07 June 2021


What is Golang?
What are Golang packages?
What are Golang pointers?
What do you understand by Golang string literals?
What is the syntax used for the for loop in Golang? Explain.
What do you understand by the scope of variables in Go?
What do you understand by goroutine in Golang?
What is ?slice? in Go?
What are Go Interfaces?
What are Go channels and how are channels used in Golang?
What are the benefits of using Go compared to other languages?
What are string literals?
What data types does Golang use?
What are packages in a Go program?
What form of type conversion does Go support? Convert an integer to a float.
What is a goroutine? How do you stop it?
What are Lvalue and Rvalue in Golang?
What are the looping constructs in Go?
What is the easiest way to check if a slice is empty?
What is a workspace?
What is CGO? When would you want to use it?
What is shadowing?
What is the purpose of a GOPATH environment variable?
What types of pointers does Go have?
What is the difference between = and := in Go?
What is the difference between C arrays and Go slices?
What makes Go so fast?
What is a unique benefit of Go?s compiler?
What is in the src directory?
What does GOROOT point to?
What makes Go compile quickly?
What does it mean when people say Go has a ?rich standard library??
What is an advantage of Go evaluating implicit types at compile time?
What is Go?
What is the static type declaration of a variable in Golang?
What is the dynamic variable declaration in Golang?
What is a constant variable in Go?
What is the scope of a variable?
What is Golang workspace?
What are built-in supports in Golang?
What is ?slice? in Golang?
What are the decision-making statements in Golang?
What is the GoPATH variable in Golang?
What is the GoROOT variable in Golang?
What is the channel in Golang?
What is an interface in Golang?
What is a select statement in Golang?
What is CGo in Golang?
What is Rune in Golang?
What are function closures?
What are rvalue and Ivalue?
Name one Go feature that would be helpful for DevOps.
Explain the steps of testing with Golang.
Explain Go interfaces. What are they and how do they work?
Explain the difference between concurrent and parallelism in Golang
Explain pointers in Go?
Explain Methods in Golang?
Explain structures in Golang?
Explain about switch statement in Golang?
Explain Goroutines?
Why should one learn Golang? What are the advantages of Golang over other languages?
Why is Golang fast compared to other languages?
Why is Go often called a ?Post-OOP? language?
Why does Golang develop?
Why do we use the break statement in Golang?
Why do we use the continued statements in Golang?
Why do we use a Goto statement in Golang?
Why should one learn the Golang programming language?
Which kind of conversion is supported by Golang?
How can we check if the Go map contains a key?
How do you check a variable type at runtime?
How do you concatenate strings?
How do we perform inheritance with Golang?
How are pointers used in Go?
How do untyped constants interact with Go?s typing system?
How do you implement command-line arguments in Go?
How does Go handle dependencies?
How can we swap variables in Golang?
How to return multiple values from a function?
How can we declare the multiple types of variables in a single code line in Golang?
How to perform testing in Golang?
How to check the variable type at runtime in Golang?
How to compare two structs?
When would you use a break statement in Go?
Who created Golang?
  • Arrays
  • Maps
  • Named Return Type Functions

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