30 November 2023




What is Version control system or Source code manager?
What is Git and What is a repository in GIT?
What is the common branching pattern in GIT?
What is Pull requests?
What is git clone command used for?
What is git config command user for?
What is git fetch?
What is git merge?
What is git pull?
What is the difference between ?git remote? and ?git clone??
What is the function of ?git rm??
What is the function of ?git checkout? in git?
What is the use of ?git log??
What is git webhooks?
What is git rebase?
What is git stash?
What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?
What is the difference between git rebase and git merge?
What is forking in git repositories?
What is soft and hard reset and their difference?
What kind of branching and merging you worked on GIT.
What is tagging in GIT and what is the diff between feature branching and tagging?
What is commit message?
What is staging area in git?
How to install git in Linux & Windows?
How to setup repository though command line?
How to setup repository in github and clone it?
How to remove/rename files in local git repo?
How to sync local git repo data with github?
How to change branches in local git repo?
How to setup github ssh authentication?
How do you check after git merge ?where merging is correctly or not?
How to create branch and delete a branch?
How can u implement authentication and authorization in git?
How to merge the code?
Do you get any conflicts while merging..how can u resolve conflicts?
What commands do you use in Git
What is the difference between the approaches of Trunk BASD and Feature Branch
What is the difference between the approaches of Trunk BASD and Feature Branch
What are the general branching strategies you know
What teams do you use in Git
What are the general branching strategies do you know
What is the difference between the approaches of Trunk BASD and Feature Branch
Why are you needed versions control systems?
Why are you needed versions control systems?
How is Rebase different from Merge?
How to drain two different branches
How to drain two different branches
  • Git - Distributed version control, Staging area, Conflict, Fork
  • Repository - Bare repository
  • Git - Git Clone, Git Add , Git Commit (Squashing Commits) , Git Push, Git Pull , Git Fetch , Git Merge , Git Rebase , Git Stash , Git Reset (Soft, Mixed, Hard) , Git Revert , Git Log , Git Diff
  • Branching and Merging - Create, delete, Rename, Merging, Merging Conflict, Merge vs Rebase, Orphan Branch
  • Git Hooks , Git Submodules , Git Worktrees , Git Bisect , Git Cherry-pick , Git Reflog , Git Tags
  • Collaborative Environments - Pull request, code reviews, Managing access and permission, Locking braches
  • Git Blame & Git Bisect
  • HEAD, Detached HEAD
  • Git LFS
  • Git Errors
  • Recover lost commit
  • Detached Head state
  • .gitignore
  • Sparse Checkout
  • Rerere (Reuse Recorded Resolution)





21 November 2023


Apache Archiva

20 November 2023


Define the two (2) types of IOC specifiers which are present in the spring.
What is Spring Core?
What is the purpose of BeanFactoryPostProcessor?
What are all the AOP advices used in Spring Transaction internally?
What is RowMapper? For which sake we will use RowMapper?
What are all the annotations used in inside of @SpringBootApplication annotation?
What is CLI in SpringBoot? What is the use?
What is Bean Lifecycle?
What is Front Controller?
What is the reason to create two inject with each other.
What is Handler Mapping? What is the purpose of Handler Mapping?
What is the Use of support(Class class) method and validator class of Validator class?
What is Handler interceptor?
What are all the benefits of Spring ORM?
What does my Authenticate manager will do?
What is view Resolver? How many types of view Resolvers are there?
What is DataSource? What is the implementation spring provided for dataSource?
What is NamedParameterJDBCTemplate?
What is the Use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations?
What is Dependency Check in Spring?
What is BeanAlias in Spring?
What is the use of BeanPropertySqlParameterSource?
What is method Replacement in Spring?
What is the use of @Configuration use and wen we will use?
What are all the StereoType Annotation Spring provided and Which scenario we need to use Which Annotation?
What is the Use of RequestMappingHandlerAdapter?
What are the attributes which helps to slove ambiguity problem in constructor dependence Injection?
What is mutual dependences?
What is depends on attribute?
What is the disadvantage of auto wiring?
What is the use of singleton attribute?
What is the attribute used for secondary dependency Injection using Xml?
What are the methods present in FactoryBean Interface?
What is the use of isSingleton() in FactorBean?
What is the use of PropertyPlaceHolderConfiguration class?
What is the use of hibernate template?
What is the use of ?
What is AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor?
What is the default handler mapping?
What are various handler mappings?
What are @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations?
What is spring-boot-starter-parent?
