30 June 2021





What is Connection Pooling in ADO.NET?
What is the differences Between DataReader and DataSet?
What is SqlCommand Object?
What is the difference between ADO and ADO.NET?
What is the DataAdapter Object in ADO.NET?
What is DataTable in ADO.NET?
What is the DataReader in ADO.Net?
What is the SqlCommandBuilder?
What is the Connection object in ADO.NET?
What is ExecuteScalar method in ADO.NET?
What is the difference between DataSet and DataReader?
What is DataAdapter and its property?
What is clone() method of DataSet?
What is the Copy() method of DataSet?
What is the HasChanges() method of DataSet?
What is the preferred method for executing SQL commands that contain parameters?
What is Transactions and Concurrency in ADO.NET?
What is the ADO.NET Data provider?
What is disconnected data?
What is GetChanges() method in ADO.NET?
What is BindingSource class in ADO.NET?
What are the ADO.NET components?
What are the methods of DataSet?
What are Parameters in ADO.NET?
What are the important classes in ADO.NET?
What are the two fundamental objects in ADO.NET?
What are the Connection object properties and Connection class members?
What are the advantages of ADO.NET?
What do you understand by DataRelation class?
What do you understand by SqlTransaction class in ADO.NET?
Explain about Data Access Object or DAO?
Explain the properties and methods of Command Object.
Explain the ExecuteScalar method in ADO.NET?
Explain the OleDbDataAdapter Command Properties with Examples?
Explain the clear() method of DataSet?
Explain the DataTable and Relationship between the DataTable, the DataRow, and the DataColumn.
Describe the System.Data Namespace Class?
Describe the DataView in ADO.NET?
Explain the ExecuteXmlReader?
How can you define the DataSet structure?
How can create a SqlConnection?
How can we Create and Manage Connections In ADO.NET?
How can you access the data from DataReader?
Hpw DataSet objects in ADO.NET replace the ADO Recordset object?
Use of DataSet object in ADO.NET?
What is ADO.NET?
What method in the oleDbDataAdapter class populates a dataset with records?
What you understand by ExecuteNonQuery Method?
Which namespaces are used for data access?


What is a web application?
What is a web application framework, and what are its benefits?
What are some benefits of ASP.NET Core over the classic ASP.NET?
What is a web server?
What is the MVC pattern?
What is the purpose of the .csproj file?
What is NuGet package manager?
What is the purpose of the Program class?
What is the purpose of the Startup class?
What is the purpose of the wwwroot folder?
What is the purpose of the appsettings.json file?
What is IIS?
What is Kestrel?
What is the difference between IIS and Kestrel? Why do we need two web servers?
What is caching?
What is model binding in ASP.NET?
What is an Action Method?
What are the different types that implement the IActionResult interface?
What is dependency injection?
What is a cookie?
What is routing, and how can you define routes in ASP.NET Core?
What is a RESTful Web Service or a Web API?
What is Entity Framework?
Explain how HTTP protocol works?
Explain the role of the various components of the MVC pattern?
Explain how dependency injection works in ASP.NET Core?
Explain the concept of middleware in ASP.NET Core?
Explain how conventional routing works?
Explain how attribute-based routing works?
When do you choose classic ASP.NET over ASP.NET Core?
What’s the HTTPContext object? How can you access it within a Controller?


What is the difference between VB and VB.Net?
What is the difference between C# and VB.Net?
What is an assembly and its use?
What is strong name in .NET assembly?
What is the difference between Namespace and Assembly?
What is INTERNAL keyword in .Net Framework?
What is the use of New Keyword?
What is ReDim keyword and its use?
What is jagged array in VB.Net?
What is Garbage Collection?
What is the use of Option explicit?
What is the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder classes?
What is the difference between int and int32?
What is the difference between Dataset and Datareader?
What is the difference between value and reference types?
What is TRACE in VB.Net?
What is Authentication and Authorization?
What is Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
What is Managed code?
What is serialization in .Net?
What is the difference between Convert.tostring and i.tostring method?
What is the difference between thread and process?
What is strong typing and weak typing?
What is the class that allows an element to be accessed using Unique key?
What is Code Security?
What is deep copy?
What are the different types of assembly?
What are Option Strict and Option Explicit?
What are all the differences between Dispose and Finalize()?
What are the types of generations in garbage collector?
What are nested classes?
What are the types of Authentication?
What are the two main parts of .NET?
How can we store decimal data in .NET?
How many languages are supported by .Net?
How many .NET languages can a single .NET DLL contain?
How many classes a DLL can contain?
What is CLR?
What is CLS?
What is CTS?
What is Delegate?
What is Enumerator?
What is Globalization?
What is hashtable?
What is JIT?
What is Manifest?
What is Metadata?
What is namespace?
Which DLL Is used for Microsoft .NET run time?
Which namespace are used for accessing the data?

