29 June 2021


What are the key components of OpenStack?
What storage types are allowed by OpenStack Compute?
What is Flat DHCP Network Manager?
What is VLAN?
What is Token?
What is AvalabilityZoneFilter?
What is CapacityFilter?
What is DifferentBackendFilter?
What is DriverFilter?
What is InstanceLocalityFilter?
What is JSONFIlter?
What is RetryFilterv
What is Horizon?
What is Nova?
What is Swift?
What is Cinder?
What is Neutron?
What is Keystone?
What is Glance?
What is Ceilometer?
What is Heat?
What is Object storage?
What is Block storage?
What is Shared File System storage?
What does “role” and “tenant” indicates in OpenStack?
What is KVM
What is VMware
What is Containers
What is Xen and HyperV
What are the two types of storage does OpenStack Compute provides?
What is Ephemeral Storage
What is Volume Storage
What are the basic functions of Identity Service in OpenStack?
What is User Management?
What is Service Catalog?
What are the main components of identity user management?
What is Tenants?
What is the meaning of term “Cinder” in OpenStack service?
What is the command used for pause and unpause an instance?
What is the meaning of term “flavor” in OpenStack?
What do you understand by the term Openstack?
What is the difference between OpenStack and AWS?
What are the advantages of using Openstack?
What are the key features of Openstack?
What are the three types of persistent storage provided by Openstack?
What does the term “object storage” mean?
What does the term “block storage” mean?
What does the term “file-based storage” mean?
What is the difference between ephemeral storage, block storage, object storage, and file-based storage?
What does the term “Sheepdog” mean?
What does the term “ZFS” mean?
What are the advantages of Ceph?
What is the keystone identity service in Openstack?
What is Hypervisor?
What are the commands used for pausing and unpausing an instance?
What do you understand by Python SDK in Openstack?
What is the role of the API server?
What does token mean in Openstack?
What does a flat network manager mean?
What is the function of the cinder scheduler?
What does a bare-metal node consist of?
What is a bare-metal node orchestrator?
What is a bare-metal node operating system?
What do cells mean in Openstack?
What is OpenStack
What are the services generally run on a Compute Node?
What is the default location of VMs on the Compute Nodes?
What is the default location of glance images?
What is ‘users,’ ‘role’ and ‘tenant’ in OpenStack.
What is Identity Service in OpenStack.
What is the Networking Managers?
What is Hypervisor
What is the role of API Server.
What is Flavor
What is the following terms from Openstack:
What is the term “flavor” in Openstack.
What is OpenStack.
What is the function of Filter Scheduler.
What are the three components that make modular architecture of OpenStack?
What are the networking options used in OpenStack?
What is the command to remove network interface from bare-metal node?
What is Network Manager in OpenStack?
What is Network hardware in OpenStack
What is Storage of OpenStack?
What are the benefits of using OpenStack Cloud.
What is modular architecture of OpenStack.
What hypervisor is and what type of hypervisor does OpenStack supports?
What is Cells in OpenStack?
What is Token in OpenStack?
What is OpenStack Python SDK?
What is the function of Cinder Scheduler?
What are the benefits of OpenStack
What are the components availbale in OpenStack?
What is Keypair Generation?
Name a few commodity storage technologies
Name a few storage locations for virtual machine images in Openstack.
Name a few networking hardware in Openstack.
Name a few commands to generate key pairs.
Name a few components of the OpenStack to compute.
Name a few hypervisors supported by the Openstack.
Name the three important modular architecture of Openstack.
Name the command used for assigning a project or tenant to a user.
Name the command used for creating a user in Openstack.
Name the command used for removing network interface from the bare-metal node.
Name the command used for transferring the volume from one owner to another in Openstack.
Name the main components of identity user management.
Name the basic functions of identity service in Openstack.
Which command is used for managing floating IP addresses in Openstack?
How you can transfer volume from one owner to another in OpenStack?
How to create a user in OpenStack?
How to assign a project/tenant to a user?
How many types of storages are provided by the Openstack?
How can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in Openstack?
How to list the network namespace of a tenant in OpenStack?
How to execute command inside network namespace in OpenStack?
How to upload and download a cloud image in Glance from the command line?
How to reset error state of a VM into active in OpenStack env?
How to get a list of available Floating IPs from the command line?
How to provision a virtual machine in a specific availability zone and compute Host?
Assign tenant/project?
Can we see the list of roles and associated IDs in the OpenStack environment?
Compare AWS and OpenStack?
Create a user for OpenStack?
List the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack
List down the type of Hypervisors supported by OpenStack.
List down the components of OpenStack Compute
List the commands to generate Key pairs.
List out the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack?
List of VM images in OpenStack
Openstack key components?
Tell me the command on how to spin a VM from Command Line?


  • ZUN - Containers Service
  • QINLING- Functions Service

Hardware Lifecycle

  • IRONIC - Bare Metal Provisioning Service
  • CYBORG - Lifecycle management of accelerators


  • SWIFT - Object store
  • CINDER - Block Storage
  • MANILA - Shared filesystems


  • NEUTRON - Networking
  • OCTAVIA - Load balancer
  • DESIGNATE - DNS service

Shared Services

  • PLACEMENT - Placement service
  • GLANCE- Image service
  • BARBICAN - Key management
  • KARBOR - Application Data Protection as a Service
  • SEARCHLIGHT - Indexing and Search


  • HEAT - Orchestration
  • SENLIN - Clustering service
  • MISTRAL - Workflow service
  • ZAQAR - Messaging Service
  • BLAZAR  -Resource reservation service
  • AODH -Alarming Service

Workload Provisioning

  • MAGNUM - Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning
  • SAHARA - Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning
  • TROVE - Database as a Service

Application Lifecycle

  • MASAKARI - Instances High Availability Service
  • MURANO - Application Catalog
  • SOLUM - Software Development Lifecycle Automation
  • FREEZER- Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery

API Proxies

  • EC2API - EC2 API proxy

Web Frontend

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