What do you understand by SVG and SMIL? Give examples |
What does a @FormParam do? |
What does a @MatrixParam do? |
What does a @Path annotation do? |
What does a @PathParam do? |
What does a @QueryParam do? |
What does a SOAP namespace defines? |
What Does Hibernate Simplify? |
What does ORM consists of ? |
What does SOAP encodingStyle attribute defines? |
What does the connection object represents? |
What encryption options are there for sending messages through JMS? |
What files need to install to use Ajax in Website? |
What happens when buffer is set to a value ?none?? |
What happens when two users access an Entity Bean concurrently? |
What HTTP stands for? |
What implicit objects are supported by JSP? |
What inbuilt themes are provided by Struts2? |
What intermediate methods of working with streams do you know? |
What is BeanFactory? |
What is EJBHome? |
What is "next" in spring batch? |
What is (jsp:forward) Action? |
What is (jsp:getProperty) action? |
What is (jsp:plugin) Action? |
What is ,jsp:setProperty, action? |
What is ,jsp:useBean, action? |
What is @PostActivate? |
What is @PostConstruct? |
What is @PreDestroy? |
What is @PrePassivate? |
What is ?clustering? in EJB? |
What is ?hot deployment? in WebLogic? |
What is a ANR ? |
What is a buffer attribute? |
What is a config Object? |
What is a configuration object in hibernate? |
What is a Fragment? |
What is a hit count for a web page? |
What is a include directive? |
What is a JMS client? |
What is a JSP custom tag? |
What is a KeySet View ? |
What is a lambda? |
What is a Map ? |
What is a marker interface? |
What is a markup language? |
What is a method reference? |
What is a page directive? |
What is a page object? |
What is a pageContext Object? |
What is a request object? |
What is a resource in a REST? |
What is a response object? |
What is a sciptlet in JSP and what is its syntax? |
What is a Server Side Include (SSI)? |
What is a servlet container? |
What is a servlet? |
What is a Session Bean in EJB? |
What is a SOAP envelope element? |
What is a Sticky Intent? |
What is a taglib directive? |
What is a timer service in EJB? |
What is a transaction? |
What is a visible activity? |
What is a Web Service? |
What is AAPT? |
What is Action Object? |
What is Activities? |
What is adb? |
What is ADT? ADT stand for? |
What is After (finally) advice? |
What is After returning advice? |
What is After throwing advice ? |
What is AIDL? |
What is AJAX Control Extender Toolkit? |
What is AJAX Framework? |
What is Ajax? |
What is an action? |
What is an application Object? |
What is an Aspect and Pointcut in AOP? |
What is an attribute? |
What is an effective way to make sure that all servlets are only accessible to the user with the correct session? |
What is an EJB Context? |
What is an EJB Interceptor? |
What is an EJB primary key? |
What is an EntrySet View ? |
What is an exception Object? |
What is an Iterator? |
What is an XML Schema? |
What is Android? |
What is ANR? |
What is AOP Alliance? |
What is Application level Exception in EJB? |
What is ApplicationContext ? |
What is Around advice? |
What is ArrayList? |
What is Aspect? |
What is Asynchronous in Ajax? |
What is JSP and why do we need it? |
What are the JSP lifecycle phases? |
What are JSP lifecycle methods? |
What are different types of comments in JSP? |
What is Scriptlet, Expression and Declaration in JSP? |
What are JSP implicit objects? |
What are the benefits of PageContext implicit object? |
What is difference between include directive and jsp:include action? |
What is JSP Expression Language and what are it?s benefits? |
What are JSP EL implicit objects and how it?s different from JSP implicit Objects? |
What is JSP Standard Tag Library, provide some example usage? |
What are the types of JSTL tags? |
What is JSP Custom Tag and what are it?s components? |
What is jsp-config in deployment descriptor? |
What is difference between JspWriter and Servlet PrintWriter? |
Explain JSP Action Elements or Action Tags? |
Why use of scripting elements in JSP is discouraged? |
Why don?t we need to configure JSP standard tags in web.xml? |
Which JSP lifecycle methods can be overridden? |
Which implicit object is not available in normal JSP pages? |
How can we avoid direct access of JSP pages from client browser? |
How do we configure init params for JSP? |
How can we disable java code or scripting in JSP page? |
How to use JSP EL to get HTTP method name? |
How can we handle exceptions thrown by JSP service method? |
How do we catch exception and process it using JSTL? |
How do we print ? creates a new line in HTML? in JSP? |
How to ignore the EL expression evaluation in a JSP? |
How can we prevent implicit session creation in JSP? |
How can we extend JSP technology? |
When will Container initialize multiple JSP/Servlet Objects? |
Can we use JSP implicit objects in a method defined in JSP Declaration? |
Can we define a class in a JSP Page? |
Can we use JavaScript with JSP Pages? |
Give an example where you need JSP Custom Tag? |
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