22 December 2020


What are different Struts2 tags? How can we use them?
What are different ways to create Action classes in Struts2?
What are disadvantages of Struts?
What are Struts2 core components?
What are the 5 constants of Action interface?
What are the aware interfaces in struts2?
What are the benefits of Interceptors in Struts2?
What are the benefits of Struts framework?
What are the bundled validators?
What are the components of Struts Framework?
What are the conditions for actionForm to work correctly?
What are the Core classes of Struts Framework?
What are the differences between Struts1 and Struts2 or how Struts2 is better than Struts1?
What are the features of Struts?
What are the purpose of Execute method of action class?
What are the role of a handler in MVC based applications?
What are the significance of logic tags in Struts?
What are the steps of Struts Installation?
What are the steps required for setting up validator framework in Struts?
What are the two scope types for formbeans?
What are the two types of validations supported by Validator FrameWork?
What are the use of reset method of ActionForm class?
What are the use of resourcebundle.properties file in Struts Validation framework?
What are the use of Struts.xml configuration file?
What configuration changes are required to use resource files in Struts?
What configuration changes are required to use Tiles in Struts?
What is Action Class
What is ActionContext?
What is ActionForm Class
What is ActionForward Class
What is ActionInvocation?
What is ActionMapping Class
What is ActionServlet Class
What is an interceptor stack?
What is Custom Type Converter in Struts2?
What is declarative exception handling in Struts?
What is DynaActionForm?
What is execAndWait interceptor?
What is i18n interceptor?
What is interceptor in Struts2?
What is interceptor? LifeCycle methods?
What is life cycle of an interceptor?
What is modelDriven interceptor?
What is MVC?
What is OGNL?
What is params interceptor?
What is Struts?
What is Struts2?
What is struts-default package and what are it’s benefits?
What is SwitchAction? When should we use SwtichAction?
What is the default location of result pages and how can we change it?
What is the default suffix for Struts2 action URI and how can we change it?
What is the difference between Jakarta Struts and Apache Struts? Which one is better to use?
What is the difference between plain-validator and field-validator?
What is the difference between struts1 and struts2?
What is the difference in using Action interface and ActionSupport class for our action classes, which one you would prefer?
What is the flow of requests in Struts based applications?
What is the role of Action Class in Struts?
What is the use of execAndWait interceptor?
What is the use of jsonValidation?
What is the use of namespace in action mapping in Struts2?
What is the use of token interceptor in Struts2?
What is validation interceptor?
What is ValueStack and OGNL?
What is ValueStack?
What steps are required to for an application migration from Struts1 to Struts2?
Name some useful annotations introduced in Struts2?
Provide some important Struts2 constants that you have used?
Why ActionServlet is singleton in Struts?
Which class is the Front Controller in Struts2?
Which configuration file is used for storing JSP configuration information in Struts?
Which design pattern is implemented by Struts2 interceptors?
Which file is used by controller to get mapping information for request routing?
Which interceptor is responsible for i18n support?
Which interceptor is responsible for mapping request parameters to action class Java Bean properties?
Which library is provided by Struts for form elements like check boxes, text boxes etc?
Which model components are supported by Struts?
Which technologies can be used at View Layer in Struts?
How action mapping is configured in Struts?
How action-mapping tag is used for request forwarding in Struts configuration file?
How an actionForm bean is created?
How can we display all validation errors to user on JSP page?
How can we get Servlet API Request, Response, HttpSession etc Objects in action classes?
How can we group related actions in one group in Struts?
How can we handle exceptions thrown by application in Struts2?
How can we integrate log4j in Struts2 application?
How can we upload files in Struts2 application?
How can we write our own interceptor and map it for action?
How client side validation is enabled on a JSP form?
How duplicate form submission can be controlled in Struts?
How many servlet controllers are used in a Struts Application?
How nested beans can be used in Struts applications?
How properties of a form are validated in Struts?
How tag libraries are defined in Struts?
When it’s useful to use IncludeAction?
When should be opt for Struts Framework?
Difference - Iterator and Spliterator in Java SE 8?
Difference - validation.xml vs validator-rules.xml?
In Struts, how can we access Java beans and their properties?

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