What is Maven? |
What is the Maven occupation? |
What is the Maven area repository? |
What is the structure profile? |
What are the different architectural profiles? |
What is a Maven Store? |
What is the local repository? |
What is the default location for your local repository? |
What is the command to install the JAR file in the local repository? |
What is Central Storage? |
What is Arctic? |
What is the command to create a new project based on a hard drive? |
What does dependency management mean in the dependable function environment? |
What is the default value for the packaging element? |
What is the full name of a project? |
What is a prohibition? |
What is the central repository of Maven? |
What is the use of Settings XML in Maven? |
What is element used to specify the dependencies in your pom.xml ? |
What are six types of scopes ? |
What compile type scope ? |
What is default scope that the maven uses if we do not specify scope element in pom.xml ? |
What happens when we declare dependencies under the scope provided ? |
What scope can be used to make certain dependencies to be available only during compiling and running tests ? |
What is maven profiles? |
What is maven dependencies? |
What is archetype. |
What is the maven pom? |
What is the version to use to check maven version |
What maven modules? |
What is the advantage of Maven? |
what are the types of POM configuration? |
what is GroupId refereces? |
what is ArtifactsId refereces? |
what is Version and Scope refereces? |
What does the mvn clean command? |
what is Maven Repository referred? |
what are the types of Maven Plugins? |
What is pom.xml file? |
what is clean, default and site in maven? |
What is balm? |
What is the Mayan occupation? |
What is a storehouse? |
What do you know about Maven? |
What are the primary objectives of Maven? |
What is the command to know which version of Maven you are using? |
What are the support Maven offers to the developers? |
What do you mean by POM in maven? |
What are the configurations that can be specified in POM? |
What is the use of Maven? |
What is the difference between Convention and Configuration and state why Maven uses Convention? |
What do you mean by Super POM? |
What do you mean by build life cycle? Explain the phases of build life cycle? |
What do you mean by Goal in Maven life cycle? |
What will happen once a Maven command is passed to run a phase? |
What do you mean by build profile in Maven? |
What are the types of Build profile in Maven? |
What are the ways to activate a Maven build profile? |
What do you mean by Maven repository? |
What are the types of Maven Repository? |
What do you mean by Maven Plug-ins? |
What are the types of Maven Plug-ins? |
What are the common Plug-ins available in Maven? |
What is the need for external dependencies in Maven? |
What do you mean by archetype in Maven? |
What are the different archetypes available in Maven? |
What do you mean by Maven Snapshots? |
What is the difference between version and Snapshot? |
What do you mean by build automation in Maven? |
What do you mean by dependency mediation? |
What do you mean by dependency management? |
What is the scope of transitive dependencies discovery? |
What are the steps involved in the deployment process? |
What is the use of SCM in pom.xml file? |
What are the configurations possible in Settings.xml file? |
What are the benefit of storing JARS/external dependencies in local repository instead of remote one? |
What does the build tool? |
What is a goal in Maven terminology? |
What are the uses of Maven Plugins? |
What is SNAPSHOT in Maven? |
What are the default values for the packaging element? |
What are different types of Build Profiles? |
What are Maven Plugins? Use? Type? |
What are the aspects Maven manages? |
What are the benefit of storing JARS/external dependencies in the local repository instead of a remote one? |
What are the default values for the packaging element? |
What are the different phases of a Maven Build Lifecycle? |
What are the elements in POM that a profile can freely modify when specified in the POM? |
What are the features or advantages of Maven? |
What are the parameters required to define External Dependency in Maven? |
What are the things that you must define for each external dependency? |
What do you mean by a Maven Repository? |
What do you mean by Build profiles in Maven? |
What do you mean by Maven Archetype? |
What do you mean by Maven? |
What do you mean by Maven?s External Dependencies? |
What do you mean by POM and what does it contain? |
What does dependency management mean with respect to transitive dependency? |
What does goal in Maven mean? |
What does it mean when you say Maven uses Convention over Configuration? |
What does the build tool? |
What information does POM contain? |
What is a build tool responsible for? |
What is a goal in Maven terminology? |
What is a Maven Repository? |
What is a project?s fully qualified artifact name? |
What is a system dependency? |
What is a transitive dependency in Maven? |
What is Archetype? |
What is Build Profile? |
What is dependency exclusion? |
What is known as SNAPSHOT in Maven? |
What is Maven artifact? |
What is Maven? |
What is meant by Maven build lifecycle? Name these cycles. |
What is meant by Mojo in the terminology of Maven? |
What is POM? |
What is SNAPSHOT in Maven? |
What is the command to build your Maven site? |
What is the command to create a new project based on an archetype? |
What is the dependency scope? Name all the dependency scope. |
What is the job of the exclusion element in Maven? |
What is the location where Maven dependencies are downloaded? |
What is the Maven Build lifecycle? |
What is the meaning of the message ?You cannot have two plugin executions with the same or missing elements?? |
What is the minimal set of information for matching dependency reference against a dependencyManagement section? |
What is the purpose of command mvn clean in Maven? |
What is the use of optional dependency? |
What is the use of the execution element in pom file? |
