19 August 2024


What are the five V?s of Big Data?
What is Dala Cleansing?
What are the sources of Unstructured data in Big Data?
What are the different approaches to deal with Big Data?
What are the different platforms to deal with Big Data?
What kind of projects are better suitable for Big Data?
What are the factors or issues to be considered while building Big Data Models?
What are the tools used to extract Big Data?
What are the tools/languages to query Big Data?
What is features selection?
What is overfitting?
What are outliers?
What do you mean by model optimization?
What is Data Enrichment?
What is Lamda Architecture?
What is Graph Analytics concerning Big Data?
What is Dimensionality Reduction?
What are the different techniques for Dimensionality Reduction?
Name some tools or systems used in big data processing?
Explain the steps to be followed to deploy a Big Data solution.
Explain the ETL process concerning Big Data.
Explain data preparation in Big Data.
Why is Hadoop more suitable for Big Data?
Which are the best tools that can be used by a Data-Analyst?
Which language is preferred for Big Data - R, Python or any other language?
How is Hadoop related to Big Data?
How is big data analysis helpful in increasing business revenue?
How is Big data different?
How can big data support organizations?
How can you process Big Data?
How are Big Data and Data Science related?
How are missing values handled in Big Data?
How should you deal with outliers?
Describe Big Data deployment.
Is a cloud-based solution a good option for Big Data?
Is Hadoop different from other parallel computing systems? How?
  • Data Storage - HDFS, HBase, Apache Kudu, Amazon S3
  • Data Processing and Analysis - MapReduce, Apache Spark, Apache Pig, Apache Flink, Apache Hive, Apache Tez
  • Data Ingestion - Apache Sqoop, Apache Flume, Apache Kafka
  • Data Management- Apache ZooKeeper, Apache Oozie
  • Data Access- Apache HCatalog, Presto
  • Data Security and Governance - Apache Ranger, Apache Atlas
  • Machine Learning and Data Science - Apache Mahout, Apache Spark MLlib
  • Data Streaming - Apache Kafka, Apache Storm
  • Data Visualization - Apache Zeppelin, Hue
  • Data Serialization - Apache Avro, Protocol Buffers, Apache Parquet
  • Data Integration and ETL - Apache NiFi, Talend, Apache Airflow
  • Data Governance and Metadata Management - Apache Atlas, Apache Knox
  • Job Scheduling and Workflow Management - Apache Oozie, Apache Airflow, Apache Azkaban
  • Cluster Management - Apache Ambari, Cloudera Manage, Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
  • Data Indexing and Search- Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, Lucene
  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery - Apache Falcon, DistCp (Distributed Copy), Terasort
  • Real-time Data Processing- Apache Storm, Apache Samza
  • Graph Processing - Apache Giraph, Apache Hama
  • SQL on Hadoop - Apache Drill, Impala, Presto
  • Data Quality - Apache Griffin:, Deequ
  • Data Archiving - Apache Hadoop Archive (HAR)
  • In-Memory Data Processing - Apache Ignite, Apache Spark
  • Data Versioning - Delta Lake, Apache Hudi
  • Resource Management and Monitoring - Ganglia, Nagios
  • Data Wrangling and Transformation - Trifacta, DataWrangler
  • Data Lake Management - Apache Hadoop Ozone, Azure Data Lake Stor
  • Query Optimization- Apache Calcite, Cost-Based Optimizer (CBO) in Hive
  • Data Sampling -Apache SAMOA, Reservoir Sampling
  • Data Federation - Apache Drill, Presto
  • Data Anonymization - Apache Kylin, Aircloak
  • Time Series Data - Apache Druid, OpenTSDB
  • Data Compression - Apache ORC (Optimized Row Columnar, Apache Parquet, LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer)
  • Graphical Interfaces - Apache Hue, Kibana
  • Streaming SQL - Apache Flink SQL, Apache Beam
  • Multi-Tenant Security - Apache Sentry, Apache Ranger
Question Option A Option B Option C Option D
The _________ Server assigns regions to the region servers and takes the help of Apache ZooKeeper for this task. Region Master Zookeeper All of the mentioned

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