What are the different types of driver implementation? |
What is object repository? |
What is the difference between @beforemethod and @beforeclass. |
What are the different Parameters for @Test annotation? |
What are the different assertions in SIDE? |
What is actions class in web driver? |
What is the default time for selenium Ide and webdriver? |
What is default port no? |
What is wraps Driver? |
What mobile devices it may Support? |
What are the test types supported by Selenium? |
What is the difference in array list and linked list ? |
What are alerts and how do you handle? |
What are different forms of selenium? |
What are different locators in selenium? |
What are different ways in which you can generate the reports of TestNG results? |
What are Java Packages? |
What are OOPS Concepts used in Selenium ? |
What are some advantages of selenium? |
What are some expected conditions that can be used in the Explicit waits? |
What are some limitations of selenium? |
What are the advantages in Automation? |
What are the browsers supported by Selenium? |
What are the class available in selenium to handle drop downs? |
What are the components of selenium? |
What are the desired skills? |
What are the difference between ?/? and ?//? in Xpath? |
What are the different Classes which implement WebDriver ? |
What are the different components / tools in Selenium ? |
What are the different keyboard operations that can be performed in the selenium? |
What are the different locators used? |
What are the different mouse an actions that can be performed? |
What are the different type of constructor? |
What are the Different type of Framework Supported in Selenium Web Driver? |
What are the Different type of OS Support in Selenium WebDriver? |
What are the Different type of Programming languages Supported in Selenium Web Driver? |
What are the different types of an automation tool that you are aware of? |
What are the different types of drivers currently supported by Selenium Webdriver? |
What are the different types of frame work? |
What are the different types of locators that we can use to search for an element with Selenium? |
What are the four components of selenium? |
What are the guidelines to be followed for POM class? |
What are the languages supported by Selenium? |
What are the languages supports in selenium? |
What are the limitations of Selenium? |
What are the OOPs concept in java? |
What are the regular annotations in Testng and there purpose? |
What are the rules to develop POM-Class? |
What are the Seven Testing Principles? |
What are the testing type supported by Selenium WebDriver? |
What are The timeout commands in Implicitwait? |
What are the types of Locater in WebDriver? |
What are the types of Selenium components? |
What are the uses of JavascriptExecutor? |
What are various ways of locating an element in selenium? |
What are window handles? |
What can you automate? |
What do you mean by Checked Exceptions? |
What does the annotation @ Find by do in Selenium |
what is @After? |
what is @Afterclass? |
what is @Before? |
what is @Ignore? |
What is @Test? |
What is a framework? |
What is a hub in Selenium Grid? |
What is a locator? |
What is a relative XPath? |
What is a singleton class? |
What is a web driver ? |
What is a Webdriver? |
What is Action class? |
What is an absolute XPath? |
What is an immutable class? |
What is an implicit wait in selenium? |
What is an indentation in python? |
What is annotations |
What is Automation? |
What is Baselining or Bucketing? |
What is Beforeclass? |
What is boxing and unboxing in java? |
What is Compatibility Testing? |
What is difference in HashMap and HashTable in java? |
What is different variable type sin java? |
What is encapsulation in java? |
What is explicit wait? Advantages? |
What is Final Keyword in Java? |
What is flash automation |
What is fluent wait in selenium? |
What is Frame handling in selenium? |
What is fundamental difference between an XPath and an css selector? |
What is ghost driver ? |
What is Grid? |
What is ID location and how do u use it? |
What is implicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?` |
What is implicit wait? |
What is ImplicitWait? |
What is inconsistent defect? |
What is ITest result in selenium? |
What is java constructor? |
What is java polymorphism? |
What is Locater? |
What is Maven? |
What is POM? Advantages? |
What is python? |
What is recursion in java? |
What is Regression Testing? |
What is Relative Xpath and any Syntax? |
What is run time polymorphism in java? |
What is sandwich approach? |
What is selenium and why it is used by more users? |
What is Selenium grid? |
What is selenium IDE? Advantages? Drawbacks? |
What is Selenium RC? |
What is Selenium WebDriver? |
What is Selenium? |
What is Soft assert in selenium? |
What is soft assertion in Selenium? How can you mark a test case as failed by using soft assertion? |
What is synchronization? |
