07 November 2020


What is Maven?
What is the Maven occupation?
What is the Maven area repository?
What is the structure profile?
What are the different architectural profiles?
What is a Maven Store?
What is the local repository?
What is the default location for your local repository?
What is the command to install the JAR file in the local repository?
What is Central Storage?
What is Arctic?
What is the command to create a new project based on a hard drive?
What does dependency management mean in the dependable function environment?
What is the default value for the packaging element?
What is the full name of a project?
What is a prohibition?
What is the central repository of Maven?
What is the use of Settings XML in Maven?
What is element used to specify the dependencies in your pom.xml ?
What are six types of scopes ?
What compile type scope ?
What is default scope that the maven uses if we do not specify scope element in pom.xml ?
What happens when we declare dependencies under the scope provided ?
What scope can be used to make certain dependencies to be available only during compiling and running tests ?
What is maven profiles?
What is maven dependencies?
What is archetype.
What is the maven pom?
What is the version to use to check maven version
What maven modules?
What is the advantage of Maven?
what are the types of POM configuration?
what is GroupId refereces?
what is ArtifactsId refereces?
what is Version and Scope refereces?
What does the mvn clean command?
what is Maven Repository referred?
what are the types of Maven Plugins?
What is pom.xml file?
what is clean, default and site in maven?
What is balm?
What is the Mayan occupation?
What is a storehouse?
What do you know about Maven?
What are the primary objectives of Maven?
What is the command to know which version of Maven you are using?
What are the support Maven offers to the developers?
What do you mean by POM in maven?
What are the configurations that can be specified in POM?
What is the use of Maven?
What is the difference between Convention and Configuration and state why Maven uses Convention?
What do you mean by Super POM?
What do you mean by build life cycle? Explain the phases of build life cycle?
What do you mean by Goal in Maven life cycle?
What will happen once a Maven command is passed to run a phase?
What do you mean by build profile in Maven?
What are the types of Build profile in Maven?
What are the ways to activate a Maven build profile?
What do you mean by Maven repository?
What are the types of Maven Repository?
What do you mean by Maven Plug-ins?
What are the types of Maven Plug-ins?
What are the common Plug-ins available in Maven?
What is the need for external dependencies in Maven?
What do you mean by archetype in Maven?
What are the different archetypes available in Maven?
What do you mean by Maven Snapshots?
What is the difference between version and Snapshot?
What do you mean by build automation in Maven?
What do you mean by dependency mediation?
What do you mean by dependency management?
What is the scope of transitive dependencies discovery?
What are the steps involved in the deployment process?
What is the use of SCM in pom.xml file?
What are the configurations possible in Settings.xml file?
What are the benefit of storing JARS/external dependencies in local repository instead of remote one?
What does the build tool?
What is a goal in Maven terminology?
What are the uses of Maven Plugins?
What is SNAPSHOT in Maven?
What are the default values for the packaging element?
What are different types of Build Profiles?
What are Maven Plugins? Use? Type?
What are the aspects Maven manages?
What are the benefit of storing JARS/external dependencies in the local repository instead of a remote one?
What are the default values for the packaging element?
What are the different phases of a Maven Build Lifecycle?
What are the elements in POM that a profile can freely modify when specified in the POM?
What are the features or advantages of Maven?
What are the parameters required to define External Dependency in Maven?
What are the things that you must define for each external dependency?
What do you mean by a Maven Repository?
What do you mean by Build profiles in Maven?
What do you mean by Maven Archetype?
What do you mean by Maven?
What do you mean by Maven?s External Dependencies?
What do you mean by POM and what does it contain?
What does dependency management mean with respect to transitive dependency?
What does goal in Maven mean?
What does it mean when you say Maven uses Convention over Configuration?
What does the build tool?
What information does POM contain?
What is a build tool responsible for?
What is a goal in Maven terminology?
What is a Maven Repository?
What is a project?s fully qualified artifact name?
What is a system dependency?
What is a transitive dependency in Maven?
What is Archetype?
What is Build Profile?
What is dependency exclusion?
What is known as SNAPSHOT in Maven?
What is Maven artifact?
What is Maven?
What is meant by Maven build lifecycle? Name these cycles.
What is meant by Mojo in the terminology of Maven?
What is POM?
What is SNAPSHOT in Maven?
What is the command to build your Maven site?
What is the command to create a new project based on an archetype?
What is the dependency scope? Name all the dependency scope.
What is the job of the exclusion element in Maven?
What is the location where Maven dependencies are downloaded?
What is the Maven Build lifecycle?
What is the meaning of the message ?You cannot have two plugin executions with the same or missing elements??
What is the minimal set of information for matching dependency reference against a dependencyManagement section?
What is the purpose of command mvn clean in Maven?
What is the use of optional dependency?
What is the use of the execution element in pom file?
What phases does a Clean Lifecycle and Site Lifecycle consist of?
What types of Maven repository?
What would the command mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package do?
What would the command mvn clean do?
Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven
Name the 3 build lifecycle of Maven.
Name the aspects that are managed by Maven.
