16 December 2020


What are advantages and disadvantages of BST?
What are asymptotic notations?
What are common operations that can be performed on a data-structure?
What are Dynamic Arrays?
What are dynamic data structures?
What are main advantages of Tries over Binary Search Trees (BSTs)?
What are multidimensional arrays?
What are Pascal Strings?
What are some main advantages of Tries over Hash Tables
What are some types of Linked List?
What are some types of Queue?
What are the applications of graph data structure?
What are the criteria of algorithm analysis?
What are the difference between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree with an example?
What are the parts of a linked list?
What are tree traversals?
What are various data-structures available?
What does ‘Space Complexity’ mean?
What does Sparse Array mean?
What is "The Knight’s tour problem"
What is a dequeue?
What is a doubly-linked list (DLL)? What are its applications.
What is a graph data structure?
What is a Graph?
What is a Hash Function?
What is a heap data structure?
What is a heap in data structure?
What is a linear search?
What is a linked list?
What is a linked-list?
What is a minimum spanning tree (MST)?
What is a multidimensional array?
What is a postfix expression?
What is a priority queue?
What is a queue in data-structure?
What is a queue?
What is a queue? What are the applications of queue?
What is a recursive function?
What is a Salt and How Does It Make Password Hashing More Secure?
What is a spanning tree?
What is a stack?
What is a stack? What are the applications of stack?
What is a tree data structure?
What is a tree?
What is algorithm?
What is Amortized Analysis
What is an array?
What is an Associative Array?
What is an AVL Tree?
What is an ordered list?
What is Asymptotic Analysis
What is asymptotic analysis of an algorithm?
What is AVL Tree?
What is AVL Tree?
What is Balance Factor?
What is Balanced Binary Search Tree (AVL-tree)?
What is Balanced Tree and why is that important?
What is Balanced Tree and why is that important?
What is Binary Heap?
What is Binary Heap?
What is Binary Insertion Sort
What is Binary Search Tree (BST)
What is Binary Tree
What is Bipartite Graph? How to detect one?
What is Box Stacking Problem?
What is Bubble Sort
What is bubble sort and how bubble sort works?
What is Bucket Sort
What is Comb Sort
What is Complete binary tree?
What is Complexity Analysis of Queue operations?
What is complexity of Hash Table?
What is Counting Sort
What is Cycle Sort
What is Data abstraction?
What is data structure?
What is data-structure?
What is divide and conquer algorithms?
What is doubly linked lists?
What is dynamic programming algorithms?
What is Exponential Search
What is fibonacci series?
What is FIFO?
What is Full binary tree?
What is greedy algorithms
What is Hash Collision?
What is Hash Table?
What is Hash Value?
What is hashing algorithm? How it works?
What is Hashing?
What is hashmap in data structure?
What is Heap Sort
What is Heap?
What is ideal Sorting algorithm?
What is Insertion Sort
What is Interpolation Search
What is interpolation search technique?
What is Iterative Quick Sort
What is Jump Search
What is LIFO?
What is linear data structure?
What is Linear Search
What is linear searching?
What is Linked List
What is LIS?
What is Max-Heap?
What is MD5?
What is meant by to "Sort in Place"?
What is Merge Sort
What is merge sort and how it works?
What is merge sort?
What is Min-Heap?
What is Morris Traversal for a Tree and how to implement one?
What is Ordered Array?
What is Ordered List?
What is Partition problem?
What is Perfect binary tree?
What is Pigeonhole Sort
What is Priority Queue?
What is Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms
What is Queue?
What is QuickSort
What is Radix Sort
What is recursive algorithm?
What is Red-Black tree?
What is Red-Black tree?
What is Rope Data Structure is used for?
What is Searching
What is Selection Sort
What is selection sort?
What is shell sort?
What is ShellSort
What is Sorting
What is Sorting Algorithms? Why Sorting algorithms are important?
What is Stability?
What is Stack
What is stack?
What is String in Data Structures?
What is Ternary Search
What is the advantage of the heap over a stack?
What is the difference between a Hash Function and a Cryptographic Hash Function?
What is the difference between a PUSH and a POP?
What is the difference between Hashing and Hash Tables?
What is the difference between Heap and Red-Black Tree?
What is the difference between Strings vs. Char arrays?
What is the difference between the Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS)?
What is the difference between tree and graph data structure?
What is the maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height k?
What is the minimum number of nodes that a binary tree can have?
What is the minimum number of queues needed when implementing a priority queue?
What is the primary advantage of a linked list?
What is the requirement for an object to be used as key or value in HashMap?
What is the space complexity of a Hash Table?
What is the time complexity for insert into Red-Black Tree?
What is the time complexity of basic operations get() and put() in HashMap class?
What is topological sorting in a graph?
What is tower of hanoi?
What is Transpose a Matrix?
What is Tree Data Structure
What is tree traversal?
What is Trie?
What is Ugly Numbers?
What is Unordered Array?
What is Unordered List?
What is Word Wrap Problem?
What is Worst, Average and Best Cases
What is QuickSort
What is ShellSort
What operations can be performed on Queues?
What operations can be performed on stacks?
Name some application of Trie data structure
Name some characteristics of Array Data Structure
Name some common types and categories of Graphs
Name some disadvantages of Linked Lists?
Name some ways to implement Priority Queue
Write a Java program to implement Stack using an array and linked list?
Write a recursive function to calculate the height of a binary tree in Java.
Write Java code to count number of nodes in a binary tree.
Explain "N Queen Problem"
Explain Activity Selection Problem
Explain Boyer Moore Algorithm