What phases does a Clean Lifecycle and Site Lifecycle consist of? |
What types of Maven repository? |
What would the command mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package do? |
What would the command mvn clean do? |
Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven |
Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven. |
Name the aspects that are managed by Maven. |
Name the build phases in Maven Build Lifecycle. |
Name the phases of the Maven Clean Lifecycle. |
Explain about the Maven repositories. |
Explain about the maven plugins. |
Explain about the maven lifecycles. |
Explain about the system and provided.? |
Explain about the parent pom file. |
Explain the use of Maven artifact? |
Explain Clean life cycle in Maven? |
Explain Default life cycle in Maven? |
Explain Site life cycle in Maven? |
Explain Maven Local Repository? |
Explain Maven Central Repository? |
Explain Maven Remote Repository? |
Explain the Dependency Search Sequence in Maven? |
Explain how can you produce execution debug output or error message? |
Explain what would the ?jar:jar?goal do? |
Explain how to run test classes in Maven? |
Explain how you can exclude dependency? |
Explain how you can produce execution debug output or error messages? |
Explain the error ?You cannot have two plugin executions with the same ( or missing) elements? in Maven. |
Explain the various types of Maven Repositories. |
Explain what is Maven Repository? What are their types? |
Explain what is Maven? How does it work? |
Explain what is POM? |
Explain what would the ?jar: jar? goal do? |
Why is it recommended to keep the external dependencies in the local repository rather than a remote repository in Maven? |
Why Maven Plugins are used? |
Why should one use Maven? |
Which is the command will use to add jar manually in pom file under dependency. |
which command removes the target directory before the start of a build process? |
Which Languages are supported by maven? |
How to override the default name of the war file ? |
How to exclude dependencies? |
How pom helps maven? |
how does test and package phases implies in maven? |
How does Maven manage? |
How do you know the version of MVN you use? |
How will you install Maven on to your machine? |
How many POMs can be created for a project? Explain the minimum requirements for POM? |
How will you create an effective POM on your computer? |
How will you create a project in Maven? |
How will you create an external dependency? |
How will you create project documents in Maven? Explain with an example. |
How will you run test classes in Maven? Specify. |
How can you activate profiles? |
How can you activate profiles? |
How do you know the version of mvn you are using? |
How Maven handles and determines what version of dependency will be used when multiple versions of an artifact are found? |
How profiles are specified in Maven? |
How to determine the version of Maven in our system? |
How to mention profiles in Maven? |
How to perform a force update in Maven? |
How to run the clean plugin automatically during the build? |
When does Maven use External Dependency concept? |
When does Maven use the External Dependency concept? |
Where are Maven dependencies stored? |
Where do you find the class files when you compile a Maven project? |
Difference between Ant and Maven. |
Difference Snapshot vs Version? |
Define MOJO? |
In which way the dependencies jar files are downloaded from net. |
In Maven what are the two setting files called and what are their location? |
In Maven what are the two setting files called and what are their location? |
Can you tell me the default location of your local repository? |
Differences - ANT vs Maven. |
Example of dependency which can be declared under test scope ? |
Expain about the maven settings.xml file? |
Features of build tool? |
For POM what are the minimum required elements ? |
For POM what are the minimum required elements? |
If we build the parent project in a multi module setup Maven will build all the child projects/modules ? |
If you do not define any information, where does your POM inherits that information from ? |
If you fail to define any information, where does your pom inherits that information from? |
Is Maven available to Java? |
Is it possible to refer a property defined in your pom.xml file? |
Is there a particular sequence in which Maven searches for dependency libraries? |
List the standard life cycles of Maven? |
List down the types of Maven Build profiles. |
List down the various scopes of Maven Dependency. |
List out the build, source and test source directory for POM in Maven? |
List out the dependency scope in Maven? |
List out what are the aspects does Maven Manages? |
List out what are the build phases in Maven? |
List out what are the Maven?s order of inheritance? |
Maven differentiation with Selenium webdriver? |
Maven ? Always download sources and javadocs |
Maven - Can I reference profile id in profile definition? |
Maven - Error Releasing Code to GitHub (Hangs After Push) |
Maven - Generate Jar and War |
Maven - how to include empty directories |
Maven and Protobuf compile error: Cannot find symbol in package com.google.protobuf |
Maven : Failed to install metadata project Could not parse metadata maven-metadata-local.xml: only whitespace content allowed before start tag |
Maven ?build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5?, even though I changed it to 1.7 |
Maven ?cannot find symbol? message unhelpful |
Maven ?shaded? JAR is prefixed with ?original? in the file name |
Maven + AspectJ - all steps to configure it |
Maven + SLF4J: Version conflict when using two different dependencies that require two different SLF4J versions |
Maven 3 - How to add annotation processor dependency? |
Maven 3 Artifact problem |
Maven 3.3.1 ECLIPSE: -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set |
Maven and eclipse: a reliable way to add non-Maven or external jars to a project? |
Maven and the JOGL library? |
Maven archetype for simple Servlet application |
Maven assembly : add different version of the same artifact |
