Can MapReduce program be written in any language other than Java? |
Compare MapReduce and Spark |
Define Writable data types in MapReduce. |
Explain job scheduling through JobTracker. |
Explain JobConf in MapReduce. |
How to set mappers and reducers for Hadoop jobs? |
How to set which framework would be used to run mapreduce program? |
Illustrate a simple example of the working of MapReduce. |
Name Job control options specified by MapReduce. |
What are the key differences between Pig vs MapReduce? |
What are the main components of MapReduce Job? |
What are the parameters of mappers and reducers? |
What is a ?map? in Hadoop? |
What is a ?reducer? in Hadoop? |
What is a MapReduce Combiner? |
What is Identity Mapper and Chain Mapper? |
What is InputFormat in Hadoop? |
What is MapReduce? |
What is OutputCommitter? |
What is Partitioner and its usage? |
What is partitioning? |
What is RecordReader in a Map Reduce? |
What is SequenceFileInputFormat? |
What is Shuffling and Sorting in MapReduce? |
What is Text Input Format? |
What is the difference between HDFS block and InputSplit? |
What main configuration parameters are specified in MapReduce? |
What platform and Java version is required to run Hadoop? |