03 January 2021

#Blue prism

Blue prism
Define Application Modeller.
What are the disadvantages of surface automation?
What is the Active Accessibility interface in Blue Prism?
What is environmental locking?
What are two main methods of a Blue Prism process getting work from a Workflow System in blue prism?
What is Mark Exception?
What is SSD and FRQ?
What Robotic Automation system can Blue Prism incorporate?
What are the differences between robotic automation and Screen Scraping?
What is the Process in Blue Prism? And how is a Process created?
What is Retry input parameter in Blue Prism?
What is meant by the Recover stage in Blue Prism?
What are global data items?
What is a work queue in Blue Prism?
What is write stage?
What is the write stage?
What do you think of Mark Exception and System Unavailable Exception in Blue Prism?
What is Accessibility Mode and how do you switch between them?
What is Release Manager in Blue Prism?
What are Multiple-Part Processes?
What hardware infrastructure do I need to run Blue Prism's Robotic Automation Platform?
What are expression functions in blue prism?
What is Session variable?
What is Priority Input Parameter in Blue Prism?
What is meant by Process Template in the context of Blue Prism?
What are wildcards in blue prism?
What is the use of the resume function?
What is the session variable?
What is a conclusion in Blue Prism?
What is a thin client and thick client?
What are the various stages of the RPA life cycle?
What is the need for Blue Prism?
What is the use of the Encrypted option in Blue Prism?
What are the types of debugging techniques available in blue prism?
What is Queues Management? What is the different status in queues management?
What is the environment variable?
What are the features of RPA?
What is the main difference between Match Index and Match Reverse options in Blue Prism?
What is exclusive process?
What is the wildcard match type concept in Blue Prism?
What is OID and PDI?
What is the Object Studio in Blue Prism?
What are unworked items in Blue Prism?
What is a Blue Prism Process Template?
What is the use of navigating stage?
What are the main components of the RPA Blue Prism?"
What is the difference between process and object studio?
What are the stages available in object studio that is not available in process studio?
What is the difference between the defined and undefined collection?
What are the different modes available for object spying?
What is the use of Work Queues?
What are types of modes available for an object?
What is the extension of a release?
What is the use of Initialize and cleanup in object studio?
What are the languages that can be used in the coding stage?
What are the ways to expose data item?
What is Environment variable?
What are the best practices in blue prism?
What is the difference between global send keys and global send key events?
What is the format of file import/export from/to blue prism?
What is the action used to Tag an item in work queues?
What is the function used to go for stop parameters?
What are the kinds of stop available in blue prism in control room?
What are the different kinds of status symbols avaialable in the queue management of blue prism?
What is recovery mode?
What are the types of exceptions and the differences between them?
What is defer and its functionality?
What is Step,Step Over and Step Out?
What is version Control in BP and how versioning will happen in BP?
What are the Data types available in BP ?
What are Start Up parameters or input parameters?
What is Exception Bubbling ?
What is the difference between Ordinal and Match Index
What is exposure of data items?
What is conditional wait and Arbitary wait.
What is the difference between Immediate stop and request stop?
What is work queues ?
What is login agent ? how u used it ?
What is attach ?
What is the purpose of using blocks ?
What is the purpose of preserve check box in blue prism ?
What is the purpose of the queue ?
What all are the exception handling strategies in BP ?
What is element mask ?
What is Robotic Automation?
What is Blue Prism?s Robotic Automation?
What equipment framework do I have to run Blue Prism?s Robotic Automation Platform?
What amount does mechanical mechanization cost?
What is the distinction between a flimsy customer and thick customer?
What kind of systems can be motorized with RPA ( Blue Prism )?
What are the ventures Mostly utilized RPA Tool?
What are the Tools of RPA and Vendors?
What is the Thin customer and Thick customer In RPA?
What kind of strategies can be motorized with RPA ( Blue Prism )?
What Support Do I Need From Blue Prism Professional Services?
What nature of work can be automated?
What data type is used for handling matrix variables?
What are the statuses available in Queue?
What are the available control flows?
What is current version of Blue Prism?
What is Process Studio?
What is meant by a Process?
What are the different stages? What are they?
What is purpose of the Data Item?
What is difference between initial value and current value in Data Item?
What are data types available in Data Item?
What is purpose of Decision Stage? How many outbound and inbound links available in Decision Stage?
