03 December 2020


What exactly do you know about a Couchbase server?
What does N1Ql stand for?
What do you know about a shared server and a dedicated server?
What is a data manager in the Couchbase Server?
What do you know about the VBucket?
What exactly does the Vbucket Map represents in the Couchbase?
What is the strict upper limit on the storage capacity of a data bucket in Couchbase Server? Is it possible to extend the same?
What do you mean by the term data replication?
What are the good reasons for you to consider the Couchbase Server?
What is the Role-based access control authentication approach in the Couchbase?
What are the chances of a Couchbase server failure and what are the factors that can be held responsible for the same?
What do you mean by the Cross Datacenter Replication?
What sort of technical specialty is required to handle the Couchbase or to work with the same?
What are the needs that the Couchbase Servers can easily satisfy?
What are the capabilities of a core database engine?
What is the difference between Couchbase and CouchDB?
What are the important advantages of including Couchbase and CouchDB into a single product?
What do you mean by Data Manager and Cluster Manager in Couchbase Server?
What do you mean by Storage Engine in Couchbase?
What Is Document in Couchbase?
What Is N1QL?
What do you mean by Object-managed Cache in the Couchbase Server?
Name the elements which are present in Couchbase Node?
Name the programming language which Cluster Manager uses?
Name the ports that you can use when it comes to accepting or listening to the requests?
Explain the role of Data Structures in the Couchbase server?
Why is Couchbase more advanced than MongoDB?
How can you say that a Couchbase Server is different from that of database software
How the task of locating a document in the Couchbase can be made easy according to you?
How Couchbase Data Platforms are useful in building the applications that are scalable?
How will you define Couchbase Server?
How does Couchbase speed up the accession to a particular database document automatically via memory?
In a database, how can you define a document?
Being an Open Source Technology, what are the other good things that you know about the Cloudbase?
Briefly explain the four subsystems that function on each node
Briefly explain the two TCP ports used to listen to requests
Can you name the two important functional blocks that are used in the Couchbase Server?
Can you tell something about the subsystems which are compatible with all the nodes in a network?
Can nodes be added easily in the Couchbase or there are some special conditions that need to be fulfilled?
Can Couchbase speed up the accession to any database document by catching it in memory automatically?
Do you think it’s vital to create a data bucket in the system? If so, why?
Generalize the features of the Couchbase server.
Is Couchbase amultiform NoSQL file oriented database software package?
Tell something about the Data Format in the Couchbase server?
Tell something about the features of Couchbase you are familiar with?
Tell something about the Cluster Manager in the Couchbase Server

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