Define the two (2) types of IOC specifiers which are present in the spring. |
What is Spring Core? |
What is the purpose of BeanFactoryPostProcessor? |
What are all the AOP advices used in Spring Transaction internally? |
What is RowMapper? For which sake we will use RowMapper? |
What are all the annotations used in inside of @SpringBootApplication annotation? |
What is CLI in SpringBoot? What is the use? |
What is Bean Lifecycle? |
What is Front Controller? |
What is the reason to create two inject with each other. |
What is Handler Mapping? What is the purpose of Handler Mapping? |
What is the Use of support(Class class) method and validator class of Validator class? |
What is Handler interceptor? |
What are all the benefits of Spring ORM? |
What does my Authenticate manager will do? |
What is view Resolver? How many types of view Resolvers are there? |
What is DataSource? What is the implementation spring provided for dataSource? |
What is NamedParameterJDBCTemplate? |
What is the Use of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations? |
What is Dependency Check in Spring? |
What is BeanAlias in Spring? |
What is the use of BeanPropertySqlParameterSource? |
What is method Replacement in Spring? |
What is the use of @Configuration use and wen we will use? |
What are all the StereoType Annotation Spring provided and Which scenario we need to use Which Annotation? |
What is the Use of RequestMappingHandlerAdapter? |
What are the attributes which helps to slove ambiguity problem in constructor dependence Injection? |
What is mutual dependences? |
What is depends on attribute? |
What is the disadvantage of auto wiring? |
What is the use of singleton attribute? |
What is the attribute used for secondary dependency Injection using Xml? |
What are the methods present in FactoryBean Interface? |
What is the use of isSingleton() in FactorBean? |
What is the use of PropertyPlaceHolderConfiguration class? |
What is the use of hibernate template? |
What is the use of ? |
What is AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor? |
What is the default handler mapping? |
What are various handler mappings? |
What are @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations? |
What is spring-boot-starter-parent? |
What is @SpringBootTest? |
What is the use of spring-boot-devtools? |
What are dependencies required in any application to make has JPA application? |
what is CrudRepository? |
What is the use of Actuator in Springboot? |
What is H2 in Springboot? |
What is the default scope? |
What are the Spring scopes? |
What is Session scope? |
What are different types of Autowire? |
What are types of pointcuts? |
What are types of Advisors? |
What is a Spring Configuration File? |
What are the benefits of IOC? |
What are the five (5) bean scopes supported by spring? |
What are the three ways in which injection dependencies can be done? |
What is meant by bean wiring in spring? |
What are the exceptions which are been thrown by the spring DAO classes? |
What are classes which are present in spring JDBC API? |
What are the two transaction management which spring supports? |
What is joinPoint? |
What is an Advice? Types? |
What is meant by DispatcherServlet? |
What are the different AOP implementations? |
What are the features which are now available in spring framework 4.0 and spring framework 0? |
What is the main configuration of @SpringBootApplication? |
What are the ways to create application context in java program? |
What are the different modules in Spring framework? |
What is BeanFactory? |
What is AOP Alliance? |
What is Spring configuration file? |
What are different types of Autowire types? |
What is the purpose of the session scope? |
What is the default scope in the web context? |
What does the InternalResourceViewResolver do? |
What internal resource views? |
What is springAOP and aspectAOP? |
What is Weaving |
What is Front Controller |
What is the role of IOC container in the spring |
What is ViewResolver in spring |
What is Spring Framework? Advantages? |
What are the components availble in Spring application? |
What is Auto Wiring and their modes |
What is dependency injection |
What is @RequestMapping annotation |
What is Aspect Oriented Programming |
What is Proxy in Spring Framework |
What is component scan |
What is Dirty Read |
What is Spring Internationalization |
What are the differences between Model, ModelMap, and ModelAndView? |
What does the @Valid annotation indicate in Spring? |
What does the double wildcard (*) on a servlet mapping url-pattern mean? |
What exactly is Field Injection and how to avoid it? |
What is difference between @RequestBody and @RequestParam? |
What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring? |
What is recommended way for spawning threads from a servlet in Tomcat |
what is the command object in spring framework |
What is the difference between defining @Transactional on class vs method |
What is the difference between ResponseEntity < T > and @ResponseBody? |
