23 July 2021


What is the Cloud?
What is Cloud Computing?
What are the deployment Type of Clouds based on the source?
What are the top Clouds in the market now?
What are the type of application we can implement using the Cloud?
What are the factors to move to the Cloud?
What is the integrator system in Cloud Computing?
What is the difference between the traditional data center and Cloud data center?
What are the benefits of API?
What is scalability in the Cloud?
What is the elasticity?
What is the importance of platform as service?
What are some of the popular open-source cloud computing platforms?
What are system integrators in Cloud Computing?
What are the advantages of using cloud computing?
What are the different methods for the authentication of Google Compute Engine API?
What are the different models for deployment in cloud computing?
What are the different modes of software as a service (SaaS)?
What are the libraries and tools for cloud storage on GCP?
What are the main advantages of using Google Cloud Platform?
What are the main features of cloud services?
What are the service accounts? How will you create one?
What are the various layers in the cloud architecture?
What is ?EUCALYPTUS? in the context of cloud computing?
What is Application layer?
What is cloud?
What is Google Compute Engine?
What is GustilCommand-line Tool?
What is Hybrid cloud?
What is Infrastructure layer?
What is Physical layer?
What is Platform layer?
What is private cloud?
What is public cloud?
What is the benefit of API in the cloud domain?
what is the difference between elasticity and scalability in cloud computing?
What is the use of Cloud Storage Client Libraries?
What is the use of Google Cloud Platform Console?
What is BigQuery ?
What is Cloud CDN?
What is Cloud Functions?
What is Cloud Run?
What is Cloud SDK?
What is Cloud SQL?
What is Cloud Storage?
What is Compute Engine?
What is Data Flow?
What are the different computing and hosting services?
What is Serverless computing?
What is Containers?
What is Bare Metal Solution?
What is Cloud Spanner?
What is Cloud Bigtable?
What is Firestore?
What is Firebase Realtime Database?
What is Memorystore?
What are Preemptible VMs?
What is Google App Engine or GCP App Engine?
What are Shielded VMs?
What is Cloud Build?
What is Container Registry?
What is Batch on GKE software.
What is the use of Instance templates?
What is the use of Instance groups? How many type of instance groups Compute Engine offers?
What is the Machine images? When to use it?
What is the future of GCP (Google Cloud Platform)?
Explain Google BigQuery Service?
Explain Google Cloud App Engine?
Explain Google Cloud Container Engine?
Explain Google Cloud Dataflow?
Explain Google Cloud Endpoints?
Explain Google Cloud Job Discovery?
Explain Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine?
Explain Google Cloud Storage?
Explain Google Cloud Test Lab?
Explain Google Compute Engine?
Explain Cloud GPUs.
Explain Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
Explain Artifact registry.
Explain Sole-tenant nodes?
Why do you need the virtualization platform to implement cloud?
How can a user gain from utility computing?
How does cloud computing provide on-demand functionality?
How to migrate servers and VMs from on-premises or another cloud to Compute Engine on GCP?
How to change the project in GCP using CLI commands?
How Load balancing works in GCP?
How Scaling works in Google Cloud Platform?
When you are transferring data, how do you ensure it is secure?
Compare Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure and AWS.
Describe the security aspects that the cloud offers?
Differentiate GCP service and GCP resources.
Differentiate between resource and endpoint in GCP.
Differentiate between Google Cloud Dataflow and Google Cloud Dataproc.
Differentiate between gcloud auth application-default login and gcloud auth login.
Differentiate between Network and HTTP(s) load balancer in GCP.
Differentiate Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine
List some Database services by GCP.
List some Quick Facts about GCP (Google Cloud Platform).
What are the protections for data in the Cloud?
What are the basic clouds in Cloud Computing?
What are the benefits for business by using the Cloud?
What are the required components for the Cloud?
What are the different phases in the Cloud?
What are the characteristics of Cloud Computing?
What are large cloud provider in the market?
what stands ?EUCALYPTUS??
What is Google Cloud platform?
What are different types of services provided by Google Cloud?
What are the libraries and tools are available in the Google Cloud platform?
What is the reason to choose the Google Cloud platform?
What are the different authentications for google cloud?
What are the types of service accounts are available in Google Cloud?
