02 September 2024


Can MapReduce program be written in any language other than Java?
Compare MapReduce and Spark
Define Writable data types in MapReduce.
Explain job scheduling through JobTracker.
Explain JobConf in MapReduce.
How to set mappers and reducers for Hadoop jobs?
How to set which framework would be used to run mapreduce program?
Illustrate a simple example of the working of MapReduce.
Name Job control options specified by MapReduce.
What are the key differences between Pig vs MapReduce?
What are the main components of MapReduce Job?
What are the parameters of mappers and reducers?
What is a ?map? in Hadoop?
What is a ?reducer? in Hadoop?
What is a MapReduce Combiner?
What is Identity Mapper and Chain Mapper?
What is InputFormat in Hadoop?
What is MapReduce?
What is OutputCommitter?
What is Partitioner and its usage?
What is partitioning?
What is RecordReader in a Map Reduce?
What is SequenceFileInputFormat?
What is Shuffling and Sorting in MapReduce?
What is Text Input Format?
What is the difference between HDFS block and InputSplit?
What main configuration parameters are specified in MapReduce?
What platform and Java version is required to run Hadoop?
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

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