What is the difference between spring factory-method and factory-bean? |
what tomcat native library should I be using in production? |
Why spring provided Starter Dependencies? |
Why spring integrated with AspectJ? |
Why Servlet called as Controller in spring? |
Why Bean Factory Removed? |
Why are controllers testable artifacts? |
Why DispatcherServlet creates another application context? |
Why is my Spring 3 Validator Validating Everything on the Model? |
Why this Spring application with java-based configuration don't work properly |
Why use only one SessionFactory Object per application? |
Which objects will be created by defalut when we inject list, set and map depedencies by xml? |
Which method is used to set the data source in jdbc template? |
Which is better, return ?ModelAndView? or ?String? on spring3 controller |
How IOC container will create Object for Private constructor classes? |
How many AOP implementations Spring support? Why? |
How many times the static pointcut matches method will be called? |
How to work with Spring JDBC? |
How dispatcher servlet know which Handler Mapping its has to go? |
How many ways we can break the singleton? |
How to rectify the ?ContextLoaderListener? class not Found Exception wile deploing Application in WebServer. |
How to make scope has prototype? |
How to solve the ambuguity problem when autowire is byType? |
How to use look-up depenendence Injection? |
How to use Initializing and Disposable Bean? |
How many command controllers are present? |
How to use CrudRepository? |
How to inject arraylist into a class through xml? |
How are the records fetched by the spring JDBC Template? |
How can you fetch records by spring JdbcTemplate? |
How can I @Autowire a spring bean that was created from an external jar? |
How can I make Spring WebServices log all SOAP requests? |
How do I get the Session Object in Spring? |
How do I obtain the Jackson ObjectMapper in use by Spring 4.1? |
how do you inject a bean into a @Controller class |
How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping |
How does @RequestParam in Spring handle Guava's Optional? |
How does autowiring work in Spring? |
How does the Spring @ResponseBody annotation work in this RESTful application example? |
How exactly works the Spring bean post processor? |
How Spring Cloud Gateway is different from Zuul |
How to access plain json body in Spring rest controller? |
How to autowire RestTemplate using annotations |
How to bind an object list with thymeleaf? |
How to change HAL links format using Spring HATEOAS |
How to change the content type in exception handler |
How to config ?CommonsMultipartResolver? in spring4 without xml to upload file |
How to configure annotations processing in IntelliJ IDEA 14 for current project work? |
How to configure embedded Tomcat integrated with Spring to listen requests to IP address, besides localhost? |
How to configure MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter while using spring annotation-based configuration? |
How to convert a multipart file to File? |
How to correctly prevent caching of 302 redirect location? |
How to correctly use PagedResourcesAssembler from Spring Data? |
How to enable browser caching of static content(images, css, js) with Tomcat? |
How to get error text in controller from BindingResult |
How to get the request context in a freemaker template in spring |
How to handle MaxUploadSizeExceededException |
How to handle requests that includes forward slashes (/)? |
How to implement @RequestMapping custom properties |
How to loop through Map in Thymeleaf |
How to manage REST API versioning with spring? |
How to map Page < ObjectEntity > to Page < ObjectDTO > in spring-data-rest |
How to mix spring-data-rest with spring websocket into a single implementation |
How to obtain a current user locale from Spring without passing it as a parameter to functions? |
How to POST JSON data with Curl from Terminal/Commandline to Test Spring REST? |
How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5? |
How to re-create database before each test in Spring? |
How to redirect URLs with trailing slash to the corresponding ones without it? |
How to return a custom object from a Spring Data JPA GROUP BY query |
How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody |
How to reuse a Criteria object with hibernate? |
how to send an array in url request |
How to send list of Objects to View and back to Post method in controller |
How to serve .html files with Spring |
How to serve static html content page in spring-boot |
How to set Environment Variable in Netbeans? |
How to specify validation group for @Valid? |
How to test if JSON path does not include a specific element, or if the element is present it is null? |
How to use @Autowired in a Quartz Job? |
How to use < sec:authorize access=?hasRole('ROLES)? > for checking multiple Roles? |
How to use < spring:message > inside an attribute of < form:input > ? |
How to use Collections.sort() in Java ? (Specific situation) |
How to use Layered architecture of spring and still follow object oriented structure? |
