22 May 2024


Write sql query to get the second highest salary among all employees?
There are multiple ways to get the second highest salary among all employees.
How can we retrieve alternate records from a table in oracle?
Write sql query to find max salary and department name from each department.
Write sql query to find records in table a that are not in table b without using not in operator.
What is the result of following query?
Write sql query to find employees that have same name and email.
Write sql query to find max salary from each department.
Write sql query to get the nth highest salary among all employees.
How can you find 10 employees with odd number as employee id?
Write sql query to get the names of employees whose date of birth is between 01/01/1990 to 31/12/2000.
Write sql query to get the quarter from date.
Write query to find employees with duplicate email.
Write a query to find all employee whose name contains the word "rich", regardless of case.
Is it safe to use rowid to locate a record in oracle sql queries?
What is a pseudoпїЅolumn?
What are the reasons for denormalizing the data?
What is the feature in sql for writing if and else statements?
What is the difference between delete and truncate in sql?
What is the difference between ddl and dml commands in sql?
Why do we use escape characters in sql queries?
What is the difference between primary key and unique key in sql?
What is the difference between inner join and outer join in sql?
What is the difference between left outer join and right outer join?
What is the datatype of rowid?
What is the difference between where clause and having clause?
How will you calculate the number of days between two dates in mysql?
What are the different types of triggers in mysql?
What are the differences between heap table and temporary table in mysql?
What is a heap table in mysql?
What is the difference between blob and text data type in mysql?
What will happen when auto increme on an integer column reaches max value in mysql?
What are the advantages of mysql as compared with oracle db?
What are the disadvantages of mysql?
What is the difference between char and varchar datatype in mysql?
What is the use of i am a dummy flag in mysql?
How can we get current date and time in mysql?
What is the difference between timestamp in unix and mysql?
How will you limit a mysql query to display only top 10 rows?
What is automatic initialization and updating for timestamp in a mysql table?
How can we get the list of all the indexes on a table?
What is savepoint in mysql?
What is the difference between rollback to savepoint and release savepoint?
How will you search for a string in mysql column?
How can we find the version of the mysql server and the name of the current database by select query?
What is the use of ifnull operator in mysql?
How will you check if a table exists in mysql?
How will you see the structure of a table in mysql?
What are the objects that can be created by create statement in mysql?
How will you see the current user logged into mysql connection?
What is the difference between batch and interactive modes of mysql?
How can we get a random number between 1 and 100 in mysql?
What does sql in mysql stand for?
What does a mysql database contain?
How can you interact with mysql?
What is mysql database queries?
What are some common mysql commands?
How do you create a database in mysql?
How do you create a table using mysql?
How do you insert data into mysql?
How do you remove a column from a database?
How to create an index in mysql?
How to delete data from a mysql table?
How do you view a database in mysql?
What are the numeric data types in mysql?
What are the string data types in mysql?
What are the temporal data types in mysql?
What is blob in mysql?
How to add users in mysql?
What is mysql views?
How do you create and execute views in mysql?
What is mysql triggers?
How many triggers are possible in mysql?
What is the mysql server?
What are the mysql clients and utilities?
Can you explain the logical architecture of mysql?
What is scaling in mysql?
What is sharding in sql?
What are transaction storage engines in mysql?
What is mysql?
What are some advantages of using mysql?
What do you mean by databases?
Query to find second highest marks of a student?
Query to find duplicate rows in table?
What is the query to fetch first record from student table?
What is the query to fetch last record from student table?
What is query to display first 4 records from student table?
What is query to display last 3 records from student table?
What is query to display nth record from student table?
How to get 3 highest marks from student table?
How to display odd rows in student table?
How to display even rows in student table?
How can i create table with same structure of student table?
Select all records from student table whose name is a and b.
What is ddl and dml and dcl?
How do you get the number of rows affected by query?
If the value in the column is repeatable and how do you find out unique values?
How do you return hundred books starting from 25th?
You wrote search engine that should retrieve 10 results at a time but at the same time you do like to know how many rows there are total.
