29 October 2020


What are all the data types JavaScript supports?
What are all the types of function? Or what are all the different ways you can declare a function and how they differ?
What is instanceof in JavaScript?
What is Event capturing and Event bubbling?
What is the difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady?
What is exception handling?
What is shift() and push? How they are differing from each other?
What is callback? How they work?
What is Browser Object Model or BOM?
What is negative infinity?
What is Number and String Objects in JavaScript?
What is encodeURI and decodeURI in JavaScript?
What is currying in JavaScript?
What is NaN in Javascript?
What is DOM
What is ES?
What is Javascript?
What is the difference between window and document?
What are the difference between == and ===?
What is the use of typeof?
What is prototype in javascript?
What is undefined?
What is not defined?
What is closure?
What is instanceOf?
What is method?
What is object?
What is function?
What is the difference for let and const?
What is variable hoisting?
What is IFFE?
What is Default Parameters?
what is promise?
What is function binding?
What is constructor?
What are the data types are available in JavaScript (JS)?
What are the ways to create an object in JavaScript?
What is function in JS and how to define it?
What is Array helper function and explain one of them?
What is every and find in array helper function?
What are the scopes of a variable in JavaScript?
What is every and some in array helper function?
What is reduce array helper function and how to use it?
What is Arrow functions and how to define it?
What is Template strings in JS
What is the use of ?This? operator in JavaScript?
What are the ways to define a variable in JavaScript?
What is the difference between the operators ?==? & ?===??
What is the difference between null & undefined?
What is the difference between undefined and undeclared?
What is the difference between document and window in JavaScript?
What is a prompt box in JavaScript?
What is the use of isNaN function?
What would be the result of 1+2+?9″?
What is the use of Void (0)?
What is the data type of variables of in JavaScript?
What is the difference between a confirmation box and an alert box and?
What will be the output for the below
What is callback in JS?
What is closure in JS?
What is Difference between the substr() and substring() functions in JavaScript?
What is spread operator in JavaScript?
What is Promise in JavaScript?
What is ?use strict??
What are different types of errors available in JS?
What close() does in JavaScript
What is the difference between instanceof and typeof in Javascript?
What is BOM ?
What is Classes and how to define?
What can be output for this JS code?
What is ?With ? keyword in JavaScript?
Which is latest release in ECMAScript?
Which are types of Pop up boxes available in JavaScript?
Which keyword is used to print the text on the screen?
Which operator supports in JavaScript?
Which built-in method returns the length of the string?
How can you remove an element from an array? Or can you use delete to remove an element in an array or not?
How can you get the list of all properties in an Object?
How do you empty an Array?
How to find the length of associative Array?
How to create an Object?
How can you create an Array in JavaScript?
How to give default argument in function?
How to merged two arrays?
How to give comments in Javascript?
How to read elements of an array in JavaScript?
How to create blink text using JS ?
How is it possible to get the total number of arguments that are passed to a function?
When is the use JSON.stringify()?
Who is the founder of Javascript?
Check whether Object is an Array/Not?
Is javascript case Sentiative?
Is exception handling possible ? How to handle exception in JavaScript ?
Singleton Pattern in js?
Syntax for Spread Attributes?
  • Call Stack
  • Primitive Types
  • Value Types and Reference Types
  • Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing
  • == vs === vs typeof
  • Function Scope, Block Scope and Lexical Scope
  • Expression vs Statement
  • IIFE, Modules and Namespaces
  • Message Queue and Event Loop
  • setTimeout, setInterval and requestAnimationFrame
  • JavaScript Engines
  • Bitwise Operators, Type Arrays and Array Buffers
  • DOM and Layout Trees
  • Factories and Classes
  • this, call, apply and bind
  • new, Constructor, instanceof and Instances
  • Prototype Inheritance and Prototype Chain
  • Object.create and Object.assign
  • map, reduce, filter
  • Pure Functions, Side Effects, State Mutation and Event Propagation
  • Closures
  • High Order Functions
  • Recursion
  • Collections and Generators
  • Promises
  • async/await
  • Data Structures
  • Expensive Operation and Big O Notation
  • Algorithms
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism and Code Reuse
  • Design Patterns
  • Partial Applications, Currying, Compose and Pipe
  • Clean Code
Which JavaScript method is used to access an HTML element by id?
Which JavaScript keyword is used to declare a constant?

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