29 October 2020


Are all components generated in production build?
Can I share services using modules?
Can I use any javascript feature for expression syntax in AOT?
Can I use AOT compilation with Ivy?
Can I use arrow functions in AOT?
Define Attribute directives
Define Dynamic Components?
Define ECMAScript.
Define the ng-content Directive?
Difference between *ngIf and [hidden]?
Difference between angular and promise in angular.
Difference between dependencies and devDependencies?
Difference between ng-Class and ng-Style
Difference between ng-class and ng-style.
Difference between Observables and Promises
Difference between Pure and Impure Pipe?
Difference between reactive and template browser.
Do I need a Routing Module always?
Do I need to bootstrap custom elements?
Do I still need to use entryComponents array in Angular9?
Explain "$rootScope" in AngularJS.
Explain @input, @output?
Explain ^ and ~ for version resolution?
Explain about Data Binding in angular?
Explain about Directive and Directive Types?
Explain about use of EventEmitter in Angular?
Explain AOT advantages as well as limitations?
Explain AOT compilation?
Explain Authentication and Authorization
Explain CLI?
Explain custom Pipes?
Explain custom typings so that editor warnings can be avoided?
Explain dependency injection?
Explain directive Router-link?
Explain external CSS style loading?
Explain hidden property?
Explain hooks?
Explain importance for forRoot and forChild?
Explain importance of loadChildren?
Explain injectable?
Explain jQLite.
Explain lazy loading?
Explain modules?
Explain NgModule?
Explain pipes?
Explain priming2?
Explain routing?
Explain shadow DOM?
Explain the benefits of unit testing?
Explain the host decorator in angular 2.
Explain the Passover
Explain the String Interpolation
Explain the styling form that ngModel adds to CSS classes.
Explain the term directives?
Explain the use of tsconfig.json?
Explain Traceur compiler?
Explain tree shaking?
Explain Typings?
Give few examples for NgModules.
How Angular 4 is different from Angular 2?
How Angular JS is different than Angular is completely newly written framework compared to Angular JS?
How are observables different from promises?
How are the services injected to your application?
How can we attach a token for every HTTP request in Angular 7?
How can we create AngularJS module?
How can we implement Azure AD and ADFS authentication in Angular 7?
How can you access validation errors in the template to display error messages?
How can you create services?
How do components communicate with each other
How do you add form validation to a form built with FormBuilder?
How do you build an angular project?
How do you bypass corporate proxy to run ‘npm install’ commands?
How do you categorize data binding types?
How do you configure injectors with providers at different levels?
How do you create a component without including spec class using angular cli?
How do you create a decorator in the angle?
How do you create a model using angular cli?
How do you create app shell in Angular?
How do you create custom pipe?
How do you create directives using CLI?
How do you create two-way data binding in Angular?
How do you debug router?
How do you decide to create a new NgModule?
How do you decide whether a user can be navigated to a particular page or no?
How do you describe various dependencies in angular application?
How do you get angular material in your project?
How do you invoke a builder?
How do you mock a module in a unit test?
How do you mock a service to inject in a unit test?
How do you provide configuration inheritance?
How do you represent two-way data binding?
How do you submit a form?
How do you support server side XSS protection in Angular application?
How do you unit test a service with a dependency?
How do you update your angular project to latest version?
How do you upgrade angular version?
How does angular finds components, directives and pipes?
How does Angular simplify Internationalization?
How does async pipe prevent memory leeks?
How Does directory of all external modules function and files are stored in Angular 4?
How does forRoot method helpful to avoid duplicate router instances?
How does load children works?
How is @injectable() different from @inject()?
How is component is different from directive?
How is constructor different from ngOnInit?
How is data binding done in many ways?
How Is Dependency Injection (DI) Done in Angular?
How is templateUrl different from a template?
How is URL structured for loadChildren?
How many files create, while using the generating commands?
How to close the visible popup on click of window other than popup?
How to convert TypeScript and HTML into JavaScript?
How to Create a Class in the Angle Using Glee?
How to create a new project in angular using CLI Command?
How to create app using Angular CLI?
How to enable lazy loading in Angular 2/4?
How to get the current url in the address bar using Angular 7?
How to implement Authentication and Authorization process in Angular?
How to implement Form Validation in angular?
How to import the drag and drop module?
How to redirect to other page based on certain condition?
How to refresh/renew the token after a particular time interval?
How to share data between unrelated components?
How to share global data across components?
How to update or update angle cli version?
How to update the dragdrop module in cmd
How to use *ngFor Loop directive?
How to use polyfills in Angular application?
How to used the drag and drop functionality in html?