What about projects?
What is the difference between Project Number and Id?
What is a big query?
What are the types of installation process Google Cloud SDK?
What you know about Google Cloud platform?
Why an organization needs Cloud services?
Which kind of advantages will have by using the Cloud?
How can secure the data for transport the Cloud?
How is the payment model for a Google Cloud platform?
How do we create the Google Cloud project?
How can I retrieve the deleted project in Google Cloud?
How to see the transaction history?
How can I request more data quota?
Advantages of Google Cloud platform?
Building clocks in Cloud computing?
Different types of services software in the Cloud?
Different between Google compute engine and Google app engine?
Discuss the type of different kind of layers in the Cloud?
Is virtualization platform required to develop a Cloud?
Is google cloud is the best choice?
Popular open source Cloud Computing platforms?
The is the services window azure provides?
Types of data centers for the Cloud?
Types of software service layers in the Cloud?
Category Service Details
Compute App Engine The managed app platform for GCP
Cloud Functions Serverless functions according to specific events
Cloud Run Serverless computing for containerized applications
Compute Engine Virtual machines, disks, GPUs and TPUs
Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Managed services for Kubernetes or containers
Anthos Enterprise-grade multi-cloud or hybrid platform
Storage Cloud Storage Storage and serving of objects
Nearline Archival storage with occasional access
Coldline Archival storage with rare access
Persistent Disk VM-attached disks
Cloud Filestore Managed service for NFS server
Database Cloud Bigtable Low-latency, non-relational, petabyte-capacity database
Cloud Datastore Document database with horizontal scalability
Cloud Firestore Highly consistent serverless document database
Cloud Memorystore Managed Redis
Cloud Spanner Relational database with horizontal scalability
Cloud SQL PostgreSQL and Managed MySQL
Data and Analytics BigQuery Data analytics or warehouse service
BigQuery BI Engine In-memory analytics engine
BigQuery ML Training or serving of BigQuery model
Cloud Composer Managed service for workflow orchestration
Cloud Data Fusion Graphical management for data pipelines
Cloud Dataflow Stream or batch data processing
Cloud Datalab Managed Jupyter notebook
Cloud Dataprep Visual data wrangling
Cloud Dataproc Managed services of Spark and Hadoop
Cloud Pub/Sub Global real-time messaging
Data Catalog Management service for Metadata
Data Studio Collaborative dashboarding and data exploration
Genomics Managed platform for genomics
Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning AI Hub Hosted services for AI component sharing
AI Platform Managed machine-learning platform
AI Platform Data Labeling Human data labelling
AI Platform Deep Learning VMs Pre-configured VMs to support deep learning
AI Platform Notebooks Managed instances of JupyterLab notebook
AI Platform Predictions Autoscaled model service
AutoML Natural Language Custom text models
AutoML Tables Custom structured data models
AutoML Translation Custom translation service according to domain
AutoML Video Intelligence Custom video annotation models
AutoML Vision Custom image models
Cloud AI Building Blocks Hosted repository service for AI component
Cloud Natural Language API Text parsing and analysis
Cloud Speech-to-Text API Conversion of audio to text
Cloud Talent Solutions API Job searching with ML
Cloud Text-to-Speech API Conversion of text to audio
Cloud Translation API Detecting and translating language
Cloud Video Intelligence API Video annotation with respect to scene
Cloud Vision API Recognition and classification of images
Cloud TPU Hardware acceleration for ML
Diagflow Enterprise Edition Creation of conversional interfaces
Document Understanding AI Analysis, classification and search of documents
Recommendations AI Creation of custom recommendations
Vision Product Search Visual search for products
Networking Carrier Peering Peering through a carrier
Direct Peering Peering with GCP
Dedicated Interconnect Dedicated private network connection
Partner Interconnect Connecting on-premise network to VPC
Cloud Armor WAF and DDoS protection
Cloud CDN Content delivery network
Cloud DNS Programmable DNS serving
Cloud Load Balancing Distribution of loan in multiple regions
Cloud NAT Translation service for network address
Cloud Router VPC or on-premises network route exchange
IPsec VPN Virtual private network connection
Network Service Tiers Tiering according to price and performance
Network Telemetry Network telemetry service
Traffic Director Management of service mesh traffic
Google Cloud Service Mesh Network management with focus on service
