21 January 2021


What is Scala?
What is Statically-Typed Language and What is Dynamically-Typed Language?
What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?
What are the major advantages of Scala Language? Are there any drawbacks of Scala Language?
What is the Main drawback of Scala Language?
What is the main motto of Scala Language?
What are the popular JVM Languages available now?
What is default access modifier in Scala?Does Scala have “public” keyword?
What is “Type Inference” in Scala?
What is the relationship between Int and RichInt in Scala?
What is Nothing in Scala? What is Nil in Scala? What is the relationship between Nothing and Nil in Scala?
What is Null in Scala? What is null in Scala? What is difference between Null and null in Scala?
What is Unit in Scala? What is the difference between Java’s void and Scala’s Unit?
What is the difference between val and var in Scala?
What is REPL in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s REPL? How to access Scala REPL from CMD Prompt?
What are the Scala Features?
What is “Application” in Scala or What is Scala Application? What is “App” in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s App?
What is an Expression? What is a Statement? Difference between Expression and Statement?
What is the difference between Java’s “If..Else” and Scala’s “If..Else”?
What is the difference between Function and Method in Scala?
What is PreDef in Scala?
What is Primary Constructor? What is Secondary or Auxiliary Constructor in Scala?
What is the use of Auxiliary Constructors in Scala?Please explain the rules to follow in defining Auxiliary Constructors in Scala?
What are the differences between Array and ArrayBuffer in Scala?
What is case class? What is case object? What are the Advantages of case class?
What is the difference between Case Object and Object(Normal Object)?
What is the usage of isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf methods in Scala? Is there anything similar concept available in Java?
What is the difference between “val” and “lazy val” in Scala? What is Eager Evaluation? What is Lazy Evaluation?
What is the Relationship between equals method and == in Scala? Differentiate Scala’s == and Java’s == Operator?
What is Diamond Problem? How Scala solves Diamond Problem?
What is the use of “object” keyword in Scala? How to create Singleton objects in Scala?
What is apply method in Scala? What is unapply method in Scala? What is the difference between apply and unapply methods in Scala?
What is the main design decision about two separate keywords: class and object in Scala? How do we define Instance members and Static members in Scala?
What is object in Scala? Is it a singleton object or instance of a class?
What is a Companion Object in Scala? What is a Companion Class in Scala? What is the use of Companion Object in Scala?
What is Range in Scala? How to create a Range in Scala?
What are the major differences between Scala’s Auxiliary constructors and Java’s constructors?
What is the use of ‘yield’ keyword in Scala’s for-comprehension construct?
What is guard in Scala’s for-comprehension construct?
What is the current latest version of Scala?What is the major change or update in Scala 2.12?
What is Option in Scala? What are Some and None? What is Option/Some/None Design Pattern in Scala?
What is Either in Scala? What are Left and Right in Scala? Explain Either/Left/Right Design Pattern in Scala?
What is the equivalent construct of Scala’s Option in Java SE 8? What is the use of Option in Scala?
What are the Advantages of Functional Programming (FP) or Advantages of Pure Functions?
What are the Popular Scala-Based Frameworks to develop RESTful Web Services or REST API?
What is the best Framework to generate REST API documentation for Scala-based applications?
What is the best tool to develop Play/Scala applications to persist data in MongoDB NoSQL data store?
What is the best language to use with Play framework: Scala or Java?
What are the available Build Tools to develop Play and Scala based Applications?
What is SBT? What is the best Build Tool to develop Play and Scala Applications?
What are the available Unit Testing, Functional Testing and/or BDD Frameworks for Play and Scala Based applications?
What is the best Code-coverage tool available for Play and Scala based applications?
What is the best Scala style checker tool available for Play and Scala based applications?
What is the default Unit and Functional Testing Framework for Play? What is the default Build Tool for Play? What is the Default Template Engine for Play? What is the built-in Web Server available in Play Framework?
