29 October 2020


React JS
What is the difference between state and props?
What can you do if the expression contains more than one line?
What kind of information controls a segment in React?
What do you understand by the term polling?
What is the difference between React Native and React?
What are React Hooks?
What do you understand by “Single source of truth”?
What is the benefit of strict mode?
What is the difference between createElement and cloneElement?
What are the features of ReactJS?
What are the rules one needs to follow regarding hooks?
What are the conditions to safely use the index as a key?
What is Relay?
What is route based code splitting?
What is render hijacking?
What are React Events?
What do you know about Flux?
What is ReactDOMServer?
What is the use of Webpack?
What is the difference between DOM and virtual DOM in React.js?
What is create-react-app?
What are some of the major advantages to using react when building UIs?
What is the second argument that can optionally be passed to setState and what is its purpose?
What are Higher Order Components(HOC)?
What is suspense component?
What is the point of renderToNodeStream method?
What is prop drilling and how can you avoid it?
What do you understand by “In React, everything is a component.”
What is the behavior of uncaught errors in react 16?
What do you understand by mixin or higher order components in ReactJS?
What do you understand by Props in React?
What is the difference between a controlled component and an uncontrolled component?
What are the rules needs to follow for hooks?
What is JSX?
What is the difference between async mode and concurrent mode?
What does shouldComponentUpdate do and why is it important?
What are the different phases of React component’s lifecycle?
What is the purpose of eslint plugin for hooks?
What are the lifecycle methods of ReactJS?
What would be two of the most significant drawbacks of React?
What are synthetic events in React?
What is arrow function in React? How is it used?
What are refs in React?
What are the benefits of using typescript with reactjs?
What is the use of a super keyword in React?
What is the methods order when component is re-rendered?
What is windowing technique?
What are the problems of using render props with pure components?
What are the drawbacks of MVW pattern?
What are the advantages of formik over redux form library?
What are selectors? Why would you use reselect or a memoization library?
What is the mental model of redux-saga?
What is an action in Redux?
What are the core principles of Redux?
What are the downsides of Redux compared to Flux?
What does the term I / O mean?
What does event-driven programming mean?
What is the benefit of using node.js?
What is the control flow function?
What are the tasks to do with the use of the Event Ring?
What are the two discussions that take async.queue?
What is an event cycle in Node.js?
What is the benefit of Node.js?
What is the difference between Node.js against Ajax?
What are the challenges with Node.js?
What does it mean to be “block-prevention” in node.js?
What is the command used for node.js to export external libraries?
What is ‘Callback’ in Node.js?
What is the relationship of Node.js with JavaScript?
What is the difference between Node.js and Ajax?
What are two types of API functions in Node.js?
What is a bug – first request?
What structure is commonly used in Node.js?
What are two sections of event driven programming?
What is the biggest drawback of Node.js?
What is the request on Node.Js?
What is a foot blade?
What is EventEmitter.emit() function in the Node.js?
What is the responsibility for the writeFile method in FS module?
What having in package.json file?
What do you mean by local dependencies?
what do you know about package.json?
What is Node.js?
What do you comprehend by Event-driven programming?
What do you comprehend by the Reactor Pattern in Node.js?
What are LTS arrivals of Node.js?
What do you comprehend by ESLint?
What do you comprehend by worldwide items in Node.js?
What is the utilization of a cradle class in Node.js?
What are controlled and uncontrolled components in react native?
What are hooks in react native?
What are pure components in React Native?
What are states in React Native?
What are the advantages of native apps over hybrid apps?
What are the advantages of React Native?
What are the new features in React Native 0.61?
What are the other modules need for react native navigation?
What do you mean by Dispatch in react native?
What do you mean by interactionManager and why is it important?
What does StyleSheet.create do?What are refs in React Native?
What is API in react native?
What is AppRegistry react native?
What is fabric in react native?
What is Gesture Responder System in React Native?
What is HOC in React Native?
What is react native and why it is used?
What is the point of StyleSheet.create in react native?
What is the use of Redux in React Native?
What is the use of the arrow function?
What type of data does a ListView take in react native?
What is React?
What are the major features of React?
What are Pure Components?
What is state ?
What are props ?
What is the purpose of callback function as an argument of setState()?
What are synthetic events ?
What are inline conditional expressions?
What is "key" prop and what is the benefit of using it in arrays of elements?
What is the use of refs?
What are forward refs?
Name 3 ways to create a component in React and its differences.
Write a program to display "Hello World" in react native?
Explain DOM Diffing in React.
Explain Presentational segment
Explain the purpose of render() in React.
Explain the use of Redux thunk?
Explain React Decorators
Explain the Virtual DOM and its working.
