22 October 2020


Spring JPA
What is the Java Persistence API?
What is the object-relational mapping?
What are the advantages of JPA?
What are the embeddable classes?
What is the JPQL?
What are the steps to persist an entity object?
What are the steps to insert an entity?
What are the steps to find an entity?
What are the steps to update an entity?
What are the steps to delete an entity?
What are the different directions of entity mapping?
What are the different types of entity mapping?
What is an orphan removal in mappings?
What are the different types of identifier generation?
What is an entity?
What are the properties of an entity?
What is the role of Entity Manager in JPA?
What are the constraints on an entity class?
What is the purpose of Java collections in JPA?
What type of objects can be stored in the JPA collections mapping?
What type of collections can be used in JPA?
What is the purpose of cascading operations in JPA?
What are the types of cascade supported by JPA?
What is JPQL?
What are the features of JPQL?
What is the Criteria API?
Explain persistence life cycle of an object?
Does JPA performs the actual task like access, persist and manage data?
Insert a record mechanism using JPA?
List some ORM frameworks.

  • Java Persistence API
  • Persistence Life cycle
  • Object Relation Mapping
  • ORM Frameworks
  • Embedded class
  • JPQL - Java Persistence Query Language
  • Persistence.xml
  • Entity mapping - One to One mapping, One to Many mapping, Many to One mapping, Many to Many mapping
  • Orphan removal mapping
  • Entity & Entity manager - Constraints
  • Criteria

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