What is @SpringBootTest?
What is the use of spring-boot-devtools?
What are dependencies required in any application to make has JPA application?
what is CrudRepository?
What is the use of Actuator in Springboot?
What is H2 in Springboot?
What is the default scope?
What are the Spring scopes?
What is Session scope?
What are different types of Autowire?
What are types of pointcuts?
What are types of Advisors?
What is a Spring Configuration File?
What are the benefits of IOC?
What are the five (5) bean scopes supported by spring?
What are the three ways in which injection dependencies can be done?
What is meant by bean wiring in spring?
What are the exceptions which are been thrown by the spring DAO classes?
What are classes which are present in spring JDBC API?
What are the two transaction management which spring supports?
What is joinPoint?
What is an Advice? Types?
What is meant by DispatcherServlet?
What are the different AOP implementations?
What are the features which are now available in spring framework 4.0 and spring framework 0?
What is the main configuration of @SpringBootApplication?
What are the ways to create application context in java program?
What are the different modules in Spring framework?
What is BeanFactory?
What is AOP Alliance?
What is Spring configuration file?
What are different types of Autowire types?
What is the purpose of the session scope?
What is the default scope in the web context?
What does the InternalResourceViewResolver do?
What internal resource views?
What is springAOP and aspectAOP?
What is Weaving
What is Front Controller
What is the role of IOC container in the spring
What is ViewResolver in spring
What is Spring Framework? Advantages?
What are the components availble in Spring application?
What is Auto Wiring and their modes
What is dependency injection
What is @RequestMapping annotation
What is Aspect Oriented Programming
What is Proxy in Spring Framework
What is component scan
What is Dirty Read
What is Spring Internationalization
What are the differences between Model, ModelMap, and ModelAndView?
What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring?
What does the double wildcard (*) on a servlet mapping url-pattern mean?
What exactly is Field Injection and how to avoid it?
What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam?
What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring?
What is recommended way for spawning threads from a servlet in Tomcat
what is the command object in spring framework
What is the difference between defining @Transactional on class vs method
What is the difference between ResponseEntity < T > and @ResponseBody?
What is the difference between spring factory-method and factory-bean?
what tomcat native library should I be using in production?
Why spring provided Starter Dependencies?
Why spring integrated with AspectJ?
Why Servlet called as Controller in spring?
Why Bean Factory Removed?
Why are controllers testable artifacts?
Why DispatcherServlet creates another application context?
Why is my Spring 3 Validator Validating Everything on the Model?
Why this Spring application with java-based configuration don't work properly
Why use only one SessionFactory Object per application?
Which objects will be created by defalut when we inject list, set and map depedencies by xml?
Which method is used to set the data source in jdbc template?
Which is better, return ?ModelAndView? or ?String? on spring3 controller
How IOC container will create Object for Private constructor classes?
How many AOP implementations Spring support? Why?
How many times the static pointcut matches method will be called?
How to work with Spring JDBC?
How dispatcher servlet know which Handler Mapping its has to go?
How many ways we can break the singleton?
How to rectify the ?ContextLoaderListener? class not Found Exception wile deploing Application in WebServer.
How to make scope has prototype?
How to solve the ambuguity problem when autowire is byType?
How to use look-up depenendence Injection?
How to use Initializing and Disposable Bean?
How many command controllers are present?
How to use CrudRepository?
How to inject arraylist into a class through xml?
How are the records fetched by the spring JDBC Template?
How can you fetch records by spring JdbcTemplate?
How can I @Autowire a spring bean that was created from an external jar?
How can I make Spring WebServices log all SOAP requests?
How do I get the Session Object in Spring?
How do I obtain the Jackson ObjectMapper in use by Spring 4.1?
how do you inject a bean into a @Controller class
How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping
How does @RequestParam in Spring handle Guava's Optional?
How does autowiring work in Spring?
How does the Spring @ResponseBody annotation work in this RESTful application example?
How exactly works the Spring bean post processor?
How Spring Cloud Gateway is different from Zuul
How to access plain json body in Spring rest controller?
How to autowire RestTemplate using annotations
How to bind an object list with thymeleaf?
How to change HAL links format using Spring HATEOAS
How to change the content type in exception handler
How to config ?CommonsMultipartResolver? in spring4 without xml to upload file
How to configure annotations processing in IntelliJ IDEA 14 for current project work?
How to configure embedded Tomcat integrated with Spring to listen requests to IP address, besides localhost?
How to configure MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter while using spring annotation-based configuration?
