25 July 2024


#Blue Ocean

24 July 2024


Duplicate Insertion order Sorted by natural order Synchronized Null elements Iterator
ArrayList Yes Yes Yes Fail-fast
LinkedList Yes Yes Yes Fail-fast
CopyOnWriteArrayList Yes Yes Yes Yes Fail-safe
HashSet Yes Fail-fast
LinkedHashSet Yes Yes Fail-fast
TreeSet Yes No Fail-fast
ConcurrentSkipListSet Yes Yes No Fail-safe
HashMap 1 null key & many null values Fail-fast
Hashtable Yes No Fail-fast
ConcurrentHashMap Yes No Fail-safe
TreeMap Yes Null key not allowed, Allow many null values Fail-fast
ConcurrentSkipListMap Yes Yes No Fail-safe


What are Generics?
What are the restrictions in using generic type that is declared in a class declaration?
Why do we need Generics? Can you give an example of how Generics make a program more flexible?
How do you declare a generic class?
How can we restrict Generics to a subclass of particular class?
How can we restrict Generics to a super class of particular class?
  • Generic Classes and Interfaces
  • Generic Methods and Constructors
  • Type Bounds and Wildcards
  • Type Erasure
  • Generic Collections
  • Generics and Inheritance
  • Generic Restrictions and Limitations
#Java #JavaProgramming #Generics #JavaGenerics #JavaDevelopment #CodeWithJava #JavaTips #Programming #Coding #CodeNewbie #JavaDeveloper #LearnJava #JavaCode #JavaTutorial #Java8 #Java11 #JavaEE #JavaSE #SoftwareDevelopment #CodeQuality #JavaTech #JavaCoding #JavaCommunity #JavaLearning #JavaPractice #JavaConcepts #JavaBasics #JavaSkills #JavaKnowledge #JavaExamples #JavaSnippets #JavaFramework #ProgrammingLanguages #CodeEducation #SoftwareEngineering #DevCommunity #CodingLife #TechEducation #TechLearning #LearnToCode #JavaCodeChallenge #DevTips #CodeSmart #JavaInAction #TechCommunity #ProgrammingChallenges #CodeDaily #JavaProjects #CodingJourney #TechSkills


What is http protocol
What is www
What is W3C
What are OSI model levels
What is TCP/IP
What is UDP
What is the difference between TCP and UDP
What is a data transfer protocol
What data transmission protocols do you know
What is FTP
What is MIME type
What is Web Server
What is Web Application
What is Application Server
What is the difference between Web Server and Application Server
What is Ajax, how this technology is fundamentally arranged
What is WebSocket
What is json scheme
What is "HTML"


What is UML what is a ?diagram?, ?notation? and ?metamodel? in UML
What are the types of diagrams
What types of relationships exist in the structural diagram of classes

06 July 2024









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