07 November 2020


What is Node.js Process Model?
What is an error-first callback?
What is callback hell in Node.js?
What is a stub?
What is a test pyramid? How can you implement it when talking about HTTP APIs?
What is Event loop in Node.js? How does it work?
What is REPL? What purpose it is used for?
What is the difference between Asynchronous and Non-blocking?
What is EventEmitter in Node.js?
What is crypto in Node.js? How do you cipher the secure information in Node.js?
What is the use of DNS module in Node.js?
What is the preferred method of resolving unhandled exceptions in Node.js?
What is typically the first argument passed to a Node.js callback handler?
What is JIT and how is it related to Node.js?
What is difference between put and patch?
What is chaining process in Node.js?
What is a control flow function? what are the steps does it execute?
What is npm in Node.js?
What is the difference between operational and programmer errors?
What is your favourite HTTP framework and why?
What is the difference between Node.js vs Ajax?
What is LTS releases of Node.js why should you care?
What is the difference between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
What is difference between JavaScript and Node.js?
What is difference between promise and async await in node js?
What is a first class function in Javascript?
What is Node.js and how it works?
What is fork in node JS?
What is the purpose of module.exports?
What is an event-loop in Node JS?
What is node.js streams?
What is an Event Emitter in Node.js?
What is a thread pool and which library handles it in Node.js
What is WASI and why is it being introduced?
What is Worker threads?
What are the data types in Node.js?
What are Promises in Node.js?
What are some of the most popular packages of Node.js?
What are the security mechanisms available in Node.js?
What are the key features of Node.js?
What are globals in Node.js?
What are the Challenges with Node.js?
What are the timing features of Node.js?
What are the difference between Events and Callbacks?
What are some commonly used timing features of Node.js?
What are the advantages of using promises instead of callbacks?
What are node.js buffers?
How do Node.js works?
How do you create a simple server in Node.js that returns Hello World?
How to create a simple server in Node.js that returns Hello World?
How to debug an application in Node.js?
How to kill child processes that spawn their own child processes in Node.js?
How to make post request in Node.js?
How to load html in Node.js?
How to handle file upload in Node js?
How to use JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication in node js?
How to build a microservices architecture with node js?
How to use Q promise in node js?
How to use locale (i18n) in node js?
How to Implement Memcached in Nodejs?
How to generate and verify checksum of the given string in Nodejs
How to measure the duration of async operations?
How to measure the performance of async operations?
Can you create http server in Node.js, explain the code used for it?
Describe the exit codes of Node.js?
Differentiate between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
Enhancing Node.js performance through clustering.
Explain Error Handling approaches in Nodejs?
Explain how does Node.js work?
Explain RESTful Web Services in Node.js?
Explain the terms body-parser, cookie-parser, debug, jade, morgan, nodemon, pm2, serve-favicon, cors in Express JS?
Explain the concept of stub in Node.js?
For Node.js, why Google uses V8 engine?
How “Control Flow” controls the functions calls?
How are worker threads different from clusters?
How can you secure your HTTP cookies against XSS attacks?
How can you make sure your dependencies are safe?
How can you listen on port 80 with Node?
How can we use async await in node.js?
How does Node.js handle child threads?
How does Node.js support multi-processor platforms, and does it fully utilize all processor resources?
How does routing work in Node.js
How does Node.js overcome the problem of blocking of I/O operations?
How is Node.js better than other frameworks most popularly used?
How many types of streams are present in node.js?
How many types of API functions are there in Node.js?
How Node prevents blocking code?
How Node.js read the content of a file?
How Node.js overcomes the problem of blocking of I/O operations?
If Node.js is single threaded then how does it handle concurrency?
Is Node.js entirely based on a single-thread?
List down the two arguments that async.queue takes as input?
List types of Http requests supported by Node.js.
Mention the steps by which you can async in Node.js?
Name the types of API functions in Node.js.
Since node is a single threaded process, how to make use of all CPUs?
What a Reactor Pattern in Node.js?
What do you understand by Reactor Pattern in Node.js?
What do you understand by callback hell?
What does the runtime environment mean in Node.js?
What does emitter do and what is dispatcher?
What is Cluster?
What is middleware?
What is Node.js?
What is REPL?
What tools can be used to assure consistent style?
What tools can be used to assure consistent code style?
When should you npm and when yarn?