How would you write a query to select all teams that won either 2 and 4 and 6 or 8 games?
How would you select all users whose phone number is null?
How do you find out which auto increment was assigned on the last insert?
On executing delete statement i keep getting the error about foreign key constraint failing so what do i do?
When would you use order by in delete statement?
How can you see all indexes defined for a table?
How would you delete column?
How would you change a table to innodb?
How do you concatenate strings in mysql?
How do you get a portion of string?
What is the difference between char length and length?
How do you convert string to utf-8?
How do you get month from timestamp?
How do you offload the time and date handling to mysql?
How do you add three minutes to a date?
What"s the difference between unix timestamps and mysql timestamps?
How do you convert between unix timestamps and mysql timestamps?
What are enums used for in mysql?
How are enums and sets represented internally?
How do you start and stop mysql on windows?
How do you start mysql on linux?
Explain the difference between mysql and mysql interfaces in php?
What"s the default port for mysql server?
What does tee command do in mysql?
Can you save your connection settings to a conf file?
How do you change a password for an existing user via mysqladmin?
Use mysqldump to create a copy of the database?
Have you ever used mysql administrator and mysql query browser?
What are some good ideas regarding user security in mysql?
Explain the difference between myisam static and myisam dynamic?
What does myisamchk do?
Explain advantages of innodb over myisam?
Explain advantages of myisam over innodb?
What are heap tables in mysql?
How do you control the max size of a heap table?
What are csv tables?
Explain federated tables?
What is serial data type in mysql?
What happens when the column is set to auto increment and you reach the maximum value for that table?
Explain the difference between bool, tinyint and bit?
Explain the difference between float, double and real?
What happens if a table has one column defined as timestamp?
But what if you really want to store the timestamp data, such as the publication date of the article?
Explain data type timestamp default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp?
What does timestamp on update current_timestamp data type do?
If i created a column with data type varchar(3), what would i expect to see in mysql table?
General information about mysql.
Why use mysql?
How mysql optimizes distinct?
How mysql optimizes limit?
Mysql speed of delete queries ?
What is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object?
What are the different table present in mysql?
What is primary key?
What is foreign key?
What is index?
What is join?
What is union?
What is isam?
What is innodb?
What is bdb berkeleydb?
What is csv?
What is transaction?
What is commit?
What is rollback?
How many groups of data types?
What is the differences between char and nchar?
How to escape special characters in sql statements?
How to concatenate two character strings?
How to enter characters as hex numbers?
How to enter boolean values in sql statements?
How to convert numeric values to character strings?
How to use in conditions?
How to use like conditions?
How to present a past time in hours and minutes and seconds?
How to add a new column to an existing table in mysql?
How to delete an existing column in a table?
How to rename an existing column in a table?
How to rename an existing table in mysql?
How to create a table index in mvsql?
How to get a list of indexes of an existing table?
How to drop an existing index in mysql?
How to drop an existing view in mysql?
How to create a new view in mysql?
How to increment dates by 1111 mysql?
Explain what is a database?
Explain what is dbms?
Explain what is rdbms?
What are the popular database management systems in it industry?
Explain what is sql?
Explain what is table in a database?
Explain what is a field in a database and record in a database?
What is the use of nvl function?
Explain what is a column in a table?
What are the different types of sql commands?
What are the different ddl commands in sql?
What are the different dml commands in sql?
What are the different dcl commands in sql?
What are the different tcl commands in sql?
Explain what is an index?
Explain what is a view?
Explain what is a subquery ?
What is the difference between rename and alias?
What is a join?
What are the different types of joins?
What are sql constraints?
What are the constraints available in sql?
What is a unique key and primary key and foreign key?
What is the difference between unique and primary key constraints?
What is a null value?
What is normalization?
What is stored procedure?
What is a trigger?
List out the acid properties and explain?
What is the difference between delete, truncate and drop command?
What is the difference between having and where clause?
What are aggregate functions in sql?
What are string functions in sql?
Explain the working of sql privileges?
How many types of privileges are available in sql?
What is sql injection?
What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes?
What is relationship and how many types of relationship are there?
