16 May 2021


What are the roles of a Scrum Master related to the Daily Scrum?
What are the two primary ways a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working at its highest level of productivity?
What is the ‘frames of reference’ and what are the challenges Scrum Master face during integrating multiple ones?
What is the main reason for the Scrum Master to be at the Daily Scrum?
What is the role of a Scrum Master in sprint retrospective?
What kind of information would you require from the Product Owner to provide the team with an update on the product and market situation?
What retrospective formats have you been using in the past?
What should a "Definition of Ready" consist of?
What sort of person do you need to be a great Scrum Master?
What will be the structure of a good user story?
What advantages do requirements conversations have over requirement documents?
What are ‘Coaching Techniques’ and how do they impact any coaching situation?
What are ‘divergent’ and ‘convergent’ thinking?
What are facilitative listening techniques?
What are the ‘Agile’ technical practices?
What are the advantages of Agile over the waterfall model?
What are the alternatives to Scrum and why should I know about them?
What are the artifacts in Scrum?
What are the challenges facing self-organising teams and how can I help reduce the impact of these challenges?
What are the challenges involved during a project Development in Scrum?
What are the characteristics of a good Scrum team? How do you as a Scrum Master facilitate that?
What are the differences between a ‘working group’ and a ‘team’?
What are the different stages of a team will go through the group development?
What are the essential engineering practices when scaling Scrum across multiple product development teams?
What are the four values of Agile?
What are the key attributes of an effective Agile Team?
What are the main responsibilities of the Product Owner?
What are the recommended ways to handle change in requirements during the middle of the sprint?
What are the roles and responsibilities of a Scrum Master?
What are the sprint burndown and burnup charts?
What are the techniques to analyse impediments in depth?
What are the three pillars of empirical process control?
What are the typical organizational impediments that Scrum Teams face and how can they be addressed?
What do you know about impediments in Scrum? Give some examples of impediments
What do you recommend a newly formed Scrum team works on first?
What do you think should be the ideal size of a Scrum team?
What does it mean to say that an event has a time-box?
What does it mean when in Scrum we say “development team is cross-functional”?
What formats can be used to scale Scrum Events?
What happens during Sprint 0?
What is a multi-staged model for team formation and development?
What is a Product Backlog?
What is a release burndown chart?
What is a spike in a sprint?
What is a sprint planning meeting?
What is a Sprint Retrospective meeting and who all should attend it?
What is a Sprint Review Meeting and who should attend this?
What is a Sprint?
What is an ‘homogenous team’ and what are the pitfalls of having one?
What is an acceptance criteria?
What is an Epic, User story, and task?
What is BDD (Behavior-driven development)?
What is Definition of Done and Definition of Ready?
What is iteration planning and sprint planning?
What is MVP in the scrum?
What is Product Backlog & Sprint Backlog?
What is Product Discovery process?
What is refactoring?
What is Scrumban and Kanban?
What is TDD (test driven development)?
What is the ‘Coaching Stance’ and how does it impact any coaching situation?
What is the ‘Definition of Done’ and how do I help to create one?
What is the “time Boxing” of a scrum process called?
What is the biggest challenge you faced in your project while handling the Scrum team members?
What is the difference and similarity between Agile and Scrum?
What is the importance of daily stand up in a meeting?
What is the importance of Sprint 0?
What is the main purpose of a Sprint?
What is the main responsibility of a Product Owner?
What is the maximum length of a Sprint Review?
What is the most essential skill the Development Team should have?
What is the Product Owner accountable for in Scrum?
What is the recommended size for a Development Team (within the Scrum Team)?
What is the role of Management in Scrum?
What is the role of Sashimi in Scrum methodology?
What is the role of the manager in Scrum?
What is the Scrum Framework primarily founded on?
What is the scrum of scrums?
What is the Scrum process? How is Scrum different from Waterfall?
What is the time-box for a Daily Scrum?
What is the time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting?
What kind of situations lead to Scrum team giving false or higher or safe estimates rather than giving most realistic estimates?
What makes Scrum “Agile”?
What may be the benefits of having the Product Owner included in Retrospectives?