How to write a spring bean with a constructor that contains a list? |
When we should go for Abstract Wizard Controller? |
when we call getbean method two times for creating object when scope is default how many objects are created? |
When we need to go for point-cut? |
When to use BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping? |
When to use After throwing advice? |
When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API? |
When to use @RestController vs @RepositoryRestResource |
When to use ModelAndView vs Model in Spring? |
When use AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer and WebApplicationInitializer? |
When use ResponseEntity and @RestController for Spring RESTful applications |
Where can I download JSTL taglibs? i.e. jstl.jar and standard.jar |
Where can I download Spring Framework jars without using Maven? |
Where is the @Autowired annotation supposed to go - on the property or the method? |
Difference - auto wire and @Autowired? |
Difference - application context and Bean factor? |
Difference - Bean factory and Application context. |
Difference - Constructor Injection and Setter Injection. |
Difference - Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP |
Difference between @Valid and @Validated in Spring |
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest |
Difference between modelAttribute and commandName |
Difference between modelAttribute and commandName attributes in form tag in spring? |
difference between redirect and redirect inside modelandview |
Difference between spring @Controller and @RestController annotation |
Difference between the annotations @GetMapping and @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) |
Difference webcontent and webapp |
In Spring AOP with which Advice programmer have a control? |
In which the run time exception occurs JDBC or Spring JDBC? |
In Which data base connection close is mandatory JDBC or Spring JDBC? |
In the spring container, how are the configuration metadata are been provided? |
In how many ways spring can be used to access hibernate? |
In Spring 3 is it possible to dynamically set the reason of @ResponseStatus? |
${} from List in JSP throws java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ?id? |
@Autowire strange problem |
@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency |
@Bean Annotation in which scenario we will use. |
@ModelAttribute annotation, when to use it? |
@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations in Spring |
@RequestParam vs @PathVariable |
@Service are constructed twice |
?Could not find acceptable representation? using spring-boot-starter-web |
?Not supported for DML operations? with simple UPDATE query |
404 error redirect in Spring with java config |
About multiple containers in spring framework |
AbstractWizardFormController using Annotated @Controllers |
Accessing Spring beans from a Tiles view (JSP) |
Add attributes to the model of all controllers in Spring 3 |
Adding a directory to tomcat classpath and read the property file in spring |
Adding multiple validators using initBinder |
Advantages of using spring stereotypes? |
alternative to GrantedAuthorityImpl() class |
Ant, Tomcat Build Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/B2CConverter |
Any open source Spring sample project that's bigger than PetClinic? |
applicationContext not finding Controllers for Servlet context |
Are Spring singleton beans thread-safe? |
Authentication and authorization in Spring Data REST |
automatically add header to every response |
Autowiring fails: Not an managed Type |
Autowiring two beans implementing same interface - how to set default bean to autowire? |
BCrypt performance deterioration |
Bean injection inside a JPA @Entity |
BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException |
Best practices for rolling back transactions in Spring 3/Hibernate |
Binding a list in @RequestParam |
Can anyone explain servlet mapping? |
Can I make a custom controller mirror the formatting of Spring-Data-Rest / Spring-Hateoas generated classes? |
Can Jackson be configured to trim leading/trailing whitespace from all string properties? |
Can not find the tag library descriptor of springframework |
Cannot Autowire Service in HandlerInterceptorAdapter |
Combine GET and POST request methods in Spring |
Configuring RequestContextListener in SpringBoot |
Confused about how to handle CORS OPTIONS preflight requests |
Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported for @RequestBody MultiValueMap |
ConversionService in Spring |
Convert StreamResult to string or xml |
Converting empty String to null Date object with Spring |
Copy specific fields by using BeanUtils.copyProperties? |
CORS with spring-boot and angularjs not working |
Could not autowire field in spring. why? |
could not extract ResultSet in hibernate |
Could not open ServletContext resource |
create two method for same url pattern with different arguments |
Custom HttpMessageConverter with @ResponseBody to do Json things |