29 June 2021


What are the key components of OpenStack?
What storage types are allowed by OpenStack Compute?
What is Flat DHCP Network Manager?
What is VLAN?
What is Token?
What is AvalabilityZoneFilter?
What is CapacityFilter?
What is DifferentBackendFilter?
What is DriverFilter?
What is InstanceLocalityFilter?
What is JSONFIlter?
What is RetryFilterv
What is Horizon?
What is Nova?
What is Swift?
What is Cinder?
What is Neutron?
What is Keystone?
What is Glance?
What is Ceilometer?
What is Heat?
What is Object storage?
What is Block storage?
What is Shared File System storage?
What does “role” and “tenant” indicates in OpenStack?
What is KVM
What is VMware
What is Containers
What is Xen and HyperV
What are the two types of storage does OpenStack Compute provides?
What is Ephemeral Storage
What is Volume Storage
What are the basic functions of Identity Service in OpenStack?
What is User Management?
What is Service Catalog?
What are the main components of identity user management?
What is Tenants?
What is the meaning of term “Cinder” in OpenStack service?
What is the command used for pause and unpause an instance?
What is the meaning of term “flavor” in OpenStack?
What do you understand by the term Openstack?
What is the difference between OpenStack and AWS?
What are the advantages of using Openstack?
What are the key features of Openstack?
What are the three types of persistent storage provided by Openstack?
What does the term “object storage” mean?
What does the term “block storage” mean?
What does the term “file-based storage” mean?
What is the difference between ephemeral storage, block storage, object storage, and file-based storage?
What does the term “Sheepdog” mean?
What does the term “ZFS” mean?
What are the advantages of Ceph?
What is the keystone identity service in Openstack?
What is Hypervisor?
What are the commands used for pausing and unpausing an instance?
What do you understand by Python SDK in Openstack?
What is the role of the API server?
What does token mean in Openstack?
What does a flat network manager mean?
What is the function of the cinder scheduler?
What does a bare-metal node consist of?
What is a bare-metal node orchestrator?
What is a bare-metal node operating system?
What do cells mean in Openstack?
What is OpenStack
What are the services generally run on a Compute Node?
What is the default location of VMs on the Compute Nodes?
What is the default location of glance images?
What is ‘users,’ ‘role’ and ‘tenant’ in OpenStack.
What is Identity Service in OpenStack.
What is the Networking Managers?
What is Hypervisor
What is the role of API Server.
What is Flavor
What is the following terms from Openstack:
What is the term “flavor” in Openstack.
What is OpenStack.
What is the function of Filter Scheduler.
What are the three components that make modular architecture of OpenStack?
What are the networking options used in OpenStack?
What is the command to remove network interface from bare-metal node?
What is Network Manager in OpenStack?
What is Network hardware in OpenStack
What is Storage of OpenStack?
What are the benefits of using OpenStack Cloud.
What is modular architecture of OpenStack.
What hypervisor is and what type of hypervisor does OpenStack supports?
What is Cells in OpenStack?
What is Token in OpenStack?
What is OpenStack Python SDK?
What is the function of Cinder Scheduler?
What are the benefits of OpenStack
What are the components availbale in OpenStack?
What is Keypair Generation?
Name a few commodity storage technologies
Name a few storage locations for virtual machine images in Openstack.
Name a few networking hardware in Openstack.
Name a few commands to generate key pairs.
Name a few components of the OpenStack to compute.
Name a few hypervisors supported by the Openstack.
Name the three important modular architecture of Openstack.
Name the command used for assigning a project or tenant to a user.
Name the command used for creating a user in Openstack.
Name the command used for removing network interface from the bare-metal node.
Name the command used for transferring the volume from one owner to another in Openstack.
Name the main components of identity user management.
Name the basic functions of identity service in Openstack.
Which command is used for managing floating IP addresses in Openstack?
How you can transfer volume from one owner to another in OpenStack?
How to create a user in OpenStack?
How to assign a project/tenant to a user?
How many types of storages are provided by the Openstack?
How can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in Openstack?
How to list the network namespace of a tenant in OpenStack?
How to execute command inside network namespace in OpenStack?
How to upload and download a cloud image in Glance from the command line?
How to reset error state of a VM into active in OpenStack env?
How to get a list of available Floating IPs from the command line?
How to provision a virtual machine in a specific availability zone and compute Host?
Assign tenant/project?
Can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in the OpenStack environment?
Compare AWS and OpenStack?
Create a user for OpenStack?
List the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack
List down the type of Hypervisors supported by OpenStack.
List down the components of OpenStack Compute
List the commands to generate Key pairs.
List out the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack?
List of VM images in OpenStack
Openstack key components?
Tell me the command on how to spin a VM from Command Line?


  • ZUN - Containers Service
  • QINLING- Functions Service

Hardware Lifecycle

  • IRONIC - Bare Metal Provisioning Service
  • CYBORG - Lifecycle management of accelerators


  • SWIFT - Object store
  • CINDER - Block Storage
  • MANILA - Shared filesystems


  • NEUTRON - Networking
  • OCTAVIA - Load balancer
  • DESIGNATE - DNS service

Shared Services

  • PLACEMENT - Placement service
  • GLANCE- Image service
  • BARBICAN - Key management
  • KARBOR - Application Data Protection as a Service
  • SEARCHLIGHT - Indexing and Search


  • HEAT - Orchestration
  • SENLIN - Clustering service
  • MISTRAL - Workflow service
  • ZAQAR - Messaging Service
  • BLAZAR  -Resource reservation service
  • AODH -Alarming Service

Workload Provisioning

  • MAGNUM - Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning
  • SAHARA - Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning
  • TROVE - Database as a Service

Application Lifecycle

  • MASAKARI - Instances High Availability Service
  • MURANO - Application Catalog
  • SOLUM - Software Development Lifecycle Automation
  • FREEZER- Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery

API Proxies

  • EC2API - EC2 API proxy

Web Frontend

#Production server

Production server
What are the application that running on the linux production server?
What is the preference in the mx record ?
What is the meaning of 10,20 prefernce in mx record ?
What is the TTL in DNS ?
What are the standard data types in Python ?
What is the $? In bash ?
What is the difference between BREAK and CONTINUE in bash scripting ?
What is the umask value ?
What is the SNMP ?(port no, how it works)
What are the options in the tar report ?
What are the commands used to start the Jenkins manually?
What are the ways most widely use to secure VM?
What are the default source code management it self supported by Jenkins?
Explain how can you create backup and copy files in Jenkins?
How do you find shared library dependency?
How will you check what are the process or application, files or folders interacting with opened?
How to list the open files?
How to view the ports that are listening ?
How to view the what are the ACL’s are configured in IP table?
How to list the ACL’s ?
How can you check kernel related errors in linux ?
How many nodes managed by agent node in puppet?
In the network level what command you use port 80 connecting or not ?
In linux there is command to do backup capture ?
In a linux server how will you check Routing table?
Will you able to write playbook?
Do you have experience in managing production server ?
Do you support application or os or both?
Do you know Route 53?
Do you have any experience on DNS?
Do you know what is the DNS record responsible receive email?
Do you have any experience in managing email server ?
Do you know about shared library?
Do you know how to do backup capture?
Have you written any 1 or 2 playbooks by your own because I am asking existing playbooks modified or have you written any playbooks?
I want to install apache plenty servers in the inventory but want to run the playbook on the specific server?
If it is Apache I want you write script in order to restart the Apache, what is the module that you are using in ansible?
If the apache server is running slow what type of trouble shooting you can ?
Mention some of the useful plugins in Jenkins?
You are in normal linux machine apache server is removed, how will you check whether the apache server is connecting port 80 or not ?


What is Virtualization
What is a hypervisor?
What types of hypervisors are there?
What are the advantages and disadvantges of bare-metal hypervisor over a hosted hypervisor?
What types of virtualization are there?
What is "time sharing"?
What is "space sharing"?
Is containerization is a type of Virtualization?