What is collation?
What is database white box testing and black box testing?
What are the advantages of views?
What is schema?
What is the difference between sql and mysql?
What is sql sandbox in sql server?
What are the steps to take to improve performance of a poor performing query?
What is a deadlock and what is a live lock?
What is blocking and how would you troubleshoot it?
Explain the different types of backups available in sql server.
What is database isolation in sql server?
What is a schema in sql server 2005? explain how to create a new schema in a database?
Explain how to create a scrollable cursor with the scroll option.
Explain how to create a dynamic cursor with the dynamic option?
What are database files and filegroups?
Describe in brief databases and sql server databases architecture.
What are the steps to improve the performance of a query?
How would you use the sp_ functions to identify the blocking problems?
What are the different types of backups?
What are the different levels of isolation?
How can you start the sql server in the single user mode and the minimal configuration mode?
How can you know that statistics should be updated?
What is replication in sql server?
Can we initiate a external com object from within sql?
What is a schema? how is it useful in sql servers?
What is write ahead log?
What is the use of check points in the transaction logs?
What is a column with identity?
What are scrollable cursors? how are they created?
What is raid and how does it help storage of databases?
How can you identify the version number of the sql server installed?
What is the use of cascade constraints?
What is the function of a odbc manager ?
What are the different types of indexes available in sql server?
What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered index?
What are the high-availability solutions in sql server?
What is denormalization and when would you go for it?
How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships while designing tables?
What is the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
What are user defined datatypes and when you should go for them?
What is bit datatype and what is the information that can be stored inside a bit column?
Define candidate key and alternate key and composite key.
What is a transaction and what are acid properties?
Explain different isolation levels?
What type of index will get created after executing the above statement?
Differences between active and active or active and passive cluster configurations?
What is lock escalation?
What is the difference between delete table and truncate table commands?
What are constraints?
Whar is an index and what are the types of indexes and how many clustered indexes can be created on a table?
How to restart sql server in single user mode and how to start sql server in minimal configuration mode?
What are statistics under what circumstances they go out of date and how do you update them?
If there is significant change in the key values in the index?
What is database replicaion and what are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server?
What are the components of physical database structure of oracle database?
What are the components of logical database structure of oracle database?
What is a tablespace?
What is system tablespace and when is it created?
Explain the relationship among database and tablespace and data file.
What is schema?
What are schema objects?
Can objects of the same schema reside in different tablespaces?
Can a tablespace hold objects from different schemes?
What is oracle table?
What is an oracle view?
What is partial backup?
What is mirrored on line redo log?
What is full backup?
Can a view based on another view?
Can a tablespace hold objects from different schemes?
Can objects of the same schema reside in different tablespaces?
What is the use of control file?
Do view contain data?
What are the referential actions supported by foreign key integrity constraint?
What are the type of synonyms?
What is an index segment?
What are the different type of segments?
What are clusters?
What is an integrity constrains?
What is an index?
What is an extent?
What is a view?
What is table?
Can a view based on another view?
What are the advantages of views?
What is an oracle sequence?
What is a synonym?
What are the types of synonyms?
What is a private synonym?
What is a public synonym?
What are synonyms used for?
What is an oracle index?
How are the index updates?
What is rollback segment?
What are the characteristics of data files?
How to define data block size?
What does a control file contain?
What is difference between unique constraint and primary key constraint?
What is index cluster?
When does a transaction end?
How does one create a new database?
What database block size should i use?
What are the different approaches used by optimizer in choosing an execution plan?
What does rollback do?
What is cost based approach to optimization?
What does commit do?
Define transaction?
What is read only transaction?
What is a deadlock?
What is a schema?
What is a cluster key?
What is parallel server?
What is cluster?
What is an index and how it is implemented in oracle database?
What is a database instance?
What is the use of analyze command?
What is default tablespace?
What are the system resources that can be controlled through profile?
What is tablespace quota?
What are the different levels of auditing?
What is statement auditing?
What are the database administrators utilities avaliable?
How can you enable automatic archiving?
What are roles and how can we implement roles?
What are roles?