Explain Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Adjacency List Representation
Explain Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
Explain Finite Automata algorithm
Explain Floyd Warshall Algorithm
Explain Floyd Warshall Algorithm
Explain Greedy Algorithm to find Minimum number of Coins
Explain Greedy Algorithms
Explain Hamiltonian Cycle
Explain how to find 100 largest numbers out of an array of 1 billion numbers
Explain Huffman Coding
Explain Huffman’s algorithm
Explain Job Sequencing Problem
Explain K Centers Problem
Explain K Centers Problem
Explain KMP Algorithm
Explain Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Explain m Coloring Problem
Explain Manacher’s Algorithm
Explain Naive Pattern Searching
Explain Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Explain Prim’s MST for Adjacency List Representation
Explain the process behind storing a variable in memory.
Explain the scenarios where you can use linked lists and arrays.
Explain types of Resistance any Cryptographic Hash Function shall have?
What is B-Tree?
Explain why Stack is a recursive data structure
Why and when should I use Stack or Queue data structures instead of Arrays/Lists?
Why do we use queues?
Why do we use stacks?
Why do we want to use Binary Search Tree?
Why is Merge sort preferred over Quick sort for sorting Linked Lists?
Why we need to do algorithm analysis?
Which data structures are applied when dealing with a recursive function?
Which data structures are used for implementing LRU cache?
Which sort algorithm works best on mostly sorted data?
Which sorting algorithm is considered the fastest?
How are all leaves of a binary search tree printed?
How are B-Trees used in practice?
How are duplicate characters found in a string?
How are duplicate nodes removed in an unsorted linked list?
How are duplicates removed from a given array in Java?
How are duplicates removed from an array without using any library?
How are linked lists more efficient than arrays?
How breadth first traversal works?
How Bubble Sort works
How can a given string be reversed using recursion?
How can Hash Functions be used to perform lookups?
How come that hash values are not reversible?
How depth first traversal works?
How do check if a binary tree is balanced or not?
How do check if a given binary tree is a binary search tree?
How do count a number of leaf nodes in a given binary tree?
How do find a missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?
How do find all permutations of String?
How do find the 3rd node from the end in a singly linked list?
How do find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?
How do find the length of a singly linked list?
How do find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass?
How do find the sum of two linked lists using Stack? (program)
How do implement a binary search tree?
How do implement a Post-order traversal algorithm?
How do pre-order traversal in a given binary tree?
How do print all leaves of a binary search tree?
How do print all nodes of given binary tree using inorder traversal without recursion
How do remove duplicate nodes in an unsorted linked list?
How do reverse a linked list?
How do reverse a singly linked list without recursion?
How do signed and unsigned numbers affect memory?
How do traversal in given binary tree?
How do traverse a binary tree in Postorder traversal without recursion
How do traverse a given binary tree in Pre-order without recursion
How do you check if a given linked list contains a cycle? How do you find the starting node of the cycle?
How do you check if a given string is a palindrome?
How do you check if a string contains only digits?
How do you check if two rectangles overlap with each other?
How do you check if two strings are a rotation of each other?
How do you check if two strings are anagrams of each other?
How do you count the number of leaf nodes in a given binary tree?
How do you count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string?
How do you count the occurrence of a given character in a string?
How do you design a vending machine?
How do you find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number?
How do you find all the permutations of a string?
How do you find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates?
How do you find the duplicate number on a given integer array?
How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?
How do you find the length of a singly linked list?
How do you find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass?
How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?
How do you find the sum of two linked lists using Stack?
How do you find the third node from the end in a singly linked list?
How do you implement a bucket sort algorithm?
How do you implement a counting sort algorithm?
How do you implement a postorder traversal algorithm?
How do you implement a Queue using two Stacks?
How do you implement an insertion sort algorithm?
How do you implement stack using queues?
How do you implement Stack using Queues?
How do you insert a new item in a binary search tree?
How do you know when to use DFS over BFS?
How do you perform a binary search in a given array?
How do you perform an inorder traversal in a given binary tree?
How do you perform preorder traversal in a given binary tree?
How do you print all nodes of a given binary tree using inorder traversal without recursion?
How do you print duplicate characters from a string?
How do you print the first non-repeated character from a string?
How do you reference all the elements in a one-dimension array?
How do you remove duplicates from an array in place?
How do you represent a graph?
How do you reverse a linked list?
How do you reverse a singly linked list without recursion?
How do you reverse an array in place in Java?
How do you reverse words in a given sentence without using any library method?
How do you search for a target key in a linked list?
How do you swap two numbers without using the third variable?
How do you traverse a binary tree in postorder traversal without recursion?
How do you traverse a given binary tree in preorder without recursion?
How does a selection sort work for an array?