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What are post mortem meetings?
What are some technical and business benefits of DevOps work culture?
What do you know about DevOps?
What do you understand by containers?
What do you understand by Puppet in DevOps?
What does CAMS in DevOps stand for?
What is configuration management in terms of infrastructure and mention a few popular tools used?
What is continuous testing and its benefits?
What is Git bisect? How can you use it to determine the source of a (regression) bug?
What is Jenkinsfile?
What is the most important thing DevOps helps us achieve?
What is the need for DevOps?
What is the role of AWS in DevOps?
What is the role of configuration management in DevOps?
What is Version control?
What is DevOps?
What are the benefits of DevOps? What can it help us to achieve?
What are the anti-patterns of DevOps?
What are you taking into consideration when choosing a tool/technology?
What is CI/CD
What is Provisioning infrastructure
What is Configuration Management
What is Monitoring & alerting
What is Logging
What is Code review
What is Code coverage
What is Issue Tracking
What is Containers and Containers Orchestration
Name some of the most important DevOps tools?
Name three important DevOps KPIs.
Explain how DevOps is helpful for developers
Explain how you can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?
Why do you need a Continuous Integration of Dev & Testing?
Why Has DevOps Gained Prominence over the Last Few Years?
Which of the following CLI commands can be used to rename files?
Which VCS tool you are comfortable with?
How do you find a list of files that have been changed in a particular commit?
How does HTTP work?
How is DevOps different from Agile / SDLC?
How is IaC implemented using AWS?
How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?
How will you know in Git if a branch has already been merged into master?
How would you describe a successful DevOps engineer or a team?
When should I use Selenium Grid?
In Git how do you revert a commit that has already been pushed and made public?
In terms of development and infrastructure, mention the core operations of DevOps.
A team member of yours, suggests to replace the current CI/CD platform used by the organization with a new one. How would you reply?
Can DevOps be applied to a Waterfall process? Explain the significance of the Agile process in DevOps implementation.
Can one consider DevOps as an Agile methodology?
Can you name some of the most-used DevOps tools?
Can you tell me how to squash the last n commits into a single commit? Is it even possible?
Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?
Can you describe which tool or platform you chose to use in some of the following areas and how?
I just made a bad git commit and made it public, and I need to revert the commit. Can you suggest me how to do that?

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25 June 2021


Define the model layer in mule
Define component in Mule
Define configuration builders In MuleSoft
Define multicasting router in MuleSoft
Define Batch Jobs in Mule ESB
What are the various types of messages in MuleSoft?
What is fan-in?
What is a fan-out?
What is Mule Expression Language?
What is the full form of SDO?
What are the advantages of using ESB?
What is a transient context?
What is Mule Transformer?
What is API?
What are the features of API?
What is the payload in MuleSoft?
What are the various parts of composing a message in Mule?
What is Endpoint in Mule?
What is the use of Outbound Endpoint in MuleSoft?
What Is TSD in Mule?
What are the characteristics of Global Endpoint?
What is Restful Web Service?
What is caching?
What are the Models?
What are the configuration patterns provided by MuleSoft?
What are the advantages of the logger component?
What is scheduler Endpoint?
What is Choice Router?
What is a Scatter-Gather Router?
What are error types in MuleSoft?
What are the features of MUnit?
What is Exchange?
What are the advantages of SOAP?
What are Flow Processing Strategies?
What are the advantages of RESTful web services?
What are the advantages of Soap Web Services?
What are the different types of variables in Mule ESB?
What are the different types of Web services?
What are the Flow Processing Strategies?
What are the various types of Exception Handling in Mule ESB?
What are Web Services?
What is a REST web service?
What is a Web service API?
What is caching and why to use it?
What is Mule Cache Scope and what are its storage types?
What is Mule ESB?
What is MuleSoft Anypoint platform used for?
What is Mulesoft used for?
What is Mulesoft?
What is RAML?
What is SOAP Web Service?
What is the difference between SOAP and REST?
What is the use of Web service?
Name different types of ESPs used in the market
Name different types of web services
Name supported languages by MuleSoft
Explain Mule ESB
Explain the concept of Correlation Context.
Explain connector in MuleSoft
Explain VM transport in MuleSoft
Explain the parameters to configure a scheduler
Explain the Mule data integrator.
Why do we need ESB?
Why we use RAML?
How can we create and consume SOAP service in Mule?
Is Mulesoft a middleware?
Is MuleSoft open source?
List types of variables in MuleSoft
List various types of endpoints in Mule ESB
List the types of configuration builders in MuleSoft
List various the categories of Mule Processors
Mention the features of Mule ESB
Mention the basic principles of ESB Integration
Mention different types of Exception Handling
Mention flow processing strategies in MuleSoft.
Mention different types of primitives used in Mediation
Mention the difference between SOAP and REST

