08 January 2021


What is the difference between Process and Thread?
What are the benefits of multi-threaded programming?
What is difference between user Thread and daemon Thread?
What are different states in lifecycle of Thread?
What do you understand about Thread Priority?
What is Thread Scheduler and Time Slicing?
What is context-switching in multi-threading?
What is volatile keyword in Java
What is ThreadLocal?
What is Thread Group? Why it?s advised not to use it?
What is Java Thread Dump, How can we get Java Thread dump of a Program?
What is Deadlock? How to analyze and avoid deadlock situation?
What is Java Timer Class? How to schedule a task to run after specific interval?
What is Thread Pool? How can we create Thread Pool in Java?
What will happen if we don?t override Thread class run() method?
What is atomic operation? What are atomic classes in Java Concurrency API?
What is Lock interface in Java Concurrency API? What are it?s benefits over synchronization?
What is Executors Framework?
What is BlockingQueue? How can we implement Producer-Consumer problem using Blocking Queue?
What is Callable and Future?
What is FutureTask class?
What are Concurrent Collection Classes?
What is Executors Class?
What are some of the improvements in Concurrency API in Java 8?
Why thread communication methods wait(), notify() and notifyAll() are in Object class?
Why wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods have to be called from synchronized method or block?
Why Thread sleep() and yield() methods are static?
Which is more preferred ? Synchronized method or Synchronized block?
How can we create a Thread in Java?
How can we pause the execution of a Thread for specific time?
How can we make sure main() is the last thread to finish in Java Program?
How does thread communicate with each other?
How can we achieve thread safety in Java?
How to create daemon thread in Java?
Can we call run() method of a Thread class?
What is executorservice
What is the idea of multi -seating
What is a process and a stream, how they differ
What is optimistic and pessimistic locks
What is a monitor
What is Volatile
What is Completablefuture
What is synchronization and why it is needed
What is Future
What are the options for synchronization in Java
What is Atomic Types, what are they needed
What is the security of the threads
What is the meaning of the keyword of Volatile and related problems
What is the object of the interface Runnable
What is the semaphore
What does Wait method do
What is a stream of "demon"
What is the meaning of Readwritelock
What is the difference between "competition" and "parallelism"
What is "cooperative multitasking"
What type of multitasking is Java uses, what is the condition of this choice
What is Sequential Consistency
What is Visibleity
What is atomicity
What is Mutual Exclusion
What is Safe Publication
What are "green threads" and whether they are in Java
What is the difference between the Start () and Run () methods
What is the difference between notify () and notifyall ()
What is the difference between the Wait () method with the parameter and without the parameter
What is the difference between the methods Thread.sleep () and Thread.yld ()
What is Livelock
What object is synchronization when the Static Synchronized method is called
What are the differences between Volatile and atomic variables
What are the differences between Java.util.conatomic*.compareandswap () and java.util.concurrent.atomic*.weakcompareandswap ()
What does it mean to "sleep" a stream
What is FutureTask
What are the differences between CyclicBarrier and Countdownlatch
What happens when an exception is thrown out in the stream
What is the difference between Interrupted () and Isinterrupted ()
What is a "thread pool"
What size should there be a thread pool
What will happen if the turn of the thread pool is already filled, but a new task is served
What is the difference between the Submit () and execute () methods in the thread pool
What are the differences between the CTEK (stack) and a heap (heap) in terms of multi -use
What is Threadlocal-cross
What are the differences between Synchronized and Reentrantlock
What is a "blocking method"
What is "Framwork for Fork/Join"
What is Double Checked Locking Singleton
What is Busy Spin
Why do you need a program that works in several threads, and not in one
Why might be needed private mjyutex
Why are Wait () and notify () methods only in a synchronized block
Why is the keyword Synchronized
Why is it not recommended to use the Thread.stop () method
How to create a stream
How to adjust the thread priority and how
How to start a stream forcibly
How the Thread.join () method works
How to check whether the threads holds a monitor of a certain resource
How to stop a thread
How to share data between two threads
How to get a dump stream
How to create a streamline Singleton
How are the immutable objects useful
In what states can a stream be
  • Creating Threads
  • Extending the Thread Class
  • Implementing the Runnable Interface
  • Thread Lifecycle - New, Runnable, Blocked, Waiting
  • Timed Waiting
  • Terminated
  • Thread Priority
  • Synchronization & Thread Safety
  • Synchronized Methods
  • Synchronized Blocks
  • Volatile Keyword
  • Daemon Thread
  • Context Switching
  • ShutdownHook
  • Multithreading
  • Benefits and Challenges of Multithreading
  • Processes vs. Threads
  • Thread Pools
  • Executor Framework
  • ThreadPoolExecutor
  • Callable and Future
  • Fork/Join Framework
  • ThreadLocal in Multithreading
ITC and Synchronization
  • Inter-Thread Communication
  • wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods
  • Producer-Consumer Problem
  • Thread Joining
Concurrency Utilities
  • java.util.concurrent Package
  • Executors and ExecutorService
  • Callable and Future
  • CompletableFuture
  • Scheduled ExecutorService
  • CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, Phaser, and Exchanger
  • Concurrency vs. Parallelism
Concurrent Collections
  • ConcurrentHashMap
  • ConcurrentLinkedQueue and ConcurrentLinkedDeque
  • CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • BlockingQueue Interface
  • ArrayBlockingQueue
  • LinkedBlockingQueue
  • PriorityBlockingQueue
Atomic Variables
  • AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, and AtomicBoolean
  • AtomicReference and Atomic ReferenceArray
  • Compare-and-Swap Operations
Locks and Semaphores
  • ReentrantLock
  • ReadWriteLock
  • StampedLock
  • Semaphores
  • Lock and Condition Interface
  • Locks (Mutexes) - GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), Spinlocks
Best Practices and Patterns
  • Thread Safety Best Practices
  • Immutable Objects
  • ThreadLocal Usage
  • Double-Checked Locking and its Issues
  • Concurrency Design Patterns
Concurrency Issues and Solutions
  • Starvation - LiveLock, Deadlock
  • Livelocks
  • Race Conditions
  • Strategies for Avoiding Concurrency Issues
Java Memory Model
  • Understanding Java Memory Model
  • Happens-Before Relationship
  • Volatile and Final Fields
Java 9 Features
  • Reactive Programming with Flow API
  • CompletableFuture Enhancements
  • Process API Updates
Java 11 Features
  • Local-Variable Type Inference (var keyword)
  • Enhancements in Optional class
  • New Methods in the String class relevant to concurrency
   DeadLock       Concurrency   

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