23 December 2020


Student Management
  • Student Personal Details
  • Parents Details
  • Certificates Management (Extracurricular & Transfer Certificate)
  • Class and Section Allocation
  • Pass / Fail Entry
  • Discharging of students
  • Identity Card generation of students
Fee Management
  • Fee Configuration Master
  • Monthly Fee Collection
  • Admission Fee Collection
  • Other Miscellaneous fee Collection like Transportation Fee, Sports Fees, and Lab Fees etc.
  • Fee Fine Collection
  • Printing Of Fee Receipt
  • Exam Terms Fee Collection
  • Cheque Return
Payroll - Based on Allowances, Deductions, and Leaves
  • Employee Master
  • Allocation Of Allowances, Deductions and Leaves
  • Attendances Entry
  • Maintaining of Leave Record
  • Processing Of Monthly Salary
Human Resource / Recruitments
  • Advertisement Editor
  • Maintaining Interview Schedule
  • Maintaining Interview Results
  • Final Recruitments
  • Direct Recruitments
  • Department Allocation
Question Paper
  • Question Paper Editor
  • Question Paper Browser
  • Mark sheet Entry
  • Processing Results on the basis of Secondary and Higher Secondary Classes
Time Table - Based on Shifts and Periods Time
  • Schedule Allocation Master
  • Class Time Table
  • Teachers Time Table
  • Item Master Details
  • Items Below Reorder Level
  • Departments-Wise Requisition Details
  • Item-Wise Requisition Details
  • Departments-Wise Inward Status
  • Requisition Status
  • Purchase Requisition Details
  • Item-Wise Issue Details
  • Issue Details
  • Supplier-Wise Chillan Details
  • Quality Control Statuses as per Chillan
  • Supplier Quality Analyses
  • Material Receipt Details


  • Ledger Making
  • Payment Voucher Entry
  • Receipt Voucher Entry
  • Journal Voucher Entry
  • Contra Voucher Entry
  • Purchase Voucher Entry
  • Sales Voucher Entry
  • Closing Stock Entry
  • Company Information Entry
  • Changing Financial Year
  • Salary Posting
  • Fee Posting
  • Book Entry Master
  • Event Entry Master
  • Magazine Entry Master
  • Damage/Loss Books Entry
  • Subject Master
  • Book Restriction Master
  • Library Membership Information
  • Book Issued Information
  • Book Return Information
  • Book Bank Information
  • Library Fine Entry
  • Staff Request Entry for Book
  • Issued Book To Staff
  • Book Searching Title, Author, Subject Wise
  • Teachers Report

    • Teacher Performance Report
    • Subject wise question paper

    Students Report

    • Student Detail Report
    • Academic Performance Report
    • New Admission Report
    • Student Birthdays Report
    • Identity Card Generation


    • Date Wise Fee Collection
    • Fine Fees Report
    • Pending Fees Report
    • Fee Concession Report


    • Allowances Reports based on Designation/Grade/Employee
    • Leave Reports based on Designation/Grade/Employee
    • Pay Slip Generation

    Results / Examination Reports

    • Class Section wise Results
    • Mark sheet Generation
    • Supplementary Mark sheet Generation
    • Class Wise Question Paper Generation

    Accounts Reports

    • Group wise Ledger List
    • Trial Balance Generation
    • Generation Of Balance Sheet
    • Generation Of Profit and Loss A/c

    Library Reports

    • Issued Book Report
    • Book Bank Report
    • Library Fine Report


    • Create a new user
    • Define Access rights
    • Year Ending and posting of data


    • Backup
    • Calculator
    • Search
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

    22 December 2020


    What Is a Gradle Framework?
    What Is Gradle Wrapper?
    What Is The Gradle Build Script File Name?
    What Is The Latest Version Of Gradle Available In The Market?
    What Are The Core Components Of Gradle Build Script?
    What About Publishing Artifacts To Maven Central?
    What are a Gradle project and task?
    What is Gradle Daemon?
    What is Gradle Dependency Management?
    What is Gradle Multi-Project Build?
    What is Gradle Motto?
    What is Gradle Build Environment?
    Why Gradle Is Preferred Over Other Build Tools?
    Why Are Compile-time Warnings Suppressed? You?ll Notice That ?build.gradle? Includes The Following Line?
    How Do You Run Gradle Build?
    How Do You Find Gradle Project Dependencies?
    How Do I Check Out And Build The Framework?
    How Do I Configure The Gradle Daemon To Speed Up Builds?
    How do I force Gradle to download dependencies always?
    How Gradle achieves faster performance?
    When Will I Be Able To Play With This?
    Difference between settings.Gradle & Gradle .properties?
    In What Language Should I Develop My Plugins?
    Will Existing Plugins Still Work When I Write My Build Logic In Kotlin?
    Do I Have To Use Intellij Idea When Using Kotlin For Gradle?
    Is Using Groovy For My Build Scripts Deprecated?
    The Main Difference Between Maven Build.xml And Build.gradle Script?
    What?s The Overall Roadmap?
    • It is a build automation system that uses a Groovy-based DSL (domain-specific language )
    • It does not use an XML file for declaring the project configuration.
    • It is based on a graph of task dependencies that do the work.
    • In Gradle, the main goal is to add functionality to the project.
    • It avoids the work by tracking input and output tasks and only runs the tasks that have been changed. Therefore it gives a faster performance.
    • Gradle is highly customizable; it provides a wide range of IDE support custom builds.
    • Gradle avoids the compilation of Java.