When to use Node.js and when not to use it?
Why is Node.js single-threaded?
Why npm shrinkwrap is useful?
Why should you separate Express 'app' and 'server'?
Why should you separate Express app and server?
Why to use Express.js?
Write the steps for setting up an Express JS application.
What is node.js?
What does the term I / O mean?
What does event-driven programming mean?
What is the benefit of using node.js?
What is the control flow function?
What are the tasks to do with the use of the Event Ring?
What are the two discussions that take async.queue?
What is an event cycle in Node.js?
What is the benefit of Node.js?
What is the difference between Node.js against Ajax?
What are the challenges with Node.js?
What does it mean to be “block-prevention” in node.js?
What is the command used for node.js to export external libraries?
What is ‘Callback’ in Node.js?
What is the relationship of Node.js with JavaScript?
What is the difference between Node.js and Ajax?
What are two types of API functions in Node.js?
What is a bug – first request?
What structure is commonly used in Node.js?
What are two sections of event driven programming?
What is the biggest drawback of Node.js?
What is the request on Node.Js?
What is a foot blade?
What is EventEmitter.emit() function in the Node.js?
What is the responsibility for the writeFile method in FS module?
What having in package.json file?
What is the utilization of a cradle class in Node.js?
What do you mean by local dependencies?
what do you know about package.json?
What do you comprehend by Event-driven programming?
What do you comprehend by the Reactor Pattern in Node.js?
What are LTS arrivals of Node.js?
What do you comprehend by ESLint?
What do you comprehend by worldwide items in Node.js?
Explain how “Control Flow” controls functional calls.
Explain the word I / O in the context of Node.js.
Explain the role of the request process in Node.js.
Explain the control flow function.
Explain REPL at Node.Js
Why is Node.js single thread?
Why do node.js quickly draw from JavaScript programmers?
Why node.js is a single threaded/multi-threaded?
Why Node.js is single-strung?
Which of the below statement/s are true about Node.js?
Which of the following is true about EventEmiiter.on()?
Which one is not a method of EventEmiiter class in Node.js?
Which of the most popular framework of Node for implementing routing?
Which method is used to create a TCP server?
Which built-in module can be used for socket programming?
Which of the mode of installation is better to install any package which has an application dependency?
Which is a drop-in replacement of NPM?
Which of command is used to create the package.json file?
Which method the specialized form of spawn() method to create the child process?
Which command is used to inert the breaking point in a node application?
Which is used to give a graphical user interface to perform node application debugging?
Which is used to watch the changes occurring inside a given directory and restart the node application after each change?
How does node.js work?
How does Node.js violate the issue of blocking I / O operations?
How can I access the last expression in Node.js?
How to Avoid Calling on Node.Js
How many streams are there in Node.Js?
How does Node.js handle the youngster strings?
Where can we use node.js?
Difference between Angularjs & nodejs ?
A node application developer is working on an application wherein he has to send a message back to the client from the server. Which among the below method can he use to implement the same?
A node.js application is working in an application, wherein he has to send a response back to the client from the server. Which among the below methods can be used to implement the same?
A node application developer is working on a project specification wherein she needs to read the content of a file while performing other operations. When function from the below will she select to perform the same?
A node application developer is working on a project requirement wherein he needs to have a node module to be available across the command line. Which among the command will he use to install the module?
A node application developer is working on a requirement wherein she needs to connect to another web application to execute a specific logic. Which among the will select to do the same?
A node application developer is working on a project specification wherein she needs to save the data to the database using another application. Which among to do the same?
A node application developer is working on a requirement wherein she needs to create a child process to execute a set of code in her application. Which will she make use to achieve the same?
A node application developer is working on an application, wherein she has to do load balancing between child processes. Which node module will she select to implement the same?
After successfully installed the Node.js on the system which of the below command can be used to update NPM version?
Can you access the DOM terminal?
Can you specify steps that can be single-tuned in Node.js?
Can a user access the DOM?