What are the uses of roles?
What is privilege auditing?
What is object auditing?
What is auditing?
Where are my tempfiles?
How do i find used or free space in a temporary tablespace?
What is a profile?
How will you enforce security using stored procedures?
How does one get the view definition of fixed views or tables?
What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces?
What is user account in oracle database?
What is dynamic data replication?
What is two phase commit?
How can you enforce referential integrity in snapshots?
What is a snapshot?
What is the mechanism provided by oracle for table replication?
What are the various type of snapshots?
Describe two phases of two phase commit?
What is snapshot log?
What are the benefits of distributed options in databases?
What are the options available to refresh snapshots?
What is a snapshot log?
What is distributed database?
How can we reduce the network traffic?
Differentiate simple and complex and snapshots?
What are the built-ins used for sending parameters to forms?
Is the after report trigger fired if the report execution fails?
Does a before form trigger fire when the parameter form is suppressed?
What is sga?
What is a shared pool?
What is mean by program global area?
What is a data segment?
What are the factors causing the reparsing of sql statements in sga?
Does a view contain data?
What is trigger associated with the timer?
What are the triggers associated with image items?
What are the different windows events activated at runtimes?
When do you use data parameter type?
What is difference between open_form and call_form?
What is new_form built in?
What is the difference when flex mode is mode on and when it is off?
What is the difference when confine mode is on and when it is off?
What are visual attributes?
What are the vbx controls?
What is the use of transactional triggers?
How do you create a new session while open a new form?
What are the ways to monitor the performance of the report?
Explain about horizontal and vertical tool bar canvas views?
What is the purpose of the product order option in the column property sheet?
What is the use of image_zoom built-in?
What is a timer?
What are the two phases of block coordination?
What are most common types of complex master-detail relationships?
What is a text list?
What is term?
What is use of term?
What is pop list?
What is the maximum no. of chars the parameter can store?
What are the default extensions of the files created by library module?
How do you display console on a window?
What are the coordination properties in a master-detail relationship?
What are the different parameter types?
What are the types of calculated columns available?
Explain about stacked canvas views?
What is the difference between show_editor and edit_textitem?
What are the different file extensions that are created by oracle reports?
What is the basic data structure that is required for creating an lov?
What is the maximum allowed length of record group column?
Which parameter can be used to set read level consistency across multiple queries?
What are the different types of record groups?
From which designation is it preferred to send the output to the printed?
What is difference between post database commit and post-form commit?
With which function of summary item is the compute at options required?
What are parameters?
What are the three types of user exits available?
How many windows in a form can have console?
Is it possible to modify an external query in a report which contains it?
Does a grouping done for objects in the layout editor affect the grouping done in the data model editor?
If a break order is set on a column would it affect columns which are under the column?
Can you pass data parameters to forms?
Is it possible to link two groups inside a cross products after the cross products group has been created?
What are the different modals of windows?
What are modal windows?
What is the advantage of the library?
What is lexical reference? how can it be created?
What is system.coordination_operation?
What is synchronize?
What use of command line parameter cmd file?
What is a text_io package?
What is forms_ddl?
What are the built-ins used for processing rows?
What are the built-ins used for getting cell values?
At least how many set of data must a data model have before a data model can be based on it?
To execute row from being displayed that still use column in the row which property can be used?
What is the remove on exit property?
What is a difference between pre-select and pre-query?
What are the built-ins used for finding object id function?
Any attempt to navigate programmatically to disabled form in a call_form stack is allowed?
How can a break order be created on a column in an existing group? what are the various sub events a mouse double click event involves?
What is the use of place holder column? what are the various sub events a mouse double click event involves?
What are the built-ins used for creating and deleting groups?
What are the different types of delete details we can establish in master-details?
Where is the external query executed at the client or the server?
Where is a procedure return in an external pl/sql library executed at the client or at the server?
What is coordination event?
What is the difference between ole server & ole container?
What is an object group?
What is the difference between the conventional and direct path loader?
How does one load multi-line records?
Why is where clause faster than group filter or format trigger?
Difference between substr and instr?