Maven build cannot find symbol when accessing project lombok annotated methods, |
Maven build debug in Eclipse |
Maven build failed: Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: jre or jdk issue |
Maven build goal need to specify |
Maven building only changed files |
Maven cannot resolve dependency for module in same multi-module project |
Maven check style as a part of the build |
Maven clean + build causes project in Eclipse to show errors until clean in Eclipse |
Maven Compilation Error: (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator) |
Maven compile mixed Java + Groovy 1.7 project, using gmaven-plugin |
Maven compile with multiple src directories |
Maven compile: package does not exist |
Maven compiler plugin always detecting a set of sources as ?stale? |
Maven Dependencies Eclipse |
Maven dependencies not visible in WEB-INF/lib |
Maven Dependency Conflict: org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal |
Maven dependency for Servlet 3.0 API? |
Maven dependency management for plugin dependencies |
Maven dependency resolution (conflicted) |
Maven dependency without version |
Maven deploy additional jar file |
Maven deploys to snapshot instead of release |
Maven does not find JUnit tests to run |
Maven doesn't find org.junit even though it's in the dependencies |
Maven doesn't recognize sibling modules when running mvn dependency:tree |
Maven doesn't use Java 7 |
Maven -DskipTests ignored |
Maven Eclipse Debug ?JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)? |
Maven Error : Maven Project Configuration for Module isn't availabe |
Maven error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher |
Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized |
Maven error: package org.junit does not exist |
Maven exec:java goal on a multi-module project |
Maven failing to download jar dependencies |
Maven fails to get SNAPSHOT builds from repository |
Maven fail-safe not executing tests |
Maven for other languages? |
Maven generates duplicate pom.xml and pom.properties files in a jar |
Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse |
Maven in Eclipse complains that ?Unable to locate the Javac Compiler? whenever POM changed |
Maven Installation OSX Error Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 |
Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete |
Maven Java EE Configuration |
Maven Java Version Configuration ignored by Eclipse/Idea |
Maven javadoc plugin - how can I include only certain classes? |
Maven module using spring-boot |
Maven Modules + Building a Single Specific Module |
Maven not downloading dependencies in Eclipse |
Maven not picking JAVA_HOME correctly |
Maven or Ivy? Which one is better with a system already in production? And the other differences? |
Maven Package Compilation Error |
Maven package error: org.apache.commons-lang does not exist (Java) |
Maven packaging without test (skip tests) |
Maven parent pom vs modules pom |
Maven plugin not using eclipse's proxy settings |
Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ |
maven plugins stored where |
Maven POM-Editor: Dependency Graph missing |
Maven profiles or spring profiles? |
Maven project with JavaFX (with jar file in `lib`) |
Maven release plugin fails : source artifacts getting deployed twice |
Maven resource filtering not working - because of spring boot dependency |
Maven Resource Filtering with Spring Boot: Could not resolve placeholder |
Maven Run Project |
Maven shade plugin adding dependency-reduced-pom.xml to base directory |
Maven skip compile |
maven support for android projects? |
Maven terms ? dependency and plugin, repository vs. pluginRepository |
Maven throws ?java.lang.OutOfMemoryError? |
Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: |
Maven update dependencies in POM |
Maven version with a property |
Maven with an explicit finalName won't work properly |
Maven with Eclipse Juno |
Maven- No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot' in the current project and in the plugin groups |
Maven. lambda expressions are not supported in -source 1.5 |
Maven: (use -source 5 or higher to enable static import declarations) |
Maven: add a dependency to a jar by relative path |
Maven: best way of linking custom external JAR to my project? |
Maven: compile aspectj project containing Java 1.6 source |
Maven: create directory structure from pom.xml |
Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor |
maven: How to add resources which are generated after compilation phase |
Maven: How to change path to target directory from command line? |
Maven: how to copy artifact to specific directory? |
Maven: How to include jars, which are not available in reps into a J2EE project? |
Maven: How to rename the war file for the project? |
Maven: How to run a .java file from command line passing arguments |
Maven: Including a META-INF folder in the classes folder |
Maven: javac: source release 1.6 requires target release 1.6 |
Maven: remove a single transitive dependency |
Maven: resource binary changes file size after build |
Maven: What is pluginManagement? |
Maven:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources |
maven? Failed to clean project: Failed to delete ..\org.ow2.util.asm-asm-tree-3.1.jar |
maven-archetype-webapp eclipse problem |
maven-site plugins 3.3 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.DocumentContent |
maven-surefire-plugin include/exclude precedence |
Mention how Profiles are specified in Maven? |
Mention how profiles are specified in Maven? |
Mention the steps for installing Maven on windows. |
Mention the three build lifecycle of Maven? |
Processes involved in achieving the project? |
runtime in maven ? |
State the features present in Maven? |
State the differences between Apache Ant and Maven? |
Tell me the command to install JAR file in local repository. |
Using which element in the child modules pom.xml do we refer to the parent pom ? |
Using which element does maven allows us specify the visibility of dependencies ? |
What?s Maven Central Gradually? |
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