29 October 2020


What is Task?
What is Module?
What is Play?
What is Playbook?
What is Role?
What kind of automation you wouldn't do with Ansible and why?
What is an inventory file and how do you define one?
What is a dynamic inventory file? When you would use one?
What the "become" directive used for in Ansible?
What are facts? How to see all the facts of a certain host?
What 'blocks' are used for in Ansible?
What is ansible-pull? How is it different from how ansible-playbook works?
What is Ansible Vault?
What are filters? Do you have experience with writing filters?
What are callback plugins? What can you achieve by using callback plugins?
What is Ansible Collections?
What is Molecule? How does it works?
What do you know about Ansible?
What are the major advantages of using Ansible?
What is continuous delivery in terms of Ansible?
Difference - Ansible and Puppet?
What are the things Ansible can do?
What language Ansible is written in?
What are the requirements of the Ansible server?
What is the right way to copy files recursively onto a target host?
What is the default location for Ansible?
What module can be utilized to stop a playbook execution for a specific period?
What is the default forks value in configuration file?
What is the web-based interface used to access projects, inventories, job templates and jobs Ansible?
What is inventory in Ansible and how to update it?
What is ansible-playbook?
What is the use of list-task in ansible?
what is the use of –start-at-task in ansible?
What is ansible variables?
What is ansible roles?
What are the key things required for the playbook?
What are the advantages of Ansible?
What is inventory in ansible?
What is configuration management?
What is ansible jinja2 templates?
What are the role dependencies?
What are playbooks in ansible ?
What are ad-hoc commands ?
What is an inventory file ?
What is ansible tower ?
What are roles in ansible ?
What is your understanding about Ansible ?
What is Ansible Host and Node ?
What is Configuration Management (CM) Practices?
What are the basic terminologies used in Ansible.
What is Ansible Galaxy.
What is Ansible tower.
What is ad-hoc commands.
What is “fact” in Ansible.
What is Ansible tasks.
What is Ansible role and what makes it different from the playbooks?
What is handlers in Ansible?
What is ansible modules?
Name different modules in Ansible.
Name the different components of Ansible.
Write a task to create the directory ‘/tmp/new_directory’
Write a filter to capitalize a string
Explain the directory layout of an Ansible role
Explain the Diffrence between Forks and Serial & Throttle.
Explain the way to access shell environment variables in Ansible.
Why Ansible vaults are used?
Why handlers are used in the playbook?
Which Ansible best practices are you familiar with?. Name at least three
Which one is not a valid value of state argument of “file” module?
Which module can be utilized to copy files from a remote machine to a control machine?
Which module will you utilize to create a directory?
Which module can be used to force a handler to run in between two tasks?
Which Ansible module is utilized for managing docker services and containers?
Which configuration management is agentless
which command is used to run an ansible playbook?
Which module copies a dynamically generated file from control machine to target
How Ansible is different from other Automation tools?
How do you list all modules and how can you see details on a specific module?
How do you handle errors in Ansible?
How do you test your Ansible based projects?
How do Ansible works?
How can we make content redistributable and reusable?
How can you connect other devices within Ansible?
How to define the number of parallel processes while communicating to remote hosts?
How can you reduce the number of SSH connections required?
How would you write comments on Jinja2:
How to Install Ansible in the Redhat Linux operating system?
How to set SSH-based access from Controller to Managed Nodes which is recommended by Ansible?
How to run ansible command? Briefly explain?
How to write playbook, give example?
How are nodes,managed by a controlling machine over?
How to define handler in ansible playbook?
How to create Ansible roles?
How will start the services using ansible?
How to execute the created roles?
How to use existing tasks in Ansible?
How to use ansible-galaxy to download roles?
How to do role duplication and execution?
How to secure Ansible playbooks?
How to encrypt and decrypt Ansible playbooks?
How to change the existing password for ansible vault?
How to install Ansible on Linux?
How do you define ansible in the configuration management perspective?
How do you define ansible is useful in the automation paradigm?
How ansible is executing just by YAML script?
How can u encrypt ansible passwords or any data ?
How will you ensure the targeted server connection is established ?
How Ansible Communicate with its host Machine?
How can you install Ansible on Amazon EC2 instance?
How can you take backup of configuration in Ansible?
Where is Inventory file located by default?
Will you be able to restart the target machines with Ansible?
Will you be able to see the host machine all variables using ansible?
Do u know how to illustrate the working of Ansible ?
Do you know any API reference for Ansible ?
Do you know what are all the features of Ansible beyond automation?
Do you know ansible cannot be considered as opensource?
Do you know the other way around to perform ansible operations without writing playbooks ?
Do you know how do we parameterize the arguments required for the module ?
Do you know how do we make use of our ansible script reusable or redistributable ?
Do we hav option to copy a file from my ansible server to all server ?
Ansible has two types of servers. Select the appropriate answer from the given options.
Ansible is generally referred to as what?
Can you please explain the meaning of the red hat Ansible?
Could you differentiate Roles and Playbooks?
Differentiate ask_pass and ask_sudo_pass
Does Ansible support AWS?
Give a brief about Ansible architecture.
If you do not need any facts from the host, what command would you use?
Is it possible to create own modules with Ansible?
Is it possible to keep secret data in the playbook?
Perform the following setps on all Managed nodes.
Please define what is Ansible Galaxy?
Server requirement for Ansible how will it look like ?
So do you have an option do customize you own ansible modules?
True or False? Ansible follows the mutable infrastructure paradigm
True or False? Ansible uses declarative style to describe the expected end state
Difference environment variable and variable name?
What’s the best way to generate crypto passwords for the user module?
You want to run Ansible playbook only on specific minor version of your OS, how would you achieve that?
You would like to run a certain command if a task fails. How would you achieve that?
You would like to run a task only if previous task changed anything. How would you achieve that?
You run Ansibe tests and you get "idempotence test failed". What does it mean? Why idempotence is important?
  • It is an automation and configuration management technology.
  • It is used to provision, deploy, and manage compute infrastructure across cloud, virtual, and physical environments.
  • Easy remote execution and low barrier to entry.
  • Suitable for environments designed to scale rapidly.
  • Shares facts between multiple servers, so they can query each other.
  • Powerful orchestration engine. Strong focus on areas where others lack, such as zero- downtime rolling updates to multi-tier applications across the cloud.
  • Easy installation and initial setup.
  • Syntax and workflow is fairly easy to learn for new users.
  • Sequential execution order.
  • Supports both push and pull models.
  • Lack of master eliminates failure points and performance issues. 
  • Agent-less deployment and communication is faster than the master-agent model.
  • High security with SSH.


  • Configuration Management
  • Security and Compliance
  • Application Deployment
  • Orchestration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Provisioning


  • Ansible Workflow - Ansible Server, Modules, Task, Role, Fact, Inventory, Play, Handler, Notifier, Tag
  • Ansible Architecture
  • ad-hoc Commands
  • Ansible Playbooks
  • Ansible Tower
  • Ansible Variables
  • Ansible Tags
  • Ansible Galaxy
  • Commands Cheat Sheets
  • Ansible Shell
  • Ansible Templates
  • Ansible YAML
  • Ansible Debug
  • Ansible Apt
  • Ansible Lineinfile
  • Ansible Copy
  • Ansible Command
  • Ansible File
  • Ansible Vault
  • Ansible Windows
  • Ansible Yum
  • Ansible AWX
  • Ansible Unarchive
  • Ansible Pip
  • Ansible vs Chef
  • Ansible vs Puppet


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