Name the build phases in Maven Build Lifecycle.
Name the phases of the Maven Clean Lifecycle.
Explain about the Maven repositories.
Explain about the maven plugins.
Explain about the maven lifecycles.
Explain about the system and provided.?
Explain about the parent pom file.
Explain the use of Maven artifact?
Explain Clean life cycle in Maven?
Explain Default life cycle in Maven?
Explain Site life cycle in Maven?
Explain Maven Local Repository?
Explain Maven Central Repository?
Explain Maven Remote Repository?
Explain the Dependency Search Sequence in Maven?
Explain how can you produce execution debug output or error message?
Explain what would the ?jar:jar?goal do?
Explain how to run test classes in Maven?
Explain how you can exclude dependency?
Explain how you can produce execution debug output or error messages?
Explain the error ?You cannot have two plugin executions with the same ( or missing) elements? in Maven.
Explain the various types of Maven Repositories.
Explain what is Maven Repository? What are their types?
Explain what is Maven? How does it work?
Explain what is POM?
Explain what would the ?jar: jar? goal do?
Why is it recommended to keep the external dependencies in the local repository rather than a remote repository in Maven?
Why Maven Plugins are used?
Why should one use Maven?
Which is the command will use to add jar manually in pom file under dependency.
which command removes the target directory before the start of a build process?
Which Languages are supported by maven?
How to override the default name of the war file ?
How to exclude dependencies?
How pom helps maven?
how does test and package phases implies in maven?
How does Maven manage?
How do you know the version of MVN you use?
How will you install Maven on to your machine?
How many POMs can be created for a project? Explain the minimum requirements for POM?
How will you create an effective POM on your computer?
How will you create a project in Maven?
How will you create an external dependency?
How will you create project documents in Maven? Explain with an example.
How will you run test classes in Maven? Specify.
How can you activate profiles?
How can you activate profiles?
How do you know the version of mvn you are using?
How Maven handles and determines what version of dependency will be used when multiple versions of an artifact are found?
How profiles are specified in Maven?
How to determine the version of Maven in our system?
How to mention profiles in Maven?
How to perform a force update in Maven?
How to run the clean plugin automatically during the build?
When does Maven use External Dependency concept?
When does Maven use the External Dependency concept?
Where are Maven dependencies stored?
Where do you find the class files when you compile a Maven project?
Difference between Ant and Maven.
Difference Snapshot vs Version?
Define MOJO?
In which way the dependencies jar files are downloaded from net.
In Maven what are the two setting files called and what are their location?
In Maven what are the two setting files called and what are their location?
Can you tell me the default location of your local repository?
Differences - ANT vs Maven.
Example of dependency which can be declared under test scope ?
Expain about the maven settings.xml file?
Features of build tool?
For POM what are the minimum required elements ?
For POM what are the minimum required elements?
If we build the parent project in a multi module setup Maven will build all the child projects/modules ?
If you do not define any information, where does your POM inherits that information from ?
If you fail to define any information, where does your pom inherits that information from?
Is Maven available to Java?
Is it possible to refer a property defined in your pom.xml file?
Is there a particular sequence in which Maven searches for dependency libraries?
List the standard life cycles of Maven?
List down the types of Maven Build profiles.
List down the various scopes of Maven Dependency.
List out the build, source and test source directory for POM in Maven?
List out the dependency scope in Maven?
List out what are the aspects does Maven Manages?
List out what are the build phases in Maven?
List out what are the Maven?s order of inheritance?
Maven differentiation with Selenium webdriver?
Maven ? Always download sources and javadocs
Maven - Can I reference profile id in profile definition?
Maven - Error Releasing Code to GitHub (Hangs After Push)
Maven - Generate Jar and War
Maven - how to include empty directories
Maven and Protobuf compile error: Cannot find symbol in package com.google.protobuf
Maven : Failed to install metadata project Could not parse metadata maven-metadata-local.xml: only whitespace content allowed before start tag
Maven ?build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5?, even though I changed it to 1.7
Maven ?cannot find symbol? message unhelpful
Maven ?shaded? JAR is prefixed with ?original? in the file name
Maven + AspectJ - all steps to configure it
Maven + SLF4J: Version conflict when using two different dependencies that require two different SLF4J versions
Maven 3 - How to add annotation processor dependency?
Maven 3 Artifact problem
Maven 3.3.1 ECLIPSE: -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set
Maven and eclipse: a reliable way to add non-Maven or external jars to a project?
Maven and the JOGL library?
Maven archetype for simple Servlet application
Maven assembly : add different version of the same artifact
Maven build cannot find symbol when accessing project lombok annotated methods,
Maven build debug in Eclipse
Maven build failed: Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: jre or jdk issue
Maven build goal need to specify
Maven building only changed files
Maven cannot resolve dependency for module in same multi-module project
Maven check style as a part of the build
Maven clean + build causes project in Eclipse to show errors until clean in Eclipse
Maven Compilation Error: (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)
Maven compile mixed Java + Groovy 1.7 project, using gmaven-plugin
Maven compile with multiple src directories
Maven compile: package does not exist
Maven compiler plugin always detecting a set of sources as ?stale?