How to convert a multipart file to File?
How to correctly prevent caching of 302 redirect location?
How to correctly use PagedResourcesAssembler from Spring Data?
How to enable browser caching of static content(images, css, js) with Tomcat?
How to get error text in controller from BindingResult
How to get the request context in a freemaker template in spring
How to handle MaxUploadSizeExceededException
How to handle requests that includes forward slashes (/)?
How to implement @RequestMapping custom properties
How to loop through Map in Thymeleaf
How to manage REST API versioning with spring?
How to map Page < ObjectEntity > to Page < ObjectDTO > in spring-data-rest
How to mix spring-data-rest with spring websocket into a single implementation
How to obtain a current user locale from Spring without passing it as a parameter to functions?
How to POST JSON data with Curl from Terminal/Commandline to Test Spring REST?
How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5?
How to re-create database before each test in Spring?
How to redirect URLs with trailing slash to the corresponding ones without it?
How to return a custom object from a Spring Data JPA GROUP BY query
How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody
How to reuse a Criteria object with hibernate?
how to send an array in url request
How to send list of Objects to View and back to Post method in controller
How to serve .html files with Spring
How to serve static html content page in spring-boot
How to set Environment Variable in Netbeans?
How to specify validation group for @Valid?
How to test if JSON path does not include a specific element, or if the element is present it is null?
How to use @Autowired in a Quartz Job?
How to use < sec:authorize access=?hasRole('ROLES)? > for checking multiple Roles?
How to use < spring:message > inside an attribute of < form:input > ?
How to use Collections.sort() in Java ? (Specific situation)
How to use Layered architecture of spring and still follow object oriented structure?
How to write a spring bean with a constructor that contains a list?
When we should go for Abstract Wizard Controller?
when we call getbean method two times for creating object when scope is default how many objects are created?
When we need to go for point-cut?
When to use BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping?
When to use After throwing advice?
When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?
When to use @RestController vs @RepositoryRestResource
When to use ModelAndView vs Model in Spring?
When use AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer and WebApplicationInitializer?
When use ResponseEntity and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications
Where can I download JSTL taglibs? i.e. jstl.jar and standard.jar
Where can I download Spring Framework jars without using Maven?
Where is the @Autowired annotation supposed to go - on the property or the method?
Difference - auto wire and @Autowired?
Difference - application context and Bean factor?
Difference - Bean factory and Application context.
Difference - Constructor Injection and Setter Injection.
Difference - Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP
Difference between @Valid and @Validated in Spring
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest
Difference between modelAttribute and commandName
Difference between modelAttribute and commandName attributes in form tag in spring?
difference between redirect and redirect inside modelandview
Difference between spring @Controller and @RestController annotation
Difference between the annotations @GetMapping and @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
Difference webcontent and webapp
In Spring AOP with which Advice programmer have a control?
In which the run time exception occurs JDBC or Spring JDBC?
In Which data base connection close is mandatory JDBC or Spring JDBC?
In the spring container, how are the configuration metadata are been provided?
In how many ways spring can be used to access hibernate?
In Spring 3 is it possible to dynamically set the reason of @ResponseStatus?
${employee.id} from List in JSP throws java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ?id?
@Autowire strange problem
@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency
@Bean Annotation in which scenario we will use.
@ModelAttribute annotation, when to use it?
@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring
@RequestParam vs @PathVariable
@Service are constructed twice
?Could not find acceptable representation? using spring-boot-starter-web
?Not supported for DML operations? with simple UPDATE query
404 error redirect in Spring with java config
About multiple containers in spring framework
AbstractWizardFormController using Annotated @Controllers
Accessing Spring beans from a Tiles view (JSP)
Add attributes to the model of all controllers in Spring 3
Adding a directory to tomcat classpath and read the property file in spring
Adding multiple validators using initBinder
Advantages of using spring stereotypes?
alternative to GrantedAuthorityImpl() class
Ant, Tomcat Build Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/B2CConverter
Any open source Spring sample project that's bigger than PetClinic?
applicationContext not finding Controllers for Servlet context
Are Spring singleton beans thread-safe?
Authentication and authorization in Spring Data REST
automatically add header to every response
Autowiring fails: Not an managed Type
Autowiring two beans implementing same interface - how to set default bean to autowire?
BCrypt performance deterioration
Bean injection inside a JPA @Entity
Best practices for rolling back transactions in Spring 3/Hibernate
Binding a list in @RequestParam
Can anyone explain servlet mapping?
