07 November 2020


Define code coverage. What are the different types of code coverages?
What is JUnit?
What is Unit Testing?
What are the features of JUnit?
What are some of the important annotations provided by JUnit?
What will happen if the return type of the JUnit method is String?
What is the importance of @Test annotation?
What is a JUnit fixture?
What is a test suite?
What is mocking and stubbing?
What are the JUnit Assert Methods?
What is the importance of @RunWith annotation?
What are the best practices for writing Unit Test Cases?
What are the differences between JUnit 4 and JUnit 5?
What are the differences between JUnit and TestNG?
What is the purpose of @Before and @After annotations in JUnit 4?
What are the differences between @Before, @After, @BeforeClass and @AfterClass?
What are Hamcrest Matchers?
What is the relationship between the cyclomatic complexity of code and unit tests?
What is the keyboard shortcut for running the Junit test cases in eclipse IDE?
What are some of the best practices to be followed while writing code for making it more testable?
What is Mockito? What are some of its advantages?
What is the difference between thenReturn and doReturn?
What is the main difference between @Mock and @InjectMocks?
What is Testing?
What is the difference between manual testing and automated testing?
What are the useful JUnit extensions?
What does XMLUnit provide?
What is the Unit Test Case?
What is the use of @Test annotation?
What is the test suit?
What does test runner?
What are the important JUnit annotations?
What does Assert class?
What is the maximum size of vector in Java?
Why do we use JUnit? Who uses JUnit more - Developers or Testers?
Why can't we use System.out.println() for testing and debugging?
Why does JUnit report only the first failure in a single attempt?
Why do we need mocking in unit testing?
Why can?t we mock static methods in Mockito?
Why ArrayList is faster than Vector?
Why Vector is deprecated in Java?
Why use stack instead of vector?
Which is faster set or vector?
How will you write a simple JUnit test case?
How does JUnit help in achieving tests isolation?
How to ignore tests in JUnit?
How can we test protected methods?
How can we run JUnit from the command window?
How do you assert exceptions thrown in JUnit 4 tests?
How can we do testing for private methods?
How can you test a generics class?
How can we mock void methods in Mockito?
How is the testing of the 'protected' method done?
How is the testing of 'private' method done?
When and why should we use spy?
  • Basics - JUnit, Test Case
  • Annotations - @Test,@Before,@After,@BeforeClass,@AfterClass,@Ignore
  • Assertions - assertEquals(expected, actual),assertNotEquals(expected, actual),assertTrue(condition),assertFalse(condition),assertNull(object),assertNotNull(object)
  • Test Fixtures
  • Test Runners - JUnitCore, IDE Test Runners
  • Parameterized Tests - @RunWith(Parameterized.class), @Parameters
  • Exceptions
  • Test Suites
  • Mocking
  • Test Lifecycle - Test Initialization, Test Execution, Test Cleanup
  • Assertions Libraries - AssertJ, Hamcrest
  • Advanced Annotations - @Nested, @Tag, @Disabled
  • Test Execution Order - @Order, @TestMethodOrder
  • Test Conditions - Assumptions, @EnabledOnOs, @DisabledOnOs, @EnabledIfEnvironmentVariable
  • Parameterized Tests (Advanced) - @ValueSource, @EnumSource, @CsvSource
  • Assertions Enhancements- Soft Assertions, Custom Assertions
  • Test Doubling - Stubbing, Spying
  • JUnit 5 Specifics -JUnit Platform, JUnit Jupiter, JUnit Vintage
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
Which JUnit version introduced support for parameterized tests? JUnit 3 JUnit 4 JUnit 5 JUnit 6

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