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23 June 2021


What is the advantage of Properties file?
What is the advantage of the generic collection?
What is hash-collision ?
What is the default size of load factor in hashing based collection?
What is fail-fast ?
What is the difference between the length of an Array and size of ArrayList?
What is Classes ?
What is Interfaces ?
What is the main benefit of using the Properties file?
What is the need for overriding equals() method in Java?
What is the use of the List interface?
What is Singly Linked List?
What is Doubly Linked List?
What is Stack class?
What is key set view?
What is value set view?
What is entry set view?
What is Circular Queue?
What is Double-ended Queue?
What are the main differences between array and collection?
What are the advantages of the Collection Framework in Java?
What are the various methods provided by the Queue interface?
What do you understand by Collection Framework in Java?
What is BlockingQueue?
What is emptySet()?
What is dictionary class
What is Iterator()?
What is framework in Java?
What is the Collection framework in Java?
What is the hashCode()?
What is a Stack?
What are the benefits of the Collection Framework in Java?
What is a good way to sort the Collection objects in Java?
What are the two ways to remove duplicates from ArrayList?
What is IdentityHashMap?
What are the methods to make collection thread-safe?
What is the peek() of the Queue interface?
What are the important methods used in a linked list?
What are the various ways to iterate over a list?
What are the advantages of the stack?
What is Array?
What is ArrayList?
What is LinkedList?
What is HashMap?
What is Hashtable?
What is LinkedHashMap?
What is TreeMap?
What is HashSet? Methods?
What is LinkedHashSet?
What is TreeSet? Methods?
What is Comparable interface?
What is Comparator interface?
What is Iterator?
What is ListIterator?
What is Spliterator?
What is PriorityQueue?
What is PriorityBlockingQueue?
What is ArrayBlockingQueue?
What is LinkedTransferQueue?
What is CopyOnWriteArrayList?
What is CopyOnWriteArraySet?
What is ArrayDequeue?
What is ConcurrentLinkedQueue?
What is PriorirityBlockingQueue?
What is SynchronousQueue?
What is DelayQueue?
What is LinkedBlockingQueue ?
What is IdentityHashMap ?
What is WeakHashMap?
What is EnumMap?
What is ConcurrentHashMap?
What is unmodifiableCollection
What is ConcurrentSkipListMap?
What is EnumSet?
What is ConcurrentSkipListSet?
What is Collections Class
What is override equals() method
What is equals() with example
What is generic collection?
What is List interface?
What is Set interface?
What is Dequeue interface?
What is Map interface?
What is Big-O notation
What is map. entry In Map
What are the methods to remove elements from ArrayList
What is emptySet() method in the Collections framework?
What are methods provided by the Queue interface?
What is Vector?
What is UnsupportedOperationException
What are the design pattern followed by Iterator
What is diamond operator
What is randomaccess interface
What is deque Interface
What are the various types of queues in Java
Name the collection classes that gives random element access to its elements
Name the collection classes that implement random access interface
Explain the methods of iterator interface
Explain for each loop with example
Why Collection doesn’t extend the Cloneable and Serializable interfaces?
Why Map doesn’t extend the Collection Interface?
Which method is used to sort an array in ascending order?
How internally Hashset working?
How to synchronize List, Set and Map elements?
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList?
How to make Java ArrayList Read-Only?
How to remove duplicates from ArrayList?
How to reverse ArrayList?
How to sort ArrayList in descending order?
How to synchronize ArrayList?
How to iterate map?
How to measure the performance of an ArrayList?
How to join multiple ArrayLists?
How hash-collision is handled in Java?
How many types of LinkedList does Java support?
How the Collection objects are sorted in Java?
How will you reverse an List?
How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList
When to use ArrayList and LinkedList?
Difference - HashSet vs TreeSet
Difference - HashSet and HashMap?
Difference - HashMap vs TreeMap?
Difference - Array vs ArrayList
Difference - Singly Linked List vs Doubly Linked List
Difference Iterator vs Enumeration?
Difference -Comparable vs Comparator
Difference - Failfast and Failsafe
Difference - Hashmap and Hashtable
Difference - Stack and Queue
Difference - Array and Stack
Difference - Queue vs Deque.
Difference - Set vs Map?
Difference List vs Set.
Difference - Collection vs Collections
Difference - Iterator vs ListIterator
Difference - ArrayList vs LinkedList
Difference - ArrayList and Vector
Can you add a null element into a TreeSet or HashSet?
Can you use any class as a Map key?
Give example to sort an array in dscending order
Give an example of Hashmap
List down the primary interfaces provided by Java Collections Framework?
List down the major advantages of the Generic Collection.
List various classes available in sets
List methods available in Java Queue interface
Mention the methods provided by Stack class
Tell me about Collection hierarchy
Topic Content
  • ArrayList
    • It can contain duplicate elements.
    • It maintains insertion order.
    • It is non synchronized.
    • It allows random access because the array works on an index basis.
    • Manipulation is a little bit slower than the LinkedList because a lot of shifting needs to occur if any element is removed from the array list.
  • LinkedList
    • It can contain duplicate elements.
    • It maintains insertion order.
    • It is non synchronized.
    • Manipulation is fast because no shifting needs to occur.
    • It can be used as a list, stack or queue.
  • Vector
    • Vector is synchronized.
    • Java Vector contains many legacy methods that are not the part of a collections framework.
  • CopyOnWriteArraylist
  • Hashset
    • It stores the elements by using a mechanism called hashing.
    • It contains unique elements only.
    • It allows null value.
    • It class is non synchronized.
    • It doesn't maintain the insertion order. Here, elements are inserted on the basis of their hashcode.
    • It is the best approach for search operations.
    • The initial default capacity of HashSet is 16, and the load factor is 0.75.
  • Linkedhashset
    • It contains unique elements only like HashSet.
    • It provides all optional set operations and permits null elements.
    • It is non-synchronized.
    • It maintains insertion order.
  • Treeset
    • It contains unique elements only like HashSet.
    • It access and retrieval times are quiet fast.
    • It doesn't allow null element.
    • It is non synchronized.
    • It maintains ascending order.
    • It contains unique elements only like HashSet.
    • It access and retrieval times are quite fast.
    • It doesn't allow null elements.
    • It is non-synchronized.
    • The TreeSet can only allow those generic types that are comparable. For example The Comparable interface is being implemented by the StringBuffer class.
  • TreeMap
    • It contains values based on the key. It implements the NavigableMap interface and extends AbstractMap class.
    • It contains only unique elements.
    • It cannot have a null key but can have multiple null values.
    • It is non synchronized.
    • It maintains ascending order.
  • HashMap
    • It contains values based on the key.
    • It contains only unique keys.
    • It may have one null key and multiple null values.
    • It is non synchronized.
    • It maintains no order.
    • The initial default capacity of Java HashMap class is 16 with a load factor of 0.75.
  • Hashtable
    • A Hashtable is an array of a list. Each list is known as a bucket. The position of the bucket is identified by calling the hashcode() method. A Hashtable contains values based on the key.
    • Java Hashtable class contains unique elements.
    • Java Hashtable class doesn't allow null key or value.
    • Java Hashtable class is synchronized.
    • The initial default capacity of Hashtable class is 11 whereas loadFactor is 0.75.
  • ConCurrentHashmap
  • Comparable
    • Comparable provides a single sorting sequence
    • It affects the original class,
    • It present in java.lang package.
    • Collections.sort(List).
  • Comparator
    • The Comparator provides multiple sorting sequences
    • Doesn't affect the original class
    • It present in java.util package.
    • Collections.sort(List, Comparator)
  • Iterator
    • By Iterator interface.
    • By for-each loop.
    • By ListIterator interface.
    • By for loop.
    • By forEach() method.
    • By forEachRemaining() method.