What pre-conditions must be fulfilled in order to allow Sprint Planning to begin?
What should be the ideal length of a Sprint?
What should we consider in setting the time-box for Sprints?
What techniques can I use to effect change in an organisation to help Scrum Teams be more productive?
What two things should be done if the Product Owner is unavailable?
What variables should a Product Owner consider when ordering the Product Backlog?
What would you do to make sure the Scrum process is being applied?
Explain ‘scrum poker’ or ‘planning poker’ technique?
Explain How to create or review user stories in Scrum?
Explain pair programming and its benefits?
Explain what is a story point in the Scrum?
Explain what velocity in Scrum is and how it is measured?
Why aren't user stories estimated in man-hours?
Why are the Scrum Pillars of Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation so important?
Why automation is recommended in Agile?
Why Backlog grooming is important?
Why do we estimate in Story points and why we use Fibonacci series?
Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?
Why is the definition of "Done" so important to the Product Owner?
Why is the Product Owner also called the “value maximizer”?
Why it is recommended to use Scrum board during the daily meeting?
Which ‘Coaching Techniques’ can I use to help the team be more self-organising?
Which are the prominent roles in a Scrum Team?
Which is better: Iterative model or incremental model?
Which methods can I apply to help a team improve its performance?
Which of the events in Scrum are time-boxed?
Which Scrum event(s) is/are an opportunity to inspect and adapt?
Which techniques can be used during a Backlog Refinement session to create Sprint ready Product Backlog Items?
Which two things does the Development Team do during the first Sprint?
How can a Scrum Master contribute to the sprint planning process? How will you make the team really work on the most valuable stories?
How can you prevent extreme weariness at retrospectives?
How do you approach standups with distributed teams?
How do you choose the most valuable user story?
How do you deal with a Product owner who assigns user stories/tasks to the individual team members?
How do you help in picking up the good user stories for the team members?
How do you make the Stakeholders attend the daily Scrum?
How do you recommend following up on action items?
How does a Scrum Master increase the productivity of the Development Team?
How much capacity would you consider to refactor, fix important bugs, explore new technologies or ideas?
How will you make the team deliver action items on time?
How are the requirements defined in a scrum?
How can a group of people reach a final decision during Scrum project implementation?
How can a Product Owner use time-boxed Sprints to obtain feedback from users and the market?
How can a self-organising team approach challenges that they discover during a Retrospective?
How can I explain Scrum to a business stakeholder?
How can I help the Product Owner create the Product Vision with the Development Team?
How can inter-team dependencies be handled when Scaling Scrum?
How can the Product Owner and Development Team move from the Product Vision to the Product Backlog?
How do you best describe Scrum?
How do you cooperate with the Scrum Team, assuming you are a product owner?
How do you ensure the Scrum Team will be working on the most valuable user stories?
How do you influence and motivate your organization to use Scrum?
How do you introduce Scrum to senior executives of your company?
How do you manage risks in Scrum projects?
How do you measure the maturity of the Scrum process?
How do you organize a Scrum team’s collaboration with stakeholders — and improve it over time?
How does an organization know that a product built through Scrum is successful?
How does self-organizing team help?
How does the Inspect and Adapt process work during a Sprint?
How important is it for a Product Owner to order Product Backlog items by value points?
How is an acceptance criterion different from the Definition of Done?
How is scrum different from the Iterative model?
How is the Product Backlog ordered?
How long is a Sprint Retrospective in a one-month Sprint?
How long the Scrum cycle last? Who are involved in Scrum cycle?
How many Scrum teams have you managed at one time?
How much should the Development Team work on a specific Product Backlog item?
How often should the Development Team membership change?
How should a Product Backlog be ordered?
How to decide the size of the iteration?
How to decide the velocity of the first sprint?
How to do productive retrospection?
How to split a user story?
How would you best describe a Sprint Review?
How would you best describe the relationship between the Product Owner and the Development Team?
How would you describe the relationship between the Product Owner and the Stakeholders?
How would you prepare to kick-off transitioning to Scrum? How would you create the first Scrum team?
