12 July 2021


What is ISTQB?
What do you mean by exploratory testing and when does it perform?
What type of testing is considered in web testing?
What is the difference between a bug, an error, a detect, and failure?
What are the different test values?
What are the different black box testing techniques?
What is a test plan?
What information should be included on a bug or defect report?
What is a software testing technique?
What are the benefits of ISTQB?
What is Acceptance testing?
What is accessibility testing?
What is agile testing?
What is Adhoc Testing?
What is the application programming interface?
What is automated testing?
What is BETA testing?
What is bottom-up testing?
What is the difference between severity and priority?
What is failure?
What is independent testing and mention its risks?
What are the principles of testing?
Name the types of test techniques?
Name the different test planning techniques?
Name the types of software testing techniques?
Why is software testing is so important?
Why software testing is so important?
How these testing techniques perform?
How do you test the login feature of web applications?
Mention the difference between validation and verification?

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