What is Test Cycle? |
What is TestNG listeners and why it is used? |
What is TestNG? Advantage? |
What is the Advantages of Test Automation Framework? |
What is the Browser Support Selenium IDE? |
What is the commands for downloading selenium? |
What is the default method in Interface? |
What is the difference between assert and verify commands? |
What is the difference between close() and quit() func of the browser? |
What is the Difference between collection and collections? |
What is the difference between equals() and == operator in Java ? |
What is the difference between following:: and following-sibling:: in xpath? |
What is the difference between quit() & close()? |
What is the difference between static and not static variable? |
What is the difference between the drivergetWindowHandle() and the drivergetWindowHandles() in selenium? |
What is the difference in Collections and Collection in java |
What is the difference in finally and finalize in java? |
What is the difference in getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles() in selenium? |
What is the difference in List and Set in java? |
What is the difference in Poll and Peak in java collection? |
What is the different use of this statement in java? |
What is the jar file is used to read and write excel in selenium? |
What is the library to be imported to add keyboard actions to our scripts? |
What is the library to be imported to add mouse actions to our scripts? |
What is the method to check if check box is selected? |
What is the purpose of static methods and variables? |
What is the syntax for ?for? loop if we have to run for loop for 3 times? |
What is the syntax of finding elements by id using the CSS Selector? |
What is the syntax of the finding elements by class using to CSS Selector? |
What is the syntax to find element in a webpage by using its ID? |
What is the test NG annotations? |
What is the usage of Java Constructor in Selenium Testing? |
What is the use of automation testing? |
What is the use of Property file in your framework ? |
What is the use of Selenium Grid? |
What is the use of the driverget(?URL?) and drivernavigate()to(?URL?) command? Is there any of difference between the two? |
What is the WebDriver used to run selenium script on chrome browser? |
What is toString() in java? |
What is varorgs? |
What is WebDriver in selenium? |
What is WebDriver? |
What is xpath? Type? |
What kind of reporting mechanism have you included in your selenium project? |
What kind of tests can we perform with Selenium Webdriver? |
What methods are used to scroll the page in javaScriptExecutor? |
What programming languages does Selenium Webdriver support? |
What the various access modifiers? |
What type of languages can we use to write selenium scripts? |
What versions are there of Selenium? |
What is HTTP 404 error? |
What are the key factors for SIT entry criteria in Testing? |
What are key factors for SIT exit criteria in testing? |
What explicit and implicit wait? |
Name 5 different exceptions you had in selenium web driver and mention what instance you got it and how do you resolve it? |
Write down scenarios which we can?t automate? |
Write a java program to reverse the given string using StringBuffer |
Write a program to print any string in double quotes |
Write a program to print binary format of a given number |
Write a program to print each word in a new line from the given string ?This is my java world? |
Write a program to print pyramid pattern |
Write a program to print the given below pattern |
Write syntax for xpath and css if id and tag are given |
Write the code to double click an element in the selenium? |
Write the code to open chrome browser in selenium? |
Write the code to open firefox browser in selenium? |
Write the code to right click an element in the selenium? |
Write the locater to find element in selenium? |
Write the syntax for get element by id and xpath ? And syntax for click button? |
Write the syntax for to check the xpath in console? |
Write the syntax for xpath ? |
Write the syntax for Xpath and the two type of xpath? |
Write xpath to handle parent from child window |
Explain DataProviders in TestNG using an example Can I call a single data provider method for multiple functions and classes? |
Explain the Statement WebDriver driver=new Chrome Driver (); |
Explain the template for over all Exit report? |
Explain the uses of javaScriptExecutor in Selenium |
Explain what does @Test(invocationCount=?) and @Test(threadPoolSize=?) indicate |
Why auto narrowing is not possible in java? |
Why is selenium selected as a test tool? |
Why my pip is not working when my python is not installed properly? |
Why String is immutable? |
Why Strings in Java are called as Immutable? |
Why we are using junit framework in selenium: |
Why we prefer Java for Selenium? |
Why you prefer to use Python for Selenium? |
Which repository you have used to store the test scripts? |
