16 May 2021

#Product Owners

What are a few challenges with the Product Owner role?
What are the characteristics of a good Product Backlog Item?
What are the characteristics of good user story?
What are the critical strengths of the Product Owner role?
What are the desirable qualities of the vision?
What are the different estimation levels in Scrum?
What are the factors impacting the prioritization of a product backlog?
What are the methods of keeping a healthy backlog?
What are the properties of a sprint?
What are the qualifications to become a Product Owner?
What are the skills we need in a Product Owner? Must those skills be in one person?
What are the techniques used for backlog prioritization?
What defines success for a product owner?
What do you mean by “Product”?
What do you understand by the concept of sustainable pace?
What do you understand by velocity and how to measure it?
What does Cone of Uncertainty show ?
What does it mean when we say “planning is adaptive, iterative, and collaborative”?
What is ‘Definition of Done’? Who creates it.
What is a Definition of Ready and what are its components?
What is a Product increment?
What is a Product Owner responsible for?
What is a Scrum framework?
What is acceptance criteria? Who sets it?
What is systems Thinking? How important is it for a Product Owner to have a Systems Thinking approach?
What is the common industry job title for product owner responsibilities?
What is the definition of Release PO versus Feature PO?
What is the difference between estimating and committing?
What is the difference between PM, PO, and Business Analyst?
What is the difference between the Scrum Team and the Development Team?
What is the goal of release management?
What is the importance and benefits of prioritizing the product backlog?
What is the relationship between vision and product roadmap?
What is the Release Burndown Chart?
What is the scope of the ScrumMaster role at a high level?
What is the value of technical product owner versus a business-focused product owner (and vice-versa)?
What kind of information would you require from the Product Owner to provide the team with an update on the product and market situation?
What reporting structure should Product Owners follow?
What should be done to sprint backlog item which could not be completed till the end of sprint?
What skills & competencies should a Product Owner demonstrate?
What titles would you think suitable for your business card when you think of your role as a Product Owner?
What would happen to the “Done” Product Backlog items when the Sprint is cancelled?
Explain one technique suitable to capture product backlog items?
Explain the concept of technical debt.
Why do we say software should be released early and frequently?
Why quality is said to be frozen?
Why sprints are timeboxed and protected?
Why there is no project manager and no agile product manager?
How are traditional requirements different from User Stories?
How can a release plan help forecast the future?
How do you plan release of your product? Is it every sprint?
How do you prioritize your Product backlog items ?
How does Burn Down charts help a Product Owner track the progress of a Sprint ?
How is backlog grooming done?
How is PO and SM collaboration important? How do you collaborate with scrum master?
How is vision and goal aligned to the product backlog?
How many Scrum teams would we expect a full-time Product Owner to handle?
How much customer interaction is expected from a Product Owner? How is their interaction different from Product Managers?
How non-functional requirements can be dealt with within the product backlog?
How the Product Owner and Development Team collaborate during the Sprint?
How to maximize the value of the Development Team’s work?
How will you create or help in creating a Product Roadmap?
How would a Product Owner deal with uncooperative stakeholders?
How would you characterize your role as a Product Owner? Are you a facilitator, a coach, a manager, a visionary, a tactician, a coordinator, or a driver?
How your role as a Product Owner different from Business Analyst.
When do we need this distinction versus having a single PO for smaller product teams?
When is it okay to cancel a sprint?
When it comes to creating design of a product, agile focuses on doing design early in the project. What does that mean?
Where are the customer requirements stored?
Where is management support to product owner role & backing their decisions?
Who are PO’s are accountable to?
Who are your product stakeholders?
Who is allowed to add items to the backlog and make adjustments to them?
Who is responsible for staffing the Product Owner role?
Who owns the product backlog and prioritization?
Who sets sprint goal ?
Who should Product Owners report to?
Define a Product Owner Role.
In Product Backlog Refinement meeting, do we focus on items of upcoming sprints or the current sprints?
According to you, what are the qualities or characteristics of a good product owner ?
Are you part of story grooming / User story splitting and estimation discussion?
As a Product Owner how do you communicate your marketplace knowledge to the Scrum Team?
As a product Owner how will you manage various stakeholders’ desires for the product ?
As a product owner, can you decide to cancel a sprint?
As a Product Owner, do you write user stories and give it to development team.
As a Product Owner, how do you think, you could achieve the next level of Product ownership?
As a product owner, is it your responsibility to track or measure the performance of your project?
As a product owner, what are the typical activities done by you?
As a product owner, you feel that the team is estimating most of the user stories to the upper maximum limit and creating lot of padding. This results into very less throughput and practically, estimation losing its importance, As a Product Owner, what will you do ?
Before putting an idea in a backlog as a Product Backlog item, what are the steps you perform.
Can a person be PO for multiple products?
Can a Product Owner be the Scrum Master for a team?
Can Product Owner and Scrum Master be the same person?
Can the same person be Product owner for multiple scrum teams?
Can there be more than one PO for in a scrum team ?
Can you act as a credible Product Owner if you’re not in control of the product backlog?
Describe a typical work week for product owner position?
Does a Product Owner have a veto over the release of user stories?
Does a Product Owner needs to be a technical or techno-functional person ?
Does your Agile project has proxy product owner ? If yes, how is he different than a Product Owner?
During the review, suppose the product owner or stakeholder does not agree to the feature you implemented what would you do?
During User story splitting and estimation, you find that Development team is struggling to do so. What will you do?
Handling “Distant Product Owners”?
Handling “Part Time Product Owners”?
Have you heard of MoSCoW ? What is that?
If a product has a single PO are they also the RPO?
If you are made product owner of Gmail, what changes will you bring?
Is Definition of Done is same as Definition of Ready?
Is Product Owner a job title or a role that someone with an existing job title fills?
Is the product owner a member of the Scrum Team?
Is the Product Owner or Release Product Owner Full-Time job?
Mostly the product backlog will have many items falling under Mo (Must Be) and S (Should Be) of MoSCoW. How will you prioritize within these items?
One of the Agile value is ‘Working software over comprehensive documentation”. Your team seems to live with it. While they create a world class product, they are reluctant to document. This results into many practical challenges. As a product owner, how do you deal with it.
Please explain your product line governance.
Product Owners belongs to which area?
Should the Product Owner attend the entire sprint planning ceremony?
Should the team accept changes in the sprint as requested by the Product Owner?
Tell me about your favourite product you used this morning. Why is it a good product?
There is a recent regulatory change which does not directly impacts your product, but that opened a new avenue of opportunity to your product. Anyone who adapts first will gain the market share. You are just mid-way of your existing sprint, but every day counts. Will you cancel the current sprint and work on the new opportunity features?
Typically, how much time or what percentage of your time do you allocate to user research and understanding your customers’ needs while product discovery phase?
While team estimates the user story of the current sprint, for the product roadmap, do you do or get the estimation done for future Product backlog items (Epics/Features) ? How is that done in your organisation? Who does it?
Will that impedes your work as a product owner?
With DevOps as new wave across industry, do we need a Product Owner for a DevOps team?
You have important new features prioritised to be picked up for next sprint. In that case, how will you handle new bugs and accumulating technical debts?
Your development team is repeatedly failing to fulfil the sprint commitment. As a product Owner, what can you do?

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