Duplicate Insertion order Sorted by natural order Synchronized Null elements Iterator
ArrayList Yes Yes Yes Fail-fast
LinkedList Yes Yes Yes Fail-fast
CopyOnWriteArrayList Yes Yes Yes Yes Fail-safe
HashSet Yes Fail-fast
LinkedHashSet Yes Yes Fail-fast
TreeSet Yes No Fail-fast
ConcurrentSkipListSet Yes Yes No Fail-safe
HashMap 1 null key & many null values Fail-fast
Hashtable Yes No Fail-fast
ConcurrentHashMap Yes No Fail-safe
TreeMap Yes Null key not allowed, Allow many null values Fail-fast
ConcurrentSkipListMap Yes Yes No Fail-safe

21 June 2021

#GCP service list

Java -13
Category Service Details
Compute App Engine The managed app platform for GCP
Cloud Functions Serverless functions according to specific events
Cloud Run Serverless computing for containerized applications
Compute Engine Virtual machines, disks, GPUs and TPUs
Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Managed services for Kubernetes or containers
Anthos Enterprise-grade multi-cloud or hybrid platform
Storage Cloud Storage Storage and serving of objects
Nearline Archival storage with occasional access
Coldline Archival storage with rare access
Persistent Disk VM-attached disks
Cloud Filestore Managed service for NFS server
Database Cloud Bigtable Low-latency, non-relational, petabyte-capacity database
Cloud Datastore Document database with horizontal scalability
Cloud Firestore Highly consistent serverless document database
Cloud Memorystore Managed Redis
Cloud Spanner Relational database with horizontal scalability
Cloud SQL PostgreSQL and Managed MySQL
Data and Analytics BigQuery Data analytics or warehouse service
BigQuery BI Engine In-memory analytics engine
BigQuery ML Training or serving of BigQuery model
Cloud Composer Managed service for workflow orchestration
Cloud Data Fusion Graphical management for data pipelines
Cloud Dataflow Stream or batch data processing
Cloud Datalab Managed Jupyter notebook
Cloud Dataprep Visual data wrangling
Cloud Dataproc Managed services of Spark and Hadoop
Cloud Pub/Sub Global real-time messaging
Data Catalog Management service for Metadata
Data Studio Collaborative dashboarding and data exploration
Genomics Managed platform for genomics
Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning AI Hub Hosted services for AI component sharing
AI Platform Managed machine-learning platform
AI Platform Data Labeling Human data labelling
AI Platform Deep Learning VMs Pre-configured VMs to support deep learning
AI Platform Notebooks Managed instances of JupyterLab notebook
AI Platform Predictions Autoscaled model service
AutoML Natural Language Custom text models
AutoML Tables Custom structured data models
AutoML Translation Custom translation service according to domain
AutoML Video Intelligence Custom video annotation models
AutoML Vision Custom image models
Cloud AI Building Blocks Hosted repository service for AI component
Cloud Natural Language API Text parsing and analysis
Cloud Speech-to-Text API Conversion of audio to text
Cloud Talent Solutions API Job searching with ML
Cloud Text-to-Speech API Conversion of text to audio
Cloud Translation API Detecting and translating language
Cloud Video Intelligence API Video annotation with respect to scene
Cloud Vision API Recognition and classification of images
Cloud TPU Hardware acceleration for ML
Diagflow Enterprise Edition Creation of conversional interfaces
Document Understanding AI Analysis, classification and search of documents
Recommendations AI Creation of custom recommendations
Vision Product Search Visual search for products
Networking Carrier Peering Peering through a carrier
Direct Peering Peering with GCP
Dedicated Interconnect Dedicated private network connection
Partner Interconnect Connecting on-premise network to VPC
Cloud Armor WAF and DDoS protection
Cloud CDN Content delivery network
Cloud DNS Programmable DNS serving
Cloud Load Balancing Distribution of loan in multiple regions
Cloud NAT Translation service for network address
Cloud Router VPC or on-premises network route exchange
IPsec VPN Virtual private network connection
Network Service Tiers Tiering according to price and performance
Network Telemetry Network telemetry service
Traffic Director Management of service mesh traffic
Google Cloud Service Mesh Network management with focus on service
Virtual Private Cloud Networking defined by software
Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud IoT Core Management of devices and data ingestion
Identity and Security Access Transparency Auditing access of cloud provider
Binary Authorization Security for Kubernetes deploy-time
Cloud Audit Logs GCP audit trails
Cloud Data Loss Prevention API Classification and redaction of sensitive data
Cloud HSM Service of hardware security module
Cloud IAM Control service for resource access
Cloud Identity Management of apps, users and devices
Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy App sign-in feature based on identity
Cloud Key Management Service Hosted service for key management
Cloud Resource Manager Management service for cloud project metadata
Cloud Security Scanner Scanner for app engine security
Cloud Security Command Center  Service for discovery, search, management and inventory of assets
Context-aware Access Access control for end-users on the basis of attributes
Event Threat Detection Scanning for anomalous activity
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory Managed Microsoft Active Directory service
Security Key Enforcement Two-phase key verification
Shielded VMs Hardened VMs
Titan Security Key Two-factor authentication device
VPC Service Controls VPC constrain data
Management tools Cloud APIs APIs meant for cloud services
Cloud Billing Tools for billing and cost management
Cloud Billing API Programmatic management of GCP billing
Cloud Console Web-based management console
Cloud Deployment Manager Deployment of infrastructure according to template
Cloud Mobile App GCP manager app for iOS and Android
Cloud Shell Browser-specific terminal or CLI
Stackdriver Debugger Debugging in live production
Stackdriver Error Reporting Reporting app errors
Stackdriver Logging Centralized logging
Stackdriver Monitoring Monitoring infrastructure and application
Stackdriver Profiler CPU and heap profiling
Stackdriver Transparent SLIs Monitoring GCP services
Stackdriver Trace Insights into app performance
Developer Tools Cloud SDK CLI for Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Build Continuous integration or continuous delivery platform
Cloud Code Cloud-native IDE extensions
Cloud Source Repositories Hosted private git repos
Cloud Scheduler Managed service for cron job
Cloud Tasks Execution of asynchronous tasks
Cloud Tools for IntelliJ Tools for IntelliJ GCP
Cloud Tools for PowerShell GCP tools for PowerShell
Cloud Tools for Visual Studio Tools for Visual Studio GCP
Cloud Tools for Eclipse Tools for Eclipse GCP
Container Registry Private container registry or storage
Gradle App Engine Plugin Plugin for Gradle App Engine
Maven App Engine Plugin Plugin for Maven App Engine
Migration to Google Cloud Platform Cloud Data Transfer Tools or CLI for data migration
Google Transfer Appliance Data transfer box available for rent
Cloud Storage Transfer Service Inter-cloud transfers
BigQuery Data Transfer Service Importing analytics data in bulk
Migrate from Amazon Redshift Migration from Redshift to BigQuery service
Migrate from Teradata Migration from Teradata to BigQuery service
Migrate from Anthos Migration of VMs to GKE containers
Migrate from Compute Engine Migration tools for Compute Engine
VM Migration Tools for VM migration
API Platforms API Analytics API Metrics
API Monetization Monetization of APIs
Apigee API Platform Development, security and monitoring of APIs
Apigee Sense Protection of API from attacks
Apigee Hybrid Management of hybrid or multi-cloud API environments
Cloud Endpoints Cloud API gateway
Cloud Healthcare API Interoperability of healthcare system GCP
Developer Portal API management portal
GCP Marketplace Partner and open-source marketplace
GCP Foundational Open Source Projects Apache Beam Batch or streaming data processing service
gRPC RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework
gVisor Secure container runtime
Istio Connecting and securing services
Knative Serverless framework for Kubernetes
Kubeflow Machine Learning toolkit for Kubernetes
Kubernetes Containerized application management service
OpenCensus Framework for cloud native observability
TensorFlow Machine Learning framework

