21 June 2021


What is grouping in TestNG?
What are Default Group, Partial Groups, and MetaGroups in TestNG?
What are the different types of Listeners in TestNG?
What is the difference between soft assertion and hard assertion?
What is the return type of @DataProvider annotation provided by TestNG?
What is Inclusion & Exclusion Groups in TestNG?
What is the test suite in TestNG?
What are the standard assertions available in TestNG?
What is invocationCount in TestNG?
What is parameterization in TestNG? How to pass parameters using testng.xml?
What is Soft Assert in TestNG?
What are the ways to state dependencies in TestNG?
What is exception test in TestNG?
What is the Parallel Execution of Classes in TestNG?
What is the use of @Listener annotation in TestNG?
What is the use of @Factory annotation?
What are the advantages of TestNG DataProvider feature?
What is the default priority of test cases in TestNG?
What is the sequence of execution of the annotations in TestNG?
What is DataProvider annotation in TestNG and why you use it?
What is thread-count in TestNG?
What is threadPoolSize? How can we use it?
What is Time-Out test in TestNG?
What are the basic steps required in writing TestNG test?
What is the difference between @BeforeClass and @BeforeMethod?
What is the return type of @Factory annotation?
What Is Factory Annotation used for?
What is timeOut in TestNG?
What is verbose in TestNG?
What is the need to create a testng.xml file?
Explain what does @Test(invocationCount=?) and (threadPoolSize=?) indicate?
Explain what it means when you have to pass parameters using data-providers in TestNG?
Explain how can you run the JUnit tests using TestNG?
Why do we use Assertion in Selenium?
Why do we use TestNG in Selenium?
Which annotation is used to pass parameter values to test method from the testng.xml file?
Which attribute is used to run test method always?
Which attribute is used to provide data to test method in Data-driven testing?
How can you prepare a customised HTML report in TestNG using Hybrid framework?
How to skip a @Test method from execution in TestNG?
How to group tests at class-level in TestNG?
How to get testng-failed.xml?
How do you handle Dependency injection?
How to Call DataProvider from another Class?
How to run a group of test cases using TestNG?
How to set priorities in TestNG?
How is TestNG better than JUnit?
How to generate HTML report using TestNG?
How to Ignore a test case in TestNG?
How to execute multiple programs or classes?
How to disable a test in TestNG?
How to enable or disable test cases using testng.xml file?
How will you execute tests from a TestNG group?
How to run test script in TestNG?
How to run test cases in parallel using TestNG?
How to fail a testNG test if it doesn’t get executed within a specified time?
How will you execute methods or test cases in TestNG in different order/your order?
Can you describe major features of TestNG?
Can I call a single data provider method for multiple functions and classes?
Describe the similarities and difference between JUnit and TestNG unit testing frameworks?
Mention different ways in which you can produce reports for TestNG results?

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