How does dynamic memory allocation help in managing data?
How does HashMap handle collisions in Java?
How does inserting or deleting nodes affect a Red-Black tree?
How does variable declaration affect memory allocation?
How Heap Sort works
How insertion sort and selection sorts are different?
How Insertion Sort works
How is a binary search tree implemented?
How is a bubble sort algorithm implemented?
How is a merge sort algorithm implemented?
How is a radix sort algorithm implemented?
How is a stack different from a queue?
How is an integer array sorted in place using the quicksort algorithm?
How is an iterative quicksort algorithm implemented?
How is Binary Heap usually implemented?
How Kruskal's algorithm works?
How many spanning trees can a graph has?
How Merge Sort works
How Prim's algorithm finds spanning tree?
How quick sort works?
How QuickSort works
How Radix Sort works
How to add or subtract two Matrices?
How to add two numbers without using the plus operator in Java?
How to calculate the average of all numbers in a given array?
How to Calculate the square root of a given number?
How to check if a given linked list contains a cycle? How to find the starting node of the cycle?
How to check if a given number is a Palindrome?
How to check if a given number is an Armstrong number?
How to check if a given number is even/odd without using an Arithmetic operator?
How to check if a given number is positive or negative in Java?
How to check if a given year is a leap year in Java?
How to check if a number is even or odd without using a modulo operator?
How to check if a number is the power of two?
How to check if a String contains only digits?
How to check if the given number is a prime number?
How to check if the given String is Palindrome?
How to check if two rectangles overlap with each other?
How to check if two String is a rotation of each other?
How to check if two Strings are anagrams of each other?
How To Choose Between a Hash Table and a Trie (Prefix Tree)?
How to convert a decimal number to binary in Java?
How to count a number of vowels and consonants in a given String?
How to count the occurrence of a given character in String?
How to find all pairs of integer array whose sum is equal to a given number?
How to find all prime factors of a given number?
How to find duplicate characters from String?
How to find duplicate characters in a String?
How to find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates?
How to find multiple missing numbers in a given integer array with duplicates?
How to find the duplicate number on a given integer array?
How to find the highest repeating world from a given file in Java?
How to find the largest prime factor of a given integral number?
How to find the number of 1s (the Set bit) in a given Bit Sequence?
How to implement a Merge Sort Algorithm?
How to implement a queue using stack?
How to implement a tree data-structure?
How to implement an LRU Cache in your favorite programming language?
How to implement Iterative QuickSort Algorithm?
How to implement Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm to find Prime numbers?
How to implement the Bubble Sort algorithm?
How to implement the Bucket Sort Algorithm?
How to implement the Counting Sort Algorithm?
How to implement the Insertion Sort Algorithm?
How to implement the Radix Sort Algorithm?
How to multiply two Matrices in Java?
How to perform a binary search in a given array?
How to print a given Pyramid structure?
How to print all prime numbers up to a given number?
How to print first non repeated character from String?
How to print Floyd's triangle?
How to print Left view of any binary trees.
How to print pascal's triangle?
How to remove duplicates from an array in place?
How to remove duplicates from the given array in Java?
How to reverse a given Integer in Java?
How to reverse a given String using recursion?
How to reverse an array in place in Java?
How to reverse words in a given sentence without using any library method?
How to sort an integer array in place using the QuickSort algorithm?
How to Subtract two binary numbers?
How to swap two numbers without using the third variable?
How would you optimise Bubble Sort?
When is doubly linked list more efficient than singly linked list?
When is Quicksort better than Mergesort?
When Merge Sort is preferred over Quick Sort?
When to use Hashing on practice?
Difference between Stack and Queue data structure
In what data structures are pointers applied?
Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear data structures?
Are linked lists of linear or non-linear type?
Briefly explain the approaches to develop algorithms.
Can we store a duplicate key in HashMap?
Can you do Iterative Pre-order Traversal of a Binary Tree without Recursion?
Can you explain the difference between file structure and storage structure?
Can you tell how linear data structures differ from non-linear data structures?
Classify Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithm
Classify Fibonacci search?
Classify Tree Traversal Algorithms.
Compare Heaps vs Arrays to implement Priority Queue
Compare lookup operation in Trie vs Hash Table
Differentiate between file and structure storage structure.
Differentiate NULL and VOID
Differentiate STACK from ARRAY.
Do all declaration statements result in a fixed reservation in memory?
Expalin Rabin-Karp Algorithm
Expalin Rabin-Karp Algorithm
Explain Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Adjacency List Representation
Explain Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm
Explain Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Explain Manacher’s Algorithm
Find GCD of two numbers using Euclid's Algorithm?
Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes' values, using Stack?
Is it possible to decrypt MD5 hashes?
Is there any reason anyone should use BSTs instead of AVLs in the first place?
Tell me something about 'insertion sort'?
Under what circumstances are Linked Lists useful?
What's the difference between External vs Internal sorting?
What's the difference between the data structure Tree and Graph?
What's the main reason for choosing Red Black (RB) trees instead of AVL trees?

