12 November 2020


What is the major purpose of SQL?
What is a VIEW in SQL language?
What command is used to remove a table from a database?
What are the string types used for columns?
What is the way to display the top 50 rows?
What is a TEXT in MYSQL?
What is BLOB?
What is a candidate key?
What is the query used to concatenate strings?
What is the numeric limit on indexed columns creation to a table?
What is Index
What is Data Warehousing
What is MySql
What is SQL WHERE clause
What is federated tables
What is ISAM
What is save point concept in MySql
What is Primary key
What is DML in MYSQL
What is DCL
What is foreign key
What is rollback concept
What are 4 types of BLOB in MYSQL
What are aggregate functions in MySQL?
What are Storage Engines in Mysql?
What are the advantages of MySQL?
What are the difference between and MyISAM and InnoDB?
What are the difference between char_length and length in MySQL?
What are the difference between MongoDB and MySQL?
What are the difference between NOW and CURRENT_DATE in MySQL?
What are the different ways to optimize a MySQL query?
What are the drivers in MySQL?
What are the stored procedures in MySQL? Also, write an example.
What is cardinality in MySQL?
What is constraints? Also explain the different types of constraints?
What is DDL, DML and DCL in MySQL?
What is difference between function and procedure in MySQL?
What is federated tables in MySQL?
What is heap table in MySQL?
What is indexing and how do you create an index in MySQL?
What is regex in MySQL?
What is slow query log in MySQL?
What is temporary table in MySQL?
What is the default port for MySQL and how it can change?
What is the degree of a table in MySQL?
What is the difference between BETWEEN and IN operators in Mysql?
What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR in MySQL?
What is the difference between delete, drop and truncate?
What is the difference between having and where clause in Mysql? Explain
What is the difference between IS NULL & IS NOT NULL?
What is the difference between MyISAM dynamic and MyISAM static in MySQL?
What is the difference between the primary and unique key in Mysql?
What is the difference between timestamp and datetime in MySQL?
What is the use of CONCAT() in Mysql?
What is the use of enum in MySQL? How it is different from set?
What is TRIGGERS and how it can be used in MySQL?
What is view in MySQL?
Write a query to display even rows in student table using MySQL?
Write a query to fetch common records between two tables using MySQL?
Write a query to fetch duplicate records from a table using MySQL?
Write a query to find duplicate rows In table?
Explain the difference between primary key and candidate key in Mysql?
Why use triggers in MySQL?
Which command is used to add a row in a database?
Which command is used to remove rows from a table ‘SAMPLE’?
Which is considered as an effective SQL query for an Index?
Which is the default port available in MYSQL?
How to login to MySql through Unix shell?
How to regulate the maximum size of a HEAP table?
How a user can get the current version of MYSQL application?
How can I see all indexes on a table in MySQL Database?
How do I count the number of records in a MySQL query?
How do I import database through command line?
How do you create view in MySQL?
How to change the database engine in MySQL?
How to control the max size of a HEAP table?
How to convert a string to utf 8 in MySQL?
How to create case insensitive query in MySQL?
How to display odd rows in Employee table in Mysql?
How to display top 10 rows in Mysql?
How to make a copy values from one column to another in Mysql?
How to retrieve the current version of a MySQL?
How to save images in MySQL?
How to store binary data in MySQL?
How to upload a large file through phpmyadmin in MySQL?
How to use GROUP_CONCAT with different SEPARATOR in MySQL?
How to write an optimized query in MySQL?
How we can get the current date in MySQL?
How would you select all the users whose phone is null MySQL?
When compared with Oracle, what are the advantages of MySql?
Difference - temporary table vs heap table
In Mysql, what is joins? Explain
In Mysql, what is the default storage engine?
Can a primary key be dropped in MySQL? If yes, how?
Give a few examples of Numeric data types used in MYSQL
Give a few examples of String data types used in MYSQL
Give the SQL command to retrieve indexes from a table named ‘employee’
Is MySQL case-sensitive?
Is Mysql is a programming language?
List out the benefits of MySql
List the column comparison operators used in MYSQL
List the available drivers in the database
List some common functionalities with MYSQL
List some comparisons operators used in Mysql?
Mention different table types available in MySql
Mention the triggers used in MYSQL Table
Mention the nonstandard string types
Mention any 2 advantages of MYSQL to Oracle
Mention the query used to get current date in MYSQL
Mention the groups of data types available in MYSQL
Mention Time and Date data types available
Mention a way to drop existing View
Mention the advantage of ENUM in a database
Mention OLAP storage models available
Using CREATE command, what are the objects can be created
What's new in MySQL 8?

  • Constraints - Not-null, Check, Default, Unique, Index, Primary-key, Foreign-key 
  • Indexes - Unique and Non Unique index
  • Query, Sub Query
  • Union vs intersect
  • Cursor
  • Alias & View
  • Normalization, Denormalization
  • Stored procedure
  • Trigger
  • Clustered VS Non-clustered index

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