How will events be handled at angles?
How will requestAnimationFrame undefined error is solved?
How will you declare $watch?
How will you interact with the components which don’t have parent-child relationship, but you need to send data from one to another?
How would you cache an observable data?
How would you create a component to display error messages throughout your application?
How would you explain Angular 2?
How would you implement a multiple API calls that need to happen in order using rxjs?
How would you make sure an API call that needs to be called only once but with multiple conditions. Example: if you need to get some data in multiple routes but, once you get it, you can reuse it in the routes that need it, therefore no need to make another call to your backend APIs.
How would you make use of ngOnInit()?
In a Library Management application, there is a requirement that all the books should have their price shown in US-dollar symbol where ‘books’ is an array containing ‘title’,’price’,’dateofpurchase’ as attributes. Which of the following is the correct statement to display the price of each book?
In the below code snippet, what is the correct statement to be placed at line number 2 to create a component without any errors(both compile-time and run-time)?
In the below code snippet, what is the correct statement to be placed at line number 6 to display the numbers array as a list?
In Visual Studio, which angular cli command we should use to build the angular code every time when any changes are detected?
Is it necessary for bootstrapped component to be entry component?
Is safe to use direct DOM API methods in terms of security?
Is there any editor support for Angular Language Service?
List some tools for testing angular applications.
Name component-only hooks
What angle is the bond?
What Angular.copy will do ?
What are 2 types of Data binding in Angular 7?
what are Actions in Angular?
What are active router links?
What are angled templates?
What are angular elements?
What are Animation Functions in AngularJS?
What are class field decorators?
What are components and modules in Angular
What are Components in Angular 2/4?
What are components?
What are controllers in AngularJS?
What are custom elements?
What are Decorators?
What are different types of compilation in Angular?
What are directives in Angular 7?
What Are Directives in Angular?
What are dynamic components?
What are dynamic forms?
What Are Event Emitters in Angular 2/4?
What are event emitters?
What are feature modules?
What are features of Angular 7?
What are Http Interceptors?
What Are Media Metadata Properties?
What are ng- Model and how do we represent it?
What are observables?
What are pipes in Angular 2/4?
What are pipes in Angular?
What are pipes?
What are pollyfills?
What are reactive forms?
What are router events?
What are router links?
What are some of the angular apis that are using observables?
what are specialized objects in Angular Js?
What are Structural and Attribute directives Structural?
What are template driven forms?
What are template expressions?
What are template statements?
What are the 5 decorators on the angle?
What are the advantages of AngularJS?
What are the advantages of Bazel tool?
What are the advantages of typescript?
What are the angles @ the directions?
What are the attributes that you can define in an NgModule annotation?
What are the benefits of HttpClient?
What are the build in directives available in Angular Js?
What are the building blocks of Angular?
What are the case types in Angular?
What are the class decorators in Angular?
What are the different datatypes in TypeScript?
What are the different types of filters in Angular?
What are the different ways to remove duplicate service registration?
What are the features included in ivy preview?
What are the features of ECMA Script ?!
What are the imported modules in CLI generated feature modules?
What are the key components of Angular?
What are the limitations with web workers?
What are the list of template expression operators?
What are the mapping rules between Angular component and custom element?
What are the methods in promises?
What are the new features in Angular 6?
What are the new features included in Angular 7?
What are the new features of Angular 4?
What are the Pipes angular 4?
What are the possible errors with declarations?
What are the restrictions of metadata?
What are the restrictions on declarable classes?
What are the router imports?
What are the rxjs in angle?
What Are the Special Transition States?
What are the steps to use declaration elements?
What are the Subscribe method of Angular 4?
What are the types of feature modules?
What are the types of injector hierarchies?
What are the types of pipe?
What are the types to create custom directive?
What are the various kinds of directives?
What are the various security contexts in Angular?
What are the ways to control AOT compilation?
What are the Xmb boxes?
What are type of forms in Angular 7?
What are workspace APIs?
What classes should not be added to declarations?
What command is used to create a service and service in angle?
What do folder “src”, “dist” and “e2e” contain?
What Do You Know About the NPM Package?
What do you means understand by services and with reference to angularjs?
What do you say in angular terms?
What do you understand by AngularJS?
What do you understand by data binding in AngularJS?
What do you understand by Dependency Injection (DI)?
What do you understand by directives?
What do you understand by injector?
What do you understand by REST in Angular?
What do you understand by scope in AngularJS?
What do you understand by services in AngularJS?
What Does {{}} Represent? What Is It Used For?
What does “npm install -g” mean?
What does a lean component mean to you?
What does a router do?
