What is a String in Java? |
What is the difference between String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer? |
What happens when you concatenate two strings using the + operator? |
What is the purpose of the intern() method in Java? |
What are some ways to check if a string is a palindrome? |
What is the difference in performance between + and StringBuilder for string concatenation? |
What are the memory implications of creating strings with the new keyword? |
What is the output of String.format() for various data types? |
What is the difference between trim() and strip()? |
What does the repeat(int n) method do? |
What are text blocks, and when would you use them? |
What precautions would you take when logging strings that contain user input? |
What is the difference between StringBuilder.reverse() and manually reversing a string? |
What is the difference between replace() and replaceFirst() in a String? |
What are the differences in memory usage between StringBuilder, StringBuffer, and String? |
What could cause a NullPointerException in a string operation? |
What is the use of String.chars() and how does it differ from a for loop? |
What are the benefits of using String.repeat() for generating patterns or test data? |
What are the differences between empty strings ("") and null strings? |
What is the significance of using CharSequence instead of String in APIs? |
What is the role of the final keyword in the String class? |
What are some efficient ways to check if a string contains balanced parentheses? |
What are the potential pitfalls of using StringTokenizer? |
What is the difference between String.getBytes() and Charset.encode()? |
What are the potential edge cases when splitting a string? |
What is the purpose of String.lines() introduced in Java 11? |
What are the benefits of using strip() over trim()? |
What is the significance of the Comparable interface in String? |
Write a program to check if two strings are anagrams. |
Write a program to find the longest substring without repeating characters. |
Write a program to find the longest common prefix among a list of strings. |
Write a program to remove all adjacent duplicate characters in a string. |
Write a method to remove duplicate words from a string. |
Write a program to check if one string is a rotation of another. |
Write a method to extract domain names from a list of email addresses. |
Write a method to find the longest palindromic substring in a string. |
Write a program to remove all occurrences of a specific substring from a string. |
Explain the difference between String.replace() and String.replaceAll(). |
Explain the difference between startsWith() and endsWith() methods. |
Explain the internal implementation of the String class in Java. |
Explain the purpose of strip(), stripLeading(), and stripTrailing() introduced in Java 11. |
Explain the difference between creating a string with a literal and using the new keyword. |
Explain why using a StringBuilder in a loop is better than String concatenation. |
Explain why string operations are considered slower compared to character arrays in some scenarios. |
Why are strings immutable in Java? |
Why is StringBuffer thread-safe, and when would you use it over StringBuilder? |
Why is it discouraged to use String for sensitive data? |
Why is char[] preferred over String for sensitive data like passwords? |
Why does String.intern() help reduce memory usage in large applications? |
Why does "hello" == new String("hello") return false? |
Why can we not override the behavior of a String in Java? |
Why does System.out.println("a" + "b" == "ab") print true but not for variables? |
Why should strings not be used as locks in multithreaded applications? |
Why does the string "a" + 1 work but "a" - 1 does not? |
Why does new String("abc") == "abc" return false? |
Why is it recommended to use CharSequence over String in generic APIs? |
How are strings stored in memory? What is the String pool? |
How do you compare two strings in Java? |
How does the equals() method differ from == when comparing strings? |
How does the substring() method work internally? |
How can you convert a String to a char[] and vice versa? |
How can you reverse a string in Java? |
How would you count the occurrences of a specific character in a string? |
How do you find all permutations of a given string? |
How does the JVM optimize string literals in the String pool? |
How does Java handle large strings, and what is the maximum size of a String? |
How can you split a string into an array based on a delimiter? |
How can you validate an email address using a string and regular expressions? |
How would you remove all whitespaces from a string? |
How can you replace multiple spaces in a string with a single space? |
How can you find the first non-repeating character in a string? |
How would you find all the duplicate characters in a string? |
How do you reverse the words in a sentence while maintaining their order? |
How does the isBlank() method differ from isEmpty()? |
How would you use chars() or codePoints() in a stream operation? |
How would you securely store a password in a string? |
How can you optimize a program that performs heavy string manipulations? |
How does the JVM handle the immutability of strings in terms of thread safety? |
How would you handle case-insensitive string comparisons efficiently? |
How does the hashCode() method work in the String class? |
How does the split() method handle edge cases, such as trailing delimiters? |
How does the JVM optimize memory when strings are concatenated at runtime? |
How does the compiler optimize constant string expressions? |
How do you prevent the creation of unnecessary strings in high-performance applications? |
How would you find the most frequent character in a string? |
How would you find the smallest substring in a string containing all the characters of another string? |
How would you tokenize a string efficiently for processing? |
How can you find and replace sensitive data (e.g., credit card numbers) in a string using regular expressions? |
How would you handle multi-line strings in Java? |
How can you escape special characters in a string for use in SQL queries? |
How would you compress and decompress a string for network transmission? |
How would you debug unexpected behavior when comparing strings? |
How does the split() method handle regex metacharacters? |
How would you detect if a string contains invalid UTF-8 characters? |
How can you leverage streams for string manipulation tasks? |
How can you use text blocks introduced in Java 13 for JSON or XML processing? |
How would you validate a string to check if it?s a valid URL? |
How can you test if a string contains only digits? |
How would you check if a string is a valid palindrome using recursion? |
How would you design test cases for a utility function that manipulates strings? |
How can you efficiently test large strings for equality without using equals()? |
How does the intern() method behave in scenarios with extremely large strings? |
How would you generate all substrings of a given string? |
How does the compiler handle string concatenation at compile time? |
How would you extract all numeric values from a string? |
How would you capitalize the first letter of each word in a string? |
How can you split a string by multiple delimiters using regex? |
How would you check if a string matches a pattern without using regular expressions? |
How can you determine if one string is a subsequence of another? |
How would you implement a case-insensitive search within a string? |
How would you generate a unique string ID in Java? |
How can you mask parts of a string for sensitive data, such as credit card numbers? |
How do you identify and correct encoding issues in a string? |
How can you sort an array of strings based on their lengths? |
How would you optimize a program that frequently processes very large strings? |
How can substring operations impact memory if not handled correctly? |
How do you convert a String into a sequence of UTF-8 bytes? |
How do surrogate pairs in Unicode affect string operations in Java? |
How would you handle internationalized strings in a global application? |
How would you detect and remove non-ASCII characters from a string? |
How would you identify the smallest window in a string that contains all characters of another string? |
How can you efficiently determine if two strings are k-anagrams of each other? |
How would you debug a NullPointerException caused by a string operation? |
How can you process multiline strings using text blocks (Java 13+)? |
How would you use String.repeat() to generate test data? |
How do String.chars() and String.codePoints() differ in behavior? |
How do strings behave when serialized and deserialized? |
How does Java's String class handle thread safety internally? |
Are all String?s immutable? |
Where are String values stored in memory? |
Why should you be careful about String concatenation(+) operator in loops? |
How do you solve above problem? |
What are differences between String and StringBuffer? |
What are differences between StringBuilder and StringBuffer? |
Can you give examples of different utility methods in String class? |
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