Can I make a custom controller mirror the formatting of Spring-Data-Rest / Spring-Hateoas generated classes?
Can Jackson be configured to trim leading/trailing whitespace from all string properties?
Can not find the tag library descriptor of springframework
Cannot Autowire Service in HandlerInterceptorAdapter
Combine GET and POST request methods in Spring
Configuring RequestContextListener in SpringBoot
Confused about how to handle CORS OPTIONS preflight requests
Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported for @RequestBody MultiValueMap
ConversionService in Spring
Convert StreamResult to string or xml
Converting empty String to null Date object with Spring
Copy specific fields by using BeanUtils.copyProperties?
CORS with spring-boot and angularjs not working
Could not autowire field in spring. why?
could not extract ResultSet in hibernate
Could not open ServletContext resource
create two method for same url pattern with different arguments
Custom HttpMessageConverter with @ResponseBody to do Json things
DataTables Error: ?Requested unknown parameter?
Delete cookie from a servlet response
Different property variable for Local and prod Environment (Spring)
Display JSON Data in HTML Table
Does curl remove new line characters?
Does Spring require all beans to have a default constructor?
Download file with original file name
Dynamic Web Module 3.0 ? 3.1
Eclipse warning: XXXXXXXXXXX.jar will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result
Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource : Invocation of init method failed
Error in Web.xml "Element ? is not allowed here
Error: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey with Spring controller
exception loading sessions from persistent storage
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute while running java -jar
File Upload with Angular2 to REST API
Filter order in spring-boot
Finding your application's URL with only a ServletContext
Forward HttpServletRequest to a different server
Get ?Invalid derived query? error all over the place in our Spring Data JpaRepository interfaces in STS 3.1
Get last records ordered by data on Spring Data
getServletConfig().getServletContext() equivalent in Spring
getServletConfigClasses() vs getRootConfigClasses() when extending AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer
Getting a org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException with my first Maven, Spring Project
Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContext in JUnit
Give the limitations with auto wiring
Give the abbreviation for JDO and JPA
Hibernate validator: @Email accepts ask@stackoverflow as valid?
HQL ERROR: Path expected for join
HttpSession null after replacing AuthorizationRequest
I am confused about how to use @SessionAttributes
I can't debug using breakpoints
IncompatibleClassChangeError: class ClassMetadataReadingVisitor has interface ClassVisitor as super class
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue
INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
IntelliJ Artifact has invalid extension
IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation
IntelliJ needs to copy tomcat/conf directory to project directory
IntelliJ says 'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh' error=13 permission denied
INTERFACES or TARGET_CLASS which proxyMode to choose
Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue?
Is it possible to use different view resolvers?
Is it possible to use multiple params in the itemLabel of a form:select/form:option
Is there a templating language similar to Razor for Java Spring web applications?
Isolated Controller Test can't instantiate Pageable
Jackson 2.0 with Spring 3.1
Jackson's @JsonView, @JsonFilter and Spring
Java config for spring interceptor where interceptor is using autowired spring beans
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A ServletContext is required to configure default servlet handling
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/fileupload/FileItemFactory
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;
Jetty Annotation Timeout Reason
JSON character encoding
JSON Post request for boolean field sends false by default
JSR-303 @Valid annotation (nested object) not working
Launching Spring application Address already in use
LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session
Limitations of Dependency Injection
List out the major features in the versions of spring framework
List out the roles of an IOC Container
List some of the AOP Terminologies
List out some important spring annotations
Loading context in Spring using web.xml
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger in web.xml
Manually call Spring Annotation Validation
Maven- No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot' in the current project and in the plugin groups
Migrating from Spring 3 to Spring 4 - org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean
ModelMap usage in Spring
Multiple scenarios @RequestMapping produces JSON/XML together with Accept or ResponseEntity
Multiple Spring @RequestMapping annotations
My Application Could not open ServletContext resource
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attr
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute
No adapter for handler exception
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/WEB-INF/pages/apiForm.jsp]
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI? in DispatcherServlet with name
No matching bean of type ? found for dependency
No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?
Not supported for DML operations with JPA update query
One-to-many relation ship how we will map objects in Spring JDBC?
Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException: No Identifier Specified For Entity I don't have a id in my table
org.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found
org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: The current request is not a multipart request
Passing an Array or List to @Pathvariable - Spring/Java
Passing data in the body of a DELETE request
PathVariable in Spring Controller
Prototype Bean doesn't get autowired as expected
purpose of webAppRootKey?
