15 May 2021


Are there situations where you wouldn’t use Python/Django?
Can we achieve Django support multiple-column Primary Keys?
Can we call Django as CMS.
Can you tell us something about the Django admin interface?
Describe Controller in the MVC framework of Django?
Differentiate between Project and an App?
Django comes under high-level or low-level framework ?
Django is an MVC based framework, how does this framework implement MVC?
Django is too monolithic. Explain this statement.
Explain context variable lookups in Django.
Explain the importance of settings.py file and what data/ settings it contains.
How are RESTful APIs beneficial for developers?
How can we optimize a Django project’s performance?
How can we use model inheritance?
How do you connect your Django project to the database?
How does Django's admin interface support customization?
How is Django’s code reusability feature different from other frameworks?
How is the reusability feature of Django different from the rest of the frameworks?
How to handle Exception or abnormal activity in Django framework ?
How to implement social login authentication in Django?
How to make foreign key relation in Django ?
How would you compare Node.js and Django?
How would you scale an existing application when starting a new project?
How you can use file based sessions?
Is Django open source / free ?
List out caching strategies in Django!
List out the inheritance styles in Django?
List out the types of inheritances in django framework ?
List out the types of Model relationships in django framework ?
Mention the differences between Django, Pyramid and Flask.
What all middleware’s functionalities achieve in Django?
What all types of inheritance supports in Django?
What are custom validation rules in form data?
What are Models?
What are templates?
What are the caching strategies that Django supports?
What are the files contains Django template ?
What are the important parameters in signals?
What are the roles of receiver and sender in signals?
What are the signals in Django?
What are the static files used in Django ?
What are the steps to create a Django project?
What are the use of decorators.
What are the use of file-based sessions in Django ?
What are the use of migrate command in Django?
What are the use of session framework in Django?
What are views?
What happens when a typical Django website gets a request?
What is class-based view in Django ?
What is context in Django ?
What is CRUD?
What is CSRF?
What is Django framework?
What is Django Rest Framework?
What is Django?
What is DRF of Django Rest Frame work?
What is mixin?
What is Pagination?
What is serialization in Django framework ?
What is Session in Django ?
What is the best and recommended way to install Django framework ?
What is the difference between a Project and an App?
What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
What is the role of Cookie in Django?
What is the typical usage of middlewares in Django?
What is the use of QuerySet in Django?
What is the use of the include function in the urls.py file in Django?
What is token based authentication system?
What is Unicode, what is UTF-8 and how do they relate?
What is user authentication in Django?
When can you use iterators in Django ORM?
Which Architecture follow by Django framework ?
Which class required to inherit in order to achieve unit tests in Django ?
Which current organization are using Django?
Why does Django use regular expressions to define URLs? Is it necessary to use them?
Why is Django called loosely coupled framework?
Why permanent redirecting is not a good option?

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