Azure service list

Service-List Details
Compute Virtual Machines Quick provisioning of Windows and Linux virtual machines
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Simpler deployment, management, and operations of Kubernetes
Service Fabric Development of microservices and container orchestration on Linux or Windows
App Service Faster creation of rich cloud apps for the web as well as mobile
Container Instances Running containers on Azure simply without the need of server management
Batch Job scheduling and compute management according to cloud-scale
SQL Server on Virtual Machines Hosting enterprise SQL Server apps on the cloud
Cloud Services Creation of cloud applications and APIs with higher availability and scalability
SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances Running the maximum possible size of SAP HANA workloads from any hyper-scale cloud provider
Azure Functions Event processing through serverless code
Virtual Machine Scale Sets Management and scaling of around thousands of Windows and Linux virtual machines
Web Apps Quick development and deployment of crucial web apps according to scale
Mobile Apps Development and hosting for backend in any mobile app
API Apps Easy development and use of Cloud APIs
Linux Virtual Machines Provisioning virtual machines for Red Hat and Ubuntu
Windows Virtual Desktop Azure’s own virtual desktop experience
Azure CycleCloud Creation, management, operations, and optimization of HPC and big compute clusters at any scale
Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple Run the VMware workloads natively on Azure
Azure Dedicated Host Dedicated physical server for hosting Azure VMs for Linux and Windows
Azure Spring Cloud Completely managed Spring Cloud service developed and operated through Pivotal
Management and Governance Azure Backup Simpler data safeguards and protection against malware
Azure Site Recovery In-built disaster recovery service
Azure Advisor Personalized engine for Azure best practices recommendation
Scheduler Running your jobs on simple as well as complex recurring schedules
Automation Process automation service for simpler cloud management
Traffic Manager Routing incoming traffic for higher availability and performance
Azure Monitor Complete transparency into infrastructure, network and applications
Network Watcher Solution for network performance monitoring and diagnostics
Azure Service Health Service for tailored support and guidance to users in case of issues in Azure services
Microsoft Azure portal A single console for building, managing and monitoring all Azure products
Azure Resource Manager Simpler management of app resources
Cloud Shell A browser-based shell for streamlining Azure administration
Azure mobile app Maintaining connectivity with Azure resources at all times from all locations
Azure Policy Implementation of corporate governance and standards for Azure resources at scale
Cost Management + Billing Optimization of cloud expenditures while improving cloud potential
Azure Managed Applications Easier management of cloud products and services
Azure Migrate Service for easy discovery, assessment, right-sizing and migration of on-premises VMs to Azure
Azure Blueprints Supporting the faster and iterative development of governed environments
Azure Lighthouse Facility for service providers to ensure customer management at scale and with accurate precision
Azure Resource Manager templates Delivery of infrastructure as code for all the Azure resources that use Resource Manager
Security Azure Active Directory Synchronization of on-premise directories and enabling single sign-on
Azure Information Protection Safeguards for sensitive information
Azure Active Directory Domain Services Joining Azure virtual machines to a domain without the need for domain controllers
Key Vault Protection and maintenance of keys and other secrets
Security Center Combine security management and implement sophisticated threat protection measures for different hybrid cloud workloads
Azure Dedicated HSM Management of hardware security modules used in the cloud
VPN Gateway Setting up cross-premises connectivity with higher security
Application Gateway Development of web front ends in Azure with higher scalability, safety and availability
Azure DDoS Protection Safeguards for your applications against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
Azure Sentinel Implementing intelligent security analytics and cloud-native SIEM for protecting your enterprise
Storage Storage Accounts Cloud storage service with higher durability, availability and scalability
Azure Backup Simpler data security and protection from ransomware
StorSimple Enterprise-scale hybrid cloud storage solution for lower costs
Azure Data Lake Storage Data lake feature built on Azure Blob Storage with massive scalability and security
Blob Storage REST-based object storage intended for unstructured data
Disk Storage Disk options virtual machines with persistency and security
Managed Disks Disk storage for Azure virtual machines with persistency and security
Queue Storage Service for reliable scaling of apps according to traffic
File Storage File storage service using the standard SMB 3.0 protocol
Data Box Appliances and solutions for transferring data to edge compute and Azure
Avere vFXT for Azure Service for running high-performance, file-centric workloads on the cloud
Azure FXT Edge Filer Hybrid storage optimization solution tailored for HPC environments
Azure HPC Cache File caching service for (HPC) high-performance computing.
Archive Storage Price point for storage of rarely accessed data
Storage Explorer Service for exploring and interacting with Azure Storage resources
Azure NetApp Files Enterprise-level Azure file shares powered with NetApp
Azure Data Share Flexible service for sharing big data with other organizations safely
Databases Azure API for FHIR Faster creation and deployment of a FHIR service for interoperability and health data solutions
SQL Server on Virtual Machines Hosting enterprise-grade SQL Server apps on the cloud
Azure SQL Database Managed, responsible SQL on the cloud
Azure Cosmos DB Multi-model, globally distributed database for different scales
Azure Cache for Redis Enrich applications with low-latency and high-throughput data access
Table Storage NoSQL key-value store that uses semi-structured datasets
Azure Database for PostgreSQL Managed PostgreSQL database service
Azure Database for MariaDB Managed MariaDB database service
Azure Database for MySQL Managed MySQL database service
Azure Database Migration Service Simpler migration of on-premises database to the cloud
Azure SQL Database Edge Data engine with in-built AI, a small footprint and optimization for edge.
Migration Azure Site Recovery In-built disaster recovery service
Cost Management + Billing Optimization of cloud expenses alongside improving cloud potential
Azure Database Migration Service Simpler migration of on-premises database to the cloud
Azure Migrate Service for discovering, assessment, right-sizing and migration of on-premises VMs to Azure easily
Data Box Appliances and solutions for transferring data to Azure and edge compute
Analytics Azure Databricks Apache Spark-based analytics platform with features for better speed, ease and collaboration.
Azure Stream Analytics Real-time processing of data stream from millions of IoT devices
Azure Synapse Analytics Powerful analytics service with superior time to insight
HDInsight Provisioning for cloud Hadoop, Storm, R Server, HBase and Spark clusters
Data Factory Easier enterprise-scale hybrid data integration