    What are different Struts2 tags? How can we use them?
    What are different ways to create Action classes in Struts2?
    What are disadvantages of Struts?
    What are Struts2 core components?
    What are the 5 constants of Action interface?
    What are the aware interfaces in struts2?
    What are the benefits of Interceptors in Struts2?
    What are the benefits of Struts framework?
    What are the bundled validators?
    What are the components of Struts Framework?
    What are the conditions for actionForm to work correctly?
    What are the Core classes of Struts Framework?
    What are the differences between Struts1 and Struts2 or how Struts2 is better than Struts1?
    What are the features of Struts?
    What are the purpose of Execute method of action class?
    What are the role of a handler in MVC based applications?
    What are the significance of logic tags in Struts?
    What are the steps of Struts Installation?
    What are the steps required for setting up validator framework in Struts?
    What are the two scope types for formbeans?
    What are the two types of validations supported by Validator FrameWork?
    What are the use of reset method of ActionForm class?
    What are the use of resourcebundle.properties file in Struts Validation framework?
    What are the use of Struts.xml configuration file?
    What configuration changes are required to use resource files in Struts?
    What configuration changes are required to use Tiles in Struts?
    What is Action Class
    What is ActionContext?
    What is ActionForm Class
    What is ActionForward Class
    What is ActionInvocation?
    What is ActionMapping Class
    What is ActionServlet Class
    What is an interceptor stack?
    What is Custom Type Converter in Struts2?
    What is declarative exception handling in Struts?
    What is DynaActionForm?
    What is execAndWait interceptor?
    What is i18n interceptor?
    What is interceptor in Struts2?
    What is interceptor? LifeCycle methods?
    What is life cycle of an interceptor?
    What is modelDriven interceptor?
    What is MVC?
    What is OGNL?
    What is params interceptor?
    What is Struts?
    What is Struts2?
    What is struts-default package and what are it?s benefits?
    What is SwitchAction? When should we use SwtichAction?
    What is the default location of result pages and how can we change it?
    What is the default suffix for Struts2 action URI and how can we change it?
    What is the difference between Jakarta Struts and Apache Struts? Which one is better to use?
    What is the difference between plain-validator and field-validator?
    What is the difference between struts1 and struts2?
    What is the difference in using Action interface and ActionSupport class for our action classes, which one you would prefer?
    What is the flow of requests in Struts based applications?
    What is the role of Action Class in Struts?
    What is the use of execAndWait interceptor?
    What is the use of jsonValidation?
    What is the use of namespace in action mapping in Struts2?
    What is the use of token interceptor in Struts2?
    What is validation interceptor?
    What is ValueStack and OGNL?
    What is ValueStack?
    What steps are required to for an application migration from Struts1 to Struts2?
    Name some useful annotations introduced in Struts2?
    Provide some important Struts2 constants that you have used?
    Why ActionServlet is singleton in Struts?
    Which class is the Front Controller in Struts2?
    Which configuration file is used for storing JSP configuration information in Struts?
    Which design pattern is implemented by Struts2 interceptors?
    Which file is used by controller to get mapping information for request routing?
    Which interceptor is responsible for i18n support?
    Which interceptor is responsible for mapping request parameters to action class Java Bean properties?
    Which library is provided by Struts for form elements like check boxes, text boxes etc?
    Which model components are supported by Struts?
    Which technologies can be used at View Layer in Struts?
    How action mapping is configured in Struts?
    How action-mapping tag is used for request forwarding in Struts configuration file?
    How an actionForm bean is created?
    How can we display all validation errors to user on JSP page?
    How can we get Servlet API Request, Response, HttpSession etc Objects in action classes?
    How can we group related actions in one group in Struts?
    How can we handle exceptions thrown by application in Struts2?
    How can we integrate log4j in Struts2 application?
    How can we upload files in Struts2 application?
    How can we write our own interceptor and map it for action?
    How client side validation is enabled on a JSP form?
    How duplicate form submission can be controlled in Struts?
    How many servlet controllers are used in a Struts Application?
    How nested beans can be used in Struts applications?
    How properties of a form are validated in Struts?
    How tag libraries are defined in Struts?
    When it?s useful to use IncludeAction?
    When should be opt for Struts Framework?
    Difference - Iterator and Spliterator in Java SE 8?
    Difference - validation.xml vs validator-rules.xml?
    In Struts, how can we access Java beans and their properties?
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
    If a bean is scoped to HTTP request, scope is session global-session prototype request
    Following class can be extended to create custom event in spring. ApplicationEvent SpringEvent Event None of above


    What is JFrog Artifactory?
    What are the different kinds of JFrog Repositories?
    What features does JFrog Repository provide for Automation?
    What is JFrog CLI?
    What form of data is stored in Binaries?
    Which API does the Artifactory exposes?
    Which of the following is not a part of naming convention provided by JFrog?
    How can I prevent previously deployed artifacts from being overwritten?
    How do I remove a cached local artifact that maven fetched?
    How to upload an artifact to Jfrog Artifactory using Jfrog CLI?
    How do I deploy a file to Artifactory using the command line?
    How to configure Maven2 to publish to Artifactory?
    How to stop Maven/Artifactory from keeping Snapshots with timestamps?
    How are snapshot and release repositories used differently?
    How would you delete all artifacts that match a pattern (e.g older than 6 months old) from artifactory?
    How to deploy Maven sites to Artifactory?
    How can I upload an RPM file to Artifactory using Gradle?
    How to move artifacts from a repository to another repository?
    How do I find the latest version of an artifact from a maven repository?
    When maven says ?resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of MyRepo has elapsed?, where is that interval specified?
    Where to put the gradle.properties file?
    In which Default Port number does Artifactory run?
    Accessing an Artifactory/Maven Repo that requires basic-auth
    Artifactory is not an open source solution.
    Artifactory can provide Cloud based Storage.
    Artifactory is used as __ .
    Artifactory provides search options based on __.
    Artifactory allows repositories to be __ .
    Artifactory acts as proxy for Remote Repositories
    Artifactory not deleting Unique Snapshots
    Artifactory aql: find builds of job with given property
    Automatically use secret when pulling from private registry
    Best practices in naming conventions on Maven artifactID (is there restriction?)
    Binaries are versioned by __.
    Build Module of Artifactory UI contains the Results organised by __ .
    Can SBT publish to JFrog artifactory
    Developers declare their dependencies in which of Software Development?
    Docker pull ?unexpected EOF?
    Download artifact from Maven repository in Java program
    Download files from Artifactory to Teamcity without retaining their full path
    Download single file from zipped Artifactory artifact
    Jenkins Artifactory plugin ? grabbing latest artifacts
    LDAP Authentication is provided by Artifactory.
    Maven pom to zip config files from GitHub and jars from artifactory
    Maven Internal Repository, Is it Really This Hard?
    No.of Build Life cycle phases Maven has is __ .
    Package viewer supported by Artifactory is __ .
    POM stands for?
    Query Language used in Artifactory is __.
    Should we use Nexus or Artifactory for a Maven Repo? [closed]
    Term which refers to the degree of module dependency on other modules is __.
    Type of Repository Format not supported by Artifactory.
    What?s wrong with this Ivy changingPattern / SNAPSHOT configuration?
    • It is a centralized universal repository that can be used to store different kinds of build binaries, and used across the application development and delivery process - enabling faster delivery cycles.
    • A robust Docker container registry
    • Hybrid model: on-premise or via SaaS multi-cloud
    • Advanced automation through REST, CLI, YAML, and more
    • Full support for Helm
    • Free support for local, virtual and remote repositories, including generics
    • Secure registry technology, powered by JFrog Xray (soon)
    JFrog Product
    • JFrog Artifactory - Provides capabilities to manage binaries and artifacts through the application development and delivery process.
    • JFrog Xray - Provides capabilities to pro-actively identify vulnerabilities in the binaries and artifacts managed by JFrog repository.
    • JFrog Mission Control - Provides capabilities to manage multiple JFrog platform deployments through a single administrative dashboard.
    • JFrog Distribution - Provides capabilities for managing release bundles and their distribution process.
    • JFrog Pipelines - Provides capabilities for end-to-end automation (CI/CD), workflow and tool orchestration.
    JFrog repositories
    • Local repositories - Local repositories contain artifacts that you upload and manage locally.
    • Remote repositories - Remote repositories contain cached artifacts from public cloud repositories like DockerHub, MVNRepository, NPM repository etc.
    • Virtual repositories - Virtual repository aggregates local and remote repositories into one logical repository.
    • Distribution repositories - Distribution repositories contain artifacts that can be easily moved from Artifactory to bintray, for distribution to end users.
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
    Query Language used in Artifactory is AQL NoSQL SQL None of these