Reasons for not directly writing Servlets for creating a REST API
Redirect from one controller method to another controller method
Redirect on Ajax Jquery Call
Registering beans(prototype) at runtime in Spring
request scoped beans in spring testing
Resolving spring:messages in javascript for i18n internationalization
REST with Spring and Jackson full data binding
RESTful Authentication via Spring
Scope of a Spring-Controller and its instance-variables
Sending GET request with Authentication headers using restTemplate
Sending message to specific user on Spring Websocket
Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests
Serializing enums with Jackson
Set Jackson Timezone for Date deserialization
Setting Precedence of Multiple @ControllerAdvice @ExceptionHandlers
Should I build a REST backend for GWT application
Should I put the ID of my entity in the URL or into the form as a hidden field?
Should web service be separate from web site?
Solve ?failed to lazily initialize a collection of role? exception
Some clarification about Spring @Transactional annotation on a method
Spring ORM based on which design pattern it implemented?
Spring container creates the objects instand of us we call it?
Spring - applicationContext.xml cannot be opened because it does not exist
Spring - No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread - cannot reliably process 'persist' call
Spring - Redirect after POST (even with validation errors)
Spring : File Upload RESTFUL Web Service
Spring @ExceptionHandler does not work with @ResponseBody
Spring @Repository best practices
Spring @Transactional not working
Spring 3 - Create ExceptionHandler for NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException
Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value
Spring 3.0 forwarding request to different controller
Spring 3.0 making JSON response using jackson message converter
Spring 3.1 JSON date format
Spring 3.1 or Later @RequestMapping Consumes/Produces
Spring 3.1 WebApplicationInitializer & Embedded Jetty 8 AnnotationConfiguration
Spring 3.2 Autowire generic types
Spring 3.2 Test, com.jajway not included as dependency
Spring 3.x JSON status 406 ?characteristics not acceptable according to the request ?accept? headers ()?
Spring 4 - addResourceHandlers not resolving the static resources
Spring 4 vs Jersey for REST web services
Spring 5.0.3 RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized
Spring AOP Advice on Annotated Controllers
Spring ApplicationContext - Resource leak: 'context' is never closed
spring autowiring with unique beans: Spring expected single matching bean but found 2
Spring Bean Scopes
Spring bean scopes: session and globalSession
Spring configure @ResponseBody JSON format
Spring Controller @RequestBody with file upload is it possible?
Spring CORS No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present
Spring data jpa- No bean named 'entityManagerFactory' is defined; Injection of autowired dependencies failed
Spring data jpa save can not get id
Spring Data JPARepository: How to conditionally fetch children entites
Spring Data Rest and Cors
spring error during build
Spring Forms - How to Check for Error on Specific Path
Spring Framework 3 and session attributes
Spring get current ApplicationContext
Spring Global CORS configuration not working but Controller level config does
Spring HandlerInterceptor vs Servlet Filters
Spring Hibernate - Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread
Spring JPA (Hibernate) No qualifying bean of type: javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
Spring login form example
Spring Partial Update Object Data Binding
Spring RedirectAttributes: addAttribute() vs addFlashAttribute()
Spring RequestMapping for controllers that produce and consume JSON
Spring REST multiple @RequestBody parameters, possible?
Spring Rest POST Json RequestBody Content type not supported
Spring REST using Jackson - 400 bad request logging
SPRING REST: The request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found
Spring RestTemplate invoking webservice with errors and analyze status code
Spring startup performance issues
Spring store object in session
Spring WebSocket @SendToSession: send message to specific session
Spring XML namespaces : How do I find what are the implementing classes behind them?
Spring, Jackson and Customization (e.g. CustomDeserializer)
Spring/json: Convert a typed collection like List < MyPojo >
Spring: @ModelAttribute VS @RequestBody
Spring: namespace vs contextConfigLocation init parameters in web.xml
Spring: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ()
Spring3.2 and jboss as 7
Springs Element 'beans' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only
Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object
Struts2 vs Spring 3
Sun JSTL taglib declaration fails with ?Can not find the tag library descriptor?
The difference between web.xml, beans.xml, applicationContext.xml, etc
This application has no explicit mapping for /error
Thymeleaf - custom attribute
Thymeleaf templates - Is there a way to decorate a template instead of including a template fragment?
Thymeleaf th:text - Put a text without removing HTML structures
Thymeleaf, fragments and default parameters
Thymleaf - Unsupported entity requested with PUBLICID ?null?
Types of stereotype annotation?