Data Lake Analytics Distributed analytics service
Event Hubs Receiving telemetry from multiple devices
Power BI Embedded Embedding highly interactive and appealing data visualizations in an application
Azure Analysis Services Enterprise-grade analytics engine provided as a service
R Server for HDInsight Service for machine learning, predictive analytics and statistical modeling for big data
Data Catalog Extract additional value from enterprise data assets
Azure Data Lake Storage Azure Blob Storage-based secure data lake service with higher scalability
Azure Data Explorer Data exploration service with higher speed and scalability
Azure Data Share Service for sharing big data with external enterprises known for simplicity and security
DevOps Azure DevOps Range of services for sharing code, tracking work and shipping software
Azure Pipelines Continuous development, testing and deployment to any cloud and platform
Azure Boards Planning, tracking and discussion of work among teams
Azure Repos Access to diverse, cloud-hosted private Git repos for a specific project
Azure Artifacts Creation, hosting and sharing packages within a team
Azure Test Plans Facility of a manual and subject testing toolkit for testing and shipping with confidence
Azure DevTest Labs Faster creation of environments with reusable artifacts and templates
DevOps tool integrations Facility for using preferred DevOps tools with Azure
Azure Monitor Complete transparency into applications, network and infrastructure
AI + Machine Learning Azure Bot Service Intelligent and highly scalable serverless bot service
Azure Databricks Analytics platform based on Apache Spark with higher speed and simplicity alongside collaborative features
Azure Cognitive Search AI-based cloud search service for developing mobile and web apps
Bing Autosuggest Equip an app with proactive autosuggest options for searches
Bing Custom Search Simple, ad-free and commercial search tool
Bing Entity Search Ideal tool for better search experience through identification and improvement of entity information from the internet
Bing Image Search Look for images and obtain in-depth results
Bing News Search Look for news and get detailed results
Bing Spell Check Identify and resolve the spelling mistakes in an app
Bing Video Search Look for videos and get a wide variety of results
Bing Visual Search Obtain credible insights for creating attractive image applications on a particular device
Bing Web Search Obtain augmented search details from massive assortment of web documents
Cognitive Services Get the power of contextual interactions through the addition of smart API capabilities
Computer Vision Refine the actionable insights from images
Content Moderator Automated moderation for images, text and video
Custom Vision Simple customization for own sophisticated computer vision models for the particular use case
Data Science Virtual Machines Feature-rich pre-defined AI development environment
Face Recognition, identification, analysis, organization and tagging faces in images
Azure Machine Learning End-to-end platform with experimentation and model management capabilities with higher scalability to leverage the power of AI
Machine Learning Studio Easier development, deployment and management of predictive analytics solutions
Microsoft Genomics Obtain credible insights into power genome sequencing and research
Language Understanding Modelling apps for understanding commands from users
Form Recognizer AI-based document extraction service
Ink Recognizer AI-based service for identifying digital ink content such as shapes or handwriting
Personalizer AI service for delivery of personalized user experience
QnA Maker Refining information in the form of interactive, easy-to-understand answers
Speaker Recognition Using speech for identification and verification of individual speakers
Speech Translation Easy integration of real-time speech translation in an app
Speech to Text Conversion of spoken audio to text
Text Analytics Evaluation of sentiment and topics for understanding user requirements
Text to Speech Conversion of text to speech
Translator Text Easy machine translation with just a REST API call
Video Indexer Exploring diverse video insights
Kinect DK Creating computer vision and speech models by leveraging a developer kit with advanced AI sensors
Anomaly Detector Addition of anomaly detection features in apps
Azure Open Datasets Cloud platform for hosting and sharing curated open datasets for faster machine learning model development
Immersive Reader Interactive feature for reading and understanding text
Networking Content Delivery Network Secure and credible delivery of content with worldwide reach
Azure ExpressRoute Dedicated private network fiber connections to Azure
Azure DNS Hosting service for DNS domain on Azure
Virtual Network Provisioning private networks and optionally connecting to on-premises datacenters
Traffic Manager Routing incoming traffic for higher availability and performance levels
Load Balancer Delivery of higher network performance and availability in your applications
VPN Gateway Setting up safe, cross-premises connectivity
Application Gateway Development of web front ends in Azure with higher security, scalability and availability.
Azure DDoS Protection Safeguard for applications against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
Network Watcher Solution for network diagnostics and performance monitoring
Azure Firewall Native firewall capabilities on Azure with in-built higher availability, limited maintenance and unlimited cloud scalability
Virtual WAN Optimization and automation of connectivity between branches by leveraging Azure
Azure Front Door Delivery point for worldwide, microservice-based web applications with higher scalability and security
Azure Bastion Fully managed and private RDP and SSH access for virtual machines
Azure Private Link Private access for services hosted on Azure platform and keeps data on the Microsoft network
Azure Internet Analyzer Service for evaluating the impact of changes in networking infrastructure on performance of customers
Azure Firewall Manager Centralized network security policy and route management for software-specific, globally distributed perimeters
Web Application Firewall Reliable safeguard for web apps with a cloud-native web application firewall service
Mobile App Service Faster creation of powerful web and mobile cloud apps
Azure Maps Simple and safe location APIs for providing geospatial attributes to data
Notification Hubs Communicate push notifications to any platform of your choice from preferred back end
API Management Secure and scalable publishing of APIs to developers, employees and partners
Web Apps Faster creation and deployment of mission critical web apps according to scale
Mobile Apps Creation and hosting for any mobile app’s backend
API Apps Easier creation and utilization of Cloud APIs
Azure mobile app Maintain connectivity with Azure resources from any location at any time
Visual Studio App Centre Continuous building, testing, releasing and monitoring of mobile and desktop apps
Xamarin Faster creation of cloud-based mobile apps
Web App for Containers Easier deployment and running containerized web apps with higher scalability according to business requirements
Media Content Delivery Network  Service for safe and reliable delivery of content worldwide
Media Services Service for encoding, storage and streaming of video and audio at any scale
Encoding Studio-grade encoding tailored specifically for the cloud
Live and On-Demand Streaming Content delivery on almost all devices according to scale for addressing business needs