Maven Dependencies Eclipse
Maven dependencies not visible in WEB-INF/lib
Maven Dependency Conflict: org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal
Maven dependency for Servlet 3.0 API?
Maven dependency management for plugin dependencies
Maven dependency resolution (conflicted)
Maven dependency without version
Maven deploy additional jar file
Maven deploys to snapshot instead of release
Maven does not find JUnit tests to run
Maven doesn't find org.junit even though it's in the dependencies
Maven doesn't recognize sibling modules when running mvn dependency:tree
Maven doesn't use Java 7
Maven -DskipTests ignored
Maven Eclipse Debug ?JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)?
Maven Error : Maven Project Configuration for Module isn't availabe
Maven error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher
Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized
Maven error: package org.junit does not exist
Maven exec:java goal on a multi-module project
Maven failing to download jar dependencies
Maven fails to get SNAPSHOT builds from repository
Maven fail-safe not executing tests
Maven for other languages?
Maven generates duplicate pom.xml and pom.properties files in a jar
Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse
Maven in Eclipse complains that ?Unable to locate the Javac Compiler? whenever POM changed
Maven Installation OSX Error Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
Maven is not working in Java 8 when Javadoc tags are incomplete
Maven Java EE Configuration
Maven Java Version Configuration ignored by Eclipse/Idea
Maven javadoc plugin - how can I include only certain classes?
Maven module using spring-boot
Maven Modules + Building a Single Specific Module
Maven not downloading dependencies in Eclipse
Maven not picking JAVA_HOME correctly
Maven or Ivy? Which one is better with a system already in production? And the other differences?
Maven Package Compilation Error
Maven package error: org.apache.commons-lang does not exist (Java)
Maven packaging without test (skip tests)
Maven parent pom vs modules pom
Maven plugin not using eclipse's proxy settings
Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ
maven plugins stored where
Maven POM-Editor: Dependency Graph missing
Maven profiles or spring profiles?
Maven project with JavaFX (with jar file in `lib`)
Maven release plugin fails : source artifacts getting deployed twice
Maven resource filtering not working - because of spring boot dependency
Maven Resource Filtering with Spring Boot: Could not resolve placeholder
Maven Run Project
Maven shade plugin adding dependency-reduced-pom.xml to base directory
Maven skip compile
maven support for android projects?
Maven terms ? dependency and plugin, repository vs. pluginRepository
Maven throws ?java.lang.OutOfMemoryError?
Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:
Maven update dependencies in POM
Maven version with a property
Maven with an explicit finalName won't work properly
Maven with Eclipse Juno
Maven- No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot' in the current project and in the plugin groups
Maven. lambda expressions are not supported in -source 1.5
Maven: (use -source 5 or higher to enable static import declarations)
Maven: add a dependency to a jar by relative path
Maven: best way of linking custom external JAR to my project?
Maven: compile aspectj project containing Java 1.6 source
Maven: create directory structure from pom.xml
Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor
maven: How to add resources which are generated after compilation phase
Maven: How to change path to target directory from command line?
Maven: how to copy artifact to specific directory?
Maven: How to include jars, which are not available in reps into a J2EE project?
Maven: How to rename the war file for the project?
Maven: How to run a .java file from command line passing arguments
Maven: Including a META-INF folder in the classes folder
Maven: javac: source release 1.6 requires target release 1.6
Maven: remove a single transitive dependency
Maven: resource binary changes file size after build
Maven: What is pluginManagement?
Maven:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources
maven? Failed to clean project: Failed to delete ..\org.ow2.util.asm-asm-tree-3.1.jar
maven-archetype-webapp eclipse problem
maven-site plugins 3.3 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.DocumentContent
maven-surefire-plugin include/exclude precedence
Mention how Profiles are specified in Maven?
Mention how profiles are specified in Maven?
Mention the steps for installing Maven on windows.
Mention the three build lifecycle of Maven?
Processes involved in achieving the project?
runtime in maven ?
State the features present in Maven?
State the differences between Apache Ant and Maven?
Tell me the command to install JAR file in local repository.
Using which element in the child modules pom.xml do we refer to the parent pom ?
Using which element does maven allows us specify the visibility of dependencies ?
What?s Maven Central Gradually?
  • Maven
  • Project Object Model (POM.xml)
  • Maven Lifecycle Phases - validate, compile, test, package, verify, install, deploy
  • Maven Dependencies and Dependency Management - Transitive Dependencies, Exclusions in Dependencies
  • Dependency Scope
  • Central Repository: Maven Central for open-source libraries.
  • Local Repository: Developer's local cache.
  • Remote Repositories: Custom or third-party repositories.
  • Build Plugins: Compile, test, package, etc.
  • Reporting Plugins: Generate reports (e.g., test, code coverage).
  • Maven Profiles
  • Maven Archetypes
  • Inheritance and Aggregation in Maven
  • Maven Goals and Commands
  • Managing Multi-Module Projects
  • Maven Settings (settings.xml)
  • Maven vs Gradle
  • Maven vs Ant

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