19 May 2021


What is Flutter?
What are the different build modes in Flutter?
What is Dart and why does Flutter use it?
What is a "widget" and mention its importance in Flutter?
What is an App state?
What is the difference between "main()" and "runApp()" functions in Flutter?
What are Null-aware operators?
What are keys in Flutter and when to use it?
What are packages and plugins in Flutter?
What is ScopedModel / BLoC Pattern?
What is Streams in Flutter/Dart?
What is profile mode and when do you use it?
What is release mode and when do you use it?
What are the similarities and differences of Future and Stream?
What is Future in Flutter/Dart?
What is a difference between these operators "?? and ?."
What is the difference between double.INFINITY and MediaQuery?
What is the difference between debug mode and profile mode?
Explain the different types of Streams?
Explain async, await in Flutter/Dart?
Explain Stateful Widget Lifecycle in details
Why do we pass functions to widgets?
How many types of widgets are there in Flutter?
How would you execute code only in debug mode?
How does Dart AOT work?
Differentiate StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget?
Differentiate between Hot Restart and Hot Reload?
Differentiate between required and optional parameters in Dart
List some approaches for State management in Flutter

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