What Does the Representation [()] Mean?
What happened when I should not add classes to module’s declarations in Angular?
What happens if I import the same module twice?
What ide is suitable to develop and run Angular 7 apps?
What is string interpolation ?
what is $emit?
what is $on?
what is $provider?
what is @inject?
what is @output ?
what is @view child ?!
What is [(ngModel)] used for?
What is 2 way data binding update value from model to view and view to model?
What is a builder?
What is a DI token?
What is a good use case for ngOnChanges()?
What is a module?
What is a parameterized pipe?
What is a provider in Angular?
What is a pure pipe?
What is a Router Outlet?
What is a RouterOutlet?
What is a service worker and its role in Angular?
What is a service?
What is a shared module?
What is a structure order in angle 2?
What is a template?
What is a Traceur Compiler?
What is a zone context?
What is activated route?
What is an angular library?
What is an async pipe?
What is an AsyncPipe in Angular?
What is an entry component?
What Is an Entry Component? When we use components to entry Components?
What is an observable?
What is an observer?
What is an optional dependency?
What is an rxjs subject in Angular?
What is Angular 7?
What is angular animation?
What is Angular CLI
What is Angular CLI Builder?
What is angular CLI?
What is Angular compiler?
What is angular data binding?
What is Angular DSL?
What is Angular Ivy?
What is angular JSON?
What is Angular Language Service?
What is Angular Material?
What is Angular Router?
What is Angular security model for preventing XSS attacks?
What Is Angular Services?
What is Angular Universal?
What is AngularJS routing?
What is AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) Compilation?
what is AOT Compilation AOT means Ahead of compilation?
What is AOT Compilation?
What is AOT compiler?
What is AOT?
What is Async Pipe?
What is async validation and how is it done?
What is Bazel tool?
what is binding and types?
What is BOM(Browser Object Model)?
what is bootstrapping ?
What is bootstrapping in angle?
What Is Bootstrapping in Angular?
What Is Chaining Pipe?
What is codelyzer?
What is collection?
What is command for creating component in Angular 7?
What is component creation process?
What is component?
what is config phase ?
What Is Data Binding?
What is declarable in Angular?
what is defer in promise?
What is Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular 4?
What is dependency Injection in angular?
What is dependency injection in Web API?
What is difference between Angularjs observable and promise 2?
What is Directives?
What is DOM sanitizer?
What is ECMAScript?
What is factory service in AngularJS?
What is folding?
What is httpclient in angle
What is HttpClient?
What is if/else in template?
What is Import in module?
what is importance of angular.json file in Angular cli?
What is importance of router-outlet element in routing?
what is impure functions?
What is impure pipe?!
What is index property in ngFor directive?
What is Input and output?
What is internal functionality of *ngFor?
What is interpolation?
What is JIT?
What is lazy loading and how do you achieve it?
What is lazy loading?
what is Lazyloading ?
What is mean Routing and how does it work in Angular 2/4?
What is Means by AngularJS 2/4?
What is metadata rewriting?
What is metadata?
What is multicasting?
What is need of Webpack?
What is ng- template?
What is ng-app?
What is ngcc?
What is ng-container?
what is ng-content?
What is ng-controller?
What is NgModule?
What is NgUpgrade?
what is ng-view in Angular JS?
What is NgZone?
What is node_modules?
What is NoopZone?
What is NPM?
what is observable?
What Is Package.json? Explain its Purpose.
What Is Parameterizing Pipe?
What is pipe and uses?
What is Pipes?
What is platform in Angular?
What is promise and observable in angular?
What is promise?
What is protractor?
What is Provider in module?
What is pure and impure pipe?
what is Pure Functions?
What is purpose of Angular 7?
What is Redux?
What is reflect-metadata?
what is rootscope?
What is Router Gaurd?!
What is Router Module?
What is Router Outlet ?
What Is Router outlet?
What is router state?
What is Routing ?!
What is routing Collection?
What is Routing?
What is rule in Schematics?
what is run phase?
What is RxJS?
What is safe navigation operator?
What is Sanitization? Does Angular support it?
What is schematic?
What is Schematics CLI?
What is select ICU expression?
What is shadow DOM?
What is State function?
what is store in Angular ?
What is string interpolation in Angular?
What is Style function?
What is styleUrls, styles?
What is subscribing?
What is TestBed?
What is the angle rounding?
What is the AOT package?
What is the command in Angular 7 to start server?
What is the correct statement to be placed at line number 3 to disable the button?
What is the correct statement to bind required and maxlength validators to name field in a reactive form?
What is the declaration of a global variable?
What is the difference between a component and a directive?
