What is chef in devops? |
What is chef in automation? |
What is chef DK? |
What are chef client nodes? |
What is a chef server? |
What are work stations ? |
What are Cookbooks ? |
What is chef repo? |
What is chef-client Run? |
What is chef validator? |
What are Signed Headers ? |
What is SSL_CERT_FILE ? |
What are Knife Subcommands ? |
What is knife ssl check command ? |
What is knife ssl fetch command ? |
What are Data Bags? |
What are recipes ? |
What is chef resources file? |
What is apt_package resource ? |
What is apt_preference resource ? |
What is apt_repository resource? |
What is apt_update resource ? |
what is bff_package resource ? |
What is cab_package resource ? |
What is chef_gem? |
What is chef_acl resource ? |
What is chef_client resource? |
What is chef_container resource? |
What is chef_data_bag_item? |
What is chef_data_bag resource? |
What is chef_environment resource? |
What is chef_group resource? |
What is chef_handler resource? |
What is the chef_mirror resource? |
What is chef_node resource? |
What is chef_organization resource? |
What is chef_role resource? |
What is chef_user resource? |
What is chocolatey_package resource? |
What is cookbook_file resource? |
What is cron resource? |
What is dnf_package resource? |
What is dpkg_package resource? |
What is metadata.rb ? |
What information stored in metadata.rb file? |
What is Berkshelf ? |
What is Berksfile ? |
What is Cookbook Keyword ? |
What is kitchen (executable) ? |
What is kitchen converge ? |
What is kitchen create ? |
What is kitchen destroy ? |
What is kitchen diagnose ? |
What is kitchen driver create ? |
What is kitchen driver discover? |
What kitchen exec ? |
What is kitchen init command ? |
What is kitchen list ? |
What is kitchen login command ? |
What is kitchen setup c0mmand ? |
What is kitchen test command ? |
What is kitchen verify command ? |
What is kitchen version command ? |
What are handlers ? |
What is exception handler ? |
What is a report handler ? |
What is start handler ? |
What is Handler DSL ? |
What is Knife and what is the purpose of using Knife ? |
What are the different Knife plugins for cloud hosting platforms? |
What is Ohai ? |
What is chef-deploy plugin and what is the purpose of using it? |
What is kitchenplan ? |
What is stove ? |
What are the benefits of Devops? |
What is Vagrant ? |
What are Cookbooks? |
What are handlers? |
What are Knife Subcommands? |
What are recipes? |
What are Signed Headers? |
What are work stations? |
What is a report handler? |
What is apt_package resource? |
What is apt_preference resource? |
What is apt_update resource? |
What is Berksfile? |
What is Berkshelf? |
what is bff_package resource? |
What is cab_package resource? |
What is chef_acl resource? |
What is Cookbook Keyword? |
What is exception handler? |
What is Handler DSL? |
What is kitchen (executable)? |
What is kitchen converge? |
What is kitchen create? |
What is kitchen destroy? |
What is kitchen diagnose? |
What is kitchen driver create? |
What is kitchen init command? |
What is kitchen list? |
What is kitchen login command? |
What is kitchen setup c0mmand? |
What is kitchen test command? |
What is kitchen verify command? |
What is kitchen version command? |
What is kitchenplan? |
What is Knife and what is the purpose of using Knife? |
What is knife ssl check command? |
What is knife ssl fetch command? |
What is metadata.rb? |
What is Ohai? |
What is SSL_CERT_FILE? |
What is start handler? |
What is stove? |
What is Vagrant? |
What kitchen exec? |
Why do we use SSL Certificates ? |
Why do we use chef-jenkins plugin ? |
Why do we use jclouds-chef plugin ? |
Why do we use chef-hatch-repo ? |
Why do we use chef-trac-hacks ? |
Why do we use chef-hatch-repo? |
Why do we use chef-jenkins plugin? |
Why do we use chef-trac-hacks? |
Why do we use jclouds-chef plugin? |
Why do we use SSL Certificates? |
How many types of handlers are there ? What are they? |
How many types of handlers are there? What are they? |
Benefits of using Kafka than other messaging services like JMS, RabbitMQ doesn’t provide? |
Compare: RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka |
Compare: Traditional queuing systems vs Apache Kafka |
Distinguish between the Kafka and Flume? |
Enlist the several components in Kafka. |
Enlist all Apache Kafka Operations. |
Features of Kafka Stream. |
If a Replica stays out of the ISR for a long time, what does it signify? |
Is it possible to use Kafka without ZooKeeper? |
Is Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform? if yes, what you can do with it? |
Is it possible to get the message offset after producing? |
Let’s say that a producer is writing records to a Kafka topic at 10000 messages/sec while the consumer is only able to read 2500 messages per second. What are the different ways in which you can scale up your consumer? |
List the various components in Kafka. |
Maven dependencies needed for Kafka? Below maven dependency is enough to configure the Kafka ecosystem in the application |
Mention What Is The Maximum Size Of The Message Does Kafka Server Can Receive? |
Package which need to import in java/scala? |
Process Diagram of Kafka with component? |
Role of zookeeper in Kafka? |
Some of the most notable applications of Kafka. |
State Disadvantages of Apache Kafka. |
State one best feature of Kafka. |
Suggest some use cases or scenarios where Kafka is a good fit? What are the use cases in which you would prefer to use a messaging system other than Kafka? |
Within the producer can you explain when will you experience QueueFullException occur? |
08 November 2020
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