Which all browsers/drivers is supported by Selenium Webdriver? |
Which is the best locator? |
Which is the best way to find an element? |
Which is the slowest locator? |
Which Locater You Used? And Why? |
Which method is used to convert String to Char? |
Which Operating Systems support to Selenium WebDrivers? |
Which package is used for file reading and writing in java? |
Which protocol REST API uses? |
How to work with radio button in web driver? |
How to work with dynamic web table? |
How to highlight an object like qtp/uft does through selenium and java? |
How to store a value which is text box using web driver? |
How to handle alerts and confirmation boxes. |
How to mouse hover on an element? |
How to switch between the windows? |
How to switch between frames? |
How to take the screen shots in seelnium2.0? |
How to ZIP files in Selenium with an Example? |
How to do Applet testing using selenium? |
How do you manage the code versions in your project? |
How to know all the methods supported in web driver and its syntax. |
How do you create html test report from your test script? |
How can we clear an text written in the textbox? |
How can we fetch a text written over an the element? |
How can we fetch the page source in the selenium? |
How can we fetch title of the page in the selenium? |
How can we find the value of the different attributes like name, class, value of an element? |
How can we implement unittest framework in our scripts? |
How can we inspect the web element attributes in order to use them in the different locators? |
How can we know that our python is properly installed or not? |
How can we launch different browsers in selenium webdriver? |
How can we locate an element by the only partially matching its attributes value in the Xpath? |
How can we locate elements using their an text in XPath? |
How can we make one test method dependent on other using TestNG? |
How can we maximize browser window in the selenium? |
How can we move to the nth child element using css selector? |
How can we move to the nth child element using XPath? |
How can we move to the parent of an element using XPath? |
How can we move to the particular frame in selenium? |
How can we perform ?Back? and ?Forward? operations using selenium? |
How can we select an option of a dropdown using Selenium Webdriver? |
How can we select elements by their attribute value using CSS Selector? |
How can we submit a form in the selenium? |
How can we type text in a textbox element using the selenium? |
How can you ?submit? a form using Selenium ? |
How can you find if an element in displayed on the screen? |
How can you retrieve the Property from a property file |
How do get typed text from a textbox? |
How do I launch the browser using WebDriver? |
How do u invoke a webdriver? |
How do we check whether a checkbox is checked or not? |
How do we define a function in Python ? |
How do you ?Resize? the browser using selenium? |
How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver? |
How do you clear the contents of a textbox in selenium? |
How do you confirm whether the particular web element is visible on the page or not? |
How do you execute a Test Regression Suite in Selenium ? |
How do you find the element which is active or focused? |
How do you find X & Y co-ordinates of an element? Write code for this? |
How do you get the current page URL? |
How do you get the text of an element on a webpage? |
How do you move the browser using selenium? |
How do you print the message on the TestNG HTML report and as well as in console in selenium? |
How do you print the message only on the TestNG HTML reports in selenium? |
How do you Select a sub menu from a Main Menu |
How do you select a value from Drop Down ? |
How do you simulate browser back and forward? |
How do you write the text in the login form? |
How many methods present in the SelectElement class for drop-down and multi select dropdown? |
How many test types are support to Selenium? |
How many types of wait statements? |
How many types of WebDriver APIs using in Selenium? |
How much Java is required for Selenium? |
How to access the variables and methods of another Class in Java ? |
How to achieve PageObjectModel |
How to Add dependencies to pomxml |
How to Apply assert in testng class? |
How to check a checkBox in selenium? |
how to create a object repository in selenium? |
How to Create WebElement? |
How to delete cookie by name in selenium? |
How to delete cookies in selenium? |
How to disable a test method in TestNG? |
How to Disable an execution of test in TestNG? |
How to disable the Browser level Notifications in Selenium? |
How to Element Colour? |
How to Element will be Displayed in a page or not? |
How to excute multiples classes in on time? |
How to execute Cucumber Tests in Groups using Cucumber Tags? |
How to Execute Two are multiple test with in suite with xml |
How to fetch the current page URL in the selenium? |