    21 December 2020


    What are different types of logs?
    What are format modifiers?
    What are Pros and Cons of Logging?
    What are the components of log4j?
    What are the different log levels in Log4j?
    What are the different logging levels?
    What are the features of log4j?
    What happens if last log file reaches the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
    What happens if logs exceeding the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
    What is Appender in Log4j?
    What is default value of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
    What is default value of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
    What is SLF4J?
    What is the intent of %.30c format modifier?
    What is the intent of %20.30c format modifier?
    What is the intent of %-20.30c format modifier?
    What is the intent of %20c format modifier?
    What is the intent of %-20c format modifier?
    What is the purpose of % character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of Appender object?
    What is the purpose of bufferedIO configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of bufferSize configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of c character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of d character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of DatePattern property of DailyRollingFileAppender class?
    What is the purpose of driver configuration of JDBCAppender?
    What is the purpose of encoding configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of F character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of fileAppend configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of Filename configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of filter in Appender?
    What is the purpose of Filter object?
    What is the purpose of immediateFlush configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of l character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of layout object in Appender?
    What is the purpose of Layout object?
    What is the purpose of level in Appender?
    What is the purpose of Level object?
    What is the purpose of Logger object?
    What is the purpose of LogManager object?
    What is the purpose of m character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
    What is the purpose of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
    What is the purpose of n character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of ObjectRenderer object?
    What is the purpose of p character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of password configuration of JDBCAppender?
    What is the purpose of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of r character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of sql configuration of JDBCAppender?
    What is the purpose of t character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the purpose of target in Appender?
    What is the purpose of threshold configuration of FileAppender?
    What is the purpose of threshold in Appender?
    What is the purpose of URL configuration of JDBCAppender?
    What is the purpose of user configuration of JDBCAppender?
    What is the purpose of X character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
    What is the use of log4j.properties?
    What kind of information HTMLLayout class provides?
    What is immediateFlush property of FileAppender.
    What is layouts in log4j.
    What are Appenders in Log4j?
    What are the format characters used in log4j?
    What are the system properties checked by log4j?
    What does WARN and TRACE level indicates in log4j?
    What is Log4j?
    What is package level logging in log4j?
    What is the command to write your logging information into a file?
    What are the logging methods provided by logger class?
    What are the other support objects in Log4j?
    What are the three principal components of Log4j?
    What are the two static methods for obtaining a logger object?
    What does .class mean in log4j context?
    What is the best way to migrate from java.util logging to log4j?
    What is the difference between Threshold and LevelRangeFilter in log4j?
    What is the role of filter in log4j?
    Explain different logging levels in log4j.
    Explain few format characters used in log4j.
    Why do you get multiple copies of the message in log file sometime?
    Why to use Apache Log4j?
    Why should we prefer log4j framework while Java provides logging API?
    Why to use Log4j?
    How can you get multiple processes to log to the same file?
    How can you log into the database using Log4j?
    How do Levels Works?
    How does log Levels work in Log4J?
    How log4j file is defined?
    How will you configure a DailyRollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
    How will you configure a RollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
    How will you configure immediate flush to true using log4j.properties?
    How will you configure maximum file size before rollover using log4j.properties?
    How will you configure maximum files to be used to log data using log4j.properties?
    How will you configure your log to roll over at midday and midnight of each day?
    How will you configure your log to roll over at midnight each day?
    How will you configure your log to roll over at the end of each month and at the beginning of the next month?
    How will you configure your log to roll over at the top of every hour?
    How will you configure your log to roll over every minute?
    How will you configure your log to roll over on the first day of each week depending upon the locale?
    How will you create a logger in any class?
    How will you define a file appender using log4j.properties?
    How will you define a root logger turning DEBUG mode off?
    How will you define a root logger with appender file using log4j.properties?
    How will you define the layout of file appender using log4j.properties?
    How will you generate your log files on a daily basis?
    How will you print a log message in debug, error,fatal ,info mode,trace mode, warn mode?
    How will you put the logs in database using log4j?
    How will you set the append to false, overwrite using log4j.properties?
    How will you set the content type of html generated using HTMLLayout?
    How will you set the DatePattern using log4j.properties?
    How will you set the location information for the logging event using HTMLLayout?
    How will you set the threshold to debug mode using log4j.properties?
    How will you set the title of html page generated using HTMLLayout?
    Difference between apache commons logging and log4j.
    In log4j how can you log into the database?
    Advantages of using log4j framework.
    Can log4j logging be stored to database?
    Components of log4j framework.
    Different types of Appenders in Log4j.
    If you want to generate your logging information in an HTML-formatted file, how will you proceed?
    If you want to write your logging information into multiple files then how will you proceed?
    Inside logger component what are the different log levels?
    Is log4j thread safe?
    Mention larger logging domains for your applications.
    Mention what are the different types of Appenders?
    Whether a log output format can be customized?
    Whether log4j is a thread safe?

