21 December 2020


What are different types of logs?
What are format modifiers?
What are Pros and Cons of Logging?
What are the components of log4j?
What are the different log levels in Log4j?
What are the different logging levels?
What are the features of log4j?
What happens if last log file reaches the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
What happens if logs exceeding the maximum size while using RollingFileAppender?
What is Appender in Log4j?
What is default value of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is default value of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is SLF4J?
What is the intent of %.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %20.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %-20.30c format modifier?
What is the intent of %20c format modifier?
What is the intent of %-20c format modifier?
What is the purpose of % character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of Appender object?
What is the purpose of bufferedIO configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of bufferSize configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of c character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of d character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of DatePattern property of DailyRollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of driver configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of encoding configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of F character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of fileAppend configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of Filename configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of filter in Appender?
What is the purpose of Filter object?
What is the purpose of immediateFlush configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of l character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of layout object in Appender?
What is the purpose of Layout object?
What is the purpose of level in Appender?
What is the purpose of Level object?
What is the purpose of Logger object?
What is the purpose of LogManager object?
What is the purpose of m character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of maxBackupIndex property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of maxFileSize property of RollingFileAppender class?
What is the purpose of n character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of ObjectRenderer object?
What is the purpose of p character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of password configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of r character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of sql configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of t character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the purpose of target in Appender?
What is the purpose of threshold configuration of FileAppender?
What is the purpose of threshold in Appender?
What is the purpose of URL configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of user configuration of JDBCAppender?
What is the purpose of X character used in the conversionPattern of PatternLayout object?
What is the use of log4j.properties?
What kind of information HTMLLayout class provides?
What is immediateFlush property of FileAppender.
What is layouts in log4j.
What are Appenders in Log4j?
What are the format characters used in log4j?
What are the system properties checked by log4j?
What does WARN and TRACE level indicates in log4j?
What is Log4j?
What is package level logging in log4j?
What is the command to write your logging information into a file?
What are the logging methods provided by logger class?
What are the other support objects in Log4j?
What are the three principal components of Log4j?
What are the two static methods for obtaining a logger object?
What does .class mean in log4j context?
What is the best way to migrate from java.util logging to log4j?
What is the difference between Threshold and LevelRangeFilter in log4j?
What is the role of filter in log4j?
Explain different logging levels in log4j.
Explain few format characters used in log4j.
Why do you get multiple copies of the message in log file sometime?
Why to use Apache Log4j?
Why should we prefer log4j framework while Java provides logging API?
Why to use Log4j?
How can you get multiple processes to log to the same file?
How can you log into the database using Log4j?
How do Levels Works?
How does log Levels work in Log4J?
How log4j file is defined?
How will you configure a DailyRollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
How will you configure a RollingFileAppender using log4j.properties?
How will you configure immediate flush to true using log4j.properties?
How will you configure maximum file size before rollover using log4j.properties?
How will you configure maximum files to be used to log data using log4j.properties?
How will you configure your log to roll over at midday and midnight of each day?
How will you configure your log to roll over at midnight each day?
How will you configure your log to roll over at the end of each month and at the beginning of the next month?
How will you configure your log to roll over at the top of every hour?
How will you configure your log to roll over every minute?
How will you configure your log to roll over on the first day of each week depending upon the locale?
How will you create a logger in any class?
How will you define a file appender using log4j.properties?
How will you define a root logger turning DEBUG mode off?
How will you define a root logger with appender file using log4j.properties?
How will you define the layout of file appender using log4j.properties?
How will you generate your log files on a daily basis?
How will you print a log message in debug, error,fatal ,info mode,trace mode, warn mode?
How will you put the logs in database using log4j?
How will you set the append to false, overwrite using log4j.properties?
How will you set the content type of html generated using HTMLLayout?
How will you set the DatePattern using log4j.properties?
How will you set the location information for the logging event using HTMLLayout?
How will you set the threshold to debug mode using log4j.properties?
How will you set the title of html page generated using HTMLLayout?
Difference between apache commons logging and log4j.
In log4j how can you log into the database?
Advantages of using log4j framework.
Can log4j logging be stored to database?
Components of log4j framework.
Different types of Appenders in Log4j.
If you want to generate your logging information in an HTML-formatted file, how will you proceed?
If you want to write your logging information into multiple files then how will you proceed?
Inside logger component what are the different log levels?
Is log4j thread safe?
Mention larger logging domains for your applications.
Mention what are the different types of Appenders?
Whether a log output format can be customized?
Whether log4j is a thread safe?

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