is the difference between MongoDB and Redis database?
What is the difference between MongoDB and CouchDB?
What is the difference between MongoDB and Cassandra?
What is MongoDB?
What are the advantages of MongoDB?
What are the different types of NoSQL databases?
What are MongoDB documents and collections?
What syntax is used to create and drop a collection in MongoDB?
What is a Relational Database Management System?
What are the guidelines for designing a good database schema in MongoDB?
What are the various kinds of Indexes in MongoDB?
What happens if an index is too large to fit into the RAM?
What is the covered query in MongoDB?
What is the minimum number of nodes a replica set requires?
What is the maximum number of nodes a replica sets?
What is the maximum document size in MongoDB?
What is sharding in MongoDB?
What is Shard Key in MongoDB?
What are the advantages of sharding?
What is the GridFS in MongoDB?
What are the different Storage Engines used by MongoDB?
What are some utilities for backup and restoring in MongoDB?
What are transactions in MongoDB?
What is the importance of Profiler in MongoDB?
What is the use of the capped collection in MongoDB?
What are alternatives to MongoDB?
Explain the term ?Indexing? in MongoDB.
Explain the process of Sharding.
Explain the SET Modifier in MongoDB?
Explain the concept of pipeline in the MongoDB aggregation framework.
Explain the Replication Architecture in MongoDB.
Explain Namespace?
Explain Indexes in MongoDB?
Explain the significance of the covered query?
Explain the primary and secondary replica set?
Explain Storage Encryption?
Explain Primary and Secondary Replica Sets?
Explain Sharding and Aggregation in MongoDB?
Explain Aggregation Pipeline?
Explain MapReduce?
Explain Splitting?
Explain MongoDB Projection
Explain Vertical Scaling and Horizontal Scaling?
Explain how to start the MongoDB Instance or Server?
Explain Composing elements or Structure of ObjectID in MongoDB?
Explain the situation when an index does not fit into RAM.
Explain the replica set.
Explain Replication.
Explain the structure of ObjectID in MongoDB.
Explain the covered query in MongoDB.
Explain Namespace in MongoDB.
Explain different data models in MongoDB.
Explain Aggregation in MongoDB.
Explain the importance of the dot notation.
Explain indexes and how to create an index in MongoDB.
Explain data replication and replica sets in MongoDB
Explain Journaling in MongoDB.
Explain Capped Collection.
Why MongoDB is the best NoSQL database?
Why do we use the pretty() method?
Why is MongoDB not chosen for a 32-bit system?
Why MongoDB is known as best NoSQL database?
Why does Profiler use in MongoDB?
Why 32 bit version of MongoDB are not preferred ?
Why are MongoDB data files large in size?
Why is MongoDB not used with a 32-bit system?
Which languages can we use with MongoDB?
Which command do we use for creating the backup of the database?
Which command do we use for restoring the backup?
Which command do we use for dropping a database?
Which syntax is used to create a Collection in MongoDB?
Which syntax is used to drop a Collection in MongoDB?
Which command is used for inserting a document in MongoDB?
Which command is used to see a connection?
Which method is used to create an index?
Which command is used to create a database?
Which command is used to drop a database?
Which method is used to remove a document from a collection?
Which command is used to create a backup of the database?
Which method is used to update documents into a collection?
Which command is used to restore the backup?
Which language is used to write for MongoDB?
Which language is MongoDB written in?
Which are the different languages supported by MongoDB?
Which are the storage engines used by MongoDB?
How does Scale-Out occur in MongoDB?
How to add data in MongoDB?
How do you Update a Document?
How do you Delete a Document?
How to perform queries in MongoDB?
How is Querying done in MongoDB?
How to do locking or transactions in MongoDB?
How to do Journaling in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB provides concurrency?
How do we perform sorting and Explain Project in MongoDB?
How can MongoDB simulate subquery or join?
How do we create a database in MongoDB?
How do we delete everything from the MongoDB database?
How do we remove a document from the collection?
How do we use the select * group by MongoDB aggregation?
How can we old files in the moveChunk directory?
How do we perform the Join operations in MongoDB?
How do we control the MongoDB Performance?
How do we use a primary key in MongoDB?
How do we see the connections utilized by MongoDB?
How do applications access the real-time data modifications in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB store the data?
How do we find array elements with multiple criteria?
How can we sort the user-defined function? For example, x and y are integers, and how do we calculate ?x-y??
How do we retrieve MongoDB databases in Javascript Array?
How do we update the object in the Nested Array?
How do we retrieve a particular embedded document in a MongoDB collection?
How do we query a nested Join?
How does MongoDB differ from traditional relational databases?
How do you create a database in MongoDB?
How do you insert data into a MongoDB collection?
How do you update documents in MongoDB?
How do you delete data from a MongoDB collection?
How is data consistency maintained in MongoDB?
How do you perform a query in MongoDB?
How do you backup a MongoDB database?
How does MongoDB ensure high availability?
How does MongoDB handle transactions?
How do you monitor the performance of a MongoDB database?
How does MongoDB handle replication and failover?
How do you scale a MongoDB database?
How do you implement security in MongoDB?
How do you optimize query performance in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB handle schema migrations?
How do you manage sessions in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB integrate with other data analysis tools?
How do you design a sharded MongoDB architecture for a large-scale application?
How do you handle data migration in a live MongoDB environment?
