08 January 2021


What do you understand by SVG and SMIL? Give examples
What does a @FormParam do?
What does a @MatrixParam do?
What does a @Path annotation do?
What does a @PathParam do?
What does a @QueryParam do?
What does a SOAP namespace defines?
What Does Hibernate Simplify?
What does ORM consists of ?
What does SOAP encodingStyle attribute defines?
What does the connection object represents?
What encryption options are there for sending messages through JMS?
What files need to install to use Ajax in Website?
What happens when buffer is set to a value “none”?
What happens when two users access an Entity Bean concurrently?
What HTTP stands for?
What implicit objects are supported by JSP?
What inbuilt themes are provided by Struts2?
What intermediate methods of working with streams do you know?
What is BeanFactory?
What is EJBHome?
What is "next" in spring batch?
What is (jsp:forward) Action?
What is (jsp:getProperty) action?
What is (jsp:plugin) Action?
What is ,jsp:setProperty, action?
What is ,jsp:useBean, action?
What is @PostActivate?
What is @PostConstruct?
What is @PreDestroy?
What is @PrePassivate?
What is “clustering” in EJB?
What is “hot deployment” in WebLogic?
What is a ANR ?
What is a buffer attribute?
What is a config Object?
What is a configuration object in hibernate?
What is a Fragment?
What is a hit count for a web page?
What is a include directive?
What is a JMS client?
What is a JSP custom tag?
What is a KeySet View ?
What is a lambda?
What is a Map ?
What is a marker interface?
What is a markup language?
What is a method reference?
What is a page directive?
What is a page object?
What is a pageContext Object?
What is a request object?
What is a resource in a REST?
What is a response object?
What is a sciptlet in JSP and what is its syntax?
What is a Server Side Include (SSI)?
What is a servlet container?
What is a servlet?
What is a Session Bean in EJB?
What is a SOAP envelope element?
What is a Sticky Intent?
What is a taglib directive?
What is a timer service in EJB?
What is a transaction?
What is a visible activity?
What is a Web Service?
What is AAPT?
What is Action Object?
What is Activities?
What is adb?
What is ADT? ADT stand for?
What is After (finally) advice?
What is After returning advice?
What is After throwing advice ?
What is AIDL?
What is AJAX Control Extender Toolkit?
What is AJAX Framework?
What is Ajax?
What is an action?
What is an application Object?
What is an Aspect and Pointcut in AOP?
What is an attribute?
What is an effective way to make sure that all servlets are only accessible to the user with the correct session?
What is an EJB Context?
What is an EJB Interceptor?
What is an EJB primary key?
What is an EntrySet View ?
What is an exception Object?
What is an Iterator?
What is an XML Schema?
What is Android?
What is ANR?
What is AOP Alliance?
What is Application level Exception in EJB?
What is ApplicationContext ?
What is Around advice?
What is ArrayList?
What is Aspect?
What is Asynchronous in Ajax?
What is JSP and why do we need it?
What are the JSP lifecycle phases?
What are JSP lifecycle methods?
What are different types of comments in JSP?
What is Scriptlet, Expression and Declaration in JSP?
What are JSP implicit objects?
What are the benefits of PageContext implicit object?
What is difference between include directive and jsp:include action?
What is JSP Expression Language and what are it’s benefits?
What are JSP EL implicit objects and how it’s different from JSP implicit Objects?
What is JSP Standard Tag Library, provide some example usage?
What are the types of JSTL tags?
What is JSP Custom Tag and what are it’s components?
What is jsp-config in deployment descriptor?
What is difference between JspWriter and Servlet PrintWriter?
Explain JSP Action Elements or Action Tags?
Why use of scripting elements in JSP is discouraged?
Why don’t we need to configure JSP standard tags in web.xml?
Which JSP lifecycle methods can be overridden?
Which implicit object is not available in normal JSP pages?
How can we avoid direct access of JSP pages from client browser?
How do we configure init params for JSP?
How can we disable java code or scripting in JSP page?
How to use JSP EL to get HTTP method name?
How can we handle exceptions thrown by JSP service method?
How do we catch exception and process it using JSTL?
How do we print “
creates a new line in HTML” in JSP?
How to ignore the EL expression evaluation in a JSP?
How can we prevent implicit session creation in JSP?
How can we extend JSP technology?
When will Container initialize multiple JSP/Servlet Objects?
Can we use JSP implicit objects in a method defined in JSP Declaration?
Can we define a class in a JSP Page?
Can we use JavaScript with JSP Pages?
Give an example where you need JSP Custom Tag?

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