DataTables Error: ?Requested unknown parameter? |
Delete cookie from a servlet response |
Different property variable for Local and prod Environment (Spring) |
Display JSON Data in HTML Table |
Does curl remove new line characters? |
Does Spring require all beans to have a default constructor? |
Download file with original file name |
Dynamic Web Module 3.0 ? 3.1 |
Eclipse warning: XXXXXXXXXXX.jar will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result |
Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource : Invocation of init method failed |
Error in Web.xml "Element ? is not allowed here |
Error: javax.persistence.JoinColumn.foreignKey()Ljavax/persistence/ForeignKey with Spring controller |
exception loading sessions from persistent storage |
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute while running java -jar |
File Upload with Angular2 to REST API |
Filter order in spring-boot |
Finding your application's URL with only a ServletContext |
Forward HttpServletRequest to a different server |
Get ?Invalid derived query? error all over the place in our Spring Data JpaRepository interfaces in STS 3.1 |
Get last records ordered by data on Spring Data |
getServletConfig().getServletContext() equivalent in Spring |
getServletConfigClasses() vs getRootConfigClasses() when extending AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer |
Getting a org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException with my first Maven, Spring Project |
Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContext in JUnit |
Give the limitations with auto wiring |
Give the abbreviation for JDO and JPA |
Hibernate validator: @Email accepts ask@stackoverflow as valid? |
HQL ERROR: Path expected for join |
HttpSession null after replacing AuthorizationRequest |
I am confused about how to use @SessionAttributes |
I can't debug using breakpoints |
IncompatibleClassChangeError: class ClassMetadataReadingVisitor has interface ClassVisitor as super class |
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue |
INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath |
Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: |
IntelliJ Artifact has invalid extension |
IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation |
IntelliJ needs to copy tomcat/conf directory to project directory |
IntelliJ says 'cannot run program '/path/to/tomcat/bin/' error=13 permission denied |
INTERFACES or TARGET_CLASS which proxyMode to choose |
Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue? |
Is it possible to use different view resolvers? |
Is it possible to use multiple params in the itemLabel of a form:select/form:option |
Is there a templating language similar to Razor for Java Spring web applications? |
Isolated Controller Test can't instantiate Pageable |
Jackson 2.0 with Spring 3.1 |
Jackson's @JsonView, @JsonFilter and Spring |
Java config for spring interceptor where interceptor is using autowired spring beans |
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A ServletContext is required to configure default servlet handling |
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/fileupload/FileItemFactory |
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String; |
Jetty Annotation Timeout Reason |
JSON character encoding |
JSON Post request for boolean field sends false by default |
JSR-303 @Valid annotation (nested object) not working |
Launching Spring application Address already in use |
LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session |
Limitations of Dependency Injection |
List out the major features in the versions of spring framework |
List out the roles of an IOC Container |
List some of the AOP Terminologies |
List out some important spring annotations |
Loading context in Spring using web.xml |
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger in web.xml |
Manually call Spring Annotation Validation |
Maven- No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot' in the current project and in the plugin groups |
Migrating from Spring 3 to Spring 4 - org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean |
ModelMap usage in Spring |
Multiple scenarios @RequestMapping produces JSON/XML together with Accept or ResponseEntity |
Multiple Spring @RequestMapping annotations |
My Application Could not open ServletContext resource |
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attr |
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name available as request attribute |
No adapter for handler exception |
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/WEB-INF/pages/apiForm.jsp] |
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI? in DispatcherServlet with name |
No matching bean of type ? found for dependency |
No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered? |
Not supported for DML operations with JPA update query |
One-to-many relation ship how we will map objects in Spring JDBC? |
Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException: No Identifier Specified For Entity I don't have a id in my table |
org.hibernate.HibernateException: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found |
org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException: The current request is not a multipart request |
Passing an Array or List to @Pathvariable - Spring/Java |
Passing data in the body of a DELETE request |
PathVariable in Spring Controller |
Prototype Bean doesn't get autowired as expected |
purpose of webAppRootKey? |
Reasons for not directly writing Servlets for creating a REST API |
Redirect from one controller method to another controller method |
Redirect on Ajax Jquery Call |
Registering beans(prototype) at runtime in Spring |
request scoped beans in spring testing |
Resolving spring:messages in javascript for i18n internationalization |
REST with Spring and Jackson full data binding |
RESTful Authentication via Spring |
Scope of a Spring-Controller and its instance-variables |
Sending GET request with Authentication headers using restTemplate |
Sending message to specific user on Spring Websocket |
Sending Multipart File as POST parameters with RestTemplate requests |
Serializing enums with Jackson |
Set Jackson Timezone for Date deserialization |
Setting Precedence of Multiple @ControllerAdvice @ExceptionHandlers |
Should I build a REST backend for GWT application |
Should I put the ID of my entity in the URL or into the form as a hidden field? |
Should web service be separate from web site? |
Solve ?failed to lazily initialize a collection of role? exception |
Some clarification about Spring @Transactional annotation on a method |
Spring ORM based on which design pattern it implemented? |
Spring container creates the objects instand of us we call it? |
Spring - applicationContext.xml cannot be opened because it does not exist |
Spring - No EntityManager with actual transaction available for current thread - cannot reliably process 'persist' call |
Spring - Redirect after POST (even with validation errors) |
Spring : File Upload RESTFUL Web Service |
Spring @ExceptionHandler does not work with @ResponseBody |
Spring @Repository best practices |
Spring @Transactional not working |
Spring 3 - Create ExceptionHandler for NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException |
Spring 3 RequestMapping: Get path value |
Spring 3.0 forwarding request to different controller |
Spring 3.0 making JSON response using jackson message converter |
Spring 3.1 JSON date format |
Spring 3.1 or Later @RequestMapping Consumes/Produces |
Spring 3.1 WebApplicationInitializer & Embedded Jetty 8 AnnotationConfiguration |
Spring 3.2 Autowire generic types |
Spring 3.2 Test, com.jajway not included as dependency |
Spring 3.x JSON status 406 ?characteristics not acceptable according to the request ?accept? headers ()? |
Spring 4 - addResourceHandlers not resolving the static resources |
Spring 4 vs Jersey for REST web services |
Spring 5.0.3 RequestRejectedException: The request was rejected because the URL was not normalized |
Spring AOP Advice on Annotated Controllers |
Spring ApplicationContext - Resource leak: 'context' is never closed |
spring autowiring with unique beans: Spring expected single matching bean but found 2 |
Spring Bean Scopes |
Spring bean scopes: session and globalSession |
Spring configure @ResponseBody JSON format |
Spring Controller @RequestBody with file upload is it possible? |
Spring CORS No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present |
Spring data jpa- No bean named 'entityManagerFactory' is defined; Injection of autowired dependencies failed |
Spring data jpa save can not get id |
Spring Data JPARepository: How to conditionally fetch children entites |
Spring Data Rest and Cors |
spring error during build |
Spring Forms - How to Check for Error on Specific Path |
Spring Framework 3 and session attributes |
Spring get current ApplicationContext |
Spring Global CORS configuration not working but Controller level config does |
Spring HandlerInterceptor vs Servlet Filters |
Spring Hibernate - Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread |
Spring JPA (Hibernate) No qualifying bean of type: javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory |
Spring login form example |
Spring Partial Update Object Data Binding |
Spring RedirectAttributes: addAttribute() vs addFlashAttribute() |
Spring RequestMapping for controllers that produce and consume JSON |
Spring REST multiple @RequestBody parameters, possible? |
Spring Rest POST Json RequestBody Content type not supported |
Spring REST using Jackson - 400 bad request logging |
SPRING REST: The request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found |
Spring RestTemplate invoking webservice with errors and analyze status code |
Spring startup performance issues |
Spring store object in session |
Spring WebSocket @SendToSession: send message to specific session |
Spring XML namespaces : How do I find what are the implementing classes behind them? |