When can the Product Backlog be updated?
When do Development Team members become the exclusive owners of a Sprint Backlog item?
When do we use the Agile Scrum Methodology?
When does testing need to start in Scrum?
When does the Development Team participate in Product Backlog refinement?
When does the next Sprint begin?
When is a Sprint over?
When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the definition of "done?"
When might a Sprint be abnormally terminated?
When might Scaling Scrum not be a good idea?
When multiple teams work together on the same product, should each team maintains a separate Product Backlog?
When Should You Apply Automation Testing in Agile Development?
Where did Scrum come from?
Where do you want the product to be, in a year? What’s your part in helping the Scrum Team achieve that goal? What’s your top concern that the product won’t be where you want it to be?
Who can participate in the retrospective meeting- only the Scrum team or the Product owner also?
Who writes user stories?
Who decides the Duration (length) of Sprint?
Who finalizes the number of Product Backlog items that can be selected for a Sprint?
Who has the authority to cancel a Sprint?
Who has the final say on the order of the Product Backlog?
Who is responsible for managing the progress of work during a Sprint?
Who is responsible for refining Product Backlog items?
Who must be present at the Daily Scrum meeting?
Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly?
Define the roles in Scrum?
In a retrospective, a Scrum team decides to revise the Sprint length. Does the Product Owner need to agree on the new Sprint length?
In case, the scrum master is not available, would you still conduct the daily stand up meeting?
In order to make investment decisions, the Product Owner is likely to look at the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the product being built. What costs will a Product Owner take into account?
In the early days of Product development, how exactly does the Product backlog look like?
A Development Team identifies a technical issue that requires them to work together. Who needs to facilitate this?
A member of the Scrum team does not want to participate in the sprint planning meetings and considers meeting as a waste of time. How do you deal with that kind of attitude?
A Scrum Master has a list of open impediments which is growing without proper resolutions. The Scrum Master consults with the Development Team on the problem. Is it right?
A Scrum Team is in the process of defining Product Backlog items. The Scrum Master notices that the team is not using user Story format to capture the backlog items. What should be the Scrum Master’s course of action?
A user story is lacking the final designs, and the design team is promising to deliver on Day 2. The Product Owner also agrees with that and tries to push the user story to the sprint backlog. What will be your step?
A customer wants to communicate something very relevant and important about the product to the Development Team. Who should he/she talk to?
A Development Team maintains a Sprint burn-down to track estimated work remaining. In the middle of the Sprint, the burndown graph shows an upward Spike. What does it indicate?
A Development Team with 5 members has been using 15 minute Daily Scrums. Three new members have joined the team. How long should the Daily Scrum meetings be after that?
A representative of the customer has asked the Development Team to add a very important item to an ongoing Sprint. What should they do?
A Scrum Team crafts the following Sprint Goal: “All the Sprint code should have passed 100% automated unit tests”- Is it an appropriate goal?
After Sprint Planning, the Product Backlog Items selected into the Sprint backlog are frozen and cannot be modified. In that case, is the only way to modify it is to have the Product Owner cancel the Sprint?
After Sprint Review, what all does the Production release in Scrum require?
An important executive wants the Development Team to take a highly critical feature in the current Sprint. What should be the Development Team’s course of action?
An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to change the terminology to fit with terminology already used. What will likely happen if this is done?
Apart from planning, review, and retrospective, do you know any other ceremony in the scrum?
Are there any typical metrics involved that you can track? And if so, which metrics would you track and for what purpose?
As a facilitator, how do I prepare for a workshop?
As a Scrum Master, how do you ensure that the ‘Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation’ Scrum Pillars are being implemented by the team?
As a Scrum Master, what you need to do when you find the organization or an individual is breaking one or more of the Agile Principles?
As a Scrum Master, when should I not act as a facilitator?
At what stage do you involve the Scrum team in the product discovery process and what are its benefits?
Can you draw a draft of an offline Kanban board for a Scrum team right now?
Can the value delivered by a product only be determined by revenue?
Can there be multiple teams for the same project? How to manage it?
Can you give an example of where scrum cannot be implemented? In that case, what do you suggest?