Virtual Private Cloud Networking defined by software
Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud IoT Core Management of devices and data ingestion
Identity and Security Access Transparency Auditing access of cloud provider
Binary Authorization Security for Kubernetes deploy-time
Cloud Audit Logs GCP audit trails
Cloud Data Loss Prevention API Classification and redaction of sensitive data
Cloud HSM Service of hardware security module
Cloud IAM Control service for resource access
Cloud Identity Management of apps, users and devices
Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy App sign-in feature based on identity
Cloud Key Management Service Hosted service for key management
Cloud Resource Manager Management service for cloud project metadata
Cloud Security Scanner Scanner for app engine security
Cloud Security Command Center Service for discovery, search, management and inventory of assets
Context-aware Access Access control for end-users on the basis of attributes
Event Threat Detection Scanning for anomalous activity
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory Managed Microsoft Active Directory service
Security Key Enforcement Two-phase key verification
Shielded VMs Hardened VMs
Titan Security Key Two-factor authentication device
VPC Service Controls VPC constrain data
Management tools Cloud APIs APIs meant for cloud services
Cloud Billing Tools for billing and cost management
Cloud Billing API Programmatic management of GCP billing
Cloud Console Web-based management console
Cloud Deployment Manager Deployment of infrastructure according to template
Cloud Mobile App GCP manager app for iOS and Android
Cloud Shell Browser-specific terminal or CLI
Stackdriver Debugger Debugging in live production
Stackdriver Error Reporting Reporting app errors
Stackdriver Logging Centralized logging
Stackdriver Monitoring Monitoring infrastructure and application
Stackdriver Profiler CPU and heap profiling
Stackdriver Transparent SLIs Monitoring GCP services
Stackdriver Trace Insights into app performance
Developer Tools Cloud SDK CLI for Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Build Continuous integration or continuous delivery platform
Cloud Code Cloud-native IDE extensions
Cloud Source Repositories Hosted private git repos
Cloud Scheduler Managed service for cron job
Cloud Tasks Execution of asynchronous tasks
Cloud Tools for IntelliJ Tools for IntelliJ GCP
Cloud Tools for PowerShell GCP tools for PowerShell
Cloud Tools for Visual Studio Tools for Visual Studio GCP
Cloud Tools for Eclipse Tools for Eclipse GCP
Container Registry Private container registry or storage
Gradle App Engine Plugin Plugin for Gradle App Engine
Maven App Engine Plugin Plugin for Maven App Engine
Migration to Google Cloud Platform Cloud Data Transfer Tools or CLI for data migration
Google Transfer Appliance Data transfer box available for rent
Cloud Storage Transfer Service Inter-cloud transfers
BigQuery Data Transfer Service Importing analytics data in bulk
Migrate from Amazon Redshift Migration from Redshift to BigQuery service
Migrate from Teradata Migration from Teradata to BigQuery service
Migrate from Anthos Migration of VMs to GKE containers
Migrate from Compute Engine Migration tools for Compute Engine
VM Migration Tools for VM migration
API Platforms API Analytics API Metrics
API Monetization Monetization of APIs
Apigee API Platform Development, security and monitoring of APIs
Apigee Sense Protection of API from attacks
Apigee Hybrid Management of hybrid or multi-cloud API environments
Cloud Endpoints Cloud API gateway
Cloud Healthcare API Interoperability of healthcare system GCP
Developer Portal API management portal
GCP Marketplace Partner and open-source marketplace
GCP Foundational Open Source Projects Apache Beam Batch or streaming data processing service
gRPC RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework
gVisor Secure container runtime
Istio Connecting and securing services
Knative Serverless framework for Kubernetes
Kubeflow Machine Learning toolkit for Kubernetes
Kubernetes Containerized application management service
OpenCensus Framework for cloud native observability
TensorFlow Machine Learning framework
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
What does Google App Engine (GAE) offer? Infrastructure management Fully managed serverless application platform Database administration Network configuration
What does GAE allow developers to focus on? Server management Infrastructure configuration Building applications Database optimization
Which languages are supported by Google App Engine? HTML and CSS Go, Ruby, and PHP C++ and Assembly Swift and Objective-C

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