Spring, Jackson and Customization (e.g. CustomDeserializer) |
Spring/json: Convert a typed collection like List < MyPojo > |
Spring: @ModelAttribute VS @RequestBody |
Spring: namespace vs contextConfigLocation init parameters in web.xml |
Spring: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect () |
Spring3.2 and jboss as 7 |
Springs Element 'beans' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only |
Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object |
Struts2 vs Spring 3 |
Sun JSTL taglib declaration fails with ?Can not find the tag library descriptor? |
The difference between web.xml, beans.xml, applicationContext.xml, etc |
This application has no explicit mapping for /error |
Thymeleaf - custom attribute |
Thymeleaf templates - Is there a way to decorate a template instead of including a template fragment? |
Thymeleaf th:text - Put a text without removing HTML structures |
Thymeleaf, fragments and default parameters |
Thymleaf - Unsupported entity requested with PUBLICID ?null? |
Types of stereotype annotation? |
Unable to autowire the service inside my authentication filter in Spring |
Unable to complete the scan for annotations for web application [/app] due to a StackOverflowError |
Unit testing a method dependent to the request context |
Unit tests vs integration tests with Spring |
Unwanted comma-separated arguments to Spring controller method |
Use @RequestBody with optional body in latest Spring v4 |
using java configuration for n-factor authentication |
Using RestTemplate, how to send the request to a proxy first so I can use my junits with JMeter? |
Validate a list of nested objects with Spring validator? |
Validation error: ?No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer? |
velocity template and javascript |
ViewResolver using Java annotation |
What's the best way to make a modular java web application |
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? |
Writing Maven Dependency for javax.persistence |
What Spring Scopes do you know |
What is Bean |
What is the life cycle of Spring Beans |
What is Spring context |
What scopes do beans have |
What is the difference between Dependency Injection and Inverhuron of Control |
What is Bean, what role does Spring play |
What are the options for Dependensky Injection |
What is Dependency Injection in Spring |
What is Spring Boot and what is its main advantage |
What kind of Bean Scope do you know |
What is Springscope |
What is Spring Boot for |
What IOC implementations do you know |
What projects did you do using Spring |
What will happen if in ApplicationContext you try to get the same bin |
What is the difference in repository annotations, Component, Controller, Service |
What is the difference between RestController and Controller |
What are the methods of configuration Spring applications |
What the largest project did you do using Spring |
What types of proxies do you know |
What is the difference between RestController from Controller |
What is the BEAN annotation for |
What is JWT for |
What is the difference between authentication and authorization |
What is the life cycle of an object that creates Spring |
What is the difference between Spring Component, Repository and Service Abstracts |
What is the difference between the component and bina |
What is the difference between Filters, Interceptors, and Listeners in Spring |
What does the SCAN component do |
What configuration will be more priority: XML, Java or Annotation |
What configuration would be removed |
What is Spring Framework |
What types of implementation of addiction do you know |
What areas of visibility in Spring you know |
What is Spring IOC container in Spring. |
What IOC implementations know |
What Scope can be used for any application |
What is the difference between Request Mapping and Put Mapping |
What is http type |
What is a context |
What is Scope |
What we need to make Spring MVC earn |
What can be returned data types in Spring MVC |
What is the difference between IOC and Dependency Injection |
What does Dependency Injection give us |
Why do you need Spring Framework |
Why do you need a springs |
Why do you need a Spring Framework |
Why REST is needed |
Which default Scope is used in Spring |
Which of the configuration, XML, Java Annotation, you prefer more |
How the context works |
How many contexts can be |
How to create singleton-tin when starting a Spring application |
How to quickly make a rest service |
How to write a web application on Java |
How SOAP differs from REST |
How to write a Delete method |
How many contexts can be in Spring |
How the context works in Spring |
How can you create Servlett in Spring'e |
How to create a controller in Spring |
How do you use Dependency Injection |
How Dispatcher Servlet "understands" which method to call |
How dependency Injection can be applied to Spring Bean |
Where and when used Prototype |
Where could Prototype be used |
Where the Bean annotation is used |
Where it is more convenient to use Java configuration, and where is XML configuration |