Algorithm and their types

  • Performance analysis of an algorithm: Space Complexity
  • Performance analysis of an algorithm: Time Complexity
  • Asymptotic Notations
  • Asymptotic Notation Big O <take example of all the notations involved and solve them>
  • Asymptotic Notation Big Omega and Theta


  • Bubble sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Pigeonhole Sort
  • 3-Way Quicksort (Dutch National Flag) algorithm
  • Cocktail Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Bucket Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Shell Sort
  • Topological sort
  • Heap sort


  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search
  • Jump Search
  • Interpolation Search
  • Exponential Search
  • Ternary Search


  • Introduction to Binary Tree
  • Binary Tree Traversal
  • Binary Search Tree Introduction
  • Implementation of BST
  • Implementation of Binary tree
  • TRIE Data structure
  • Heaps
  • Priority Queue
  • AVL tree
  • Segment
  • Implementation of segment
  • Lazy propagation of segment
  • Implementation of Lazy propagation of segment
  • Fenwick
  • Implementation of fenwick trees


  • Graph Representation Adjacency Matrix
  • Graph Representation Adjacency List
  • Graph Traversal
  • Graph Traversal using Stack and Queue
  • Code for Graph Traversal
  • Bipartite graph
  • Graph colouring problem
  • Check if the graph is Bipartite graph or not using graph colouring
  • Isomorphic Graph
  • Euler Graph
  • Hamiltonian Graph

Different types of problem solving technique

  • Brute force approach
  • Recursion
  • Dynamic programming approach
  • Backtracking approach
  • Ball in a maze problem solution using backtracking
  • Greedy approach approach
  • Two pointer approach

Minimum Spanning Tree

  • Kruskals algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree tutorial
  • Prims Algorithm

Shortest Path algorithms:

  • Bellman ford
  • Dijkstras
  • Floyd warshalls

String matching algorithms

  • Knuth Morris Pratt String matching algorithm
  • Rabin Karp algorithm
  • Boyer-Moore string-search algorithm

Knapsack Problem:

  • Fractional knapsack
  • Knapsack


  • P, NP, NP hard, NP Complete
  • Tower of hanoi
  • Sieve of Eratosthenes
  • Kadane Algorithm
  • Sliding Window Approach
  • Travelling Salesman problem
  • Coin Change Problem
  • Coin Change Problem - Total Number of denomination available.
  • Job Sequencing problem
  • Activity Selection Problem
  • House Robber Problem
  • Egg dropping problem
  • Stack Data structure and Implementation using arrays.
  • Stack Data structure and Implementation using Linked List.
  • Singly Linked List with Implementation.
  • Doubly Linked List [DLL] with implementation .
  • Circular Singly Linked List with implementation.
  • Circular Doubly Linked List with Implementation.
  • Queue Data Structure with implementation using arrays.
  • Queue Data Structure with implementation using linked list.
  • Circular Queues Data structure with Implementation using arrays.
  • Circular Queue Data structure with Implementation using Linked List.

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