    19 December 2020








    What is Nexus Repository?
    What are the main features of Nexus Repository?
    What do you understand about policies in context with Nexus Repository?
    What is the best way to set up an npm proxy repository in Nexus Repository?
    What are the different ways to configure Nexus Repository Manager 3?
    What is the easiest way to install Nexus Repository on a Linux server?
    What types of files can be stored in Nexus Repository?
    What is the ideal number of repositories I should have in my Nexus Repository instance?
    What is Sonatype Nexus, and why is it used?
    What are the benefits of using Nexus Repository Manager?
    What are repository groups, and why are they useful?
    What is the difference between Nexus OSS (Open Source) and Nexus Pro (Professional)?
    What is Nexus Smart Proxy and how does it enhance performance?
    What are the steps to install Nexus Repository Manager?
    What is the purpose of the Nexus Configuration Management section?
    What is a snapshot repository, and how does it differ from a release repository?
    What is the purpose of artifact cleanup policies in Nexus?
    What is role-based access control (RBAC) in Nexus?
    What is a privilege in Nexus, and how does it relate to security?
    What is a Nexus webhook, and how can you use it for integration?
    What are repository health checks, and how can you automate them?
    What steps would you take to upgrade Nexus to a newer version?
    What are some best practices to ensure efficient artifact management in Nexus?
    What is Sonatype Nexus?
    What are the benefits of using Sonatype Nexus?
    What are the different types of repositories in Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to deploy Sonatype Nexus?
    What are the different policies that can be applied to artifacts in Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to search for artifacts in Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to manage users and permissions in Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to integrate Nexus Sonatype with other tools?
    What are the benefits of using a repository manager?
    What are the different types of repository managers?
    What are the best practices for using a repository manager?
    What are the challenges of using a repository manager?
    What are the future trends for repository managers?
    What are the different ways to configure Nexus Sonatype?
    What is The Nexus user interface?
    What is The Nexus API?
    What is The Nexus configuration file?
    What are the different ways to troubleshoot Nexus Sonatype problems?
    What are the different ways to secure Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to monitor Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different ways to back up Nexus Sonatype?
    What are the different types of vulnerabilities that can be found in artifacts?
    What are the different ways to scan artifacts for vulnerabilities?
    What are the different ways to remediate vulnerabilities in artifacts?
    What are the different ways to prevent vulnerabilities in artifacts?
    What are the different ways to manage the risks of using artifacts with vulnerabilities?
    What is the difference between Nexus and Artifactory?
    What are the benefits of using Nexus over Artifactory?
    What are the benefits of using Artifactory over Nexus?
    What are the challenges of using Nexus or Artifactory?
    What are the best practices for managing Nexus?
    What are the common problems with Nexus?
    What are the future trends for Nexus?
    What is repository proxy.
    What is Blob Stores in Nexus.
    Name some popular package formats supported by Nexus.
    Explain a situation where artifact downloads are slow in Nexus and how you would troubleshoot it.
    Which is better for me, Nexus or Artifactory?
    How Nexus ensures the consistency of Maven snapshots.
    How you can control access to specific repositories in Nexus.
    How you can use Nexus REST API to perform various tasks.
    How you would perform a backup and restore of Nexus configurations and repositories.
    How does Nexus Repository handle authentication and authorization?
    How can you monitor the health of your repositories in Nexus Repository?
    How often should we run cleanup tasks in Nexus Repository?
    How does Nexus contribute to secure software development?
    How can you ensure efficient artifact search and retrieval in Nexus?
    How can you change the default port that Nexus listens on?
    How can you create a new repository in Nexus?
    How can you deploy artifacts to a Nexus repository using Maven?
    How can you promote an artifact from a staging repository to a release repository?
    How can you integrate Nexus with LDAP for user authentication?
    How can you automate the deployment of artifacts to Nexus using Jenkins?
    How can you integrate Nexus with CI/CD pipelines to ensure artifact availability?
    How would you handle a situation where Nexus storage is running out of space?
    How do you troubleshoot Nexus problems?
    Where can I get help if I?m having trouble setting up or configuring Nexus Repository?
    Do all artifacts need to be manually uploaded into Nexus Repository?
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

    18 December 2020

    #IBatis / MyBatis

    What is mybatis?
    What is the difference between MyBatis and Hibernate?
    What is the difference between #{} and ${}?
    What should I do if the attribute name in the entity class is different from the field name in the table?
    What does Mybatis Dynamic sql do? What dynamic sql? Can you briefly describe the implementation principle of dynamic sql?
    What is One-to-one, one-to-many association query?
    What is the interface binding of MyBatis, what are the benefits?
    What are the requirements for using the mapper interface of MyBatis?
    What are the ways to write Mapper?
    What are the improvements that Mybatis is bigger than IBAtis?
    What are the core processing classes of IBatis and MyBatis?
    What are the differences in details between IBatis and MyBatis?
    Why is Mybatis a semi-automatic ORM mapping tool? What is the difference between it and automatic?
    How to write a fuzzy query like statement?
    How is Mybatis paging? What is the principle of the paging plugin?
    How does Mybatis encapsulate the sql execution result as a target object and return it? What are the mapping forms?
    How to perform bulk insert?
    How do I get the automatically generated (primary) key value?
    How to pass multiple parameters in the mapper?
    How many ways does MyBatis implement one-to-one? How do you do this?
    In the Xml mapping file, in addition to the common select|insert|updae|delete tags, what other tags?
    In the Xml mapping file of Mybatis, can the id be repeated for different Xml mapping files?
    Briefly describe how Mybatis plugins work and how to write a plugin
    Does Mybatis support lazy loading? If so, what is its implementation principle?
    MyBatis achieve a one-to-many way, how to operate?
    Under what circumstances with annotation binding, under what circumstances with xml binding?
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

    17 December 2020




    • Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
    • Sealed Classes (Preview)
    • Hidden Classes
    • Remove the Nashorn JavaScript Engine
    • Disable and Deprecate Biased Locking
    • Pattern Matching for instanceof (Second Preview)
    • ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector
    • Text Blocks
    • Shenandoah: A Low-Pause-Time Garbage Collector
    • Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports
    • Foreign-Memory Access API (Second Incubator)
    • Records (Second Preview)
    • Deprecate RMI Activation for Removal
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D


    Java -12
    What are important features of Java 12?
    What is Shenandoah Garbage Collector?
    When Java 12 was released?
    Is Java 12 have (Long Term Support)LTS?