How to find an element using xpath with ?and? operator? |
How to find element by hyperlink? |
How to find Xpath using index? |
How to get and set the position of window in selenium? |
How to get Attribute? |
How to get cell value from Table? |
How to get count of links in the page? |
How to Get Page Title? |
How to get PageScource? |
How to get TagName? |
How to get text? |
How to get the Source code of the webpage? |
How to Get url? |
How to go back to main menu from Inner most frame directly? |
How to handle cookies in selenium? |
How to handle dynamic xpath in selenium? |
How to handle frames in an application using webdriver methods? |
How to handle multiple windows in selenium? |
How to handle multiple windows? |
How to handle select/ dropdown option in selenium? |
How to handle Windows based alert in Selenium? |
How to handle windows popup in selenium? |
How to identify the given drop down and what are the ways? |
How to identify the nth child ? |
how to identify tooltip in selenium webdriver? |
How to ignore/exclude a test method in TestNG? |
How to instantiate the chrome browser? |
How to Know Element is Enabled or Not? |
How to Know Element will be Selected or not? |
How to launch a browser ? |
How To Launch Application with FirefoxDriver? |
How to Launch Chrome Driver? |
How to maintain data under dataprovider method? |
How to mouse hover an element in the selenium? |
How to mouse over to an element on a webpage? |
How to navigate forward and backward from current window? |
How to navigate of we have navigated to child window correctly? |
How to navigate to new window from current window? |
How to Pass parameter from XML file? |
How to perform keyboard operation in selenium? |
How to press Enter key from webdriver? |
How to prioritize test methods with in class? |
How to provide description for testng method: |
How to Resize the browser window? |
How to retire the data from Encapsulation? |
How to retrieve Data from Dataprovider method? |
how to run multiple test suites in selenium using testng? |
how to run only failed test cases in testing? |
How to run the same test case 10 times with TestNG? |
How to select all elements in the DOM using CSS selector? |
How to select only checked check boxes or radio buttons? |
How to send a value into Alert? |
How to set driver path from script? |
How to set SSL certificate in selenium? |
How to Skip method execution in Testng suite? |
How to Store Group of Elements into single Object? |
How to store multipule windows into one object? |
How to switch between multiple windows in selenium? |
How to switch from inner frames to parent frame one by one? |
How to switch one frame to another frame? |
How to switch to a frame? |
How to switch to alert ? |
How to switch to parent frame? |
How to take screenshot in selenium? |
How to Take screenshot? |
How to take screenshots from webdriver? |
How to Terminate the test method in TestNG? |
How to type in a textbox using Selenium? |
How to use click method with and without parameter? |
How to use contains regex to xpath? |
How to use moveToElement with and without parameter? |
How to use regex to CSS? |
How to use start-with() function? |
How to validate if element is hidden or visible on webpages? |
How to Work With Buttons? |
How to Work With Checkboxes? |
How to Work With DropDown? |
How to work With Radio Button? |
How To Work With TextBox? |
How to Work with the beta version(gecko driver)? |
How will you call TestNG inside Maven? |
how will you find running text in selenium? |
How will you handle dynamic table in selenium? |
How will you handle if 2 interfaces having same signatured method? |
How will you handle windows components in selenium? |
How will you take screenshot in selenium? |
When do you prefer manual testing over the Automation testing? |
When is Automation Testing useful? |
When webpage is dynamic which element locater do we use to locate an element? |
Where the String objected created? |
Difference between the selenium1.0 and selenium 2.0? |
Difference between find element () and findelements ()? |
Difference between assert and verify in selenium web driver. |
Difference - Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait ? |
Difference - close vs quit command |
Difference between implicit and explicit wait? |
Difference between Inner Class and Sub Class? |
Difference between quit and close methods in Webdriver? |
Difference between relative and absolute xpath? |
Difference Between Web Driver Listeners and Testers Listeners |
Difference for get and navigate method in Selenium? |
Difference of Abstract class and Interface in Java? |
In frame if no frame Id as well as no frame name then which attribute I should consider throughout our script. |
In what all case we have to go for ?JavaScript executor?. |
In a class can a local variable be static? |
In java how to take input from user? |
In java what is checked exception? |
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