16 May 2021


What is Application Template ?
What are the two ways of defining and inserting a view?
What Ember.js is and how it works?
What is controller in ember.js ?
What is Ember.ArrayController and what is the advantage of it ?
What is is ember.mixin class ?
What is is Ember-data ?
What is is Enumerables in ember.js ?
What is is model in Ember.js?
What is is serializer?
What is is the use Ember.SortableMixin ?
What controller does in Ember.js?
What is Ember.Namespace.Class ?
What is Ember.js? Write the steps to create an app in Ember.js?
What is ember route? How can you generate a route in ember.js?
What are observers in Ember.js?
What is the component in ember.js? How is it defined?
What are enumerable in ember.js?
What are services in ember.js?
Write command to start and stop development server in Ember.js?
Write steps to write a Handlebars Helper?
Explain the role of adapter and types of adapters ?
Explain directory structure in Ember.js?
Explain what is ember-data?
Explain model with reference to ember.js. Also, tell how it is defined in it.
Which template library is used by Ember.js ?
How ember applications are structured?
How Router and {{outlet}} tag can be useful in ember.js?
How you can add data using fixture into an application?
How you can create an Ember. handlebars template ?
How you can create instances in ember.js ?
How you can define a new ember class?
How to disable Prototype Extensions in Ember.js ?
When Ember.TrackedArray can be useful ?
Difference - ember.js vs traditional web application
Difference - Router vs Route in ember.js ?
List out main components of Ember.js?
Mention some of the functions used in ember packages/ember run-time/lib and packages/ember metal/lib/utils.js ?
Mention the template components used in ember.js ?

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