What is the difference between a module’s forRoot() and forChild() methods and why do you need it?
What is the difference between a service() and a factory()?
What is the difference between an Interface and a Class?
What is the difference between an observable and a promise?
What is the difference between an observable and a subject
What is the difference between Components and Directives?
What is the difference between exports and declarations in NgModule?
What is the difference between ngIf and hidden property?
What is the difference between ngOnInit() and constructor() of a component?
What is the difference between Ng-Show/Hide and Ng-If?
What is the difference between pure and impure pipes
What is the difference between RouterModule.forRoot() vs RouterModule.forChild()? Why is it important?
What is the difference between scan() vs reduce() ?
What is the difference between switch map, concatMap, and mergeMap?
What is the difference between the structure and teaching guidelines in the angle?
What Is the Digest Cycle?
What is the element in AngularJS?
What is the exception handler used in Angular js?
What is the full form of DOM and BOM?
What is the function of the controllers?
What is the input and @release application?
What is the latest version of angular?
What is the main reason we should use ngOnInit hook?
What is the migration change for Angular 1.4 -Angular 1.5 ?
What is the minimum definition of a component?
What is the possible order of lifecycle hooks.
What is the precedence between pipe and ternary operators?
What Is the Primary Language Used in Angular?
What is the pro injection in angle?
What is the process for writing console.log statements into a file?
What is the process of singleton service?
What is the provision to handle Angular 2 errors?
What is the purpose of async pipe?
What is the purpose of base href tag?
What is the purpose of common module?
What is the purpose of differential loading in CLI?
What is the purpose of exports in a NgModule?
What is the purpose of FormBuilder?
What is the purpose of hidden property?
What is the purpose of i18n attribute?
What is the purpose of main.ts file?
What is the purpose of metadata json files?
What is the purpose of ngFor directive?
What is the purpose of ngIf directive?
What is the purpose of NgModule?
What is the purpose of ngSwitch directive?
What is the purpose of using package.json in the angular project?
What is the purpose of Wildcard route?
What is the reason to deprecate Web Tracing Framework?
What is the recommendation for provider scope?
What is the reliability injection in angle?
What is the role of map operator?
What is the role of ngModule metadata in compilation process?
What is the role of template compiler for prevention of XSS attacks?
What is the significance of Zone in Angular?
What Is the Single Page Application? How Is It Different From Traditional Web Technology?
What is the use case of services?
What is the use of $apply?
what is the use of $timeout service?
What is the use of @Input and @Output?
what is the use of @Input?
What is the use of codelyzer?
What is the use of decorative designers?
What is the use of Interceptors?
what is the use of ng-change ?
what is the use of ngoninit()?
What is the use of NgZone Service?
What is the use of Router.navigate ()?
What is the use of subscribe method ?
What is transclusion in Angular?
What is transition function?
What is transparency in angle?
What is Transpiling
What is Transpiling in Angular
What is Transpiling in Angular?
What is transpiling? Why is it necessary?
What is two way data binding AngularJS?
What is type narrowing?
What is use of Bootstrap in Modules?
What is use of TemplateURL?
What is ViewEncapsulation
what is widget ?
What is Xmb?
What is zone?
What kind of data can be used with an async pipe?
What kind of data that can we used inside async pipe ?!
What kind of relief is there?
What makes an appointment in chain 4?
What module would you put a singleton service whose instance will be shared throughout the application (e.g. ExceptionService andLoggerService)?
What the importance of Dirty Flag, pristine, touched, untouched, valid, invalid?
What type of data binding is used in LoginComponent to bind username and password textboxes with username and password properties of Login class?
What we use to transmit data between parent controller to child controller?
What we use to validate the form input?
What will happen if you do not supply handler for observer?
What would you consider a thing you should be careful doing on ngOnInit()?
What would you have in a shared module?
What would you not put shared module?
When can router.navigate([]) will not work?
When constructor is invoked in angular?
When do you use ngClass?
When do you use template-driven vs model-driven forms? Why
When is ngOnchanges() invoked?
When the css classes ng-valid and ng-invalid written in styles.css file will be applied to LoginComponent textboxes?
When was Angular 2 released?
When will be ngonit() will be called in angular app?!
When will ngOnInit be called?
When you call an http method of Service class in component, you will get error if?
Where do you define global styles in an angular application?
Where do you unsubscribe?
Where we use ng new and why?
Where we use ng-repeat directive?
Where will you do the application configuration changes for different environments?
Which company is currently developing AngularJS?
Which data-type is assigned when a variable is declared but no data-type is mentioned?
Which directive need to use for one way data binding in Angular Js?
