28 December 2024


What are the industrial benefits of PySpark?
What is PySpark?
What is PySpark UDF?
What are the types of PySpark?s shared variables and why are they useful?
What is SparkSession in Pyspark?
What do you understand about PySpark DataFrames?
What are the advantages of PySpark RDD?
What are the different cluster manager types supported by PySpark?
What are RDDs in PySpark?
What are PySpark serializers?
What is PySpark SparkContext?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of PySpark?
What are the characteristics of PySpark?
What would happen if we lose RDD partitions due to the failure of the worker node?
What do you understand by Pyspark Streaming? How do you stream data using TCP/IP Protocol?
What is PySpark SQL?
What do you understand by Pyspark?s startsWith() and endsWith() methods?
What are the different approaches for creating RDD in PySpark?
What are the profilers in PySpark?
What is the common workflow of a spark program?
What PySpark DAGScheduler?
What is PySpark Architecture?
What is PySpark? / What do you know about PySpark?
What are the main characteristics of PySpark?
What is RDD in PySpark?
What are the key advantages and disadvantages of PySpark?
What are the prerequisites to learn PySpark?
What are the key differences between an RDD, a DataFrame, and a DataSet?
What do you understand by PySpark SparkContext?
What is the usage of PySpark StorageLevel?
What do you understand by data cleaning?
What is PySpark SparkConf?
What are the different types of algorithms supported in PySpark?
What is SparkCore, and what are the key functions of SparkCore?
What do you know about PySpark SparkFiles?
What do you know about PySpark serializers?
What is PySpark ArrayType? Give an example to explain it well.
What are the most frequently used Spark ecosystems?
What machine learning API does PySpark provide?
What is PySpark Partition? How many partitions can you make in PySpark?
What do you understand by PySpark DataFrames?
What do you understand by "joins" in PySpark DataFrame? What are the different types of joins available in PySpark?
What is Parquet file in PySpark?
What do you understand by a cluster manager? What are the different cluster manager types supported by PySpark?
What is the difference between get(filename) and getrootdirectory()?
What do you understand by SparkSession in Pyspark?
What are the key advantages of PySpark RDD?
What do you understand by custom profilers in PySpark?
What do you understand by Spark driver?
What is PySpark SparkJobinfo?
What are the main functions of Spark core?
What do you understand by PySpark SparkStageinfo?
What is the use of Spark execution engine?
What is the use of Akka in PySpark?
What do you understand by startsWith() and endsWith() methods in PySpark?
What do you understand by RDD Lineage?
What are the main attributes used in SparkConf?
What are the main file systems supported by Spark?
What is DStream in PySpark?
What is PySpark, and how does it differ from Apache Spark?
What are RDDs in Spark? How do they differ from DataFrames?
What is a DataFrame in PySpark, and how is it different from a SQL table?
What methods can be used to perform data filtering in PySpark DataFrames?
What is the use of the withColumn function?
What is a UDF (User Defined Function) in PySpark, and how do you use it?
What are some common performance tuning techniques in PySpark?
What is Spark?s Catalyst optimizer?
What is the role of the broadcast variable in PySpark?
What is the difference between map and flatMap in PySpark?
What are some common algorithms available in PySpark MLlib?
What are the common ways to monitor and manage Spark jobs?
What are some common issues faced while running PySpark jobs on a cluster?
What tools or techniques do you use to log and trace PySpark job execution?
What is the role of serialization in Spark, and what formats are supported?
What is the significance of the saveAsTable method in PySpark?
What are the key differences between Spark SQL and Hive SQL?
What are the best practices for managing large-scale data processing using PySpark?
Explain the common workflow of a spark program.
Explain the architecture of Spark.
Explain the use of groupBy and agg functions in PySpark.
Explain the difference between union and unionByName in PySpark.
Explain the concept of partitioning and its impact on performance.
Explain how Spark Streaming works with PySpark.
Explain the concept of Pipelines in PySpark MLlib.
Explain how PySpark can be integrated with Azure Databricks.
Explain the use of DataFrame schema and its importance.
Explain the concept of lineage in PySpark.
Why do we use PySpark SparkFiles?
Why is PySpark SparkConf used?
Why are Partitions immutable in PySpark?
Why is PySpark faster than pandas?
How can you inner join two DataFrames?
How can we create DataFrames in PySpark?
How to create SparkSession?
How will you create PySpark UDF?
How can you implement machine learning in Spark?
How can you associate Spark with Apache Mesos?
How can we trigger automatic cleanups in Spark to handle accumulated metadata?
How can you limit information moves when working with Spark?
How is Spark SQL different from HQL and SQL?
How do you create a SparkSession in PySpark?
How do you read data from a CSV file using PySpark?
How do you perform joins in PySpark DataFrames?
How do you handle missing data in PySpark DataFrames?
How can you perform sorting and ordering on a DataFrame?
How does Spark handle performance optimization?
How does Spark?s Tungsten execution engine improve performance?
How do you use the cache and persist methods? What are the differences?
How do you handle skewed data in PySpark?
How do you use PySpark?s MLlib for machine learning tasks?
How can you perform feature engineering using PySpark?
How do you evaluate model performance in PySpark?
How do you integrate PySpark with Hadoop?
How do you use PySpark with AWS services like S3 or EMR?
How do you debug a PySpark application?
How do you handle exceptions in PySpark?
How do you work with different data formats like JSON, Parquet, or Avro in PySpark?
How do you handle schema evolution in PySpark?
How does PySpark handle data skew?
How can you perform incremental processing with PySpark?
What is PySpark Architecture?
What are the different ways to handle row duplication in a PySpark DataFrame?
what do you mean by ?joins? in PySpark DataFrame? What are the different types of joins?
What is PySpark ArrayType?
What is PySpark Partition?
What is meant by PySpark MapType? How can you create a MapType using StructType?
What is the function of PySpark's pivot() method?
What are Sparse Vectors? What distinguishes them from dense vectors?
What API does PySpark utilize to implement graphs?
What is meant by Piping in PySpark?
What are the various levels of persistence that exist in PySpark?
What are the types of PySpark?s shared variables and why are they useful?
What PySpark DAGScheduler?
Explain the use of StructType and StructField classes in PySpark with examples?
Explain PySpark UDF with the help of an example?
Why do we use PySpark SparkFiles?
How can you create a DataFrame a) using existing RDD, and b) from a CSV file?
How can PySpark DataFrame be converted to Pandas DataFrame?
How can data transfers be kept to a minimum while using PySpark?
When to use Client and Cluster modes used for deployment?
In PySpark, how do you generate broadcast variables?
  • DataFrames
  • Loading CSV Files into DataFrames
  • Defining Schema
  • Column Selection
  • Column Manipulation ? Add, Rename & Drop Columns
  • DF Operations: Distinct and Filter
  • Sorting & String Functions
  • String Functions & Concatenation
  • Split, Explode & Array Functions
  • Trimming & Padding Strings
  • Date Functions
  • Handling Null Values
  • Aggregation Functions
  • Joins
  • When & Otherwise Statements
  • cast() and printSchema()
  • Union vs UnionAll
  • Union vs. UnionByName
  • Window Functions
  • explode() vs explode_outer
  • Pivot & Unpivot

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