Describe the places where ‘Scrum’ and ‘Kanban’ are used?
Do you expect experienced team members to wait until the completion of the next stand-up to ask for help in resolving barriers?
Do you think it is necessary to check the team health in a retrospective? If so, how would you do it?
Do you have a Scrum Master certification?
Do you see any disadvantage of using scrum?
Do you think Scrum adequately addresses the product discovery process?
Do you think scrum can be implemented in all the software development process?
Does conducting the Daily Scrum at the same time and at the same place every day make it easier for Scrum Master and Product Owner to participate?
Does a Product Owner have the authority to replace an item in the Sprint Backlog?
Does Scrum have a role called "project manager”?
Does the senior management or organization influence how the product is evolved by the Product Owner in any way?
During the Daily Scrum, what exactly is the Scrum Master's role?
During a sprint review, the development team demos new functionality you’ve never seen before. How do you react?
During a Sprint, a Development Team determines that it will not be able to finish the complete forecast. Who should be present to review and adjust the Sprint work selected?
During daily scrum, which plan is used as a reference to understand the change in progress?
Even though the Scrum Team is following the Scrum framework entirely and their project is going well, the organization as a whole does not have a good understanding of Scrum, which makes some troubles for the Scrum Team. Who should try to fix it?
For projects which have multiple teams, how many product backlog(s) and product owner(s) should be there?
Given the complex product and its relevance to multiple departments, a Scrum Team expects that they need to invite many stakeholders for Sprint Review. It estimates that the review will take more than 4 hours. Can it increase the Sprint review duration?
Have you ever performed the removal of impediments as a scrum master on behalf of Scrum team?
Is Scrum Master a "management" position?
Is the Product Owner the only one to communicate with Stakeholders all the time?
Is it ever suggested to use waterfall over Scrum? If yes, explain when.
Is it mandatory that the product increment be released to production at the end of each Sprint?
Is it permissible to change the members of the Development Team?
Is Scrum a methodology or framework?
Is scrum fit for a small organization?
Is Sprint Review the only time during which stakeholder’s feedback is taken into account?
Is the discussion of what to do next also an additional activity as a part of the Sprint Review?
Is the value attached to the Product Backlog guaranteed to be realized?
It is usually seen that learning turns into 'validated learning' when assumptions and goals can be assessed through results. What is a key way for a Product Owner to apply validated learning?
Mention the cases in which "Agile" is working and successful in your organization
Mention what is the difference between Sprint and Iteration in Scrum?
On what metrics would you base the assessment of the value of a user story and which are the metrics that are not acceptable?
One of the Agile Manifesto values says "People over processes". Isn't the Scrum master role which enforces "the process" a contradiction?
One of the Scrum Teams chooses to have a Development Team member also playing the role of Scrum Master. Is this the right practice?
Please explain ‘Self-organizing’ team concept in Scrum?
Scrum is an Agile framework, right? Name a few other Agile frameworks?
Shall the Scrum team become involved in the product discovery process?
Share some examples from your current or previous projects where you increased the chances of delivering a high value product and how you did it?
Share your experience as a Scrum Master/Product Owner/Agile team member and what were your primary responsibilities?
Should each Sprint Backlog item be owned by a member of the Development Team?
Should Scrum Master remove impediments on behalf of the Scrum team?
Should the Development team be cross-functional?
Should the first Sprint start before the Product Owner has a complete and exhaustive Product Backlog in place?
Since the Scrum team is self-organizing, do you think it can create an additional role within the Scrum?
So, in the scrum which entity is responsible for the deliverable? Scrum Master or Product owner?
Tell me one big advantage of using scrum?
The Product Owner of the Scrum team tends to add all kinds of ideas to the backlog to continue working at the next stage. Meanwhile, this has increased to over 200 tickets at various stages. What is your decision on that? Can the Scrum team work on 200 tickets?
The Product Owner of the team turns stakeholder’s requirement documents into tickets and asks to estimate them. Are you fine with that process?
The CEO asks the Development Team to add a "very important" item to a Sprint that is in progress. What should the Development Team do?