    • JVM Changes - JEP 189, JEP 346, JEP 344, and JEP 230
    • Switch Expressions
    • File mismatch() Method
    • Compact Number Formatting
    • Teeing Collectors in Stream API
    • Java Strings New Methods - indent(), transform(), describeConstable(), and resolveConstantDesc()
    • JEP 334: JVM Constants API
    • JEP 305: Pattern Matching for instanceof
    • Raw String Literals is Removed From JDK 12


    Java -11
    What is difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK?
    What is Flight Recorder in Java 11?
    What is Java Mission Control in Java 11?
    What are Java 11 Features?
    Why Java 11 so crucial?
    Which commercial features are available as open source in Java 11?
    How can I download the free version of Java 11?

    • 181: Nest-Based Access Control
    • 309: Dynamic Class-File Constants
    • 315: Improve Aarch64 Intrinsics
    • 318: Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector
    • 320: Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules
    • 321: HTTP Client (Standard)
    • 323: Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters
    • 324: Key Agreement with Curve25519 and Curve448
    • 327: Unicode 10
    • 328: Flight Recorder
    • 329: ChaCha20 and Poly1305 Cryptographic Algorithms
    • 330: Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs
    • 331: Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
    • 332: Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
    • 333: ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector(Experimental)
    • 335: Deprecate the Nashorn JavaScript Engine
    • 336: Deprecate the Pack200 Tools and API

    #Java 10

    Java -10
    Define the terminology association.
    What is the technique adopted to create an immutable class?
    What methodology can be utilized to link to a database?
    What do you understand by the term Singleton?
    What do you understand by the term Wrapper Classes?
    What do you understand by the term Polymorphism?
    What are some characteristics of interference class?
    Describe the various concepts related to object oriented programming (OOP).
    Describe the term Diamond Problem.
    Describe the terms: method overriding and method overloading
    Differentiate between == and equals().
    Differentiate between Vector and Array List.
    Enlist some features of JDK.
    List some important characteristics on JRE
    List some features of the abstract class.
    • Local-Variable Type Inference
    • Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler This is the integration of the Graal dynamic compiler for the Linux x64 platform
    • Application Class-Data Sharing This allows application classes to be placed in the shared archive to reduce startup and footprint for Java applications
    • Time-Based Release Versioning
    • Parallel Full GC for G1
    • Garbage-Collector Interface
    • Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions
    • Root Certificates
    • Thread-Local Handshakes
    • Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
    • Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool - javah
    • Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository

    16 December 2020


    What are advantages and disadvantages of BST?
    What are asymptotic notations?
    What are common operations that can be performed on a data-structure?
    What are Dynamic Arrays?
    What are dynamic data structures?
    What are main advantages of Tries over Binary Search Trees (BSTs)?
    What are multidimensional arrays?
    What are Pascal Strings?
    What are some main advantages of Tries over Hash Tables
    What are some types of Linked List?
    What are some types of Queue?
    What are the applications of graph data structure?
    What are the criteria of algorithm analysis?
    What are the difference between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree with an example?
    What are the parts of a linked list?
    What are tree traversals?
    What are various data-structures available?
    What does ?Space Complexity? mean?
    What does Sparse Array mean?
    What is "The Knight?s tour problem"
    What is a dequeue?
    What is a doubly-linked list (DLL)? What are its applications.
    What is a graph data structure?
    What is a Graph?
    What is a Hash Function?
    What is a heap data structure?
    What is a heap in data structure?
    What is a linear search?
    What is a linked list?
    What is a linked-list?
    What is a minimum spanning tree (MST)?
    What is a multidimensional array?
    What is a postfix expression?
    What is a priority queue?
    What is a queue in data-structure?
    What is a queue?
    What is a queue? What are the applications of queue?
    What is a recursive function?
    What is a Salt and How Does It Make Password Hashing More Secure?
    What is a spanning tree?
    What is a stack?
    What is a stack? What are the applications of stack?
    What is a tree data structure?
    What is a tree?
    What is algorithm?
    What is Amortized Analysis
    What is an array?
    What is an Associative Array?
    What is an AVL Tree?
    What is an ordered list?
    What is Asymptotic Analysis
    What is asymptotic analysis of an algorithm?
    What is AVL Tree?
    What is AVL Tree?
    What is Balance Factor?
    What is Balanced Binary Search Tree (AVL-tree)?
    What is Balanced Tree and why is that important?
    What is Balanced Tree and why is that important?
    What is Binary Heap?
    What is Binary Heap?
    What is Binary Insertion Sort
    What is Binary Search Tree (BST)
    What is Binary Tree
    What is Bipartite Graph? How to detect one?
    What is Box Stacking Problem?
    What is Bubble Sort
    What is bubble sort and how bubble sort works?
    What is Bucket Sort
    What is Comb Sort
    What is Complete binary tree?
    What is Complexity Analysis of Queue operations?
    What is complexity of Hash Table?
    What is Counting Sort
    What is Cycle Sort
    What is Data abstraction?
    What is data structure?
    What is data-structure?
    What is divide and conquer algorithms?
    What is doubly linked lists?
    What is dynamic programming algorithms?
    What is Exponential Search
    What is fibonacci series?
    What is FIFO?
    What is Full binary tree?
    What is greedy algorithms
    What is Hash Collision?
    What is Hash Table?
    What is Hash Value?
    What is hashing algorithm? How it works?
    What is Hashing?
    What is hashmap in data structure?
    What is Heap Sort
    What is Heap?
    What is ideal Sorting algorithm?
    What is Insertion Sort
    What is Interpolation Search
    What is interpolation search technique?
    What is Iterative Quick Sort
    What is Jump Search
    What is LIFO?
    What is linear data structure?
    What is Linear Search
    What is linear searching?
    What is Linked List
    What is LIS?
    What is Max-Heap?
    What is MD5?
    What is meant by to "Sort in Place"?
    What is Merge Sort
    What is merge sort and how it works?
    What is merge sort?
    What is Min-Heap?
    What is Morris Traversal for a Tree and how to implement one?
    What is Ordered Array?
    What is Ordered List?
    What is Partition problem?
    What is Perfect binary tree?
    What is Pigeonhole Sort
    What is Priority Queue?
    What is Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms
    What is Queue?
    What is QuickSort
    What is Radix Sort
    What is recursive algorithm?
    What is Red-Black tree?
    What is Red-Black tree?
    What is Rope Data Structure is used for?
    What is Searching
    What is Selection Sort
    What is selection sort?
    What is shell sort?
    What is ShellSort
    What is Sorting
    What is Sorting Algorithms? Why Sorting algorithms are important?
    What is Stability?
    What is Stack
    What is stack?
    What is String in Data Structures?
    What is Ternary Search
    What is the advantage of the heap over a stack?
    What is the difference between a Hash Function and a Cryptographic Hash Function?
    What is the difference between a PUSH and a POP?
    What is the difference between Hashing and Hash Tables?
    What is the difference between Heap and Red-Black Tree?
    What is the difference between Strings vs. Char arrays?
    What is the difference between the Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS)?
    What is the difference between tree and graph data structure?
    What is the maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height k?
    What is the minimum number of nodes that a binary tree can have?
    What is the minimum number of queues needed when implementing a priority queue?
    What is the primary advantage of a linked list?
    What is the requirement for an object to be used as key or value in HashMap?
    What is the space complexity of a Hash Table?
    What is the time complexity for insert into Red-Black Tree?
    What is the time complexity of basic operations get() and put() in HashMap class?
    What is topological sorting in a graph?
    What is tower of hanoi?
    What is Transpose a Matrix?
    What is Tree Data Structure
    What is tree traversal?
    What is Trie?
    What is Ugly Numbers?
    What is Unordered Array?
    What is Unordered List?
    What is Word Wrap Problem?
    What is Worst, Average and Best Cases
    What is QuickSort
    What is ShellSort
    What operations can be performed on Queues?
    What operations can be performed on stacks?
    Name some application of Trie data structure
    Name some characteristics of Array Data Structure
    Name some common types and categories of Graphs
    Name some disadvantages of Linked Lists?
    Name some ways to implement Priority Queue
    Write a Java program to implement Stack using an array and linked list?
    Write a recursive function to calculate the height of a binary tree in Java.
    Write Java code to count number of nodes in a binary tree.
    Explain "N Queen Problem"
    Explain Activity Selection Problem
    Explain Boyer Moore Algorithm
    Explain Dijkstra?s Algorithm for Adjacency List Representation
    Explain Dijkstra?s Shortest Path Algorithm
    Explain Finite Automata algorithm
    Explain Floyd Warshall Algorithm
    Explain Floyd Warshall Algorithm
    Explain Greedy Algorithm to find Minimum number of Coins
    Explain Greedy Algorithms
    Explain Hamiltonian Cycle
    Explain how to find 100 largest numbers out of an array of 1 billion numbers
    Explain Huffman Coding
    Explain Huffman?s algorithm
    Explain Job Sequencing Problem
    Explain K Centers Problem
    Explain K Centers Problem
    Explain KMP Algorithm
    Explain Kruskal?s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
    Explain m Coloring Problem
    Explain Manacher?s Algorithm
    Explain Naive Pattern Searching
    Explain Prim?s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
    Explain Prim?s MST for Adjacency List Representation
    Explain the process behind storing a variable in memory.
    Explain the scenarios where you can use linked lists and arrays.
    Explain types of Resistance any Cryptographic Hash Function shall have?
    What is B-Tree?
    Explain why Stack is a recursive data structure
    Why and when should I use Stack or Queue data structures instead of Arrays/Lists?
    Why do we use queues?
    Why do we use stacks?
    Why do we want to use Binary Search Tree?
    Why is Merge sort preferred over Quick sort for sorting Linked Lists?
    Why we need to do algorithm analysis?
    Which data structures are applied when dealing with a recursive function?
    Which data structures are used for implementing LRU cache?
    Which sort algorithm works best on mostly sorted data?
    Which sorting algorithm is considered the fastest?
    How are all leaves of a binary search tree printed?
    How are B-Trees used in practice?
    How are duplicate characters found in a string?
    How are duplicate nodes removed in an unsorted linked list?
    How are duplicates removed from a given array in Java?
    How are duplicates removed from an array without using any library?
    How are linked lists more efficient than arrays?
    How breadth first traversal works?
    How Bubble Sort works
    How can a given string be reversed using recursion?
    How can Hash Functions be used to perform lookups?
    How come that hash values are not reversible?
    How depth first traversal works?
    How do check if a binary tree is balanced or not?
    How do check if a given binary tree is a binary search tree?
    How do count a number of leaf nodes in a given binary tree?
    How do find a missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?
    How do find all permutations of String?
    How do find the 3rd node from the end in a singly linked list?
    How do find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?
    How do find the length of a singly linked list?
    How do find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass?
    How do find the sum of two linked lists using Stack? (program)
    How do implement a binary search tree?
    How do implement a Post-order traversal algorithm?
    How do pre-order traversal in a given binary tree?
    How do print all leaves of a binary search tree?
    How do print all nodes of given binary tree using inorder traversal without recursion
    How do remove duplicate nodes in an unsorted linked list?
    How do reverse a linked list?
    How do reverse a singly linked list without recursion?
    How do signed and unsigned numbers affect memory?
    How do traversal in given binary tree?
    How do traverse a binary tree in Postorder traversal without recursion
    How do traverse a given binary tree in Pre-order without recursion
    How do you check if a given linked list contains a cycle? How do you find the starting node of the cycle?
    How do you check if a given string is a palindrome?
    How do you check if a string contains only digits?
    How do you check if two rectangles overlap with each other?
    How do you check if two strings are a rotation of each other?
    How do you check if two strings are anagrams of each other?
    How do you count the number of leaf nodes in a given binary tree?
    How do you count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string?
    How do you count the occurrence of a given character in a string?
    How do you design a vending machine?
    How do you find all pairs of an integer array whose sum is equal to a given number?
    How do you find all the permutations of a string?
    How do you find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates?
    How do you find the duplicate number on a given integer array?
    How do you find the largest and smallest number in an unsorted integer array?
    How do you find the length of a singly linked list?