Characterize the idea of the test pyramid. Disclose the procedure to execute them regarding HTTP APIs.
Clarify the reason for the ExpressJS bundle?
Clarify the use of a cradle class in Node.js?
Clarify stream in Node.js alongside its different kinds.
Clarify affixing in Node.js.
Clarify the event Loop in Node Js?
Clarify libuv.
Clarify the idea of middleware in Node.js?
Clarify the working of the control stream work.
Clarify the idea of stub in Node.js.
Consider a module index.js which is placed inside the mymodule folder. Consider another index.js Which is placed outside the mymodule folder and given below is its content: var mymodule=require(‘./mymodule’);
Consider the below code snippet:
Consider a module test1.js which is placed inside my module folder. Consider another test2.js file which is placed outside my module folder and given below is its content. What will be the output if the outside test2.js is executed
Consider the code snippet below: request.on(——, function(data) { var data1 = data;}); fill the missing code to get the data from the client using POST request.
Consider the code snippet
Consider the code below written for connection the MYSQL database
Do you specify the structure commonly used in node.js?
Does the node run in windows?
Event-driven programming definition.
For Node.js, why Google utilizes the V8 motor?
Guess the output of below code snippet?
Harry, a node application developer wants to run a python script from node.js. Is it possible for him to achieve his requirement using chid process module?
If the URL is http://localhost:7777/login?name=Chitra, the url pathname prints
Is Node.js is front end/back end?
Is it possible to evaluate expressing in Nodejs?
John wants to check the version of NPM. Which command line he can use to meet his requirement?
John, a software developer wants to compress the file using node.js. Which of the following built-in modules he can use to achieve his requirement?
js asynchronous/ synchronous?
List the tools and IDEs used for Node.js.
List some of the benefits of using Node.js.
List the instructions in the Control Flow process.
List attribute of package.json?
mymodule = require(“./mymodule”); mymodule();
Node js single threaded/multi-threaded?
Node.js state that can be used.
Rundown down the errands which ought to be done non concurrently utilizing the occasion circle?
Rundown down the means utilizing which “Control Flow” controls the capacity brings in Node.js?
Rundown down the significant security executions inside Node.js?
Rundown down the two contentions that async. Does the line take as much information?
Select the object data modeling library for MongoDB used in node application?
Separate between the process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
State TRUE or FALSE – The callback function is a way of synchronous coding execution and get executed following a blocking I/O operation
STATE TRUE or FALSE – The ‘querystring’ module in node.js provides methods for parsing and formatting URL query strings.
Streams should be preferred in which of the following situations
The difference between functional and programmer errors in the context of Node.js.
The statement is true regarding the TCP server?
The correct statement regarding npm
The “npm install” command installs the dependencies present in package.json file in the node_modules folder. Is state true or false?
Types of API functions in Node.js?
  • It is a cross-platform runtime environment and library for running JavaScript applications outside the browser. 
  • It is written in C, C++ and JavaScript languages.
  • It is used for creating server-side and networking web applications. 
  • It is open source and free to use.
  • Many of the basic modules of Node.js are written in JavaScript. 
  • It is mostly used to run real-time server applications.
  • It has a lot number of frameworks such as Express.js, Sails.js, Partial.js etc.
  • It is a platform built on the top of Google's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • It supports non-blocking input output I/O and follows an event driven architecture. It is used to create real-time applications such as instant messaging or chat apps.
  • It supports callback. Its programming is based on event/callback which makes it faster but as well as harder to debug and maintain
  • Node.js REPL
  • Node.js NPM
  • Node.js CL Options
  • Node.js Globals
  • Node.js OS
  • Node.js Timer
  • Node.js Errors
  • Node.js DNS
  • Node.js Net
  • Node.js Crypto
  • Node.js TLS/SSL
  • Node.js Debugger
  • Node.js Process
  • Node.js Child Process
  • Node.js Buffers
  • Node.js Streams
  • Node.js File System
  • Node.js Path
  • Node.js StringDecoder
  • Node.js Query String
  • Node.js ZLIB
  • Node.js Assertion
  • Node.js V8
  • Node.js Callbacks
  • Node.js Events
  • Node.js Punycode
  • Node.js TTY
  • Node.js Web Modules

Node.js MongoDB

  • Create Connection
  • Create Database
  • Create Collection
  • MongoDB Insert
  • MongoDB Select
  • MongoDB Query
  • MongoDB Sorting
  • MongoDB Remove


  • Node.js vs AngularJS
  • Node.js vs Python
  • Node.js vs PHP
  • Node.js vs Java

Node.js Express

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