The definition of "Done" describes the work that must be completed for every Product Backlog item before it can be deemed releasable. What should the Development Team do when, during the Sprint, it finds out that a problem outside of their control blocks them from doing all this work?
The Development Team finds out during the Sprint that they aren't likely to build everything they forecasted. What would you expect the Product Owner to do?
The Development Team should not be interrupted during the Sprint. The Sprint Goal should remain intact. These are the conditions that foster creativity, quality, and productivity. Based on this, can you say for certain that the Sprint Backlog does not change during the Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the Product Backlog. Who is accountable for estimating the effort to complete the Product Backlog items?
The Product Owner's authority to change and update the Product Backlog is typically unlimited. Is there ever any exception?
The Scrum Team gathers for Sprint Planning meeting. The Product Owner has some stories, but the team finds that stories do not provide enough information to make a forecast. What according to you is the immediate next thing to do?
To deliver a single product, three Development teams are formed. How many Product Owners are needed?
To what extent does technical debt limit the value a Product Owner can get from a product?
What’s the 2 pizza theory?
Will the Scrum team be involved in the product discovery process also, and if so, how?
Would you recommend stand-ups for all teams regardless of their size and experience level?
Would it bother you if your Scrum Master suggests a course of action concerning product development? Alternatively, Can a Scrum master pitch in regarding Product Development ideas and suggestions?
Would you be calm with letting the Dev Team(s) run the next two Sprints without talking to you (Product Owner)?
You are working as a Scrum Master in a team. Your organization plans to conduct a roadshow. You are asked to contribute to some of the related events. What should you do?
You are pushing for an important user story to be selected for the next sprint. Unfortunately, the final designs are missing — but the designers promise to deliver no more than two days in to the sprint. The Scrum Master, however, rejects the story because the ‘Definition of Ready’ has not been achieved. What can you do?
Your team's performance is constantly not meeting commitments and its velocity is very unstable. Why does this happen? And how would you solve those issues?
Your Scrum Team regularly estimates user stories at the upper end of the possible range. You believe they are playing safe, creating buffers for rainy days. How do you address this?
What are the different basic entities in Large Solution SAFe?
What are the methods for Customer Engagement?
What are the metrics and are they used in SAFe?
What are the program level roles in SAFe 4.5?
What are the responsibilities of the System Team?
What are the roles in the Solution Train?
What are the Shared services and how can the SAFe framework benefit from it?
What is an Iteration Review in SAFe?
What is innovation and planning sprint?
What is new in SAFe 4.5?
What is role of lean agile leader during safe implementation?
What is the difference between a Capability and a Feature?
What is the difference between Agile and SAFe framework?
What is the difference between Customers and Business Owners?
What is the final element of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline?
What is the goal of lean thinking?
What is the primary goal of decentralized decision-making?
Explain the difference/relationship between a Value Stream and an ART?
Why is the development manager role important when it is not included in the role definitions for team, program, large solution, nor for Portfolio.
Why is Value Stream Mapping important?
How can the Devops help in scalability?
How can you define a System Team?
How does Alignment fit in and what are the outcomes from Alignment?
How does the SAFe House of LEAN look like?
How is Essential SAFe different from Portfolio SAFe?
How is the Continuous Delivery Pipeline associated with the ART?
How is the Solution Train different from Agile Release Train?
How to deal with risks in a SAFe framework?
When does an Enterprise reach the tipping point?
Where does Decentralize Decision making fit in the overall SAFe?
Who facilitates value stream processes and execution, escalates impediments, manages risk, and helps ensure value delivery and continuous improvement?
Who is responsible for managing the portfolio Kanban in SAFe?
Apart from Scrum, which framework can be used at the team level?
Are the core values and principles in safe lean based or agile based?
Are there any reasons that Scrumban would not work with SAFe?
Can you explain the difference/relationship between a Value Stream and an ART?
Deliver early and often is part of which lean-agile principle?
Does SAFe follow Agile Architecture or it has its own model?
Is the Customer Is Part of the Value Stream?
Optimize the Whole is part of which pillar of the House of Lean?

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