08 June 2021


What are the advantages of using ActiveMQ over other databases?
What are the core objects required by a JMS ? enabled application?
What is the difference between ActiveMQ and AMQP?
What are some of the platforms supported by ActiveMQ?
What is the difference between ActiveMQ and Fuse Message Broker?
What is the procedure involved in handling an application server using the JMS connections?
What can one do to monitor the connection between a client and a broker?
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous messages?
Write a code showing how one can change a default username or password mainly for ActiveMQ console.
Explain the working of JMS in association with J2EE
Explain what is MOM in connection with JMS
How is ActiveMQ different from the spread toolkit?
What is ActiveMQ
What is JMS
Difference : ActiveMQ and Mule

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