06 August 2024


Define creational design patterns?
Define a factory with respect to software development?
What are Design Patterns?
What is Gang of Four GOF?
What are J2EE Patterns?
What is Factory pattern?
What is Abstract Factory pattern?
What is Singleton pattern?
What are the difference between a static class and a singleton class?
What is the benefit of Factory pattern?
What is Builder pattern?
What is Prototype pattern?
What is Adapter pattern?
What is Bridge pattern?
What is Filter pattern?
What is Composite pattern?
What is Decorator pattern?
What is Facade pattern?
What is Flyweight pattern?
What is Proxy pattern?
What is Chain of Responsibility pattern?
What is Command pattern?
What is Interpreter pattern?
What is Iterator pattern?
What are the entities of Service Locator pattern?
What is Mediator pattern?
What is Memento pattern?
What is Observer pattern?
What is state pattern?
What is Null Object pattern?
What is Strategy pattern?
What is Template pattern?
What is Visitor pattern?
What is MVC pattern?
What is Business Delegate pattern?
What is Composite Entity pattern?
What is Data Access Object PatternDAO pattern?
What is Front Controller pattern?
What is Intercepting Filter pattern?
What are the entities of Intercepting Filter pattern?
What is Service Locator pattern?
What is Transfer Object pattern?
What is Observer design pattern in Java? When do you use Observer pattern in Java?
What is decorator pattern in Java? Can you give an example of Decorator pattern?
What is Singleton pattern in Java?
What is Factory pattern in Java? What is advantage of using static factory method to create object?
What is Open closed design principle in Java?
What is Builder design pattern in Java? When do you use Builder pattern ?
What is difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in Java?
What is design patterns ? Have you used any design pattern in your code ?
What is Singleton design pattern in Java ? write code for thread-safe singleton in Java?
What is main benefit of using factory pattern ? Where do you use it?
What is observer design pattern in Java?
What is Gang of Four (GOF)?
What is Data Access Object Pattern(DAO) pattern?
Name types of Design Patterns?
Name the creational design pattern that provides abstraction one level higher than the factory pattern?
Name some of the design patterns which are used in JDK library.
Name the actor classes used in Memento pattern.
Name the actor classes used in Observer pattern.
Why is access to non-static variables not allowed from static methods in Java?
Which object oriented method is used by the creational patterns to instantiate object?
How can you create Singleton class in java?
How to prevent cloning of a singleton object?
When Prototype pattern is to be used?
When to use Strategy Design Pattern in Java?
When to use Composite design Pattern in Java? Have you used previously in your project?
When to use Template method design Pattern in Java?
When to use Setter and Constructor Injection in Dependency Injection pattern?
When to use Adapter pattern in Java? Have you used it before in your project?
When do you overload a method in Java and when do you override it?
When will you use a Factory Pattern?
Difference between Strategy and State design Pattern in Java?
Difference between Decorator and Proxy pattern in Java?
A class instance can be created using new operator. Why should we use creational design patterns to create objects?
Can we create a clone of a singleton object?
Can you write thread-safe Singleton in Java?
Can you write code to implement producer consumer design pattern in Java?
Can you give an example of SOLID design principles in Java?
Can you name few design patterns used in standard JDK library?
Design a Vending Machine which can accept different coins, deliver different products?
Design ATM Machine?
Design a Concurrent Rule pipeline in Java?
Give an example where Interpreter pattern is used?
Give an example where you prefer abstract class over interface?
Give example of decorator design pattern in Java ? Does it operate on object level or class level?
Give an example of Adapter pattern.
Given below is a class that provides a static factory method. Write a class to use this factory method?
You have a Smartphone class and will have derived classes like IPhone, AndroidPhone,WindowsMobilePhone?
Can I have html form property without associated getter and setter formbean methods?
Can we handle exceptions in Struts programmatically?
Does Struts2 action and interceptors are thread safe?
For a single Struts application, can we have multiple struts-config.xml files?
Is Struts Framework part of J2EE?
Is Struts thread safe?