Explain Flexbox and its benefits
Explain the positives and negatives of shallow rendering components in tests.
Explain how “Control Flow” controls functional calls.
Explain the word I / O in the context of Node.js.
Explain the role of the request process in Node.js.
Explain the control flow function.
Explain REPL at Node.Js
Explain the limitations of React native?
Why should we not call setState in componentWillUnmount?
Why is switch keyword used in React Router v4?
Why do we need a Router to React?
Why did you choose to work with react?
Why are you not required to use inheritance?
Why are fragments better than container divs?
Why are String Refs considered legacy?
Why do we need a key property? Give an example when a bad key causes an error.
Why are Redux state functions called reducers?
Why is Node.js single thread?
Why do node.js quickly draw from JavaScript programmers?
Why node.js is a single threaded/multi-threaded?
Why Node.js is single-strung?
Why react native is better than native?
Why should we not update the state directly?
Which of the below statement/s are true about Node.js?
Which of the following is true about EventEmiiter.on()?
Which one is not a method of EventEmiiter class in Node.js?
Which of the most popular framework of Node for implementing routing?
Which method is used to create a TCP server?
Which built-in module can be used for socket programming?
Which of the mode of installation is better to install any package which has an application dependency?
Which is a drop-in replacement of NPM?
Which of command is used to create the package.json file?
Which method the specialized form of spawn() method to create the child process?
Which command is used to inert the breaking point in a node application?
Which is used to give a graphical user interface to perform node application debugging?
Which is used to watch the changes occurring inside a given directory and restart the node application after each change?
Which command is used to run for installing react native?
How is Stateless component different from a Stateful component?
How to prevent a function from being called multiple times?
How to dispatch the data in-store?
How do you tell React to build in Production mode and what will that do?
How do you access imperative API of web components?
How do the parent and child components exchange information?
How is React different from Angular and VUE?
How do you say that state updates are merged?
How does JSX prevent Injection Attacks?
How is Virtual-DOM more efficient than Dirty checking?
How would you debug an issue in react code? What debugging tools have you used?
How is ReactJs different from AngularJS?
How would you structure a React application?
How does React know when to re-render App component if we handle window resizing in useWindowSize?
How to prevent components from re-rendering?
How would you optimise the performance of a React application?
How Relay is different from Redux?
How does node.js work?
How does Node.js violate the issue of blocking I / O operations?
How can I access the last expression in Node.js?
How to Avoid Calling on Node.Js
How many streams are there in Node.Js?
How does Node.js handle the youngster strings?
How do you add react navigation to react native?
How do you change the view height dynamically in react native?
How do you pass props from one screen to another in react native?
How do you use props in react native?
How to call web service in React Native?
How to create a SQLite database in react native?
How to create stack of screens in react native?
How to create stackNavigator in react native?
How to handle multiple platforms in React native?
How to import components in React Native?
How to install a specific version of React Native?
How to install react native?
How to load data from server in React Native?
How to navigate from one page to another in react native?
How to run react native app on Android?
How to store data in AsyncStorage in react native?
How to update react native with latest version?
How to use Axios in react native?
How to use firebase in react native?
How to use map function in React Native?
How to use the camera in React Native?
How to use typescript in react native?
How Virtual Dom works in React Native?
How to create components?
How to bind methods or event handlers in JSX callbacks?
How to pass a parameter to an event handler or callback?
How to create refs?
When would you use a Class Component over a Functional Component?
When should you use the top-class elements for the function element?
When to use a Class Component over a Function Component ?
Where would you put AJAX calls in your React code?
Where can we use node.js?
Who is using react native?
Difference between Angularjs & nodejs ?
Difference - component and an element in React.
Difference - Hot Reloading and Live Reloading in React Native?
Difference - React and React Native?
Difference - ShadowDOM and VirtualDOM?
Difference - State and props?
Difference - Element vs Component?
Difference - HTML vs React event handling?
Difference - state vs props ?
In ReactJS, why there is a need to capitalize on the components?
After successfully installed the Node.js on the system which of the below command can be used to update NPM version?
Can we make changes inside child components?
Can you force a React component to rerender without calling setState?
Can Redux only be used with React?
Can you access the DOM terminal?
Can you specify steps that can be single-tuned in Node.js?
Can a user access the DOM?
Can we combine Android or iOS code in react native?
Can we use react native for web?
Characterize the idea of the test pyramid. Disclose the procedure to execute them regarding HTTP APIs.
Clarify libuv.
Clarify the idea of middleware in Node.js?
Clarify the working of the control stream work.
Clarify the idea of stub in Node.js.
Clarify the reason for the ExpressJS bundle?
Clarify the use of a cradle class in Node.js?
