18 June 2021


What is the Appium philosophy?
What Is Appium?
What is Appium Inspector and why is it used?
What language does Appium support?
What is XPATH?
What is Explicit and Implicit wait in Appium?
What are native Apps?
What are Mobile Web Apps?
What are hybrid apps?
What is the underlying API that Appium follows?
What are Testability layers?
What is the most difficult scenario to test with Appium?
What are desired capabilities in Appium?
What is UDID?
What is UiAutomator in Appium?
What is a Xcode in Appium?
What is the Full form of apk extension?
Name the tools you used in debugging Appium.
Name the test frameworks that are supported by Appium.
Write the command that will allow you to identify objects uniquely when there are multiple objects within the same class name using Appium?
Explain data exchange in Appium.
How can you run iOS tests without Appium?
How can you find the DOM element or X path in case of a mobile application?
How can you inspect elements that are present in the Native Android App?
How can you inspect elements on the IOS apps?
Difference between Selenium and Appium?
In Android, do you need an app's .apk to automate using Appium or you also need app in my workspace?
In the case of the Android platform is it necessary to have an app’s .apk so that it can automate using Appium or do we also need an app in the workspace?
Disadvantages of using Appium.
Do you need a server machine to run tests on Appium?
Is it possible to interact with my apps using Javascript while I am testing with Appium?
List out the types of mobile app testing.
List out the Appium abilities.
List some issues Faced With Cross-Platform Testing.
List out the most common problem that a tester faces while performing mobile testing in Cloud Computing.
List out the pre-requisite to use Appium.
List some common Exceptions in Appium.
Mention what are the most difficult scenarios to test with Appium?
Mention the method with which you can scroll down in App?
Mention the method with which you can swipe in App.
While using Appium can I run my tests in a multithreaded environment?

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