What design patterns do you know
What design templates do you know
What design patters do you know
What is the difference between the Builder and Facade design template
What is the lack of desing patterns
What are design patterns
What design patterns do you use
What synchronization channels used to organize the interaction of several services
What are the pluses of microservices compare to monolith
What is the advantage of the Builder pattern over the constructor
What is the advantage of the Builder pattern over the constructor
What are the main characteristics of the templates
What is "antipatttern", what antipatterns you know
What tasks did the patterns solved
What patterns used besides Singleton
What is the advantage of the Builder pattern over the constructor
What are the pluses of microservices before the monolith
What synchronization channels used to organize the interaction of several services
What design patterns do you use
What are design patterns
What is the lack of patterns
What is the difference between the Builder and Facade design template
Why is singleon called antipattern
Why do you need a pattern Command
Which structure acts as quickly as possible to the Comand pattern than it can be replaced
How Singleton differs from Prototype
Where you can use singleton
Quality Attributes of a System
  • Scalability
  • Redundancy
  • Resiliency
  • Availability
  • Replication
  • Performance
  • Throughput
  • Latency
  • Security
  • Operations
Design Pattern
  • Database Design (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Micro Frontends (UI/UX)
  • Database Sharding
  • Database Replication
  • Database Partitioning
  • CAP Theorem (Database)
  • System Interfaces (APIs)
  • Deployment Types
  • Message Queues
  • Event Driven Systems
Design Pattern
  • Concurrency & Parallelism
  • Multi-Threads, Locking
  • Database Indexing
  • Caching Types, Categories
  • Network Protocols
  • Security Protocols
  • Authentication, Authorization
  • LDAP Concepts
  • Infrastructure Knowledge
  • Service Rate Limiting
Design Pattern
  • Idempotency Concept
  • RESTful vs RPC
  • Push vs Pull Notifications
  • Eventual vs Strong Consistency
  • Testing Types & Categories
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • Observability Concepts
  • BigData Concepts
  • Circuit Breaker Deployment
  • Disaster Recovery
Design Pattern
  • CDN - Content Delivery Network
  • SPA - Single Page Application
  • Stateful vs Stateless Transaction
  • Build, Test, Deploy, Configure Automation
  • Middleware Layer (Integration)
  • DevOps Tools, Technologies
  • Distributed Transactions
  • Rollbacks (Transactions)
  • Cloud Native Technologies
  • B2B Integration (Middleware Platform)
Design Pattern
  • SaaS (Software as a Service)
  • PaaS, IaaS (Platform, Infrastructure - Service)
  • API Gateway (Routing, Throttling)
  • Load Balancer (Software Based)
  • Domain Name System
  • Distributed Jobs (Batch)
  • Reverse vs Forward Proxy
  • Distributed Hashing
  • Containerization vs Servers
  • Image, Video, Stream Processing
Design Pattern
  • External Configuration
  • CQRS, Event Sourcing
  • Strangler Fig Pattern
  • Security Vault Management
  • Asynchronous Communication
  • Programming Languages (Full Stack)
  • Build, Dev, Config Process
  • Major Cloud Providers & Services
  • Major Data Platforms
  • External Vendor Technologies
Design Pattern
  • WebSocket Communication
  • Redundancy vs Replication
  • Data Modeling, Schema
  • ETL (Extract, Transform & Load)
  • Operational Costs
  • Capex (Capital Expenditures)
  • ACID vs BASE (Database)
  • Microservices Design Types
  • API (System Interfaces)
  • UI/UX Design
Design Pattern
    • Decompose by Business Capability
    • Decompose by Subdomain
    • Decompose by Transaction
    • Strangler Pattern
    • Bulkhead Pattern
    • Sidecar design Pattern -An extra container in your pod to enhance or extend the functionality of the main container
    • Ambassador pattern - A container that proxy the network connection to the main container.
    • Adapter pattern - A container that transform output of the main container.
  • Integration Patterns
    • API Gateway Pattern
    • Aggregator Pattern
    • Proxy Pattern
    • Client-Side UI Composition Pattern
    • Gateway routing Pattern
    • Chained microservice Pattern
    • Branch Pattern
  • Database Patterns
    • Database per Service
    • Shared Database per Service
    • CQRS
    • Event sourcing
    • Saga Pattern
  • Observability Patterns
    • Log Aggregation
    • Performance Metrics
    • Distributed Tracing
    • Health Check
  • Cross-Cutting Concern Patterns
    • External Configuration
    • Service Discovery Pattern
    • Circuit Breaker Pattern
    • Blue-Green Deployment Pattern
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D

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