Clarify stream in Node.js alongside its different kinds.
Clarify affixing in Node.js.
Clarify the event Loop in Node Js?
Consider the below code snippet:
Consider the code snippet
Consider the code below written for connection the MYSQL database
Describe how events are handled in React.
Do you know what the reconciliation algorithm is?
Do you specify the structure commonly used in node.js?
Does the node run in windows?
Event-driven programming definition.
For Node.js, why Google utilizes the V8 motor?
Guess the output of below code snippet?
Is it possible to display props on a parent component?
Is setState() async? Why?
Is it mandatory to define constructor for React component?
Is setState() is async? Why is setState() in React Async instead of Sync?
Is it ref argument available for all functions or class components?
Is it possible to nest JSX elements into other JSX elements?
Is Node.js is front end/back end?
Is it possible to evaluate expressing in Nodejs?
Is it possible to use the same code base for both Android and iOS in React Native?
Is React Native a Mobile App?
js asynchronous/ synchronous?
List down the advantages of React Router.
List the tools and IDEs used for Node.js.
List some of the benefits of using Node.js.
List the instructions in the Control Flow process.
List attribute of package.json?
List the most common commands used in React Native?
Mention the key benefits of Flux?
mymodule = require(“./mymodule”); mymodule();
Node js single threaded/multi-threaded?
Node.js state that can be used.
React has something called a state. What is it and how it is used?
React unit tests vs integration tests for components.
React - changing an uncontrolled input
React - uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined
React / JSX Dynamic Component Name
React “after render” code?
React + Redux - What's the best way to handle CRUD in a form component?
React Js conditionally applying class attributes
React js onClick can't pass value to method
React JS onClick event handler
React JSX: Access Props in Quotes
React JSX: selecting “selected” on selected
React Native on Android failed to find Build Tools
React Router with optional path parameter
React this.setState is not a function
React.js - access to component methods
React.js: Identifying different inputs with one onChange handler
React.js: Wrapping one component into another
React: How do I update state.item[1] on setState? (with JSFiddle)
React: when to use ES6 class based components vs. functional ES6 components?
ReactJS - Does render get called any time “setState” is called?
Reactjs convert to html
Reactjs setState() with a dynamic key name?
ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?
ReactJS: Modeling Bi-Directional Infinite Scrolling
React-Native - Custom navigation with Navigator component
React-Native: Application has not been registered error
react-router - pass props to handler component
React-Router : What is the purpose of IndexRoute?
React-router urls don't work when refreshing or writting manually
Rundown down the errands which ought to be done non concurrently utilizing the occasion circle?
Rundown down the means utilizing which “Control Flow” controls the capacity brings in Node.js?
Rundown down the significant security executions inside Node.js?
Rundown down the two contentions that async. Does the line take as much information?
Select the object data modeling library for MongoDB used in node application?
Separate between the process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
STATE TRUE or FALSE – The ‘querystring’ module in node.js provides methods for parsing and formatting URL query strings.
Streams should be preferred in which of the following situations
The difference between functional and programmer errors in the context of Node.js.
The statement is true regarding the TCP server?
The correct statement regarding npm
Types of API functions in Node.js?
What’s the difference between an Element and a Component in React?
    • React Features
      • JSX
      • Components
      • One-way Data Binding
      • Virtual DOM
    • React JSX
      • It is faster than regular JavaScript because it performs optimization while translating the code to JavaScript.
      • It is type-safe, and most of the errors can be found at compilation time.
    • React Component API (Functional & Class) - It is a top-level API. It makes the code completely individual and reusable in the application
      • setState()
      • forceUpdate()
      • findDOMNode()
    • Component Life Cycle
    • React Components - Initial Phase, Mounting Phase, Updating Phase, Unmounting Phase
    • React State - setState()
    • React Props - Validation
    • React Constructor
    • React Forms
    • Controlled vs Uncontrolled
    • React Events
    • Conditional Rendering
    • React Lists
    • React Keys
    • React Refs
    • React Fragments
    • React Router - Conventional Routing, React Routing
    • React CSS
    • React Animation
    • React Bootstrap
    • React Map
    • React Table
    • Higher-Order Components
    • React Code Splitting
    • React Context
    • React Hooks
    • React Flux Concept
    • React Flux Vs MVC
    • React Redux
    • React Portals
    • React Error Boundaries
    • React Native 
    • ReactJS vs AngularJS
    • ReactJS vs ReactNative
    • React vs Vue
    • Props and State
    • Stateless Component vs Stateful Component
    • Controlled component vs Uncontrolled component
    • Conventional Routing vs React Routing
    • Element and Component
    • Redux vs Flux

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