Unable to autowire the service inside my authentication filter in Spring
Unable to complete the scan for annotations for web application [/app] due to a StackOverflowError
Unit testing a method dependent to the request context
Unit tests vs integration tests with Spring
Unwanted comma-separated arguments to Spring controller method
Use @RequestBody with optional body in latest Spring v4
using java configuration for n-factor authentication
Using RestTemplate, how to send the request to a proxy first so I can use my junits with JMeter?
Validate a list of nested objects with Spring validator?
Validation error: ?No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer?
velocity template and javascript
ViewResolver using Java annotation
What's the best way to make a modular java web application
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring?
Writing Maven Dependency for javax.persistence
What Spring Scopes do you know
What is Bean
What is the life cycle of Spring Beans
What is Spring context
What scopes do beans have
What is the difference between Dependency Injection and Inverhuron of Control
What is Bean, what role does Spring play
What are the options for Dependensky Injection
What is Dependency Injection in Spring
What is Spring Boot and what is its main advantage
What kind of Bean Scope do you know
What is Springscope
What is Spring Boot for
What IOC implementations do you know
What projects did you do using Spring
What will happen if in ApplicationContext you try to get the same bin
What is the difference in repository annotations, Component, Controller, Service
What is the difference between RestController and Controller
What are the methods of configuration Spring applications
What the largest project did you do using Spring
What types of proxies do you know
What is the difference between RestController from Controller
What is the BEAN annotation for
What is JWT for
What is the difference between authentication and authorization
What is the life cycle of an object that creates Spring
What is the difference between Spring Component, Repository and Service Abstracts
What is the difference between the component and bina
What is the difference between Filters, Interceptors, and Listeners in Spring
What does the SCAN component do
What configuration will be more priority: XML, Java or Annotation
What configuration would be removed
What is Spring Framework
What types of implementation of addiction do you know
What areas of visibility in Spring you know
What is Spring IOC container in Spring.
What IOC implementations know
What Scope can be used for any application
What is the difference between Request Mapping and Put Mapping
What is http type
What is a context
What is Scope
What we need to make Spring MVC earn
What can be returned data types in Spring MVC
What is the difference between IOC and Dependency Injection
What does Dependency Injection give us
Why do you need Spring Framework
Why do you need a springs
Why do you need a Spring Framework
Why REST is needed
Which default Scope is used in Spring
Which of the configuration, XML, Java Annotation, you prefer more
How the context works
How many contexts can be
How to create singleton-tin when starting a Spring application
How to quickly make a rest service
How to write a web application on Java
How SOAP differs from REST
How to write a Delete method
How many contexts can be in Spring
How the context works in Spring
How can you create Servlett in Spring'e
How to create a controller in Spring
How do you use Dependency Injection
How Dispatcher Servlet "understands" which method to call
How dependency Injection can be applied to Spring Bean
Where and when used Prototype
Where could Prototype be used
Where the Bean annotation is used
Where it is more convenient to use Java configuration, and where is XML configuration
Spring core
  • Dependency injection and inversion of control - Setter and Constructor Injection (Loose Coupling)
  • IOC container - Beanfactory, Application context.
  • LifeCycle
  • Scope
  • Configuration file
  • Components
  • Dispatcherservlet & ContextLoaderListener
  • Handler mapping
  • Model and View object
  • View resolver
  • Lombok
  • Qualifier
  • Load on startup
  • Multipartresolver - This interface is used for uploading files. CommonMultipartResolver and StandardServletMultipartResolver.
Configure Spring Bean
  • XML configuration
  • Java based configuration
  • Annotation based configuration
Auto Wiring
  • no
  • byName
  • byType
  • constructor
  • autodetect
  • Spring bean
  • Java bean
  • Inner beans
  • Cookies
  • URL rewriting
  • HttpSession
  • PHidden form fields
  • Front Controller
  • Simple Form Controller
  • Abstract Controller
  • Parameterizable View Controller
  • Multi Action Controller
  • Controller based
  • Global Exception handler
  • HandlerExceptionResolver
  • Transaction management
  • RowCallbackHandler
  • RowMapper
  • Event listener
ORM supported by spring
  • Oracle, JPA, JDO, Hibernate, Ibatis, OJB
   Spring_Annotation       Spring_Rest       Spring_AOP       Spring_MVC       Spring_Webflux   



19 November 2023



18 November 2023



15 November 2023


Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

14 November 2023




What is Solace, and what are its main use cases?
What is the Solace PubSub+ Platform?