Which directive need to use for two way data binding in Angular Js?
which directive that can be used to include HTML fragments from other files into the view of HTML template?
Which file defines the start module of angular project?
Which lifecycle hook is called before ngOnInit?
Which method of RouterModule has to be used for providing all routes in AppModule
Which module has to be included in Feature modules?
Which module has to be included to use [(ngModel)]?
Which module has to be included to use Reactive forms?
Which module needs 2 volumes for each use?
Which of the following property of NgModule is used to declare components, directives and Pipe classes?
Which of the following statement is used to bootstrap a root module called AppModule?
Which two phases angular application run?
Which type of directional flow used in Angular 4?
Who Developed Angular developed and maintained by?
Who was the creator of AngularJS?
Who we pass data between components which dont have any parent child relation?
Why do we need compilation process?
Why do we need route guards?
Why do you need to write a separate service and why not make an API call in component itself?
Why drag and drop functionality make default in angular 7?
Why is a filter used in AngularJS?
Why is AngularJS used?
Why is it a bad idea to create a new service in a component like the one below?
Why is it bad if SharedModule provides a service to a lazily loaded module?
Why is lazy loading used in angular 2?
Why is not necessary to use entryComponents array every time?
why route is introduced in angular?
why we are using material?
Why we are using unlink?
why we include boostrap in angular?
Why we migrating to angular 6 to angular 7
Why we use Angular?
Basic types
  • Variable declarations
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Functions
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • Type inference
  • Type compatibility
  • Advanced types
  • Symbols
  • Iterators
  • Modules
  • Namespaces
  • Namespaces vs modules
  • Module resolution declaration merging
  • Decorators 
  • Various versions of angular
  • Angular architecture
  • MVC and MVW Overview
  • SPA Overview
  • Angular Versions
  • New Features added for Angular8
  • IVY
  • Angular Universe
  • PWI : Progressive WebApps Introduction
  • Performance Improvement Overview 
Setting Up Environment For Angular
  • Installing node
  • GIT
  • Yarn
  • Angular
Angular Architecture
  • Basic building blocks of angular application
  • Intro to modules
    • NgModule meta data
    • NgModules & components
  • NgModules & javascript modules
    • Angular libraries
Component meta data
  • Templates&views
  • Template syntax
  • Data binding
  • User input
  • String interpolation
  • Component styles
  • Angular element
  • Angular directives
  • Structural Type Directives
  • Attribute Type Directives
  • HostsListeners
  • HostBinding
  • Attribute
  • Property& Attribute binding
  • Property Binding vs Interpolation
  • Class binding
  • Event binding
  • Custom event
  • Nested components
  • Communication Between components
  • Component life cycle
  • LifeCycleHooks
  • Built-in angular pipes
  • Creating custom pipes
  • Registering & Integrating pipes 
  • Angular Services
Introduction to service & dependency injection
  • Providing service
  • Creating custom service
  • Consuming &registering service
  • Angular Forms
  • Various types of forms in angular
  • Difference between template driven & reactive forms
  • Common foundation
  • Form model setup
  • Setup in template driven forms
  • Data flow in forms
  • Form validation
  • Dynamic forms
  • Validating reactive & template driven
  • Form state validation
  • Input state validation
  • Custom validation
  • Observables & Rxjs
  • RXJS library
  • Use of observable in angular
  • Compare RXJS with other techniques
  • NG Modules
JS modules vs ng modules
  • Frequently used ng modules
  • Single ton service
  • Lazy loading feature modules
  • Sharing ng modules
  • Ng module API
  • Dependency Injection
Angular dependency injection
  • Hierarchical injection
  • DI providers
  • DI in action
  • Httpclient
Set up HTTP client
  • Creating API(REST API)
  • Using node js
  • Create API in node js
  • Handling communalization using MEAN
  • Mongo data base
  • Express middleware
  • Angular client APP
  • Node js server side
  • Creating and end to end app
  • Handling CRUD operations 
  • Routing & Navigation
Router imports
  • Router configuration
  • Router outlet
  • Router links
  • Routing Resolvers
  • Routing Guards
  • Nested Routes
  • Active router links
  • Router state
  • Router events 
  • Angular Animations
Transition & Triggers
  • Complex sequences
  • Route transition animations 
  • Angular Materials
  • Forms
  • Tabs
  • Grid Layout
  • List Layout
  • Unit Testing In Angular
Karma with jasmine
  • Create unit tests
  • Testing angular app
  • Advanced Topics
JWT Tokens
  • Optimization Concepts
  • Lazy Loading Overview
  • Angular Universal

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