What is an Anonymous Function In Scala? What is a Function Literal in Scala? What are the advantages of a Anonymous Function/Function Literal in Scala?
What is an Higher-Order Function (HOF)?
What are the differences between Case class and Normal Class?
What are the advantages of Play/Scala stack to develop web applications?
What is call-by-name? Does Scala and Java support call-by-name? What is the difference between call-by-value and call-by-name function parameters?
What are the Java’s OOP constructs not supported by Scala? What are the Scala’s OOP constructs not supported by Java? What are the new OOPs constructs introduced by Scala, but not supported by Java?
What are the popular MVC frameworks for Scala Language to develop Web Applications?
What are major differences between Java-Based and Scala-Based Maven Project’s structure?
What is Extractor in Scala? What is the difference between Constructor and Extractor in Scala? What is the use of Extractor in Scala?
What is the use of ‘???’ in Scala-based Applications?
What is the difference between :: and #:: in Scala? What is the difference between ::: and #::: in Scala?
Explain the main difference between List and Stream in Scala Collection API? How do we prove that difference? When do we choose Stream?
Why Scala does NOT have “static” keyword? What is the main reason for this decision?
Why Scala is better than Java? What are the advantages of Scala over Java (Java 8)? Compare to Java What are the major advantages or benefits of Scala?
Which IDEs support Play and Scala-Based Applications Development and how?
How do we implement loops functionally? What is the difference between OOP and FP style loops?
How many public class files are possible to define in Scala source file?
How many operators are there in Scala and Why?
How do you prove that by default, Case Object is Serializable and Normal Object is not?
How to define Factory methods using object keyword in Scala? What is the use of defining Factory methods in object?
How does it work under-the-hood, when we create an instance of a Class without using ‘new’ keyword in Scala? When do we go for this approach?
How do we declare a private Primary Constructor in Scala? How do we make a call to a private Primary Constructor in Scala?
How to implement interfaces in Scala?
How many values of type Nothing have in Scala?
How many values of type Unit have in Scala?
How Scala solves Inheritance Diamond Problem automatically and easily than Java 8?
How Scala supports both Highly Scalable and Highly Performance applications?
When compare to Normal Class, What are the major advantages or benefits of a Case-class?
Difference between Scala’s Int and Java’s java.lang.Integer?
Difference between Array and List in Scala?
Difference between Scala’s Inner class and Java’s Inner class?
In FP, What is the difference between a function and a procedure?
In Scala, Pattern Matching follows which Design Pattern? In Java, ‘isinstanceof’ operator follows which Design Pattern?
Does Scala support all Functional Programming concepts? Does Java 8 support all Functional Programming concepts?
Does Scala support Operator Overloading? Does Java support Operator Overloading?
Does a Companion object access private members of it’s Companion class in Scala?
If I want to become a Fullstack Scala Developer, which technology stack I should learn?
Is it a Language or Platform? Does it support OOP or FP? Who is the father of Scala?
Is Scala Statically-Typed Language?
Is Scala a Pure OOP Language? Is Java a Pure OOP Language?
Is Scala an Expression-Based Language or Statement-Based Language? Is Java an Expression-Based Language or Statement-Based Language?
Like Java’s java.lang.Object class, what is the super class of all classes in Scala?
Like Java, what are the default imports in Scala Language?
Like Hibernate for Java-based applications, What are the Popular ORM Frameworks available to use in Play/Scala based applications?
Mention Some keywords which are used by Java and not required in Scala? Why Scala does not require them?
Popular clients who are using Play and Scala to develop their applications?
Tell me some features which are supported by Java, but not by Scala and Vice versa?
  • Basic Data Types of Scala
  • Val vs Var
  • Type Inference
  • REPL
  • Objects & Classes in Scala
  • Functions as Objects in Scala
  • Anonymous Functions in Scala
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Lists in Scala
  • Maps
  • Pattern Matching
  • Traits in Scala
  • Collections in Scala

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