What messaging protocols and APIs does Solace support?
What are some best practices for designing an event-driven architecture with Solace?
What is the difference between persistent and non-persistent messaging in Solace?
What are durable and non-durable subscriptions in Solace?
What strategies would you use to optimize the performance of a Solace deployment?
What are the advantages of Solace?s proprietary protocols over standard protocols like MQTT or AMQP?
What is Solace's Message VPN, and why is it important?
What are the key metrics to monitor in a Solace deployment?
What steps would you take to troubleshoot a Solace connectivity issue?
What are the best practices for designing a high-performance Solace deployment?
What tools and techniques do you use for monitoring Solace brokers?
What are the considerations for using Solace in a machine learning data pipeline?
What steps would you take to diagnose and resolve a performance bottleneck in Solace?
What are the challenges and solutions for migrating a large-scale messaging system to Solace?
What are the best practices for logging and monitoring Solace broker activities?
What are the considerations for deploying Solace in an edge computing environment?
What strategies would you use to ensure high availability (HA) and fault tolerance in Solace?
What are the best practices for securing Solace brokers?
What tools and techniques do you use for proactive monitoring of Solace brokers?
What are the key considerations for using Solace in a serverless architecture?
What strategies would you use to ensure message ordering in Solace?
What are the best practices for disaster recovery planning with Solace?
What considerations should you take into account when designing a Solace-based IoT solution?
What strategies would you use to optimize Solace for low-latency applications?
What are the best practices for scaling Solace brokers to handle increased load?
What methods can be used to secure inter-broker communication in Solace?
What are the common issues that can arise with Solace topic hierarchies and how do you resolve them?
What considerations should you take into account when designing a Solace-based disaster recovery solution?
What strategies would you use to optimize Solace for high-frequency messaging scenarios?
Explain a scenario where Solace's integration with Apache Kafka would be beneficial.
Explain the concept of message spooling in Solace.
Explain the trade-offs between using Solace in a hybrid cloud versus a fully on-premises deployment.
Explain the concept of Solace?s horizontal scaling. How do you implement it?
How you would migrate an existing messaging system to Solace.
How Solace implements topic hierarchy and wildcard subscriptions.
How Solace can be used in a financial trading application.
How you would use Solace to manage real-time data feeds for a news aggregator.
How Solace can be used in a financial transaction monitoring system.
How Solace can be utilized in a connected vehicle ecosystem.
How Solace can support a high-frequency trading (HFT) system.
How Solace handles multi-tenancy and what considerations should be made.
How Solace can be used in a fraud detection system for financial transactions.
How Solace can support an IoT-enabled smart factory.
How Solace can be used in a predictive maintenance system for industrial equipment.
How you would set up a multi-cloud Solace deployment.
How Solace can support a telemedicine platform.
How Solace can support a smart home automation system.
How Solace can be used in a real-time transportation management system.
How to set up and manage Solace?s message spool and ensure optimal performance.
How Solace can be used in a real-time logistics and fleet management system.
How Solace can support a smart healthcare system.
How Solace can be used in a real-time financial risk management system.
How Solace can be used in a real-time market surveillance system for stock exchanges.
How Solace can support a smart grid management system.
How Solace can be used in a real-time fraud detection system.
How does Solace ensure low latency and high throughput?
How does Solace handle security?
How do you monitor and manage a Solace deployment?
How would you troubleshoot a message delivery issue in Solace?
How does Solace support cloud-native deployments?
How does Solace implement high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR)?
How does Solace handle message replay and dead letter queues (DLQ)?
How does Solace support horizontal scaling?
How would you implement message filtering in Solace to ensure only relevant messages are processed by specific consumers?
How does Solace integrate with modern CI/CD pipelines?
How does Solace?s event mesh differ from traditional message queuing systems?
How does Solace ensure message delivery guarantees?
How would you configure Solace for secure communication?
How do you publish and consume messages using Solace APIs?
How can you integrate Solace with third-party monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana?
How would you handle a scenario where message order is critical in Solace?
How would you migrate a legacy JMS-based messaging system to Solace?
How can you optimize message throughput in Solace?
How would you approach designing an event-driven architecture using Solace in a cloud-native environment?
How do you configure Solace for disaster recovery (DR) across different geographical regions?
How do you implement message deduplication in Solace?
How do you handle backpressure in a high-throughput Solace system?
How does Solace comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR or CCPA?
How would you handle dynamic topic creation and deletion in Solace?
How do you extend Solace capabilities using custom plugins or extensions?