    How do you find the middle element of a singly linked list in one pass?
    How do you find the missing number in a given integer array of 1 to 100?
    How do you find the sum of two linked lists using Stack?
    How do you find the third node from the end in a singly linked list?
    How do you implement a bucket sort algorithm?
    How do you implement a counting sort algorithm?
    How do you implement a postorder traversal algorithm?
    How do you implement a Queue using two Stacks?
    How do you implement an insertion sort algorithm?
    How do you implement stack using queues?
    How do you implement Stack using Queues?
    How do you insert a new item in a binary search tree?
    How do you know when to use DFS over BFS?
    How do you perform a binary search in a given array?
    How do you perform an inorder traversal in a given binary tree?
    How do you perform preorder traversal in a given binary tree?
    How do you print all nodes of a given binary tree using inorder traversal without recursion?
    How do you print duplicate characters from a string?
    How do you print the first non-repeated character from a string?
    How do you reference all the elements in a one-dimension array?
    How do you remove duplicates from an array in place?
    How do you represent a graph?
    How do you reverse a linked list?
    How do you reverse a singly linked list without recursion?
    How do you reverse an array in place in Java?
    How do you reverse words in a given sentence without using any library method?
    How do you search for a target key in a linked list?
    How do you swap two numbers without using the third variable?
    How do you traverse a binary tree in postorder traversal without recursion?
    How do you traverse a given binary tree in preorder without recursion?
    How does a selection sort work for an array?
    How does dynamic memory allocation help in managing data?
    How does HashMap handle collisions in Java?
    How does inserting or deleting nodes affect a Red-Black tree?
    How does variable declaration affect memory allocation?
    How Heap Sort works
    How insertion sort and selection sorts are different?
    How Insertion Sort works
    How is a binary search tree implemented?
    How is a bubble sort algorithm implemented?
    How is a merge sort algorithm implemented?
    How is a radix sort algorithm implemented?
    How is a stack different from a queue?
    How is an integer array sorted in place using the quicksort algorithm?
    How is an iterative quicksort algorithm implemented?
    How is Binary Heap usually implemented?
    How Kruskal's algorithm works?
    How many spanning trees can a graph has?
    How Merge Sort works
    How Prim's algorithm finds spanning tree?
    How quick sort works?
    How QuickSort works
    How Radix Sort works
    How to add or subtract two Matrices?
    How to add two numbers without using the plus operator in Java?
    How to calculate the average of all numbers in a given array?
    How to Calculate the square root of a given number?
    How to check if a given linked list contains a cycle? How to find the starting node of the cycle?
    How to check if a given number is a Palindrome?
    How to check if a given number is an Armstrong number?
    How to check if a given number is even/odd without using an Arithmetic operator?
    How to check if a given number is positive or negative in Java?
    How to check if a given year is a leap year in Java?
    How to check if a number is even or odd without using a modulo operator?
    How to check if a number is the power of two?
    How to check if a String contains only digits?
    How to check if the given number is a prime number?
    How to check if the given String is Palindrome?
    How to check if two rectangles overlap with each other?
    How to check if two String is a rotation of each other?
    How to check if two Strings are anagrams of each other?
    How To Choose Between a Hash Table and a Trie (Prefix Tree)?
    How to convert a decimal number to binary in Java?
    How to count a number of vowels and consonants in a given String?
    How to count the occurrence of a given character in String?
    How to find all pairs of integer array whose sum is equal to a given number?
    How to find all prime factors of a given number?
    How to find duplicate characters from String?
    How to find duplicate characters in a String?
    How to find duplicate numbers in an array if it contains multiple duplicates?
    How to find multiple missing numbers in a given integer array with duplicates?
    How to find the duplicate number on a given integer array?
    How to find the highest repeating world from a given file in Java?
    How to find the largest prime factor of a given integral number?
    How to find the number of 1s (the Set bit) in a given Bit Sequence?
    How to implement a Merge Sort Algorithm?
    How to implement a queue using stack?
    How to implement a tree data-structure?
    How to implement an LRU Cache in your favorite programming language?
    How to implement Iterative QuickSort Algorithm?
    How to implement Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm to find Prime numbers?
    How to implement the Bubble Sort algorithm?
    How to implement the Bucket Sort Algorithm?
    How to implement the Counting Sort Algorithm?
    How to implement the Insertion Sort Algorithm?
    How to implement the Radix Sort Algorithm?
    How to multiply two Matrices in Java?
    How to perform a binary search in a given array?
    How to print a given Pyramid structure?
    How to print all prime numbers up to a given number?
    How to print first non repeated character from String?
    How to print Floyd's triangle?
    How to print Left view of any binary trees.
    How to print pascal's triangle?
    How to remove duplicates from an array in place?
    How to remove duplicates from the given array in Java?
    How to reverse a given Integer in Java?
    How to reverse a given String using recursion?
    How to reverse an array in place in Java?
    How to reverse words in a given sentence without using any library method?
    How to sort an integer array in place using the QuickSort algorithm?
    How to Subtract two binary numbers?
    How to swap two numbers without using the third variable?
    How would you optimise Bubble Sort?
    When is doubly linked list more efficient than singly linked list?
    When is Quicksort better than Mergesort?
    When Merge Sort is preferred over Quick Sort?
    When to use Hashing on practice?
    Difference between Stack and Queue data structure
    In what data structures are pointers applied?
    Are linked lists considered linear or non-linear data structures?
    Are linked lists of linear or non-linear type?
    Briefly explain the approaches to develop algorithms.
    Can we store a duplicate key in HashMap?
    Can you do Iterative Pre-order Traversal of a Binary Tree without Recursion?
    Can you explain the difference between file structure and storage structure?
    Can you tell how linear data structures differ from non-linear data structures?
    Classify Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithm
    Classify Fibonacci search?
    Classify Tree Traversal Algorithms.
    Compare Heaps vs Arrays to implement Priority Queue
    Compare lookup operation in Trie vs Hash Table
    Differentiate between file and structure storage structure.
    Differentiate NULL and VOID
    Differentiate STACK from ARRAY.
    Do all declaration statements result in a fixed reservation in memory?
    Expalin Rabin-Karp Algorithm
    Expalin Rabin-Karp Algorithm
    Explain Dijkstra?s Algorithm for Adjacency List Representation
    Explain Dijkstra?s Shortest Path Algorithm
    Explain Kruskal?s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
    Explain Manacher?s Algorithm
    Find GCD of two numbers using Euclid's Algorithm?
    Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes' values, using Stack?
    Is it possible to decrypt MD5 hashes?
    Is there any reason anyone should use BSTs instead of AVLs in the first place?
    Tell me something about 'insertion sort'?
    Under what circumstances are Linked Lists useful?
    What's the difference between External vs Internal sorting?
    What's the difference between the data structure Tree and Graph?
    What's the main reason for choosing Red Black (RB) trees instead of AVL trees?
    Algorithm and their types
    • Performance analysis of an algorithm: Space Complexity
    • Performance analysis of an algorithm: Time Complexity
    • Asymptotic Notations
    • Asymptotic Notation Big O
    • Asymptotic Notation Big Omega and Theta
    • Bubble sort
    • Selection Sort
    • Insertion Sort
    • Merge Sort
    • Quick Sort
    • Pigeonhole Sort
    • 3-Way Quicksort (Dutch National Flag) algorithm
    • Cocktail Sort
    • Radix Sort
    • Bucket Sort
    • Counting Sort
    • Shell Sort
    • Topological sort
    • Heap sort
    • Linear Search
    • Binary Search
    • Jump Search
    • Interpolation Search
    • Exponential Search
    • Ternary Search
    • Introduction to Binary Tree
    • Binary Tree Traversal
    • Binary Search Tree Introduction
    • Implementation of BST
    • Implementation of Binary tree
    • TRIE Data structure
    • Heaps
    • Priority Queue
    • AVL tree
    • Segment
    • Implementation of segment
    • Lazy propagation of segment
    • Implementation of Lazy propagation of segment
    • Fenwick
    • Implementation of fenwick trees
    • Graph Representation Adjacency Matrix
    • Graph Representation Adjacency List
    • Graph Traversal
    • Graph Traversal using Stack and Queue
    • Code for Graph Traversal
    • Bipartite graph
    • Graph colouring problem
    • Check if the graph is Bipartite graph or not using graph colouring
    • Isomorphic Graph
    • Euler Graph
    • Hamiltonian Graph
    Different types of problem solving technique
    • Brute force approach
    • Recursion
    • Dynamic programming approach
    • Backtracking approach
    • Ball in a maze problem solution using backtracking
    • Greedy approach approach
    • Two pointer approach
    Minimum Spanning Tree
    • Kruskals algorithm Minimum Spanning Tree tutorial
    • Prims Algorithm
    Shortest Path algorithms:
    • Bellman ford
    • Dijkstras
    • Floyd warshalls
    String matching algorithms
    • Knuth Morris Pratt String matching algorithm
    • Rabin Karp algorithm
    • Boyer-Moore string-search algorithm
    Knapsack Problem
    • Fractional knapsack
    • Knapsack
    • P, NP, NP hard, NP Complete
    • Tower of hanoi
    • Sieve of Eratosthenes
    • Kadane Algorithm
    • Sliding Window Approach
    • Travelling Salesman problem
    • Coin Change Problem
    • Coin Change Problem - Total Number of denomination available.
    • Job Sequencing problem
    • Activity Selection Problem
    • House Robber Problem
    • Egg dropping problem
    • Stack Data structure and Implementation using arrays.
    • Stack Data structure and Implementation using Linked List.
    • Singly Linked List with Implementation.
    • Doubly Linked List [DLL] with implementation .
    • Circular Singly Linked List with implementation.
    • Circular Doubly Linked List with Implementation.
    • Queue Data Structure with implementation using arrays.
    • Queue Data Structure with implementation using linked list.
    • Circular Queues Data structure with Implementation using arrays.
    • Circular Queue Data structure with Implementation using Linked List.
    Question Option A Option B Option C Option D


