08 November 2020


What is chef in devops?
What is chef in automation?
What is chef DK?
What are chef client nodes?
What is a chef server?
What are work stations ?
What are Cookbooks ?
What is chef repo?
What is chef-client Run?
What is chef validator?
What are Signed Headers ?
What are Knife Subcommands ?
What is knife ssl check command ?
What is knife ssl fetch command ?
What are Data Bags?
What are recipes ?
What is chef resources file?
What is apt_package resource ?
What is apt_preference resource ?
What is apt_repository resource?
What is apt_update resource ?
what is bff_package resource ?
What is cab_package resource ?
What is chef_gem?
What is chef_acl resource ?
What is chef_client resource?
What is chef_container resource?
What is chef_data_bag_item?
What is chef_data_bag resource?
What is chef_environment resource?
What is chef_group resource?
What is chef_handler resource?
What is the chef_mirror resource?
What is chef_node resource?
What is chef_organization resource?
What is chef_role resource?
What is chef_user resource?
What is chocolatey_package resource?
What is cookbook_file resource?
What is cron resource?
What is dnf_package resource?
What is dpkg_package resource?
What is metadata.rb ?
What information stored in metadata.rb file?
What is Berkshelf ?
What is Berksfile ?
What is Cookbook Keyword ?
What is kitchen (executable) ?
What is kitchen converge ?
What is kitchen create ?
What is kitchen destroy ?
What is kitchen diagnose ?
What is kitchen driver create ?
What is kitchen driver discover?
What kitchen exec ?
What is kitchen init command ?
What is kitchen list ?
What is kitchen login command ?
What is kitchen setup c0mmand ?
What is kitchen test command ?
What is kitchen verify command ?
What is kitchen version command ?
What are handlers ?
What is exception handler ?
What is a report handler ?
What is start handler ?
What is Handler DSL ?
What is Knife and what is the purpose of using Knife ?
What are the different Knife plugins for cloud hosting platforms?
What is Ohai ?
What is chef-deploy plugin and what is the purpose of using it?
What is kitchenplan ?
What is stove ?
What are the benefits of Devops?
What is Vagrant ?
What are Cookbooks?
What are handlers?
What are Knife Subcommands?
What are recipes?
What are Signed Headers?
What are work stations?
What is a report handler?
What is apt_package resource?
What is apt_preference resource?
What is apt_update resource?
What is Berksfile?
What is Berkshelf?
what is bff_package resource?
What is cab_package resource?
What is chef_acl resource?
What is Cookbook Keyword?
What is exception handler?
What is Handler DSL?
What is kitchen (executable)?
What is kitchen converge?
What is kitchen create?
What is kitchen destroy?
What is kitchen diagnose?
What is kitchen driver create?
What is kitchen init command?
What is kitchen list?
What is kitchen login command?
What is kitchen setup c0mmand?
What is kitchen test command?
What is kitchen verify command?
What is kitchen version command?
What is kitchenplan?
What is Knife and what is the purpose of using Knife?
What is knife ssl check command?
What is knife ssl fetch command?
What is metadata.rb?
What is Ohai?
What is start handler?
What is stove?
What is Vagrant?
What kitchen exec?
Why do we use SSL Certificates ?
Why do we use chef-jenkins plugin ?
Why do we use jclouds-chef plugin ?
Why do we use chef-hatch-repo ?
Why do we use chef-trac-hacks ?
Why do we use chef-hatch-repo?
Why do we use chef-jenkins plugin?
Why do we use chef-trac-hacks?
Why do we use jclouds-chef plugin?
Why do we use SSL Certificates?
How many types of handlers are there ? What are they?
How many types of handlers are there? What are they?
Benefits of using Kafka than other messaging services like JMS, RabbitMQ doesn’t provide?
Compare: RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka
Compare: Traditional queuing systems vs Apache Kafka
Distinguish between the Kafka and Flume?
Enlist the several components in Kafka.
Enlist all Apache Kafka Operations.
Features of Kafka Stream.
If a Replica stays out of the ISR for a long time, what does it signify?
Is it possible to use Kafka without ZooKeeper?
Is Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform? if yes, what you can do with it?
Is it possible to get the message offset after producing?
Let’s say that a producer is writing records to a Kafka topic at 10000 messages/sec while the consumer is only able to read 2500 messages per second. What are the different ways in which you can scale up your consumer?
List the various components in Kafka.
Maven dependencies needed for Kafka? Below maven dependency is enough to configure the Kafka ecosystem in the application
Mention What Is The Maximum Size Of The Message Does Kafka Server Can Receive?
Package which need to import in java/scala?
Process Diagram of Kafka with component?
Role of zookeeper in Kafka?
Some of the most notable applications of Kafka.
State Disadvantages of Apache Kafka.
State one best feature of Kafka.
Suggest some use cases or scenarios where Kafka is a good fit? What are the use cases in which you would prefer to use a messaging system other than Kafka?
Within the producer can you explain when will you experience QueueFullException occur?

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