How do you perform advanced data aggregation operations in MongoDB?
How do you troubleshoot performance issues in a sharded MongoDB cluster?
How does MongoDB handle network partitioning and split-brain scenarios?
How do you automate MongoDB deployments in a DevOps environment?
How do you optimize MongoDB for IoT applications with high ingestion rates?
How do you manage large-scale data migrations in MongoDB?
How do you ensure data integrity in a MongoDB transaction?
How do you handle schema evolution in MongoDB for agile development practices?
How does MongoDB interact with microservices architectures?
How to do transactions/locking in MongoDB?
How can we move an old file into the moveChunk directory?
How does MongoDB provide consistency?
How does Journaling work in MongoDB?
How can you isolate the cursors from intervening with the write operations?
How to do Transaction/locking in MongoDB?
How to configure the cache size for WiredTiger in MongoDB?
How do you perform Insertion or Creation operations in MongoDB?
How do you perform update operations in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB store data?
How do you create an index in MongoDB?
How frequently does MongoDB write updates to the disk?
How do we configure the cache size in MongoDB?
How does MongoDB provide concurrency?
When to use MongoDB?
When should we normalize the data in MongoDB?
When a ?moveChunk? fails, is it required to clean up partly moved docs?
When and to what extent does data get extended to multi-slice?
When do we use a namespace in MongoDB?
In which format does MongoDB store data?
In which language MongoDB is written?
In which format MongoDB represents document structure?
Do the MongoDB databases have schema?
Are there any MongoDB operations that can lock more than one database?
By default, which index is created by MongoDB for every collection?
By default, which replica sets are used to write data?
Can we run more than one Javascript Operation in one MongoDB instan
Can you explain what a document in MongoDB is?
Can you explain the concept of sharding in MongoDB?
Can you explain the concept of data modeling in MongoDB?
Can you explain the concept of aggregation in MongoDB?
Can you explain replica set elections in MongoDB?
Can you explain the aggregation pipeline in MongoDB?
Can you explain the read and write concerns in MongoDB?
Can you explain how MongoDB handles large data sets?
Can you explain the concept of GridFS in MongoDB?
Can you explain the complexities involved in MongoDB data sharding?
Can you explain the internals of the WiredTiger storage engine?
Can you explain the process of tuning Read and Write operations in high-load environments?
Can you discuss the challenges of integrating MongoDB with big data technologies?
Can you explain the role of consensus algorithms in MongoDB cluster management?
Can you discuss the impact of network latency on MongoDB?s performance and scalability?
Can you achieve primary key - foreign key relationships in MongoDB?
Can journaling features be used to perform safe hot backups?
Can we perform the SQL JOIN equivalent in MongoDB?
Compare MongoDB with Cassandra.
Compare MongoDB with Couchbase and CouchbaseDB.
Differences between MongoDB and RDBMS
Differentiate MongoDB and MySQL?
Differentiate MongoDB and Cassandra?
Differentiate MongoDB and CouchDB?
Does MongoDB require plenty of RAM?
Does MongoDB support ACID Transaction? Define ACID Transaction?
Does MongoDB support primary-key, foreign-key relationship?
Does MongoDB need a lot of RAM?
Does MongoDB need a lot space of Random Access Memory (RAM)?
Does MongoDB database have tables for storing records?
Does MongoDB support primary-key, foreign-key relationships?
Does MongoDB push the writes to disk immediately or lazily?
If you remove an object attribute, is it deleted from the database?
Is it required to invoke ?get last error? for making a write durable?
Is MongoDB better than other SQL databases? If yes then how?
Is it true that MongoDB uses BSON to represent document structure?
Is it possible to remove old files in the moveChunk directory?
Is it possible to configure the cache size for MMAPv1 in MongoDB?
Is there any need to create database command in MongoDB?
Is there any need to create a database manually in MongoDB?
List some of the data types supported by MongoDB.
List some of the aggregate stages of MongoDB.
Upto Which extent does the data expand to multi-slice?
While creating a schema in MongoDB, what are the points need to be taken into consideration?
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Non-relational or distributed database system.
These databases have fixed or static or predefined schema They have dynamic schema
These databases are best suited for complex queries These databases are not so good for complex queries
Vertically Scalable Horizontally scalable
Follows ACID property Follows BASE property
  • MongoDB is an open source.
  • Document-Oriented storege.
  • Full Index Support.
  • Replication & High Availability.
  • There are no complex joins in MongoDB.
  • Auto-Sharding
  • Aggregation
  • Instead of storing your data in tables and rows as you would with a relational database, in MongoDB you store JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas.
  • It does not need any pre-defined data schema
  • Every document could have different data!
  • MongoDB can run over multiple servers. The data is duplicated to keep the system up and also keep its running condition in case of hardware failure.
  • Supports map reduce and aggregation tools.
  • Uses JavaScript instead of Procedures.
  • It is a schema-less database written in C++.
RDBMS vs MongoDB
    RDBMS MongoDB
    Database Database
    Table Collection
    Row Document (JSON, BSON)
    Column Field
    Index Index
    Join Embedded Document
    Partition Shard
  • MongoDB supports Master Slave replication.
  • A master can perform Reads and Writes and a Slave copies data from the master and can only be used for reads or back up (not writes)
  • Capped
  • AutoIndexID
  • Size
  • Max

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