06 February 2021


What is Z- Index ?
What is position: Relative?
What is position : Absolute?
What is Inline element & Block element?
What is Inline – Block element ?
What will visibility:hidden do ?
What will Display: none do ?
What is Float ?
What is the use of clear ?
What is the use of Max – width ?
What will overflow : auto do ?
What is Box- Sizing ?
What will overflow : scroll do?
What are available in CSS Box Model ?
what are different types of styles in CSS?
What are the different types of CSS selectors?
What is Media Query?
What are the valid values of the CSS attribute font-style?
What is the attribute which we use in CSS for changing the background color of the page?
What is CSS selector?
What is universal selector?
What is the difference between class and id selector?
What do you mean by CSS box model?
What is the difference between display:none and visibility:hidden?
What are the different types of position properties?
Name some pseudo classes that we use in CSS?
Name some of the pseudo elements in CSS?
Which of the following is the default value of position attribute?
Which position property remain unaffected while scrolling?
Which of the below CSS property allows you to skew, rotate and translate an element?
Which HTML element is used to define style to an HTML page?
Which are the logical operators used to compose media queries ?
Which of the following is true about CSS ?
Which of the following statements is TRUE for CSS?
Which of the following is/are component/s of CSS style rule?
How do you add comment in a CSS file?
How do color a H1 tag to blue color?
When all the different ways of adding style is present in a HTML file, then which among the following will have highest priority for a given tag?
In media queries, comma separated lists acts like logical operator ____ and styles get applied if any of the media queries returns _____.
In how many ways you can integrate CSS with your webpage?
A web developer wants all the paragraphs text in the HTML page to be appeared in red in color. Which of the below CSS code is appropriate to achieve the above requirement?
Choose the correct statements from the below, regarding id and class attribute?
Identify the attribute of HTML element to apply ID selector?
Identify the correct tag that helps to link external css file named “Stylesheet.css” ?
Identity the correct syntax that modify the style of to display text in green color & underlined?
Ranu has designed a website. She has included the points to be noted for each topic explained under a paragraph and the note paragraph is placed after explanation section of each topic. Now she wants to render the note paragraph in different color. Which selector should Betty be using?
The web developer has been developed a website where the styling gets changed very frequently. Which way should Jack use for specifying style sheet?
  • Selectors
  • Box Model
  • Backgrounds
  • Image Values and Replaced Content
  • Text Effects
  • 2D Transformations
  • 3D Transformations
  • Animations
  • Multiple Column Layout
  • User Interface

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