How would you troubleshoot message loss in a Solace deployment?
How do you approach designing a multi-cloud Solace architecture?
How would you leverage Solace for a healthcare IoT application?
How do you configure Solace for multi-region failover?
How would you configure Solace to comply with SOC 2 requirements?
How would you set up Solace for a logistics and supply chain management system?
How would you extend Solace functionality using REST APIs?
How do you monitor the health of a Solace event mesh?
How do you design a Solace-based solution for a global content delivery network (CDN)?
How would you implement a real-time notification system using Solace?
How does Solace handle MQTT connections, and what are the key configuration options?
How do you configure and use Solace?s Guaranteed Messaging feature?
How would you leverage Solace for a customer service chatbot application?
How do you configure Solace for hybrid cloud deployment?
How would you implement Solace for secure data transfer in a healthcare application?
How would you set up Solace for a real-time sports event tracking system?
How do you extend Solace?s capabilities using its CLI tools?
How would you troubleshoot a high latency issue in Solace?
How do you design a Solace-based solution for a multi-channel customer engagement platform?
How would you implement a real-time bidding system using Solace?
How does Solace handle JMS (Java Message Service) integration, and what are the key considerations?
How would you leverage Solace for a real-time financial analytics dashboard?
How do you configure Solace for optimal performance in a high-frequency trading platform?
How do you handle message redelivery and duplicate detection in Solace?
How would you integrate Solace with Apache NiFi for data flow automation?
How would you design a Solace-based solution for a global supply chain management system?
How do you configure Solace for event-driven microservices architecture?
How do you ensure data integrity and confidentiality in Solace?
How would you implement a Solace-based solution for a real-time gaming platform?
How do you extend Solace functionality using webhooks?
How would you diagnose and resolve message delivery failures in Solace?
How do you design a Solace-based solution for a real-time collaborative platform?
How would you implement a Solace-based solution for a smart retail system?
How does Solace handle AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) integration?
How would you leverage Solace for a blockchain-based application?
How do you optimize message throughput in a high-load Solace environment?
How would you integrate Solace with Elasticsearch for real-time search and analytics?
How would you design a Solace-based solution for a global financial reporting system?
How do you configure Solace to ensure data locality in a geographically distributed deployment?
How do you implement GDPR compliance using Solace?
How would you set up Solace for a real-time social media analytics platform?
How do you extend Solace functionality using plugins or extensions?
How would you troubleshoot intermittent connectivity issues in Solace?
How do you design a Solace-based solution for a high-availability e-commerce platform?
How would you implement a Solace-based solution for a global news distribution network?
How does Solace handle WebSocket connections, and what are the key configuration options?
How would you leverage Solace for a real-time auction platform?
How do you handle message loss and ensure delivery guarantees in Solace?
How would you integrate Solace with AWS Lambda for serverless event processing?
How would you design a Solace-based solution for a global energy management system?
How does Solace handle HTTP connections and what are the key configuration options?
How do you implement centralized logging and monitoring for a Solace deployment?
How do you configure Solace to optimize for low-latency high-throughput use cases?
How do you handle sensitive data in Solace to comply with HIPAA regulations?
How would you set up Solace for a real-time video streaming platform?
How do you extend Solace functionality using custom scripts or middleware?
How would you troubleshoot message persistence issues in Solace?
How do you design a Solace-based solution for an omnichannel customer engagement platform?
How would you implement a Solace-based solution for a global event management system?
How does Solace handle MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) integration?
How would you leverage Solace for a real-time financial trading platform?
How do you handle message fragmentation and reassembly in Solace?
How would you integrate Solace with Microsoft Azure Event Grid for event-driven architecture?
How would you design a Solace-based solution for a global shipping and logistics system?
How does Solace handle SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) for monitoring?
How do you implement centralized monitoring and alerting for Solace brokers across multiple environments?
In what scenarios would you prefer Solace over Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ?
  • Includes an integrated debugger
  • Supports virtual cassette storage
  • Helps enterprises build event meshes to stream events across any environment
  • Helps enterprises design, discover, share, and manage events
  • Helps enterprises visualize and govern event flow across their enterprise


What Port does MQTT Normally Use?
Can you use MQTT without a broker?
What Protocol does MQTT use?
Can multiple clients publish to the same topic?
Is is possible to know the identity of the client that published a message?
What happens to messages that get published to topics that no one subscribes to?
How can I find out what topics have been published?
Can I subscribe to a topic that no one is publishing to?
Are messages stored on the broker?
What are retained messages?

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