Azure Media Player Single media player solution for all playback requirements
Content Protection Safe delivery of content by leveraging Fairplay, AES, Widevine and PlayReady
Video Indexer Access new video insights
Internet of Things Azure IoT Hub Connecting, monitoring and management of billions of IoT assets
Azure IoT Central Faster development of IoT solutions
Azure IoT solutions accelerators Creation of fully customizable solutions through templates for general IoT scenarios
Azure Sphere Safely connecting MCU-powered devices to the cloud
Azure Time Series Insights Review and analysis of time-series data from multiple IoT devices
Azure Maps Simple and safe location APIs for providing geospatial context to specific data
Azure Functions Event processing with serverless code
Event Grid Achieving credible event delivery at any scale
Windows 10 IoT Core Services OS support and services for the long-term to ensure assessment of device health and management of device updates
Azure Machine Learning End-to-end platform with features for experimentation and model management alongside credibility and assurance of scalability
Machine Learning Studio Easier creation, deployment and management of predictive analytics solutions
Azure Stream Analytics Real-time processing of data stream from numerous IoT devices
Logic Apps Automation of data access and use on multiple clouds without having to write code
Notification Hubs Transfer push notifications to any platform from the back end of your choice
Azure Cosmos DB Multi-model, globally distributed database for different scale
API Management Secure and scalable publishing of APIs to partners, employees and developers
Azure Digital Twins Development of next-generation IoT spatial intelligence solutions
Kinect DK Develop computer vision and speech models through a developer kit with sophisticated AI sensors
Azure SQL Database Edge Edge-optimized data engine with a small footprint and in-built AI capabilities
Azure IoT Edge Take cloud intelligence and analytics to edge devices with ease
Blockchain Azure Blockchain Service Creating, governance and expansion of consortium blockchain networks
Azure Blockchain Workbench Flexible prototyping of cloud blockchain apps
Logic Apps Automation of access and use of data on multiple cloud platforms according to any scale
Azure Cosmos DB Multi-model database with global distribution for higher scalability
Azure Blockchain Tokens Easier definition, creation and management of ledger-based tokens
Containers Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Simpler deploying, managing and operations of Kubernetes
Service Fabric Microservice development and container orchestration on Linux or Windows
Container Instances Easily running containers on Azure without server management
Azure Functions Event processing with serverless code
Container Registry Storage and management of container images on different types of Azure deployments
Web Apps Faster creation and deployment of mission-critical web apps according to scale
Mobile Apps Creation and hosting backend for mobile apps
API Apps Easier creation and use of Cloud APIs
Web App for Containers Simpler deployment and running of containerized web apps with scalability according to business requirements
Azure Red Hat OpenShift Completely managed OpenShift service, operated in collaboration with Red Hat
Developer Tools Visual Studio Feature-rich and flexible environment for cloud application development
Visual Studio Code Powerful and simple code editor for cloud application development
SDKs Access the command-line tools and SDKs according to requirement
Azure DevOps Services for sharing code, tracking work and shipping software, ideal for teams
Azure Pipelines Continuous building, testing and deployment on any cloud and platform
Azure Lab Services Create labs for development, classrooms, testing, trials and other potential applications
Azure DevTest Labs Faster creation of environments by leveraging reusable artifacts and templates
Developer tool integrations Facility to use other development tools such as Maven, Eclipse and IntelliJ with Azure
App Configuration Parameter storage with higher scalability and speed for app configuration
Visual Studio Online Cloud-based development environments with flexible levels of accessibility
Hybrid Azure SQL Database Managed, proactive SQL database service on the cloud
Azure Active Directory Synchronization of on-premise directors alongside enabling single sign-on
Azure DevOps Services for sharing code, tracking work and shipping software
Azure ExpressRoute Dedicated private network fiber connections to Azure
Security Center Combine security management alongside enabling advanced threat protection for hybrid cloud workloads
Azure Database for PostgreSQL Managed PostgreSQL database service
Azure Stack Create and run innovative hybrid applications crossing all cloud boundaries
Azure Sentinel Leverage the power of intelligent security analytics and cloud-native SIEM for safeguarding your enterprise
Azure Arc Obtain Azure services and management on different infrastructures
Azure IoT Edge Expansion of cloud analytics and intelligence towards edge devices
Identity Azure Active Directory Synchronization of on-premise directories and enabling single sign-on
Azure Information Protection Better safety for sensitive information
Azure Active Directory Domain Services Joining Azure virtual machines to a domain without domain controllers
Azure Active Directory B2C Identity and access management for a consumer on the cloud
Integration Azure API for FHIR Easy creation and deployment of FHIR service for interoperability and health data solutions
Event Grid Achieve reliable event delivery at any scale
Logic Apps Automation of data access and utilization on multiple clouds without the need to write code
API Management Publishing APIs to partners, employees and developers with higher safety and scalability
Service Bus Facility for connecting across public and private cloud environments
Mixed Reality Azure Digital Twins Service for development of next-generation solutions in IoT spatial intelligence
Spatial Anchors Development of multi-user, spatially conscious mixed reality experience solutions
Kinect DK Develop computer vision and speech models by leveraging a developer kit with powerful AI sensors
Remote Rendering Service for rendering interactive, high-quality 3D content and streaming the content in real-time to the users’ devices
Web App Service Service for quick creation of powerful web and mobile apps for the cloud
Azure Maps Simple and secure location APIs that can provide geospatial attributes to data
Content Delivery Network Service for faster, reliable and safe content delivery worldwide
Azure Cognitive Search AI-based cloud search service tailored to mobile and web app development
Notification Hubs Service for sending push notifications to platform of your choice from the preferred back end
API Management Highly secure and scalable service for publishing APIs to developers, employees, and partners.
Web Apps Faster creation and deployment of mission-critical web apps according to scale
Mobile Apps Development and hosting of any mobile app’s back end
API Apps Flexible development and use of Cloud APIs
Web App for Containers Easy deployment and operations of containerized web apps with higher scalability at par with business requirements
Azure SignalR Service Service for easier addition of real-time web functionalities
Azure Spring Cloud Fully managed Spring Cloud service developed and operated through Pivotal

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