What are basic elements or components of Linux? |
What is BASH? |
What is Kernel? Explain its functions. |
What are two types of Linux User Mode? |
What is LILO? |
What is swap space? |
What do you mean by a Process States in Linux? |
What is Linux Shell? What types of Shells are there in Linux? |
What is a maximum length for a filename under Linux? |
What are file permissions in Linux? Name different types of file systems in Linux. |
What is LVM and why is it required? |
What is a ?/proc? file system? |
What do you mean by the daemons? |
What is a Zombie Process? |
What is the difference between cron and anacron? |
What is load average in Linux? |
What do you mean by Shell Script? |
What is INODE and Process Id? |
What is CLI and GUI? |
What are the advantages of using NIC teaming? |
What do you mean by Network bonding? |
What are different network bonding modes used in Linux? |
What is SSH? How we can connect to a remote server via SSH. |
What is netstat command? |
What is the ping command? |
What is the function of grep command? |
What is the pwd command? |
What is pipe? |
What are Linux directory commands? |
What do you mean by unmask? |
What is the difference between BASH and DOS? |
What is samba? Why is it required? |
What is the History of Linux? |
What are the Features of the Linux Operating System? |
What is LVM? Its a requirement in Linux? |
What is Linux? |
What is the difference between Linux and Unix? |
What is the core of the Linux operating system? |
What is the Linux Kernel? |
What is CLI? |
What is the advantage of Open Source? |
What is the disadvantage of Open Source? |
What is Shell? |
What are the basic components of Linux? |
What is a swap space? |
What is the GUI? |
What are the environmental variables? |
What are the symbolic links? |
What are the hard links? |
What is redirection? |
What are Daemons? |
What are the different modes when using the vi editor? |
What are inode and process id? |
What are the Process states in Linux? |
What Is a File system in Linux? |
What is umask? |
What is network bonding in Linux? |
What are the different modes of Network bonding in Linux? |
What are the default ports used for SMTP, DNS, FTP, DHCP, SSH, and squid? |
What is the 'ls' command and what it does? |
What is the tail command in Linux? |
What is grep command in Linux? |
What is ps command in Linux? |
What is the env command in Linux? |
What is the top Command in Linux? |
What is netstat command in Linux? |
What is lsof command in Linux? |
What is the cp command in Linux? |
What is mkdir in Linux? |
What is meant by internal commands and external commands? |
What is meant by PIPE in Linux? |
What is a Stateless Linux Server? |
What is Zombie Process? |
What is the cat command in Linux? |
What is the grep command in Linux? |
What is ps command in Linux? |
What is the netstat command in Linux? |
What is the lsof command in Linux? |
What is the df command in Linux? |
What is a du command in Linux? |
What is the iptables command in Linux? |
What does the cd - command do? |
What does cd command do? |
What does (cd dir && command) do? |
What does pushd command do? |
What is ls -lSr command? |
What is du -s * | sort -k1,1rn | head command used for? |
What does this du -hs /home/* | sort -k1,1h command do? |
What is df -h command? |
What is df -i command? |
What is fdisk -l command used for? |
Name different types of modes used in VI editor. |
Name the Linux that is specially designed by Sun micro system. |
Name the file that is used to automatically mount file systems. |
Name daemon that controls the print spooling process. |
Name the first process that is started by the kernel in Linux and what is its process id? |
Name default ports used for DNS, SMTP, FTP, SSH, DHCP and squid. |
Name three standard streams in Linux. |
Name the command that is used to check all the listening ports and services of your machine. |
Name the command used to review boot messages. |
Write the difference between Soft and Hard links? |
Write difference between Linux and Unix. |
Explain working of env command. |
Explain File Permissions types in Linux? |
Explain the virtual desktop? |
Explain Process Management System Calls in Linux? |
Explain File Permission groups in Linux? |
Explain different file system types in Linux? |
Explain about chmod command? |
Explain about chown command? |
Explain rmdir command in Linux? |
Explain the features of Stateless Linux Server? |
Explain the work of the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination on the Linux operating system? |
Why /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts files are used? |
Why LVM is required? |
Why we use LINUX? |
Why is Linux considered more secure than other operating systems? |
Which command is used to check the default run level? |
Which command is used to check the size of file or directory? |
Which command is used to count the number of characters in a file? |
Which command is used to check the memory status? |
How many types of Shells are there in Linux? |
How do you open a command prompt when issuing a command? |
How to set the mask permanently for a user? |
How to check the default route and routing table? |
How to check which ports are listening in my Linux Server? |
How to change the default run level in Linux? |
How to share a directory using NFS? |
How to lock a user account in Linux? |
How to remove a file or directory from the system in Linux? |
How to exit from vi editors? |
How to delete information from a file in vi? |
How do you kill the program using one port in Linux? |
How do you limit memory usage for commands? |
How do you get the full path of a file in Linux? |
How do you list the contents of tar.gz and extract only one file? |
How do you find who is logged in? |
How do you check the permissions of each directory to a file? |
How do you run the command every time a file is modified? |
How to copy text to the clipboard? |
How do you check resources usage? |
How do you run a command for a limited time? |
How do you combine two lines from two sorted files in Linux? |
Where the kernel modules are located? |
Who invented Linux? Explain the history of Linux? |
Describe the root account? |
Describe how a parent and child process communicates with each other? |
Differentiate between BASH and DOS? |
Enlist some Linux to file content commands? |
Enlist some Linux distributors (Distros) along with their usage? |
Linux OS internals |
Under the Linux system, what is the typical size for swap partitions? |
Can I have html form property without associated getter and setter formbean methods? |
Can we handle exceptions in Struts programmatically? |
Does Struts2 action and interceptors are thread safe? |
For a single Struts application, can we have multiple struts-config.xml files? |
Is Struts Framework part of J2EE? |
Is Struts thread safe? |
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