03 January 2021


What is Talend?
What is Talend job?
What will contain in exported files from talend?
What is Dynamic schema?
What is Shared DB Connection in Talend?
What are Routines and how they can be accessed?
What is context variables?
What is dynamic schema and how can we define dynamic schema?
What is use of tJavaFlex?
What is the use of the tContexLoad component?
what is the use of a unique match
What is parallelism
Name the services offered by Talend?
Name some cache memory components.
Why ‘GC overhead limit exceeded’ error occurs?
Why Talend?
Which component of talend can perform various tasks?
Which component can be used to print the data on console?
which command is used to check running jobs in server.
How to create a job?
How can you add component in your talend job?
How can we write the customized java code in Talend?
How can you export job?
How can we execute job on remote server in local Talend Studio?
How can we create contexts which can be used in multiple job?
How can we execute shell script from talend job?
How can you capture logs using tlogCatcher component?
How can you store job logs using AMC?
How data can be sent from the parent job to the child job?
How to execute a Talend Job remotely?
How can we perform different types of join using Talend components?
How can we trigger a component after successful run of other components?
How can we schedule a job in Talend?
How many types of triggers present in TAC/Talend?
How to create a Hadoop cluster in Talend?
How to read a JSON file using Talend?
How to create a Map Reduce job through Talend?
How can we call a child job in master job? How can we trigger particular steps before and after a job?
How many run modes are there in Talend?
how can we improve the performance of a job
How to improve map performance
Where are you going to implement the logics for integration?
Difference - tjava vs tjavarow vs tjavaflex
Difference - tsortaggrow vs tag grow
Difference - hash vs buffet components
Difference - partition vs departure
Benifits of using tMap over tJoin:
Can we modify the code of talend job in code view?
Can we write customized java code in Talend?
Can we call job within job?
Design a job where the job should start if there are records in the DB.
Design a job where it can read files when the file is in the folder.
Design a job where updated records or newly inserted records must be loaded into the target
Handling Hierarchical XML file and extracting data?
Is it possible to call web services from talend job?
List the usage of tmap component?
List some of the components used to connect MQ websphere
Null handling in Talend?
Techniques to increase performance of a job having huge lookup data?
Types of Scheduling triggers in TAC

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