    Java -9
    What are the main goals of Java 9 release?
    What is module in Java 9?
    What features module system has provided?
    What is REPL?
    What is JShell?
    What is multi-release jar format introduced in Java 9?
    What methods are added to Collections in Java 9?
    What is default project structure for a web based application?
    What changes are made to Stream from java 8 in java 9?
    What is the use of takeWhile method in Stream?
    What is the use of dropWhile method in Stream?
    What changes are there in iterate method of Stream?
    What is the use of ofNullable method in Stream?
    What is the purpose of try-with-resource statement?
    What changes are made to @Deprecated annotation in Java 9?
    What changes are made to diamond operator in Java 9?
    What changes are made to Optional class in Java 9?
    What is multi-resolution image api in Java 9?
    What is purpose of CompletableFuture?
    Name some of significant changes in Java 9.
    How will you create html5 compliant javadoc using java 9?
    How can you run a multirelease jar on different version of java? Give an Example.
    How many kind of variables/methods an interface supports in Java 9?
    How can you check a system process details in Java 9?
    Can you create a multi-release jar for different version of java? Give an Example.
    Can you perform some function if a process exits?
    Collections are enhanced in Java 9. What are the changes?
    Source code of a module lies in which folder?
    Platform Module System
    (Project Jigsaw)
      Interface Private Methods
        Try-With Resources
          Anonymous Classes
            @SafeVarargs Annotation
              Collection Factory Methods
                Process API Improvement
                  New Version-String Scheme
                    JShell: The Java Shell (REPL)
                      Process API Improvement
                        Control Panel
                          Stream API Improvement

                            Most views on this month