What is rman?
What are two parts of procedure?
What are the datatypes available in plsql?
What is overloading of procedures?
What is master detail relationship?
How many number of columns a record group can have?
What is RDBMS?
What is SQL?
What is a Database?
What are tables and Fields?
What do you mean by data manipulation language - DML?
What is a primary key?
What is a unique key?
What is a foreign key?
What is a join?
What are the types of join and explain each?
What is normalization?
What is Denormalization?
What are all the different normalizations?
What is a View?
What is an Index?
What are all the different types of indexes?
What is a Cursor?
What is a relationship and what are they?
What is a query?
What is subquery?
What are the types of subquery?
What is a stored procedure?
What is a trigger?
What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE commands?
What are local and global variables and their differences?
What is a constraint?
What is data Integrity?
What is SQL comments?
What is Auto Increment?
What is Datawarehouse?
What is the difference between SQL and PL/SQL?
What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
What is the difference between Cluster and Non-Cluster Index?
What is Self-Join?
What is Cross-Join?
What is user defined functions?
What are all types of user defined functions?
What is collation?
What are all different types of collation sensitivity?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Stored Procedure.
What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?
What is CLAUSE?
What is recursive stored procedure?
What is Union, minus and Interact commands?
Which TCP/IP port does SQL Server run?
What is an ALIAS command?
What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DROP statements?
What are aggregate and scalar functions?
Which operator is used in query for pattern matching?
How to select unique records from a table?
List and explain each of the ACID properties that collectively guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably.
What is the main difference between ?BETWEEN? and ?IN? condition operators?
Why are SQL functions used?
What is the need for MERGE statement?
List the ways in which Dynamic SQL can be executed?
List some case manipulation functions in SQL.
What is a Non-correlated subquery?
What is a SYSTEM Privilege?
What are Object Privileges?
What does the BCP command do?
Does the data stored in the stored procedure increase access time or execution time? Explain
Can a Stored Procedure contain a return value?
Can a View be active if the Base table is dropped?
What is the difference between the RANK() and DENSE_RANK() functions? Provide an example.
What is the difference between char and varchar2?
What is CTE?
Does View contain Data?
Define a temp table.
What is Referential Integrity?
What do you mean by query optimization?
What is Database Black Box Testing?
What do we need to check in Database Testing?
What are Nested Triggers?
What is SQL Sandbox in SQL Server?
What is SQL Injection?
What is returned by the cursor attribute SQL%NOTFOUND?
What do you understand by explicit cursors?
What is Deadlocking?
How can you say that Database testing is different from that of GUI testing?
How to prevent SQL Injection Attacks?
What types of Join do you know
What is the difference between Having and Where
What is a ?performance?, View, and why it is used
What is a ?temporary table?, for which it is used
What is a ?performance?, View, and why it is used
What is a ?temporary table?, for which it is used
What does NULL mean in SQL
What are the SQL operators
What is a cursor in a relational database
What are triggers in a relational database
What Merge does
What is the ORDER BY operator used for
What is the difference between Count (*) and Count ({column})
What is operators: in, Between, Like
What are the differences between Primary and Unique restrictions
What is the difference between Delete and Truncate operators
What is the purpose of Pivot and Unpivot operators in Transact-SQL
What are restrictions in SQL
What are stored procedures and what method of calling through JDBC
What is Join
What Merge does
What are triggers in a relational database
What is a cursor in a relational database
What are the SQL operators
What does NULL mean in SQL
What is a ?temporary table?, for which it is used
What is a ?performance?, View, and why it is used
Why are Intersect operators used, Except in Transact-SQL
How Group by processes Null value
How to create an index
When the keyword UNION is used
SQL Introduction | What is SQL?
What is RDBMS? | What Is Relational Database Management System?
What are database tables?
How to use SQL Select Statement?
How to use SQL Select Distinct Statement?
How to use the SQL WHERE clause?
How to use SQL AND Operator?
How to use SQL OR Operator?
How to use SQL NOT Operator?
How to combine AND, OR, and NOT Operators?
How to use the ORDER BY keyword?