What is purpose of circular paths?
What is purpose of Achor Stage?
What is use of Breakpoint?
What is meant by Step over in running a process?
What is a collection stage?
What is default page of a process? Shall we rename that page? Or Delete that page?
What is meant by loop? Where we will use the Loop Stage?
What is meant by orphaned Reference Stage?
What is Global Variable? How to use this variable in process?
What is Environmental Variable? Where we will use this variable?
What is Sub-Process? How call this sub-process?
What is difference between local, Global and Environmental Variables?
What is Control Room? How many Control Rooms available in Bp? Purpose of Control Room?
What is purpose Business Object?
What are stages not available in Business object? Which are not available in Process Studio?
What are default pages available in Business Object? What are they?
What is Wait Stage in BP?
What are modes available in SPY mode in OCR?
What are Write Stage and Read Stages in Business Object?
What is the difference between old and new version blue prism5.0?
What is the difference between the when we are spying elements. in browses like IE and chrome?
What is thin and thick client?
What is wait action?
What is vbo file?
What is importing and exporting?
What is bprelease file?
What are the steps that should be taken care of while deploying the code?
What are the different text inputing methods in BP?
What is the difference between different text inputing methods?
What might be the reason if the status of the resource is showing as connection warning & lost in the control room?
What is login agent?
What are the steps that need to be done before using the login agent processes(login process and logout process)?
What are Business Objects and what?s their utilization in RPA application?
What are thick customers and flimsy customers?
What might be the greatest expense of mechanical procedure robotization?
What number of parts are there in Blue Prism?
What is the significance of Blue Prism?
What Robotic Automation framework can Blue Prism fuse?
What do you comprehend by the composition arrange?
What do you think the employments of Recover arrange are?
What is the foundation of equipment expected to run the Robotic Automation Platform of Blue Prism?
What is Web administration in Blue Prism?
What is the Process Studio in Blue Prism?
What is the Object Studio in Blue Prism and how is it not the same as Process Studio?
What does SDD rely on and what is the reason for the SDD?
What do you comprehend by Functional Requirements Questionnaire (FRQ)?
What is Queue Manager in Blue Prism?
What do you comprehend with Environment Variables?
What are the sorts of security in Blue Prism?
What is environmental locking
What is page Hierarchy?
What is Collection?
What is Bubbling effect?
What is the max Wait time for a web page to load?
What is Attribute?
What is Credential Store?
What is Block For?
What is Business Exception?
What is the purpose of resume block?
What is the Difference Between Get Work sheet as Collection and Get work sheets as Collection(Fast) ?
Name the Stages which are present in Object Studio but absent in Process Studio?
Name some of the Actions that you have used in Excel VBO ?
Explain Global Mouse Click and Global Send Keys.
Explain Tags in Blue Prism.
Explain the usage of dynamic match type.
Explain the differences between Page reference and Action Stage
Explain work queues in the context of RPA Blue Prism. How can we configure priorities for work queues?
Explain on a session in Blue prism.
Explain the difference between session and an environment variable.
Explain the Interface/Infrastructure of blue prism.
Explain the default pages of Process/Object.
Explain process followed in your RPA project ?? explain the RPA life cycle ?
Why do we say that RPA Blue Prism offers a secure and auditable automation platform?
Why do we use the 'Preserve' checkbox option in Blue Prism?
Why do we provide empty fields in Blue Prism?
Why do we use the Wait stage in Blue Prism?
Why is initialize and clean up necessary in object studio?
Why is The Stop? decision necessary while working with work queues?
Why Blue Prism?
Which part of the blue prism interacts with applications?
Which are the languages used in coding stage in blue prism?
Which stages helps in taking 2 or more decisions at a time?
Which are the exception functions we use generally?
which stage is necessary to catch exception ?
How can safe stop be configured?
How can you set the priority for a work Queue in Blue Prism?
How can you run more than one instance of a process?
How can you include collection field in an expression?
How many times a Session can run?
How to publish a process to control room?
How to invoke java script in blue prism?
How will you run the process developed on your machine in other?s machine in standalone deployment?
How will you access single variable in all pages in a process/object?
How match index is unique?
How to write a value in to an application without using write stage?
How to view stage logging?
How do you spy an element in blue prism?
How do you change the spy mode when spying an element in blue prism?