How to use INSERT INTO Statement?
What is NULL values in SQL?
How to use SQL Update Statement?
How to use SQL DELETE Statement?
How to use the SQL TOP, LIMIT, or ROWNUM clause?
How to use SQL MIN() and MAX() functions?
How to use SQL COUNT(), AVG(), and SUM() functions?
How to use SQL LIKE Operator?
How to use the SQL IN Operator?
How to use the SQL BETWEEN Operator?
What is SQL aliases and how to use the SQL aliases?
How to use the SQL GROUP BY Statement?
How to use the SQL HAVING Clause?
What is One to Many relationship?
What is SQL Join and how to use the SQL Join?
What are the different types of SQL Joins?
What is SQL Inner Join and how to use the SQL Inner Join?
What is SQL LEFT Join and how to use the SQL LEFT Join?
What is SQL RIGHT Join and how to use the SQL RIGHT Join?
What is SQL FULL OUTER Join and how to use the SQL FULL OUTER Join?
What is SQL UNION Operator and how to use the SQL UNION Operator?
What is SQL Comments?
What is SQL CASE Statement and how to use the SQL CASE Statement?
What is SQL EXISTS Operator and how to use the SQL EXISTS Operator?
What is Null functions in SQL and how to use the Null functions?
What is SQL ANY Operator and how to use the SQL ANY Operator?
What is SQL ALL Operator and how to use the SQL ALL Operator?
How to use the CREATE TABLE --- SELECT Syntax in SQL?
How to use the CREATE DATABASE Statement in SQL?
How to use the INSERT INTO SELECT Statement in SQL?
What is Stored procedures in SQL? and how to use the Stored procedures?
How to use the CREATE TABLE Statement in SQL?
How to use the DROP TABLE Statement in SQL?
How to use the DROP DATABASE Statement in SQL?
How to use the ALTER TABLE Statement in SQL?
What is SQL Constraints? and how to use the Constraints in SQL?
How to use the NOT NULL Constraint in SQL?
How to use the UNIQUE Constraint in SQL?
How to use the Primary key Constraint in SQL?
How to use the Foreign key Constraint in SQL?
How to use the Check Constraint in SQL?
How to use the Default Constraint in SQL?
How to use the CREATE INDEX Statement in SQL?
How to use the Auto-Increment Field in SQL?
How to use Dates in SQL?
What are SQL Views and how to use SQL Views?
What is SQL Injection and how to avoid SQL Injection?
What is SQL Hosting?
  • Constraints - Not-null, Check, Default, Unique, Index, Primary-key, Foreign-key
  • Join and types
  • Indexes - Unique and Non Unique index
  • Query, Sub Query
  • Union vs intersect
  • Cursor
  • Alias & View
  • Normalization, Denormalization
  • Stored procedure
  • Trigger
  • Clustered VS Non-clustered index
  • Subqueries - Correlated Subqueries, Non-Correlated Subqueries
  • Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
  • Window Functions
  • Pivoting and Unpivoting
  • Indexes - Composite Index, Unique Index, Full-text Index, Spatial Index
  • Views - Materialized Views
  • Partitioning - Range Partitioning, List Partitioning, Hash Partitioning:, Composite Partitioning
  • Concurrency Control - Locking, Isolation Levels
  • Replication
  • Sharding
  • JSON and XML Data Handling
  • Recursive Queries
  • Temporal Tables
  • JSONB Data Type (PostgreSQL)
  • User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Database Security
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
Which of the following is SQL Server Date and Time Data Type? timestamp sql_variant real text
What is the full form of BLOB Binary Long Objects Binary Least Objects Binary Large Objects Binary Large Orientation
What can be the maximum size of char(n) in SQL Server String Data Type 5000 6000 8000 10000
What is the full form of GUID? Guided Unique Identifier Guided Unique Interpreter Globally Unique Identifier Globally Unique Interpreter
Number of operands used by Unary Operator is? 1 5 7 10
Which of the following is known as a virtual table in SQL? SELF JOIN VIEW INNER JOIN NONE OF THESE

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