How can we exit the spy mode in blue prism?
How many Start and End stages will be there in each page of process/object studio?
How Many Applications Can be Configured in One Object ?
How to Automate Excel Applications ?
How do you handle more than 1 lack or 1 million records in the Excel Sheet.How do you automate the Excel. ?
How do we automate web application.
How do we automate Java based application?
how can data item set as global variable or what are local and global variables in bp?
How can we launch the App without using the Application modeller.
How to enable and disable logs ?
How would I begin on conveying forms utilizing Blue Prism?
How to Choose a RPA Tool?
How to link Robot to Control Room?
How Control Room Communicates with Robot?
How to install new Objects?
How to move process to control room?
How to Schedule a Process?
How Variables are called?
How to Iterate through Collection?
How to handle Exception?
How to load Queue item?
How to retrieve item from Queue?
How to access a specific header value in Collection?
How to Run a Process?
How to validate the Process Validation?
How to start a Flow Process?
How ways to controlling a Play in Process?
How many Start and End points available in page?
How to declare input and output parameters?
How to publish a Process? Why we need to publish a process?
How many types of modes are avaible when spying the values?
How many processes can i run with single licence?
how many runtime resources that can be registered with single license?
How long will it take to wind up independent in creating Robotic Automated Process?
How Blue Prism Professional administrations can be strong?
How to begin conveying process through Blue Prism?
Where will you declare session and environment variables?
Where can you see the log of the process run?
Where will you generally define the credentials and how will you use them in blue prism?
Where is Control Room?
Where do you design process?
Where will user Management be done?
Where will Credentials get saved?
Where are last ran status can be seen?
Where can you catch Exception Message?
Where we declare the input parameters?
Difference between global send keys and global send key events
Difference Between collections and data items.
Difference Between Resume and recovery
Difference between Thin & Thick Client?
Difference between environmental & session Variable?
Difference between runmodes?
Difference between functionality of process or object.
Difference between process and object stages
Difference between global and local variables.
Difference between Page reference and Action Stage
In Blue Prism, Exception functions like ExceptionDetail() and ExceptionType() cannot be used in Recovery Mode. Is it true or false?
IN one licence how many machines are worikng? any limitations
In word vbo what is the disadvantage?
In what ways Blue Prism is not quite the same as UiPath?
Are nested blocks allowed in blue prism?
Benefits of process information page ?
By default what pages are there in Business objects?
By using Set Next Stage, We can do ?Fast-forward? or ?rewind??
Can we publish Objects into Control Room ?
Can We delete the Process or Object from the Studio when it is executed atleast once ?
can we create users in blue prism?
Clarify Application Modeler.
Consider the following diagram, The output will be of value =?
Credentials are set of user name and password used by the blue prism process and object to access target application.
Defined Collection ? is a collection where we create fields and initialize values to that fields.
Delay/sleep can be achieved thru
Describe the two ways to expose data items?
Different Run modes
Different modes of spying an element in blue prism?
Does blue crystal require coding?
Does Data table exist in Blue Prism?
Does Blue Prism go under RPA Tool? Do you think about some other RPA apparatus?
Does Robotic Automation take after macros or screen scratching? Assuming no, at that point separate between them.
Exception handling ? when he error occurs within bp business process these error has to be handled in order to make the process complete.
Exhibit the essential contrasts between Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism.
Global mouse click center and press are used in the navigate stage and there purpose is to click on any of the buttons of the app.
Highlights Of RPA (Robotic Process computerization)?
If the calculation1 have exception and it goes to recover and the calculation2 also have exception, what is the correction in this flow to go thru end stage without exception.
If a folder is having 10 excel files that are created on different dates, how can we get the latest excel file from the folder?
Input and output parameters ? outlook to web application
is it possible to pause work queue temporarily ?
Is Blue Prism a RPA Tool?
Is coding fundamental for Blue Prism?
Is Blue Prism Stand alone?
Is Robotic Automation Platform of Blue Prism auditable and verified?
Is there any coding in blue prism?
Its without code and can mechanize any product.
Blue prism
  • RPA
  • Object studio and Process Studio
  • Application Modeller
  • Work Queues
  • Exceptions Handling
  • Credentials Manager - User, Role and Log Management
  • Email and Surface Automation
  • Schedule Management

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